
Comments by dallas702 (page 11)

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    8 years ago
    I was a little confused getting a massage yesterday
    In college, my "club" sport (rugby) shared facilities with with the football team and had access to the trainers. One trainer who worked with me for four years during our spring seasons was constantly sending me down the hall to get a massage. The 6'4" German torturer, I mean "massage therapist," would pound, push, twist and crush my already sore body. I admit, I did heal from bruises and strains much faster, but it was not an enjoyable experience. Skip ahead 30 years, and my aging body needed help and an ortho surgeon recommend massages. I went - dreading the pain. Imagine my surprise when a petite, cute young woman came in wearing stretch pants and a loose t-shirt. That first massage was totally straight - not boobs on my back, no sexy comments or noises - but I thoroughly enjoyed the experience. Now ,after years of getting "legit" massages, I have learned that each masseuse has a different idea of what works for her (I don't see guy massage therapists - see first para). Several times my massage has been, "sensual." Occasionally, a massage therapist has indicated that more play was available (and it was!). I still get a functionally effective massage. But some young women will spice it up a bit if they know and trust you. Sometimes I have found their efforts were just for "fun," and sometimes they wanted a bigger tip. I have tried AMPs and "Backpage" massages, but but it is usually either a machanical rub and tug or an escort, with little actual massage therapy. If you have found a real masseuse who likes to play, either for free or for a tip, go back - often.
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    8 years ago
    Best compliment you've gotten from a stripper
    One stripper once said, "Mmmmph," and a few minutes later proclaimed, "I've never had a dick so far down my throat, wow!" Of course it was SS, but it still made me smile.
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    8 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Sec survey question
    I am pretty sure I had sex with over 100 different women in a single calendar year at least half of the past dozen years (this does not count repeat encounters). A "slim" majority of those women were paid by me for a lap dance, a consulting fee, or for their time and companionship. I, of course, never paid a woman to have sex - that would be illegal.
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    8 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Strip clubs have until Oct. 1 to get rid of dancers under 21
    NOLA used to be a fun place to party - not anymore. Since Katrina, the city "rebuilding" has been pushed by the very "do gooders" VM abhors. These "civic leaders" are politically "progressive" (in this case describing government controls over everything) and socially, oppressively structured (notice how I avoided Liberal and conservative here - because NOLA politics ain't national and NOLA is not about Repubs, Demos, bathroom servers or Casino bankruptcies). What is going on is these "do gooders" trying to remake NOLA into a Disney theme park "family" version of New Orleans. Strip clubs there are "no smoking" now and city inspectors enforce a number of new ordinances that regulate lighting, dancer wardrobes, lap dance rooms, bathrooms and even - in some cases - contact between customer and dancer. It is killing the money dancers used to make and forcing them to seek other employment - or relocate. But that's OK, because the "do gooders" are killing a lot of other businesses - especially the tourist industry. New Orleans looks like a ghost town now, and I doubt that will change much over the next decade. I doubt the NOLA "revival" as a family friendly place will succeed like Vegas.
