Sec survey question
layin low but staying high
How many prostitutes have you had sex with in your life to date? Sex means that you had an orgasm while your dick was in direct physical contact with some part of the woman. Contact through clothing does not count so an LDK is not sex but fucking with a condom qualifies as direct physical contact. A prostitute is a woman that you pay money or its substantial equivalent in a direct exchange for sex.
I'll go first. Approximately 20-25.
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And I've never gotten an std from any stripper.
On topic: 0. I just haven't felt compelled to.
Getting checked regularly for lumps in the neck and throat is probably not a bad idea.
Everything carries risk and as human beings we need to be as rational as possible when making choices.
But it's been like 7 hoes. 5 were cbj
I saw an escort in Louisville 3 times in one week and came home with gonareah. About a year ago I had a full panel of std testing and was clean on all tests, but they didn't test for HPV and my ATF has both HPV and Hep C so I've probably got HPV.
I had a needle biopsy for nodules on my thyroid yesterday but won't get the results for a couple of weeks. The price we pay for the wages of sin.
So close to 200 at the most conservative calculations
but I've paid for 2 BJs, one covered and one uncovered. And I wouldn't have paid for the covered one had I known it was gonna covered
Up until this point, that's it
OT, here's an article about HPV throat cancer. Nearly everyone's carrying HPV these days, so understanding the risks of cunnilingus is probably a good idea: