
Comments by dallas702 (page 10)

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    8 years ago
    How often do you visit the first club you ever visited?
    The first strip club I ever visited was shut down for "lewd acts," became a liquor store and failed, reopened as a teen club and failed, reopened as a church, they moved out, was torn down, empty lot for a decade, new building was built for an Italian eatery - failed, remodeled into a spa (ladies only) - failed, torn down for a "light rail" station - that ended up across the tracks, and sits as an empty lot today. So - - -no, I don't get to visit my first club, but - if it ever reopens, I'll be there!
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    8 years ago
    Notable lack of Friday Florida Reviews
    @vincemichaels, I did not mean to minimize the impact upon those in the Big Bend area of Florida who absorbed the serious damage dealt out by even a cat 1 hurricane. It truly sucks (in a very bad way) to experience wind and water combining to rip your life apart and Hermine did that to a few folks. But outside of the actual hurricane impact area (landfall and up to 40 miles east) the local and national news, plus local and state government combined to make this storm sound like Katrina's big bad sister and would destroy all of Florida, coastal Georgia and the Atlantic coast.all the way to Hatteras. What actually happened, as predicted, was the Atlantic coast, from Daytona to Charleston, got thunder storms and wind gusts. Preparedness is one thing, the self serving sensationalism something else entirely. OTOH, I didn't connect the Labor Day weekend to fewer reviews - that makes sense. Maybe Florida dancers and PLs are not all wimps, just preparing for the holiday.
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    8 years ago
    Mom's basement
    Introduction and Question Re Mileage on "Featured Performers"
    LecherousMonk. you have now seem the "TYPE 1" strip club "feature act" from a porn star. In my experience (admittedly it's mostly about two decades out of date) there is another type. The "TYPE 2" porn star who does features at strip clubs, also does "private movie scenes." OTC. They call them different things: private photo shoots, personal porn movies, video sessions, movie specials, and more. Basically, no porn star is going to risk a prostitution arrest in a club, where she is earning more for a 1 night appearance with two or three stage sets than she earns for a porn scene in a movie. Some will do lap dances, but as you learned, those are very tame. The type 2, won't do anything even close to skirting the law - in the club - but she wants your money and will go the extra mile to get it. The type 2 believes (correctly in a few jurisdictions) that she cannot be arrested for prostitution if she is "exercising her first amendment rights" while making a movie. You get to be the producer and male lead in her movie or photo shoot, getting to fuck her all you want for however long you (as producer) paid her to "act." they will either do your session as a "rehearsal" (no camera) or a "scene" a video camera running. If you do a scene, you usually get to keep the tape/disk/card. The first problem is that most porn stars really are "acting." They will insist that everything be covered. The sex looks great on camera but they have lots of rules, and are used to setting up and then going at it until someone shouts, "cut" then stopping cold. It is NOT as exciting as you might expect. It certainly will not be a GFE visit. Then there is the matter of cost. The real contract porn stars (Vivid and others) make pretty good money and will NOT do a "scene" with you on the cheep. It WILL cost you. There is a website out there where you can get the prices for these women - the numbers will shock you!
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    OT : Standing for the Star Spangled Banner?
