
new topic: less off-topic

My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
Wednesday, May 11, 2016 10:06 AM
I am as guilty as anyone of promulgating the debate of political principals and beliefs in this board, and shame on me for that. This is a board about strip clubs and strippers, LDKs and occasional tranny HJ. If we met in a club somewhere, we wouldn't be talking about Trump, unless one of his hot daughters was doing pole tricks; we wouldn't be talking about Sanders, unless he was handing out roses to dancers while wearing a tux. We would be talking about the girls, the waitresses, and other light- hearted shit that is the reason we club in the first place - to get away from the daily grind and media cacophony and find the DS, the LDK, the OTC, but we're never canvassing for votes. So congress wasting our money - find a different board to sound off on. State legislature trying to raise the age for stripping to 21- you've come to the right place. White cop shoots a black man in TX - go elsewhere Phoenix 2AM'er gets shot outside Hi-Liter- we want to know. You don't like Hillary because of Benghazi- we don't care You don't like Hillary because she made it rain in Cheetah's and stole your CF? You have our attention. Is anyone else willing to agree to this covenant? Can we bring TUSCL's best and brightest - or at least the most active posters- together and ignore those who want to distract us from the quest for SC Nirvana? I'm pledging myself to this. I will bite my tongue and let the idiots run their mouths. I will not call anyone out by name, and only address the post and not the poster. I will turn the other cheek and post only to make this board an interesting and fun diversion from the daily grind.


  • chessmaster
    8 years ago
    You're a real piece of work.
  • 4got2wipe
    8 years ago
    Brilliant! I've generally resisted commenting on the political threads because there is little point. I have broken down on a few but there was no point to doing so. However, I think crazyjoe would urge us to include shitting in McD's and using bidets as drinking fountains to the approved topics list! ;)
  • gammanu95
    8 years ago
    Address the post, not the poster, please
  • gammanu95
    8 years ago
    4got, are you from the UK?
  • 4got2wipe
    8 years ago
    No. The "brilliant" thing is a joke. I used it a lot in my first few posts for no real reason, just by coincidence. Then it became fun to try to use it in many posts as possible. I am doing a UK (just England, actually) vacation in about a week and a half though. First time in about a decade. Though I took a longer vacation last time and went as far north as Dundee that time. I love Scotland, even if I can't understand half of what they say!
  • gammanu95
    8 years ago
    Yeah, it was the constant "brilliant" that threw me. Gonna sneak in any clubbing omin England?
  • 4got2wipe
    8 years ago
    Based on advice from londonguy I probably won't. I do have one day when my traveling companion will be visiting family friends somewhere near Peterborough and I will probably bow out. I thought I might sneak a club visit in when she heads up there, but londonguy's comment was essentially "don't bother." But I'll post a review if I do end up going to a club.
  • s88
    8 years ago
    I agree with OP. I am not here to social with PLs at a sausage factory serving piss water on tap about politics. I dont goto regular bars and never will. I am only here for the X chromosome.
  • JamesSD
    8 years ago
    I think the issue with every message board ever is every on topic topic has been discussed to death. Guys can share their own stories and ask for advice, but in general most broad topics have been covered many times. I've been on boards where they had separate subboards for different topics, and "General Discussion" or "Off Topic" is always way more busy than any of the on topic boards. That said, I am going to try not to feed the trolls in political threads.
  • Throwbackthursday
    8 years ago
    @gammanu95: What I don't understand is, you join this site July 2014 . And it took you 17 months to post a comment(Dec2015) . And 19 months to start a discussion on this board. So far you have 298 comments , and counting. All but one posted this year. Do you have other alias you're using ?. I mean you're so active now, How could you be so inactive for 17 & 19 months. At the begining of 2016, did some political organization pay you to post on this site
  • mikeya02
    8 years ago
    I agree with James and Chessmaster
  • larryfisherman
    8 years ago
    @throwbackthursday- I'll take the blame for all this. His first comment was on my thread about potentially getting a disease from a stripper. Ever since then this moron won't shut up. I guess I birthed gammanu. I wish I could turn him off.
  • gammanu95
    8 years ago
    Address the post, not the poster
  • mikeya02
    8 years ago
    TUSCL- Where Gammanu does not make the rules
  • crazyjoe
    8 years ago
    Gamamamau95.. leave the talking to the real men around here
  • gammanu95
    8 years ago
    No, but I can choose how and what to respond to. I do not need to defend how, when, what, and why I post. I offered an olive branch, but there are many other players who are seeking argument and conflict. I don't know why, I don't care why. I'm flattered that you all care so much, though.
  • londonguy
    8 years ago
    I can see why you thought 4got was from UK You'll find 'Brilliant' in the top ten of attached. [view link]
  • jackslash
    8 years ago
    I agree that off topic discussions should be avoided, especially political ones that lead to nothing but back-and-forth insults. I confess that I've started some off topic discussions, and I will try not to do so in the future. If we do initiate off topic discussions, it is polite to label them "OT" so people can skip them.
  • gammanu95
    8 years ago
    ^actually, it was the Harry Potter movies.
  • crazyjoe
    8 years ago
  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    You can only talk about pussy so much. OT topics are appreciated (at least from me). I can't even begin to recall how many times I've laughed my ass off at something funny Juicy has posted.
  • londonguy
    8 years ago
    Everything ON topic has been discussed many times over, if there were only ever ON topic posts the board would rarely be visited. Some OT discussions interest me and I contribute to them, some don't and I don't bother. I confess to starting OT discussions myself. I'd rather see an OT discussion even if I am not interested than those that are started by trolls goading other members.
  • motorhead
    8 years ago
    I think I know what is "on topic" and generally what is "off topic" But I'm confused by some gray areas. How do we stand on: Cucumbers Chackin Fangers Tranny bathroom trolls Nina's GPA Rick Dugan's BAC John Smith's THC level The best and worst of the Kardashians The sale items at the Piggly Wiggly Your favorite regional barbecue Obama's birth certificate Should members not making $350k be band The Walking Dead Styx cover bands
  • mikeya02
    8 years ago
    Well said Motor.
  • PontiacGuy
    8 years ago
    Gamma spew fraternity punk: You want a gentleman's agreement on a website that discusses where the best places men can go to look at/ play with nude girls? You are an idiot! Never gonna happen.
  • Cashman1234
    8 years ago
    I'm going to try to avoid commenting on political discussions. I've been guilty of that recently. For me - it's like a carrot in front of my nose - and I get carried away. You make a good point - and I will avoid those comments.
  • MrDeuce
    8 years ago
    I'm too obsessed with politics to pledge that I won't bring the subject up. However, I will try to refrain from referring to left-wing idiots as the idiots that they are :) Seriously, I agree that the usual SC-related topics have been discussed so much over the years that we need to be able to go off-topic a lot or this board will wither and die. I also agree that we should avoid ad hominem attacks and just stick to the issues.
  • lopaw
    8 years ago
    Anyone jumping into a divided political fracas knows damn well that it will eventually evolve into baiting, bashing & trolling, and many seem to enjoy that type of thing. Let 'em have at it. I won't waste the bandwidth even reading that nonsense here, or anywhere else for that matter.
  • crazyjoe
    8 years ago
  • crazyjoe
    8 years ago
    Realen shit at McD's
  • gammanu95
    8 years ago
    A lot of the negative responses on this thread are obviously written by people who are unwilling to set aside their political disagreements. Their character is reflected in their posts. Also,I never requested no off-topic posts, rather, I suggested we use better judgment when posting off topic. There will always be baiters, haters, and trolls. We just need for the smarter folks around here to ignore them.
  • 4got2wipe
    8 years ago
    "But I'm confused by some gray areas. How do we stand on:" Cucumbers - They're brilliant on salad but should not be used on salad if they were used for anal penetration. If they were used for vaginal penetration they are fine! Chackin Fangers - They have too many calories from fat! Tranny bathroom trolls - Bathroom trolls are on topic so trans bathroom trolls also seem on topic! Nina's GPA - If she wants to share its on topic! Rick Dugan's BAC - Unless we want to ban (or is it band?) rickdugan we have to permit discussion of his BAC. rickdugan has a triad of topics that he posts about: 1) how to save some trivial amount of money on an OTC adventure; 2) how the fact that he was driving drunk complicated something that he was doing; and 3) how horrible the trolls he claims to be ignoring are being. Calling rickdugan's BAC OT would cut out 1/3 of what he writes about! John Smith's THC level - That seems on topic! The best and worst of the Kardashians - On topic as long as it doesn't drift into Caitlyn's bathroom choice! The sale items at the Piggly Wiggly - On topic but I'm not sure why! Your favorite regional barbecue - On topic! Obama's birth certificate - Does it have a nude picture of his mother? Should members not making $350k be band - A core topic! The Walking Dead - Depends on how hot the zombie girls are! Do they get naked? Styx cover bands - Coolest kind of cover band ever!
  • twentyfive
    8 years ago
    Quotes From The OP just in this post. " I'm pledging myself to this. I will bite my tongue" " let the idiots run their mouth" " Their character is reflected in their posts."
  • bvino
    8 years ago
    I love it. A TOPIC about topics. How self referential can we get. Screw the thought police and long live free speech. If you do not like a topic don't read it. Do not believe for a minute that I care what you like and do not like.
  • twentyfive
    8 years ago
  • dallas702
    8 years ago
    First off, gammanu95, I am highly offended by your characterization of Bernie Sanders in a tux handing out roses to strippers. Anyone with half a brain would know that Bernie doesn't wear his only, ill fitting, tux to strip clubs. He only wears his Tux on Vladimir Lenin's birthday. Bernie wears baggy shorts, hippy shirts and flip-flops to strip clubs! Sheeech! Otherwise, OK, with motorhead's exceptions!
