How many dancer's numbers are on your phone?

avatar for martinb244
Right now, I have three. All give me UHM dances.

None I've seen OTC. I got their numbers so I can text when they'll be in the club and not waste time.

Had others, but got rid of them. One became possessive. She caught me with my dick out getting stick shifted by another girl. She exploded and sent me a nasty text about it.
Another lost her new girl, just trying to make extra cash quality to me. Her success as a dancer transformed her into too much of a queen for my tastes.

How many numbers do you have? How do you use their numbers? How quickly can you have them in your lap (or on your dick) from the first text?


last comment
In the title that should be "dancers'. "
avatar for a21985
9 years ago
1, my current ATF, and until one of us moves on, that's how it'll stay. There have been a few I had and kept it strictly business with, but have long since deleted. I usually don't keep dancers numbers or give out mine because up until recently, I refused to be a regular of anyone.

I use it for business with her (to plan visits) and fun in moderation (small talk, random chats, etc... maybe once a week or two). She lives her normal life in another state, and travels every so often back to my neck of the woods for a couple weeks at a time every other month or so. When she's in town, one text and she's mine for any day and way of my choosing. If she's not, texting still gets me pics, sexting and a call from her for a very fun chat on the rare occasion.
avatar for Ch3ll
9 years ago
I have two in my phone right now. One Ive had her number on three different occasions. We went out to dinner a few weeks ago. No OTC as far as sex though. Ths other I got her number last weekend. I usually just text them the day/night I get it and that's it.

I've had others number, but as time passes either I lose interest or haven't been in the club in a while so they don't remember me. Its different dancer to dancer. Had a couple who'd text me to come see them and others who just give it as I guess reason for me to come back to club.
Only two, I deleted the ones I don't call or text.
7 but I only have one that consistently answeres
avatar for K
New Jersey
9 years ago
Six active. One I see weekly otc. One I see about every two weeks otc. One I see otc occasionally. Two I see only ITC and one I am working on seeing otc.
There are perhaps a dozen others inactive. I never delete . Every few years some one surprises me with a call. I want to know if I should answer or not. Several are set to block or forward to voice mail.
I am not counting the few I know socially.
I SC a lot & mostly in dives ao I get a fair # of #s (10 to 15 per yr) but I'm not much into hooking up w/ a particular dancer since I def much more prefer the variety model - every now & then I go thru my contacts list & erase most of them particularly the ones I can't remember - not sure how many I have in there right now.
Only 2. It really should be only one, because I don't generally see the one girl much anymore, but I haven't taken time to remove numbers I never call lately.
I have about 15 dating back to 2014 but I only actively communicate and/or contact two. I'm terrible at deleting numbers but I think it is time now.
A little over a hundred. Only about a dozen are current, though.
avatar for Bavarian
9 years ago
1, my CF. Strictly business.
I have so many #s I have to store them in the cloud

Received my second number last night after the first number flaked on me with trying to meet back up at the club.

I'm beginning to notice why trying to be a regular can somehow not work...and I only seen her twice lol. Although, I think I read somewhere that broken promises are a given in the club world. Going to see if this new current favorite will flake on me too.
avatar for rh48hr
9 years ago
Two. I had three but this post made me go through and see for sure. I deleted one because I haven't talked to her in almost a year and I haven't seen her at my favorite club in that whole time as well.
The other two is one of my itc favorites at my favorite club and the other I've done otc with off and on for awhile but haven't heard from her in three months.
"... Going to see if this new current favorite will flake on me too ..."

You won't have to wait long
avatar for GoVikings
9 years ago
just one. i had two, but the other one flaked on me. i couldn't care less, but its odd because it was HER IDEA to give me the number. i didn't ask for it.