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    8 years ago
    New York
    indian customers
    Darkblue999 missed only one point about the odor of Indian guest workers and immigrants. DIET. While I doubt that all Indians in the US actually bathe every day (the US is one of the very few countries in the world where daily bathing is prevalent throughout all domestic cultures), bathing does not eliminate all odors. Certain genetic factors, like temperature tolerance and the amount of sweat produced, will affect body odor. Certainly, bathing will help wash off much of the bacteria that breeds on the skin, but no amount of bathing can get all of it. The odor of a limited amount of skin bacteria breaking down sweat from a person with a mild diet of foods similar to what you eat will not be "unpleasant" to your nose, especially if you are also smelling pheromones from a similar genetic line. .But runaway sweating does result in bromhidrosis, or body odor. The genetic lines most common in India produce more sweat glands and can support regrowth of skin bacteria faster than genetic lines with more northern Asian, western European, or central African traits. Sweat glands not only exude water, they also expel impurities, oils, pheromones and excess chemicals. And that's where DIET becomes a big deal. Most adult Indian guest workers ind immigrants tend to eat more of the foods they are familiar with and enjoy. That, in this country, leads directly to the "stink" problem. Curry powder has coriander, cumin, cinnamon, amchur and tumeric, in addition to curry leaves..Saffron, fenugreek and chickpea are also common in Indian food. When the human body processes these foods, the sweat glands exude a lot of alien (to US noses) compounds that are quickly broken down by that ever present skin bacteria into the uniquely "Indian" stink". A smell most Indians don't even notice because it has been their natural smell all of their life. I am not excusing Indians for smelling bad in US strip clubs. I am certainly not excusing their bad behavior due to different culture. I do recognize that, too often, Indian (and for different cultural reasons, middle eastern) men fail to understand that they are being rude and they stink! The answer for other customers, and all dancers, is to avoid the foreign cultural crudities (crude only by our "local" standards) and odor, by keeping our distance. The answer for the immigrant Indian is to assimilate! Bathe more often, shave more often, use US produced skin treatments (cologne, body soaps, deodorant) and use antibacterial cleansers. But especially, cut back on the damn curry! Then dude, learn to behave - in this country - before you assault US strippers!
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    8 years ago
    Most money a stripper has made in one night?
    I got a few dances from a blond stripper in Tootsie's (Miami) several years ago, and she joined me at my table after the lap dances for a few minutes before going off in search of more money. A little over two hours later, she returned, sat on my lap, and planted a big wet kiss right on my lips. I asked why the excitement, expecting to be hit up for more dances. , Instead she waved a thick stack of $100s under my nose. Yes, when she fanned the bills out, the whole wad was $100s, I don't know how much exactly, but I had to be over $4K. She claimed several pro basketball players took a table upstairs and were throwing money around. She insisted that she sat on one of the players laps and he handed her a few $100 bills every few minutes, but otherwise ignored her. I never saw the basketball players, but I did see the cash. I have no idea why she came to me to celebrate. She bought us drinks, talked very excitedly for about ten minutes then said she was going home and took off.
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    8 years ago
    I have to disagree with gammanu95 on one point. Trump was never really a democrat, republican or independent. Trump's only party affiliation, before running for the republican nomination, was Trump money (and runway models). Otherwise he gets my vote also, because he is NOT Hillary.
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    8 years ago
    Most Frightening Moment at a Strip Club
    I was approached by a short fat stripper who must have weighed over 350. She stepped between my legs and started to sit on my lap. I imagined my life ending as a smear on strip club carpet. O' the horror. I managed to avoid being crushed by backing my chair up and standing and then I beat a swift retreat. It was so terrifying I did not return to that club - ever!
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    8 years ago
    Everything written by this member is a fact.
    OT: Favre
    The real difference between Favre and most players in the NFL today, is that Favre really did love to play the game. He was willing to put in the work, physical and mental, to be able to play his best, simply because he wanted to play. It appears to me that far too many players in the NFL love money and will work hard to get higher paying contracts. They seem to be only interested in playing football because they can get big money that they couldn't get any other way. There are now several players who seem to love the game and respect the sport, but they appear to be the minority. I had an opportunity to meet Dick Butkus on the sidelines of a rugby game in the 80s. He was an avid fan of rugby and played (often in violation of his contract with the Bears) throughout his college and pro career. One thing I still remember about our conversation was his obvious love for hard hitting contact sports (both football and rugby) and his appreciation of other players who loved the game. That seems (to me) to be a rare quality in today's NFL players.
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    8 years ago
    Best club
    Don't let these snide posters BS you. The best club, by far, is the Callaway Big Bertha Alpha 816 Double Black Diamond.
