
How often do you think about sex: Part Two

Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life

Apparently I don't think about sex as much as everone else.

Which led me take a 6 question about "Low T". I answered positive (negative?) to every question.

I have all the symptoms: grumpy/moody, lack of motivation, lack of concentration, belly fat, low sex drive.

I seriously think I suffer from Low T.


  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    My own view is that all of this stuff really is psychological and sociological, not caused by T level. And probably T level is result, not cause.

    Ever in your life have you constantly thought about sex, or at least about girls, like jr. high school?

    I think it just depends on what situations we are in, and just on how we have been encouraged to view people and situations.

    See my reply to JimG. on the earlier thread.

    Do you experience yourself living in a condition of pussy scarcity, or are you already living in what for you at present amounts to pussy saturation?


    Joni Mitchell
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    As we get older our T-levels I assume will decrease (probably even starting in our 30s) - question is if they are chronically low making it worth taking hormones since it seems the medical community is split b/w taking of hormones for low-T and the possible side-effects not being worth it.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Motor, think back to pre-adolescence, have you ever been someone who ever really got off on girl watching?

    For me, girl watching was what life was all about. They were putting on a show, and jr. high is when it started. It was only much later that I needed strip clubs.

    I guess this is why I pay so much attention to how they dress today.

  • motorhead
    8 years ago
    I think I've always been low on testosterone...or something. I started dating later than most. I first masturbated later than most.

    It's not like I was asexual. I thought about girls and fucking a lot, but probably less than others. So now that im older, the drop in testosterone has a huge effect since I think I started low to begin with.
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    I've been curious to check my levels myself (I'm currently 46 y/o) - but this does not seem to be part of what docs normally screen for and I always forget to ask when getting my yearly physical.

    And then again often times there seems to be some controversy on what normal should be or what too low is; but I can't say I'm well-versed on the subject.
  • azrookie
    8 years ago
    It's (nearly) a given that T levels decline with age. Next time you take a physical, ask the doctor to check your T levels (blood test). If you have a compounding pharmacist in your town, you can fill the prescription for far less $$ than the name brand T gels. Have used it for several years, haven't noticed negative side effects. Add a little pep in your step.
  • shadowcat
    8 years ago
    Papi - I had my PCP do a T test as part of my annual check up 2 years ago. It came back as on the low side of normal and he said that he could treat me for it if I wanted. I was also seeing a urologist for a prostate problem. He strongly advised against any treatment unless it was absolutely necessary.
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    ^ seems like damn if you do & damn if you don't
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    Eating healthy & exercising are probably the best one should do but of course that will not be enough if the condition is chronic
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Motor, do you have a link to these questions you've answered?

    I still think most of this is psychological and sociological. It has to do with what else is going on in a guy's life, and then just with the sociological environment they have lived in.

    I mean, people stop learning new things, stop facing challenges which lie before them, and start getting rigid in their thinking. I believe that though "normal", that this is what reduced their sex drive and abilities.


    VOCALISE fretless guitar
  • dallas702
    8 years ago
    A couple of years my Doc tested me and I came out (like Shadowcat) on the low end of normal. I also had some of the symptoms (occasional lack of concentration, low energy, belly fat, occasionally grumpy). I was concerned and asked about T meds.

    The Doc asked me a few more questions, did a few more tests, and discovered I had issues that a gastroenterologist needed to address. The gastro Doc dealt with my recalcitrant gall bladder, recommended diet changes and added some very mundane supplements (like Vitamin E) Both doctors mentioned the fact that men of a certain age (my age) do tend to "lose a step or two" and need to work harder to stay in shape, control weight, and keep up an active lifestyle. The "low range" testosterone result is actually very common in men over 50 and will continue to decrease over time, they claimed.

    To specifically answer your question. I do not thing of sex all the time as I did when I was in my late teens. These days I only think about sex, hot chicks, pussy, tits, strippers, tanned chicks in light summer dresses, etc, about three or four times a day - and seldom do I think about sex for more than three or four hours at a time. ;<}
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Exercise, diet, but also meditation and taking time to look at how you are viewing things, and looking at what you want to be learning and doing. Self care.

    In those horrid Beavis and Butthead years, guys think about sex all the time, because they aren't getting any. But then later, hopefully, this changes. But sometimes the price of this is extremely high, a death trap.

    Anyway, suppose you could live in a condition of pussy saturation, all you could want. How much would you want. Say in one week, how many quickies, how many long sessions, how many overnighters? How many hours per week would you want to spend with women, and organized how and consisting of what?


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  • vincemichaels
    8 years ago
    My ignorance is showing, but what is Low T?
  • shadowcat
    8 years ago
  • RandomMember
    8 years ago
    I'm with SJG on this, in the sense that you should start with low-fat diet, lots of aerobic exercise, and get lots of sleep. Medicating yourself should *always* be the last resort.
  • motorhead
    8 years ago
    Good advice

    But when I lack motivation and energy, how do I start working out. :)
  • sharkhunter
    8 years ago
    I read for men the best thing was some weight training to gain or keep muscle and don't go on any low fat diets. However don't overeat or only do it one night of the week.

    I've lost weight recently when I was exercising more and still eating most of a small pizza one night in the week and drinking several beers on another night. My metabolism speeds up so much I have started sweating before I even finished eating. That's not always fun on a hot summer day. I usually eat less in summer unless I'm staying in the air all day. I also felt like exercising a lot less with it hot outside. Most of my weight loss stopped as soon as the plus 100 degree heat index days hit. I prefer temps in the 60's or colder when exercising.
  • seaboardrr
    8 years ago
    I guess I'm just an odd duck. I think about sex constantly. Mrs sea has to fight me off sometimes because I'm constantly trying to get her naked.
  • sharkhunter
    8 years ago
    I keep thinking about pussy. No idea why. It's like someone projected an image of their pussy using telepathy.
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