I was a little confused getting a massage yesterday

avatar for tusclfix
So went to a chiropractor yesterday for issues with my back. This as a legit business at one of those buildings with a bunch of doctors and therapists in one place. Chiropractor suggested I also see the masseuse as some of my issues were inflamed muscles that were overcompensating and had developed knots or something like that

So ok, I go see the masseuse. She is not unattractive, but this is a professional place so I don't think anything of it. At this point, let me preface some things: I have gone to, and am familiar with AMPs / EMPs but I have never been to a legit masseuse.

So anyway, she worked on my back, and it did fix a lot of my issues. But here's the thing, during the session, while I was lying on my front and she was working on my back, she kept making "mmmmmmhhhh" sounds, she was also pressing her boobs against my back, and at one point she blew in my ear. Oh, and I was also unclothed during the session, with the usual towel, while she was fully clothed in something that looked like a scrub.

I was throughly confused so I didn't do or say anything. Is this normal? I see my chiro and the masseuse again next week.

I know someone's probably going to make a joke about all this but bring it on, I'm curious to see what you folks have to say about it, hah!


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I have had a ton of AMP and EMP massages and normal massages, and I have never had a "normal" massage cross the line. So many times I have had a hot or cute masseuse and think they attempting to cross the line because they massaged close to my crotch or their boobs have pressed against my body multiple times but I think that's just the horny man in me making shit up when nothing remotely erotic is ever happening.

To answer your question, I've had boobs touch my body in (what seemed to me to be) somewhat inappropriate ways and I've had the blowing in the ears (it's a relaxation method), not so much the moaning though but I've had masseuses make cooing noises.

I would never cross the line unless the masseuse explicitly said something.
avatar for rh48hr
9 years ago
I'll give you a legit answer. I've never seen anything like this and I've had plenty of regular massages. Not professional in my book for a chiropractic office.

But, If she does it again I would make an off the cuff comment about her moaning and blowing in your ear making you have to adjust. Gage her reaction and go from there.
avatar for Ch3ll
9 years ago
Agree with shai. I've never had a professional massage nor been to an AMP or EMP. I'm guessing her boobs pressing against your back are because they are there. When in doubt always ask. You could have said I like when you blow in my ear and see how she responded.
avatar for rh48hr
9 years ago
Shailynn - I need to find your massage therapists because I've never had anyone blow in my ear. Or even make a sound that could even be misconstrued as moaning or cooing. That's why I gave the answer I did. But if you have seen it then it's possible it's part of some massage processes. And I take back my suggestion.
avatar for beguiled
9 years ago
oo, what's a trouser snake?
avatar for tusclfix
9 years ago
Yeah, thanks for the comments. I'm not going to suggest anything remotely close to crossing the line at my legit place, cause I actually need my back fixed, lol. But I was just wondering if this was normal.

I guess boobs are just there, because they're there and blowing in the ear is a relaxation thing?
-->"I guess boobs are just there, because they're there and blowing in the ear is a relaxation thing?"

I have a different theory -- none of this actually happened :)
Boobs are a nice touch, on my date a few weeks ago, the lovely MILF kept pressing her breasts on me, she has a fine set as I found out a little later.
I have had lots of legitimate massages. This was not normal. Go back.
avatar for rogertex
9 years ago
Agree with everyone. Not normal. But great fantasy !
Sounds like a rookie wanting to make extra money by offering extras.
Chiropractor probably gives her $30 (or even has her by the hourly salary).
And you know the HJ, BJ rates.

This type of surprise lasts only till the word gets out! Then the girl is gone.
Tell us how your next visit went - I'd be surprised if the girl is still there.
avatar for tusclfix
9 years ago
I assure you folks this was real and not a fantasy (check my older posts, I don't post anything of such), we will see what happens next week and I'll post an update. I won't be pushing for more but curious if this is a consistent thing with this particular masseuse.
In college, my "club" sport (rugby) shared facilities with with the football team and had access to the trainers. One trainer who worked with me for four years during our spring seasons was constantly sending me down the hall to get a massage. The 6'4" German torturer, I mean "massage therapist," would pound, push, twist and crush my already sore body. I admit, I did heal from bruises and strains much faster, but it was not an enjoyable experience.

Skip ahead 30 years, and my aging body needed help and an ortho surgeon recommend massages. I went - dreading the pain. Imagine my surprise when a petite, cute young woman came in wearing stretch pants and a loose t-shirt. That first massage was totally straight - not boobs on my back, no sexy comments or noises - but I thoroughly enjoyed the experience.

Now ,after years of getting "legit" massages, I have learned that each masseuse has a different idea of what works for her (I don't see guy massage therapists - see first para). Several times my massage has been, "sensual." Occasionally, a massage therapist has indicated that more play was available (and it was!). I still get a functionally effective massage. But some young women will spice it up a bit if they know and trust you. Sometimes I have found their efforts were just for "fun," and sometimes they wanted a bigger tip.

I have tried AMPs and "Backpage" massages, but but it is usually either a machanical rub and tug or an escort, with little actual massage therapy. If you have found a real masseuse who likes to play, either for free or for a tip, go back - often.
What do the reviews in rubmaps.com say about the place? Is your massuese listed there?
Anything is possible but very easy to be mistaken - some people are naturally more informal than others and are more touchy feely - her moans could have been her natural normal reaction to when she gives massages or maybe just vocalizing what she thought you may be feeling from the massage - you also seem to be meh w.r.t. her looks, so why does it matter
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