  • vincemichaels
    8 years ago
    YEAH!! Bernie is an avid PL !! He wears proper loose, thin shorts for maximum grinding effect. We talk about everything when we club. I'll touch on politics briefly, then say I won't get into any farther and then we can enjoy the club with everything it offers.
  • gammanu95
    8 years ago
    Hell no I don't talk about politics when I club. I'm there to have as much fun as I can, unplug, and relax. Clearly, political discussions are a blood sport for me.
  • ime
    8 years ago
    No truces, burn this fucker down!
  • ATACdawg
    8 years ago
    Yeah, I don't know why we can't have gentlemanly (oops! Sorry lopaw!) and ladylike discussions about politics. Oh, yeah, it's all Trump's fault! (ATACdawg opens steel umbrella in anticipation of a torrent of abuse!). ;-)
  • gammanu95
    8 years ago
    No! It's Obama's fault and Hillary promises four more years of Obama failure! Will you share your umbrella ATACdawg?
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    I don't understand why the debates can't be respectful, either. ??
  • gammanu95
    8 years ago
    People want internalize things. It's why you should never discuss politics or religion at work/ with friends. Obviously, we are not all friends here.
  • gammanu95
    8 years ago
    Besides, there is nothing respectful about Hillary or Donald to debate. #WorstChoiceEver
  • dallas702
    8 years ago
    @Dominic77, debates restricted to reality, facts and policy can be, and often are, civil and respectful. But recently politics seems work a little like strip clubs. The politicians, like strippers, work very hard to sell you fantasies, and voters, like most PLs, tend to believe the fantasy most like our own favorite dreams, when our head swells up. (just different heads swelling) Some of the differences are, -- in a strip club it is a good thing when a stripper screws you, and others applaud your success. -- in politics, even though we know we are gonna get screwed - in a bad way - we get pissed when some other PL says their politician is better. -- in a strip club, you want to believe you are the only one getting extras from "your" stripper, -- in politics, you want everyone else to also get screwed by your politician. -- in a strip club there are usually enough strippers to go around, and you can forget them when you leave, -- in politics, we are down to only two politicians, and both of them are hanging around until at least November. -- in a strip club the strippers we want to screw us are young, have tits and a pussy (SJGay, excepted), -- in politics, both politicians are old, saggy and have a dick (size in not important in this reference!) You really think we are going to be civil when we know we are going to get beat up and robbed no matter who wins in November? Do you really have the unmitigated gall to imply that we will kindly debate the subject, when we each believe that we will experience even greater pain if the other candidate wins?
  • twentyfive
    4 years ago
  • Subraman
    4 years ago
    What I learned from this thread: I forgot how annoying 4got2wipe was
  • nicespice
    4 years ago
    In these tough pandemic and political times, 4got2wipe’s input is needed now more than ever.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    4 years ago
    I agree with op. The political threads are tiring and it's like beating a dead horse. People believe what they do for a reason. We haven't walked in their shoes
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    4 years ago
    Besides Trump will be out soon we just need to survive til then lulz
  • 48-Cowboy
    4 years ago
    Letz talk about beans
  • twentyfive
    4 years ago
    May 11, 2016 “No, but I can choose how and what to respond to. I do not need to defend how, when, what, and why I post. I offered an olive branch, but there are many other players who are seeking argument and conflict. I don't know why, I don't care why. I'm flattered that you all care so much, though.” It’s impossible to outslime a slimeball
  • Muddy
    4 years ago
    Lmfao subra
  • wallanon
    4 years ago
    This is why it's nice to be able to bump the old threads. Funny how hindsight works four years later.
  • rickdugan
    4 years ago
    I know this whole thread was tongue-in-cheek, but even if it was serious the odds on getting back to on-topic threads is pretty nil right now. 4/5ths of the people on this board haven't been in a club for 8 months.
  • gammanu95
    4 years ago
    That's probably true. The strip club scene in some places is too lame and not worth the risk, while in the better strip club places the risk is too high. However, the paradigm behind strip clubs and TUSCL is still alive and well. It simply has migrated to private and underground clubs, onlyfans, and the SA/SB scene.
  • rickdugan
    4 years ago
    ===> "The strip club scene in some places is too lame and not worth the risk, while in the better strip club places the risk is too high." I get a lot of that. In some areas clubs are so restricted that it's not worth bothering and in a wonderful clubbing place like FL, elderly guys clocking in at 300 lbs and on a variety of meds for diabetes, blood pressure an other comorbidities are rightly concerned about the high transmission. But keep in mind too that this board has always trended both old and risk averse, which is why we have such an over-representation of day shift reviews for in industry where easily 90+% of the customers visit clubs at night. The reality in my area and mostdefinitely in Atlanta is that the clubs are hopping on Th-Sa nights and getting by during the week. We are also seeing lots of older dayshifters returning. All of this is to say that, in places where clubs are fully open, this board is no more representative of the everyday club hound than stripperweb is of the ordinary dancer.
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