    Nina has gone ballistic in this string of comments and, along with a few others, made some pretty outrageous claims. Among those assertions, she said that the author of the poem that became the lyrics of our National Anthem, Francis Scott Key, was, "an aristocrat, pro-slavery, anti-abolitionist prosecution attorney." She also asserts that, " there is another verse to the song that talks about slaves dying" and claims that, "the song has an ugly racist history attached." I am one of those people that Nina has lumps into her category, "miserable old geezers" since I am Anglo, over 60 and disagree with some of her rants. She labels all "miserable old geezers" as racist. Nina doesn't know that I was sitting at a Walgreens soda counter just over 45 years ago with friends when we were dragged out and beaten (my friends because they were black - me because I kept getting in the way.). In my life I have served this nation in uniform, and in civilian clothes, I have stood in the line against racism, I have seen real racism and I know how much it hurts PHYSICALLY to be beaten by racists.. Nina apparently doesn't care what my views are, or what I have done in my life She chooses to call me racist because I hold different opinions from her and I am an Anglo male over a certain age. (Can she spell, "prejudiced"?) Like her opinion of me, her assertions about the author and content of the National Anthem are also skewed and fail to meet factual reality. from Wickapedia (edited for brevity) (I know "W" is a poor resource but this is accurate): "Francis Scott Key purchased his first slave in 1800 or 1801. Mostly in the 1830s, Key manumitted (set free) seven slaves, one of whom (Clem Johnson) continued to work for him for wages as his farm's foreman. Key throughout his career also represented several slaves seeking their freedom in court (for free). Key, Judge William Leigh of Halifax and bishop William Meade were administrators of the will of their friend John Randolph of Roanoke, who died without children and left a will directing his executors to free his more than four hundred slaves. Over the next decade, beginning in 1833, the administrators fought to enforce the will and provide the freed slaves land to support themselves. Key was considered a decent master, and publicly criticized slavery's cruelties, so much that after his death a newspaper editorial stated "So actively hostile was he to the peculiar institution that he was called 'The Nigger Lawyer' .... because he often volunteered to defend the downtrodden sons and daughters of Africa. Mr. Key convinced me that slavery was wrong--radically wrong." " The complete lyrics of Key's poem are: "O say can you see, by the dawn’s early light, What so proudly we hail’d at the twilight’s last gleaming, Whose broad stripes and bright stars through the perilous fight O’er the ramparts we watch’d were so gallantly streaming? And the rocket’s red glare, the bombs bursting in air, Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there, O say does that star-spangled banner yet wave O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave? On the shore dimly seen through the mists of the deep Where the foe’s haughty host in dread silence reposes, What is that which the breeze, o’er the towering steep, As it fitfully blows, half conceals, half discloses? Now it catches the gleam of the morning’s first beam, In full glory reflected now shines in the stream, ’Tis the star-spangled banner - O long may it wave O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave! And where is that band who so vauntingly swore, That the havoc of war and the battle’s confusion A home and a Country should leave us no more? Their blood has wash’d out their foul footstep’s pollution. No refuge could save the hireling and slave From the terror of flight or the gloom of the grave, And the star-spangled banner in triumph doth wave O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave. O thus be it ever when freemen shall stand Between their lov’d home and the war’s desolation! Blest with vict’ry and peace may the heav’n rescued land Praise the power that hath made and preserv’d us a nation! Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just, And this be our motto - “In God is our trust,” And the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave." Just as other of Nina's arguments depend upon half truth's (i.e. - I really am Anglo and over 60) to made multiple incorrect assertions (I am not "miserable" nor "racist" and there is nothing "chemically wrong" with my brain. In his times, Francis Scott Key was actually one of the most successful opponents of the institution of slavery and his life's work clearly showed both empathy for the condition of slavery and zeal in attempts to correct it's wrongness. No informed American of Black African heritage could possibly object to the man, Francis Scott Key, based on his efforts, actions or accomplishments. Nor , could any reasonable person find fault in his poem. In the poem, Key describes the horror of war as, "No refuge could save the hireling and slave From the terror of flight or the gloom of the grave." These two lines do NOT describe, "slaves dying" and no reasonable reader could miss the contextual connection that Key makes between the "foul footstep's pollution" (British troops) and the "hireling and slave." (Nina - he is writing about the invading British troops!) I am not bothered that a poster on this site should call me names. I am not even particularly irate that a poster chooses to interpret "free speech" as speech approved by the poster, "politically correct," and without consequences for the speaker. It does bother me to read ugly distortions of our national history used to justify idiotic self centered misbehavior. Kaepernick is a self centered child of privilege who has no concept of racism, and is a total fool. He has a God given right (protected - not granted - by the first Amendment) to freely express his opinion, no matter how wrong headed. And the rest of us (including the SF 49er's owner) have the right to express our opinion. My opinion is that the little shit should be played in a few games, to let other team's defensive line show how they feel, then fired (cut) for being an idiot.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    OT : Standing for the Star Spangled Banner?
