
OT: Chicago: Murder Capital of the United States

Strip Club Nation
I thought I'd share an interesting website about the violence epidemic in Chicago, since it gets minimal coverage in the national news. This guy puts together all kinds of infographics and statistics about shootings and homicides in Chicago...even tracking how many of the shootings were delivered to victims' private parts.


Less than eight full days into June and there have already been 89 shootings and 17 homicides. When you have a city run by Democrats for the last 85 years, this is what happens.


  • larryfisherman
    8 years ago
    Dude, does everything have to be about politics?

    Talk about the murders in Chicago, and leave it there.
  • TheeOSU
    8 years ago
    Rahm Emanuel, former bitch boy to his highness does not equal a world class mayor.
  • jester214
    8 years ago
    I said it in another thread, the last time I was in Chicago I couldn't walk 20 steps down Michigan Ave. without seeing a couple of cops. Perhaps they should readjust their deployment.
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    California was once financially mighty like a nation but the libs have it pretty fucked up - is no wonder most state governors these days are republican.
  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    "Dude, does everything have to be about politics?

    Talk about the murders in Chicago, and leave it there."

    Sinclair is a god, let him talk.
  • sinclair
    8 years ago
    What is happening is Rahm Emanuel is worried about reelection and BLM and other radical groups burning the city down. If he lets the cops do their jobs and be proactive about fighting crime, more riots will occur and he will not get the votes he needs to win reelection. I grew up with a few guys who are Chicago cops. Morale in the department is at an all time low. The mayor's office will not let them do their job. You can say it is not political, but Chicago is one, if not the most liberal city in America, and it can burn in the bed it has made. As the weather gets warmer, you will see more and more shootings. We are looking at 800+ murders this year and God knows how many shootings.
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    Chi-town needs a strong hand a la Gulliani in NYC in the 90s where he cleaned up & transformed the city.
  • motorhead
    8 years ago
    This is kind of long (about 10 minutes), but listen to what former NFL great Ray Lewis has to say about Chicago, Black Lives Matter, and rap music

  • JohnSmith69
    8 years ago
    Chicago just needs more restrictions on gun ownership. Cause we know that strict gun control laws help curb violence like this, right?
  • jackslash
    8 years ago
    "When you have a city run by Democrats for the last 85 years, this is what happens."

    Come on. The high murder rate in Chicago is the result of many factors. Most large cities have crime problems and most large cities are run by Democrats, but these things are not cause and effect. (And let me add that I worked in Chicago for many years and I have close relatives that live in Chicago. I know the city pretty well. And I do not like Rahm Emanuel or the Daleys or the other corrupt politicians who have run the city for so long.)
  • vincemichaels
    8 years ago
    And then you have Detroit, slammed through the years as the murder capitol. Welcome to the world Chicago. Violence is everywhere.
  • JohnSmith69
    8 years ago
    obviously a problem like this is multifaceted. Nonetheless, since the same political party has run the city for decades, they've got to share some responsibility for problem. I don't think you see this extraordinary level of violence in cities with long term Republican leadership.
  • dallas702
    8 years ago
    Actually, the Democrat Daley mob machine IS responsible for most of the factors that contribute to the high murder rate. The first Daley (remember the 1968 Democrat National Convention there - riots, police brutality?) wanted very strict controls on guns and (his own word) "niggers." It was Mayor Richard J. Daley who picked the locations for public housing (many southside) and then isolated those neighborhoods to keep the "problems" away from "good" people.

    There is little evidence Richard J. Daley was specifically biased against individual Blacks, he clearly courted their votes <sometimes for decades after they died> and established a close connection with Black Chicago community leaders, but his actions created the "welfare ghettos" of the Southside where Black on Black murders are the highest in the nation. It is worth noting that many of the Chicago Black leaders have "interesting" financial ties to the Daley mob, and several Black leaders (almost all who opposed any Daley agenda item) found themselves convicted of receiving bribes or other financial improprieties.

    It was Mayor Daley who established community bosses and created the local concept of community organizers (think Obama) as political tools of the Daley mob. It was Mayor Daley who intentionally understaffed police stations in or near housing projects and refused to allow any police action to reduce crimes in the "projects." Although Richard J. is long dead, and his son Richard M. is no longer mayor, the Daley mob still runs Chicago. Rahm and Obama are both long time associates in the Daley mob. Rahm's problems are mostly because he is not as capable a criminal as the Daleys.

    The clearly criminal organization that is the Chicago Democrat party machine (Daley Mob) is strongly supported by liberal democrats. The 70 year history of "social reform," liberal influence, one party politics and the clear history of vote buying, long dead voters still voting Democrat, 100% democrat votes from many polling places and registration drives (ACORN) that sign up thousands of voters in parts of Chicago where only 100s of people live, continues to dominate Chicago.

    So, larryfisherman, the murders in Chicago ARE about politics, and "liberals." At least the criminal organization, the Daley mob, claiming to be liberal democrat - IS the reason Chicago sees 500 - or more - young black males murdered every year and thousands more shot, knifed or beaten.
  • Mate27
    8 years ago
    We all know Democrats mainly thrive in high population areas like Chicago, New York, and LA/San Francisco. It's their idealistic policies for people wanting more government amenities that helps foster the liberal climate, and the larger the government the more corrupt it becomes. When are people going to wake up and realize the liberal democrats are destroying basic rights and freedoms that made America great.