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    8 years ago
    Not just fucking but dating
    In my 30s I dated a woman 10 years younger and we constantly had issues about differing perspectives, different music, even different educations (both from first rate universities with several degrees in similar fields). I figured that it was simply because the age difference was simply too much! I was wrong. Then, in my mid 50s, I ended up in a relationship with a woman in her late 20s. We agreed on so much, sports, sex, travel, music, art - even the stuff we disagreed about, was fun to discuss. The 26 year difference in our ages simply made some things more fun. She got her dream job designing multifamily buildings in Australia, and we broke up without animosity so she could go without strings or problems. We are both in different relationships now, but we stay in touch. In my experience, age is a factor in relationships, but it depends upon the individuals, their worldview, and their maturity, whether that factor is a positive or a negative.
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    8 years ago
    In the Department WTF:
    Government, whether local, regional, state, or federal, is simply stupid. Direct democratic (one citizen = one vote not the political party) process almost totally eliminates the chance that government will be wise. That's why our constitution establishes a republican (structure, not the other party) form of national government and then does everything possible to limit the scope and power of the federal government. In spite of the constitutional limits on federal government, the scope, authority and grasp of federal government has continued to increase, especially in the post WWII era. Perhaps stupid laws in Sandy Springs, GA will highlight just how incompetently stupid government is, when allowed to room to govern lifestyles, and influence more people to demand that government do LESS.
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    8 years ago
    Is mileage and extras the be all end all of clubbing?
    If the OP had asked the slightly different question, "Is pursuit of mileage and extras the be all end all of clubbing?" I would be able to offer a qualified, yes. For those who want, "eye candy," a "bit of fantasy," and "time away from the humdrum," but are not interested in "cheating on the SO," or catching the, "disease du jour" ; if you are honest with yourself ; the reason you are in a strip club is the enticing possibility that your "eye candy" or "fantasy" might show sexual interest in you! We are testosterone enhanced (to varying degrees), virile males (plus Loplaw and a few stitch hitters) who at our core desire the chase. Some of you are fully satisfied just chasing, fully aware that you have limited your objectives. Many of you enjoy the chase, not expecting to score, and decide on a case by case basis whether to take the next step when opportunity (like a menu) occurs. Then there are a number of hardcore mongers who expect opportunities for extras, encourage strippers to the limits of discretion, and are often "rewarded" with increased mileage and extras.
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    8 years ago
    Who the fuck is Ninabambina?
    Do I exist?
    The real question must be, do any of us exist? Or, are we simply the disjointed hallucinations of a psychopath off his meds?
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    8 years ago
    Athletes and celebrities in the strip clubs
    A stripper in a Baltimore club once rattled of a list of the politicians she had "partied" with in the club. It was an impressive list. She claimed that most of them made extravagant promises but shorted her when they left. A few - she claimed - had to be reminded by their own security to pay something to avoid scandals.
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    8 years ago
    Everything written by this member is a fact.
    Certainly, it was entirely an accident. These stylish. professional gentlemen were simply walking for some fresh air near their rooms (on an all first class cruise ship - not the Olympic dorms) when they chose to stop for a refreshing spa visit. The fact that the "spa" was one hour by cab from their ship is irrelevant. The important point is that none of them spoke Portuguese or were familiar with local culture. Do not think less of these clean cut all American gentlemen simply because it took them a couple of hours to realize that most spas do not serve men only, sell liquor and have women in sheer teddy's walking around offering private services. As soon as they understood their location was improper they completed their "drinks" and departed.
