TUSCL gets a lot of weird old guys that pretend to be young women. We had a guy pretend to be an 18 year old that liked to have sex with geezers. Squawk!
So I'm just curious if you're for real. If you are a real woman I'm sure you like vulture jizz. Where would you like me to get me to ejaculate into your mouth? Squawk!
Mr. Vulture, glad to see you back. You and your squawk's were missed. Also, we could use you to help with the clean up at our next Christian Eating Lion Feed.
"Way two gullible two be a dude." - lol I'd agree 100% but have you met 4got and Bavarian yet? They are the two that will actually make you rethink that statement.
You don't understand beguiled. Any true hairless ape slut is in love with vulture jizz. If she can tell me what she would do to get me to cum on her face she's a female hairless ape.
san_jose_gay, I find the hairless ape penis kind of discussing but if you're interested in action my buddy ricktheturtle has a good friend that's gay. but big Mo will want to put his turtle dick in your ass. Are you ok with that? Squawk!
You clearly do not realize that most birds lack a penis. We mate by the cloacal kiss, and that's what I like the slutty female hairless apes to do to me. Squawk!
If you are genuinely interested in bird peen you should realize that some birds are indeed hung. I'll introduce you to my buddy budtheduck. I guarantee that you'll feel something if you take a duck's dick up your ass. Squawk!
And CaraLynn87, if you are female I could arrange a three way with budtheduck. bud is bi and he'd love to give you the duck peen in your cooter while you lick my cloaca. Just send a pic of your tits and we'll make this happen. Squawk!
I don't pay attention to much of the who's behind the troll theories but if I recall correctly didn't someone suspect 4got as being behind the rick animals?
The real question I have is why pick on CaraLynn? Is it because she's one of the few women here that have a conservative voice? I won't get into specifics but I do suspect one of the other "women" actually being a man but not CaraLynn.
I never thought I'd see it here but here we have it: The Big top of the Bozos. The Circle Jerk of the Trolls. Makes this thread priceless, heartwarming, and delightfully high on the noise to signal ratio.
Hugh_G_Rection...disgusting name. You hairless apes constant feel the need to try to impress others with your penises. You'll never be as well-hung as even the microdongs among the ducks, so just give up. Squawk!
And despite thinking that I am a troll, rather than an actual vulture, you fell compelled to comment. Of course, your skepticism is all of the more misplaced since I am a real vulture. Squawk!
Would I squawk! as well as I do if I weren't a real vulture? I don't think so! Squawk!
By the way, do you know how hard it is to type on one of those bluetooth iPad keyboards when you don't have five fingers. I'm pecking on that fucker with my beak. When the ricks take over I'm going to have to get one of you "too-big-for-your-britches monkeys" to be my slave. Maybe you'll do. You seem to have basic literacy skills. As long as you never show me your disgusting peen we'll be cool. Squawk!
TheeOSU, I wasn't targeting CaraLynn because she's a female conservative. I'm not sure if she is female or conservative. I'm not even sure if she's a hairless ape. Squawk!
For all you know she could be an elderly male wildebeest trying to fuck with us. After all, wouldn't pretending to be a hot young conservative woman be exactly the thing a troll would want to do in order to fuck with people like you? Squawk!
You hairless apes really aren't that smart. I tell you what, leave the thinking to the lions and vulture. You guys are mostly good for expanding to cover the planet like a plague. If I didn't like having hot, young, female hairless apes lick my cloaca so much I'd just give up on your species. Squawk!
Oh , I should mention to TheeOSU I am not a conservative. I can't be placed in a box (I do enjoy them, however). depends on the issue, but I will agree, on most conversations here, I can see where the conservative tag would fit. look at strip clubs, you think a solid conservative would support strip clubs? perhaps from a freedom perspective.
From what I've read - conservative men do support strippers (as they frequent strip clubs). They don't want their support to be recognized - and won't openly support them.
That's exactly my point! They are hypocritical. Just look at the recent scandal with Fox News - Ed Henry - having an affair with a Las Vegas stripper -
Cashman and CaraLynn, political definitions mutate and many people adopt labels without accepting their total meaning, often without even understanding the label they claim for themselves. One example is "racist." Self proclaimed democrats are very quick to proclaim "conservatives" and their agenda are "racist" and point to the sterling "progressive" record of the Democratic Party.