I let my pimp mane Juice make all the arrangements
Let me see; Emma, Rachel, Alix, Jordan, Kylie, Rachel, Eliza, Alyce, Carolyn, Crystal, Krystyna, Layne, Shayna. I have one other number that a dancer gave me but while I can picture her, I can't put a name with it. 14
avatar for lopaw
9 years ago
Too many numbers. Over 40.
And I never let any of them on my dick. It would be kinda painful for them to maneuver in the nightstand.
avatar for crazyjoe
9 years ago
^^^^lol lopaw
avatar for crazyjoe
9 years ago
I lost count. Over the years i have had probably had 50+. I have left the club on multiple occasions with 3 to 5 new numbers
avatar for maho
9 years ago
At the moment have numbers from 3 dancers....and 1 shot girl. :-)

Still working on my first OTC experience.
Just 2 right now.
avatar for MrDeuce
9 years ago
I had about 14 . . . until I lost my phone yesterday! At first I was upset, until I realized that I knew numbers for my two favorites, had two others written down somewhere, and didn't really care about the other 10. Problem solved! Conclusion: I should have deleted about 10 of the 14 numbers a while ago.
avatar for Timex345
9 years ago
I have had three over the course of my career. Currently, I have just one. I should probably delete it since I have
no plans to contact her. Overall, I found the weekly text by a girl to see when I was coming to visit annoying.
I like for my visits to be random and spur of the moment. I hate being nagged. That is why I am a customer.
0 because I don't give a fuck

Mo head lol

Lapow love the pink whale
Maybe 5 numbers but only 3 of them are responsive. 2 of them are at my beck and call for whatever I want.
avatar for Imamutt
9 years ago
The ATF. is the only one I ever felt inclined to contact I have taken several numbers over the years, and not just dancers, but also a couple of servers and a house mom, but I have never acted on any of them

It's funny this topic came up. I just went through my contacts a few days ago and cleared out the numbers of girls I haven't had contact with. So my current phone has 0 now.

But, my old iphone (which I used as a second burner phone) is still loaded with strippers numbers from a few years ago. Most are probably out of the business anyways.
I've got 4 - on a burner phone. I rarely text - but those are the current ones.
14..LOL and 2 SC waitresses not sure if they count.
avatar for RandomMember
9 years ago
Getting a dancer's phone number is truly a remarkable achievement -- like climbing Everest or winning the Nobel Prize. Something you can put on your resume for a new job or for your application to law school.

Remember folks -- it's quality not quantity.
Would have to look to be sure, but around 10-14. ATF and I text every week or so, connect OTC every 3-4 weeks. Two others text occasionally and can help connection for ITC.
Ka'-rap! ELEVEN! I know they are strippers because I only prefix stripper names with a "Y." Six of them, I have no idea who they are or when I put the number on the phone. Damn, I gotta' start deleting the phone numbers of hot women cause I don't remember them. That is pitiful!
Maybe 10, only 2 of them I communicate with. I'm gonna delete the other numbers now.
Why? Ya wanna buy some. :)
avatar for sclvr5005
9 years ago
If girls offer there number but balk at any OTC overture's, their number is deleted before I get to the parking lot. Right now I got about 6 or 7 numbers that are reliable for OTC action.
Zero. I'd piss on my phone and put it back in my pocket before infecting it with a dancer's number. Why on earth would I ever need it?

One of them is so I can check in if I happen to be in one her town. One who I haven't seen in over a year but still text with about Game of Thrones.
avatar for sharkhunter
9 years ago
Zero. I've gone anti-social not even answering my home phone unless I know who's calling.
I can only block 30 numbers max on my home phone so that sucks. Apparently the Do Not Call list is just false advertising because so many ignore it and I keep reading right now there is nothing our government can do about it.
avatar for sirmixalot
9 years ago
About 4, of which 2 I communicate with regularly. I've been off season, so now that my clubbing season starts I'm hoping to meet new girls and will be deleting the numbers I don't use. Ideally, I prefer to have 2-3 girls to hang out outside the club, no more. I quickly delete those girls who are only taking advantage and want money, money, money. I keep the cool, laid back ones who don't mind having a drink or go out for dinner every once in a while or even come home to visit me *hint*.
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