OT: Ban Georgia!
North Carolina
We better ban Georgia quick.
In all seriousness, I'm pretty pro-gun but I always though discouraging people from carrying guns in bars was probably a good thing. Other than that I don't see much of an issue.
We better ban Georgia quick.
In all seriousness, I'm pretty pro-gun but I always though discouraging people from carrying guns in bars was probably a good thing. Other than that I don't see much of an issue.
The prior law said nothing about carrying in unsecured areas of airports but one federal lawsuit asserted that it was OK while another seemed to claim it wasn't. (It is OK to conceal carry in airports in many states). The old law prohibited any form of carry in a place that served liquor by the drink but every other business in the state could choose whether to allow weapons in their place of business. Now restaurant, tavern and bar owners have the same right to choose as anyone else. The same for churches. Prior law had a blanket exclusion, now churches may choose to allow concealed carry and many in the state have already said they will allow worshipers to carry.
Schools are different. With the new law, Georgia school districts may choose to identify individuals (whether teachers, administrators or community volunteers) to conceal carry (with regular background checks, training and proper permit) ON school property and at school activities. It is a way to allow schools to stop the next crazy mass murder BEFORE he kills.
Overall the changes were not as dramatic as either side touted. But, I do think people in Georgia will be safer when the law kicks in in July.
I would have no problem if I did not see a number of no gun signs. The only people who will obey such a sign are those already obeying the law. I never see an armed security guard stopping someone from entering with a gun. One thing that might stop someone from breaking the law is that the police might be exempt and others might decide to break the no gun law since no one checks for it.
BTW, Florida's carry law allows weapons, so not limited to guns. I found this out during checking the reciprocating agreements Florida had with other states.
Probably nothing.
Then again, look at where mass shootings have happened...in most cases, a gun free zone.
No Carry laws aren't going to stop criminals from doing what the hell they want. Only the law abiding folks stop to notice No Gun signs and follow the rules. I don't think they're the ones to worry about.
Tuned out once he drove off and I saw the truck and where he turned off the road, I knew who it was. I knew the guy, where he worked (truck was a work truck),and where he lived ( he turned down the street). My daughter and I saw him a few days later at our local watering hole. Of course this is how I knew him. I asked him to come outside with my daughter and I, which he did. When confronted with the obvious he denied it. When I described exactly what and where it happened, he knew his goose was cooked and he apologized. That was accepted. Then I told him how close he had come to getting himself killed. I thought he was going to faint.
Anyway, I've seen him a few times since and he tends to stay away from me. I like that. Also, pretty much everyone I know is aware I carry. I believe that makes the good guys feel a better safer and the bad guys, well they don't fuck with me or my friends. Off soap box.