Somehow these modern Democrats fail to know their own party. The KKK of the 1950s thru the 1970s was overwhelmingly Democrat. Some Democrats - still in Congress - were once members of the KKK or related groups. Elected democrat members of Congress, both in the House and the Senate, from the South, the North, the Midwest and the West actively supported segregation, Jim Crow laws and criminal punishment of interracial marriage and homosexuality.
When Republicans proposed what later became the "Civil Rights Act," every Democrat in the Senate signed a pledge to do everything possible to block it. Democrat President LBJ realized his political career would be over if he signed the Republican law, but recognized that Democrats could develop a new voter base if he endorsed it and claimed it for Democrats. He signed it, his political career and influence in his party ended, but he was right when he said, "If I sign this, every nigger in the country will vote Democrat for decades."
Republican are no different. The first Republican president, Lincoln, insisted that he had no intention of ever freeing the slaves while president. His core voter base was primarily anti-slavery in the Northeast, but to get elected he needed the federalists, those insisting on more central powers and more restrictive laws preventing industrial development in the South.
When several Southern states withdrew (they believed, legally) from the Union, "states rights" were their primary argument. Yes, slavery was one of the rights they claimed, but more important were the rights to industrial development and local control over taxes and tariffs. Lincoln could have asked the separated states for some means to reconcile, but he chose to overwhelm them with military power.
Lincoln was actually a very mean, political, vindictive person. So vindictive that when his first choice to lead the Union Army, declined that job and retired instead, Lincoln sent soldiers to his family home (also the home of a Revolutionary war hero) and stabled horses, IN the home, on the first floor using the second floor as a barracks. Later, when the retired General reacted negatively negatively to Lincoln's acts and joined the Army of Virginia, Lincoln started burying Union war dead on Robert E. Lee's front yard, the same property that was home to George Washington's favorite general, Harry "Lighthorse" Lee. The Lee family home is now known as Arlington National Cemetery -( Robert E. Lee was never compensated for the illegal taking of his home.)
Republicans claim Lincoln a great president and assert he intended all along to "free" the slaves. Republicans ignore EVERY single statement ever made by Lincoln on the issue of slavery to make than claim. They especially ignore that when the 13th and 14th amendments were proposed in the closing days of the war, Lincoln opposed the amendments AND asserted he would send every freed slave, "back to Africa."
Once upon a time, liberals were not socialists, conservatives were not anti immigrant, Democrats were not liberal and many Republicans were. Too many today use political labels without understanding anything about what they claim
Cara my comment was regarding my perception of you is you lean more right than left, it's not like I called you a card carrying Republican.
Myself, even though I lean right politically I consider myself a Libertarian and am registered as an Independent but yes I despise most Democrat politicians. And I'm not ashamed of my fondness for strippers, unlike some of the guys here it's not a secret life. Many friends and acquaintances including a police chief know that I visit strip clubs and sometimes pay for sex because I told them so. I recall reading some posts here where guys are scared people will find out that they go to strip clubs, they act ashamed. I'm not one of them.
dallas702, there is a great deal of truth in what you have posted, particularly about the pro-slavery and pro-KKK history of the Democratic Party.
But also understand that LBJ really did believe in Civil Rights and Economic Rights. What he did has cost the Democratic Party election after election.
Lincoln considered slavery morally abhorrent. But he lost his race for the Illinois Senate seat to Stephen Douglas two years earlier, pledging to end "the evils of slavery and polygamy." And in 1856 the first Republican candidate, John C. Fremont of California, lost on an anti-slavery platform.
And then, Lincoln did try to reconcile. Remember that 7 states had already announced secession before Lincoln was even inaugurated. He deployed troops to Maryland and DC, to prevent secession. But his first attempt to break the secession with troops was limited to the Fort Sumter area.
And Lincoln did pledge not to try to stop slavery where it was currently being practiced.
Initially Lincoln and the Union Army did enforce this, even trying to return escapees to their owners, in accordance with the 1850 Fugitive Slave Act. It was actually Benjamin Butler of Massachusetts, occupation general in Baltimore, who started to look at it a different way and re-classified escaped slaves as Contraband of War, in order to evade the 1850 law.
Lincoln only reversed his pledge when it became absolutely clear to him that the situation was just completely intractable.