    Most of the population is conservative, with the exception of these highly populated metro/urban areas dictating the national scene. Who wants all that crap that goes along with big city life and piece of shit Politics? Smh.
  • crazyjoe
    8 years ago
    I don't k ow much about Chicago, but i do have relatives in Illinois. I do know the state of Illinois is so broke they can't pay state workers. Looks like Dumbacrats got it right
  • gammanu95
    8 years ago
    Yeah, GiulianI cleaned up NYC; but then the democrats won it back and look how badly it has declined.

    Chicago is not a liberal city. It is a democrat party city. It is a congressional black caucus city. The democrat machine and minority interest groups run everything (except the fourth ward-the mob runs that). Decent whitevfolk will continue to flee and the city will decline until it is no different from Memphis or St. Louis. Kind of a shame. I still want to love Sweet Home Chicago.
  • rockstar666
    8 years ago
    Chicago had a low murder rate when we had the strictest hand gun controls in America. When the SC threw the laws out, we both doubled gun ownership and murders. Maybe if we triple gun ownership, murders will go down?
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    Yeah, even the Bulls & the Bears suck now - the place is going to shit

  • gammanu95
    8 years ago
    Uhh.. Chicago has not had a low murder rate since the 1800s. Stop trying to rewrite history.
  • gammanu95
    8 years ago
    As a matter of fact, researching it now, murders have been averaging lower in Chicago since the 2010 ruling.
  • rockstar666
    8 years ago
    Chicago had a hell of a lot lower murder rate before than it does now!
  • dallas702
    8 years ago
    Rockstar666. Please check FBI.gov statistics and Summary reports compiled by the Chicago Police. Chicago, when it had a complete firearms ban, had one of the highest murder rates in the country. Mostly it was young black males killing each other (and anyone else who happened to be near) over gang territory and drug sales around the Southside and near the Daley built housing projects..

    According to statistics compiled by the City of Chicago and by the FBI, the murder rate in Chicago HAS NOT changed significantly since the Supreme Court decision that asserted the Chicago weapons ban violated the 2nd Amendment. Today, the gangs and dealers are still killing each other (and anyone else who happens to be nearby) in the same areas. The only difference is that now some of the weapons used are ones sold by the Justice Department to Mexican drug dealers in "Fast & Furious."
  • rockstar666
    8 years ago
    "Chicago: I came for the pizza, and didn't go hope because I was murdered".
  • Mate27
    8 years ago
    I really want to like San Jose Guy when his true self, San Jose Gay takes over. Then he slips back to his gayness, which happens to be SJGuy. Such a conundrum. Keep up the good fight little buddy....SJGay is everybody's TUSCL buddy. Some day you will dissipate that trollish Jekyl and Hyde personality of yours and be consistently SJGay.
  • Meursault
    8 years ago
    I'm conservative, but I don't think Chicago's problems can be attributed to democrats per se. To the extent there is a political cause it is more a problem of corruption than policy. There is plenty of corruption in both parties. Just about anywhere one party is "safe," there will be corruption.
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    Criminals don't get guns legally and many are not allowed to carry a weapon b/c of prior convictions; thus I don't see how a gun-ban would stop them from getting weapons since they get them anyway outside the law w/ or w/o a ban.
  • chessmaster
    8 years ago
    Gun laws might be the only thing I agree with the right on. Criminals will have guns legally or illegally. No point in taking their precious guns away from lawful gun owners.
  • chessmaster
    8 years ago
    I do think there should be a ban on automatic weapons, assault rifles, sub machine guns, etc.
  • shadowcat
    8 years ago
    Mississippi in now the least safest state.
  • Meursault
    8 years ago
    ^ meaningless if you don't know the metrics and how they are weighted. "unemployment rate" for instance is a meaningless metric for safety.
  • Hugh_G_Rection
    8 years ago
    I have to laugh, while the Lock and Load gang are giving themselves a circle jerk here, the Ninth District Court of Appeals just passed a 7-4 decision on Peruta vs. County of San Diego, deciding that there is no constitutional right to Concealed Carry, and states can restrict the issuance of 'concealed carry permits'.


    And yes, the decision on Peruta built on the Supreme Court ruling of Heller vs. District of Columbia. Even Antoine Scalia himself noted that while the public had the right to keep guns, the right was not absolute- there were historic examples of restrictions against concealed carry in public.

  • gammanu95
    8 years ago
    The courts are part of the self-sustaining circle of government that keeps the bacon-wrapped shrimp crowd in power. What little security they provided for our rights and liberties was lost when activist judges began interpreting the law instead of enforcing it and legislating from the bench. Even the supreme court has been overtaken by activist judges who have outright ignored the arguments given by the solicitors to issue the rulings they wanted to issue (i.e. Obamacare, gay marriage, super PACs).
    I agree that it is hard to justify someone owning an assault rifle, submachine gun, or automatic weapon. There are also reasonable arguments to be made concerning mental health and background checks; but those can be easily manipulated to deny everyone ownership rights. the plain fact of the matter is that there are plenty of instances of lawful concealed carry holders using their handguns to stop crimes and prevent murders. Imagine if a concealed carry holder had been watching The Dark Knight Rises in Aurora Colorado, or attending the office party in San Bernardino CA, working at Charlie Hebdo, or outside the Naval Recruiting station in TX. Hell, with the Naval Recruiter, the commissioned officers should have been allowed to wear their sidearm as part of the uniform.
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