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    8 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    How often do you think about sex: Part Two
    A couple of years my Doc tested me and I came out (like Shadowcat) on the low end of normal. I also had some of the symptoms (occasional lack of concentration, low energy, belly fat, occasionally grumpy). I was concerned and asked about T meds. The Doc asked me a few more questions, did a few more tests, and discovered I had issues that a gastroenterologist needed to address. The gastro Doc dealt with my recalcitrant gall bladder, recommended diet changes and added some very mundane supplements (like Vitamin E) Both doctors mentioned the fact that men of a certain age (my age) do tend to "lose a step or two" and need to work harder to stay in shape, control weight, and keep up an active lifestyle. The "low range" testosterone result is actually very common in men over 50 and will continue to decrease over time, they claimed. To specifically answer your question. I do not thing of sex all the time as I did when I was in my late teens. These days I only think about sex, hot chicks, pussy, tits, strippers, tanned chicks in light summer dresses, etc, about three or four times a day - and seldom do I think about sex for more than three or four hours at a time. ;<}
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    8 years ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    new topic: less off-topic
    @Dominic77, debates restricted to reality, facts and policy can be, and often are, civil and respectful. But recently politics seems work a little like strip clubs. The politicians, like strippers, work very hard to sell you fantasies, and voters, like most PLs, tend to believe the fantasy most like our own favorite dreams, when our head swells up. (just different heads swelling) Some of the differences are, -- in a strip club it is a good thing when a stripper screws you, and others applaud your success. -- in politics, even though we know we are gonna get screwed - in a bad way - we get pissed when some other PL says their politician is better. -- in a strip club, you want to believe you are the only one getting extras from "your" stripper, -- in politics, you want everyone else to also get screwed by your politician. -- in a strip club there are usually enough strippers to go around, and you can forget them when you leave, -- in politics, we are down to only two politicians, and both of them are hanging around until at least November. -- in a strip club the strippers we want to screw us are young, have tits and a pussy (SJGay, excepted), -- in politics, both politicians are old, saggy and have a dick (size in not important in this reference!) You really think we are going to be civil when we know we are going to get beat up and robbed no matter who wins in November? Do you really have the unmitigated gall to imply that we will kindly debate the subject, when we each believe that we will experience even greater pain if the other candidate wins?
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    8 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Hope Solo: Yes or No?
    In college I dated a blond ex high school cheerleader who was very serious about her women's softball (catcher). She worked out constantly, especially upper body - even more than I did (I was playing Rugby for the school and on a semi pro team). It really was interesting to see the reactions of people in the stands after a game - hers or mine - when she would hug me then toss me in the air - and she actually could toss me up about 3' - 4' off the ground due to both her upper body strength and her cheerleader training Yes - then - I was really into athletic chicks who, were great to show off, tight and firm, could keep up with me in bed and last as long as I could (then). Now, I'm over 60, athletic chicks are interesting to look at, but no longer register on my "wanna fuck her" meter. I am no longer an athlete in bed, no longer have the stamina I used to have. and now I prefer smooth, soft, toned young women who enjoy doing most of the work! Solo, is in my "interesting to look at" category, so it's a nostalgic sigh and a, "no."
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    8 years ago
    Everything written by this member is a fact.
    Finally Found a 10+
    Because this topic is not about politics, it seems a bit out of place! I can fix that. While I would NOT vote to make Terann Hilow President, I would certainly vote for her to be my next Senator!
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    8 years ago
    TUSCL politics
    /\ /\ /\ plus one for flagooner.
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    8 years ago
    TUSCL politics
    @ButterMan, you are correct, but that is only because Trump has well qualified people to pull his cock out for him!
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    8 years ago
    Somewhere in the club
    Do collage going dancers take break in summer
    Depending on where you live, those missing "college girls" could be traveling to dance at South Florida clubs, heading for the Atlantic beach clubs, getting away from CA fire season, or simply working other clubs in your area for variety. My experience is that most "college girls" are actually 18 to 29 y/o single moms who loose their free babysitters in the summer.
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    8 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Cities Think Strip Clubs Are Bad for Neighborhoods. This Study Says Otherwise
    The fact is; strip clubs are "soft targets" that are easily used by wanna-be city council members and wanna-be Sheriffs in stump speeches at PTA meetings. Facts are irrelevant.
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    8 years ago
    Have you ever neglected to write club reviews?
    I only review clubs that are new to me and are also noteworthy (good or bad), plus clubs I visit several times a year but haven't reviewed in months. On average, I write one review for about every 10 strip club visits. Some of that is just because I choose to be lazy, but mostly it is because I don't care to read through a dozen reviews that all say the same thing, and I doubt anyone else would either.