What made it so was just how determined slave owners were. They insisted that slavery be allowed to expand into the west. This was to maintain the price of their slaves, and also seemingly just a matter of pride. John C. Calhoun insisted that no government anywhere had any authority to stop slavery.
My response to that would be fine, then no government can stop me when I shoot Calhoun dead.
What finally made war unavoidable was at the 1860 Democratic National Convention, when slave owners insisted on having a "Slave Code for the West" in the party platform. When they did not get it, following the lead of the Senator from Mississippi Jefferson Davis, the Southerners walked about and split the party and thus ensured the election of a the relatively inexperienced Lincoln, from what was a Northern only party.
And then despite Lincoln's Pledge, South Carolina announced secession on 12/20, quickly followed by Mississippi. By the inauguration in March it was 7 states and they'd taken over all courthouses and post offices. Then shortly after inauguration they destroyed Fort Sumter. Lincoln's only fault was that he was too slow to respond forcefully enough.
And then in 1864 he still decided that he would hold an open election, even though if he lost George McClelland, pro-slavery Maryland Democrat, would have let the South go.
Lincoln proclaimed a Union Party and selected as his running mate the only Southern Legislator who had not walked out, the Democrat from Tennessee Andrew Johnson, still doing everything he could to hold out an olive branch.
last commentSJG
"I'll wait till your love comes down"
If not, she's a male geezer hairless ape. Squawk!
If you are genuinely interested in bird peen you should realize that some birds are indeed hung. I'll introduce you to my buddy budtheduck. I guarantee that you'll feel something if you take a duck's dick up your ass. Squawk!
I don't pay attention to much of the who's behind the troll theories but if I recall correctly didn't someone suspect 4got as being behind the rick animals?
The real question I have is why pick on CaraLynn? Is it because she's one of the few women here that have a conservative voice?
I won't get into specifics but I do suspect one of the other "women" actually being a man but not CaraLynn.
And despite thinking that I am a troll, rather than an actual vulture, you fell compelled to comment. Of course, your skepticism is all of the more misplaced since I am a real vulture. Squawk!
Would I squawk! as well as I do if I weren't a real vulture? I don't think so! Squawk!
By the way, do you know how hard it is to type on one of those bluetooth iPad keyboards when you don't have five fingers. I'm pecking on that fucker with my beak. When the ricks take over I'm going to have to get one of you "too-big-for-your-britches monkeys" to be my slave. Maybe you'll do. You seem to have basic literacy skills. As long as you never show me your disgusting peen we'll be cool. Squawk!
For all you know she could be an elderly male wildebeest trying to fuck with us. After all, wouldn't pretending to be a hot young conservative woman be exactly the thing a troll would want to do in order to fuck with people like you? Squawk!
You hairless apes really aren't that smart. I tell you what, leave the thinking to the lions and vulture. You guys are mostly good for expanding to cover the planet like a plague. If I didn't like having hot, young, female hairless apes lick my cloaca so much I'd just give up on your species. Squawk!
and this from some fucking idiot that thinks he is a vulture! can't make this stuff up.
Somehow these modern Democrats fail to know their own party. The KKK of the 1950s thru the 1970s was overwhelmingly Democrat. Some Democrats - still in Congress - were once members of the KKK or related groups. Elected democrat members of Congress, both in the House and the Senate, from the South, the North, the Midwest and the West actively supported segregation, Jim Crow laws and criminal punishment of interracial marriage and homosexuality.
When Republicans proposed what later became the "Civil Rights Act," every Democrat in the Senate signed a pledge to do everything possible to block it. Democrat President LBJ realized his political career would be over if he signed the Republican law, but recognized that Democrats could develop a new voter base if he endorsed it and claimed it for Democrats. He signed it, his political career and influence in his party ended, but he was right when he said, "If I sign this, every nigger in the country will vote Democrat for decades."
Republican are no different. The first Republican president, Lincoln, insisted that he had no intention of ever freeing the slaves while president. His core voter base was primarily anti-slavery in the Northeast, but to get elected he needed the federalists, those insisting on more central powers and more restrictive laws preventing industrial development in the South.
When several Southern states withdrew (they believed, legally) from the Union, "states rights" were their primary argument. Yes, slavery was one of the rights they claimed, but more important were the rights to industrial development and local control over taxes and tariffs. Lincoln could have asked the separated states for some means to reconcile, but he chose to overwhelm them with military power.
Lincoln was actually a very mean, political, vindictive person. So vindictive that when his first choice to lead the Union Army, declined that job and retired instead, Lincoln sent soldiers to his family home (also the home of a Revolutionary war hero) and stabled horses, IN the home, on the first floor using the second floor as a barracks. Later, when the retired General reacted negatively negatively to Lincoln's acts and joined the Army of Virginia, Lincoln started burying Union war dead on Robert E. Lee's front yard, the same property that was home to George Washington's favorite general, Harry "Lighthorse" Lee. The Lee family home is now known as Arlington National Cemetery -( Robert E. Lee was never compensated for the illegal taking of his home.)
Republicans claim Lincoln a great president and assert he intended all along to "free" the slaves. Republicans ignore EVERY single statement ever made by Lincoln on the issue of slavery to make than claim. They especially ignore that when the 13th and 14th amendments were proposed in the closing days of the war, Lincoln opposed the amendments AND asserted he would send every freed slave, "back to Africa."
Once upon a time, liberals were not socialists, conservatives were not anti immigrant, Democrats were not liberal and many Republicans were. Too many today use political labels without understanding anything about what they claim
Myself, even though I lean right politically I consider myself a Libertarian and am registered as an Independent but yes I despise most Democrat politicians. And I'm not ashamed of my fondness for strippers, unlike some of the guys here it's not a secret life. Many friends and acquaintances including a police chief know that I visit strip clubs and sometimes pay for sex because I told them so.
I recall reading some posts here where guys are scared people will find out that they go to strip clubs, they act ashamed. I'm not one of them.
understood. i wouldn't care much for most all in our life finding out that we visit clubs.
But also understand that LBJ really did believe in Civil Rights and Economic Rights. What he did has cost the Democratic Party election after election.
Lincoln considered slavery morally abhorrent. But he lost his race for the Illinois Senate seat to Stephen Douglas two years earlier, pledging to end "the evils of slavery and polygamy." And in 1856 the first Republican candidate, John C. Fremont of California, lost on an anti-slavery platform.
And then, Lincoln did try to reconcile. Remember that 7 states had already announced secession before Lincoln was even inaugurated. He deployed troops to Maryland and DC, to prevent secession. But his first attempt to break the secession with troops was limited to the Fort Sumter area.
And Lincoln did pledge not to try to stop slavery where it was currently being practiced.
Initially Lincoln and the Union Army did enforce this, even trying to return escapees to their owners, in accordance with the 1850 Fugitive Slave Act. It was actually Benjamin Butler of Massachusetts, occupation general in Baltimore, who started to look at it a different way and re-classified escaped slaves as Contraband of War, in order to evade the 1850 law.
Lincoln only reversed his pledge when it became absolutely clear to him that the situation was just completely intractable.
What made it so was just how determined slave owners were. They insisted that slavery be allowed to expand into the west. This was to maintain the price of their slaves, and also seemingly just a matter of pride. John C. Calhoun insisted that no government anywhere had any authority to stop slavery.
My response to that would be fine, then no government can stop me when I shoot Calhoun dead.
What finally made war unavoidable was at the 1860 Democratic National Convention, when slave owners insisted on having a "Slave Code for the West" in the party platform. When they did not get it, following the lead of the Senator from Mississippi Jefferson Davis, the Southerners walked about and split the party and thus ensured the election of a the relatively inexperienced Lincoln, from what was a Northern only party.
And then despite Lincoln's Pledge, South Carolina announced secession on 12/20, quickly followed by Mississippi. By the inauguration in March it was 7 states and they'd taken over all courthouses and post offices. Then shortly after inauguration they destroyed Fort Sumter. Lincoln's only fault was that he was too slow to respond forcefully enough.
And then in 1864 he still decided that he would hold an open election, even though if he lost George McClelland, pro-slavery Maryland Democrat, would have let the South go.
Lincoln proclaimed a Union Party and selected as his running mate the only Southern Legislator who had not walked out, the Democrat from Tennessee Andrew Johnson, still doing everything he could to hold out an olive branch.
David Blight, Civil War and Reconstruction, extremely good!