    I guess Nina, that you have just answered my question with an indirect affirmative. Please, chill. I am not attacking. I have no desire to "kick ass," yours, Kapernick's or anyone else. I simply responded to your post where you repeated a "kick ass" comment and asked a question. By the way, I doubt any rational person could possibly ignore the fact that American football IS primitive and violent. Kapernick will get his because he participates in a primitive and violent sport, with other primitive and violent young men who will also choose to express their opinion. Some of Kapernick's opponents will choose to express their First Amendment rights with legal hits on the football field that will leave a certain quarterback on the turf to reconsider his original opinion. Should you choose to apologize for your ill considered works, please consider your apology "pre-accepted.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    stubble legs
    One stripper in Dallas this past spring complained to me that she had to shave her pits, legs and coochie every day just before coming to work, or the stubble bothered her and snagged her clothes. She assigned blame to her "Italian hairy ape father" for her excessive hair growth and said her mother wasn't much better.. As far as I could tell she was all woman with all original equipment (and I did manually inspect her parts).
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Checking in.
    Welcome back Clubber. I agree Ignore works.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    OT : Standing for the Star Spangled Banner?
    Nina - - YOU are the one I read repeating the "ass kicking line> Are you violent and primitive?
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    What's the most you've ever spent for one night in a single strip club
    A bit over 8 years ago I was in a Montreal "off-island" club on a weekday afternoon and encountered several very cute and very willing young ladies. The club had VIP rooms with actual doors and real locks (to keep them out of trouble with the law - prostitution was legal but the rule was "behind closed doors"). Thanks to a little blue pill my Dr had given me months prior from his sample stash, I was able to repeat the fun several times. Since the club wasn't busy, all the "ladies" enjoyed "competing" for my attention, and after the first round, I was excessively generous to all. I think I spend close to your $2,000 that day.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    OT : Standing for the Star Spangled Banner?
    Kaper kid will get, "his ass kicked" Not for being black (he barely has any connection to blacks in the US since he is over half white, was raised by white parents, attended college on a full scholarship, and now earns millions of dollars a year). Not for exercising his First Amendment rights. (Nobody cares what he has to say.) Not for "exposing" racism in America. He didn't. Not for having an unpopular opinion. (many people have a similar opinion of the degraded status of race relations in this country since Obama began his race "war." Kapernick in going to get his ass kicked because he is a self centered, egotistical jerk, who is more talented at worshiping himself than throwing the football. I won't be doing the ass kicking. I am willing to bet that hundreds of NFL defensive players will be happy to "knock" him down a peg or two. I also expect that a team owner will "reconsider" Kapernick's value to the team in the near future.
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    8 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    20 something years ago in a Chicago bar, a very cute 20 something i had met and enjoyed previously noticed me and excitedly started talking to me. She introduced me to her male friend and without hesitation told him how much fun she had in bed with me. She then suggested that we all three try it together. Her "boy" friend was all for it, I was hesitant. She "upped" the offer claiming she really - really wanted a DP. I finally declined. It just seemed a bit creepy to me to get naked - and erect - with another naked, erect guy and only one girl. I especially did NOT want to be up close and personal with some other guy's dick! I guess I am a bit homophobic.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Sunday is go topless day.
    I can not allow this post to continue without a fair and reasonable response from the Rev. Dr. Madforgold and Nimby City mayor Jack Meoff. "We cannot allow such deviant behavior exist unpunished. Allowing women to expose their (ahem) private chests, in public where young people can see their - - well, their - - ahhh - - their - - uhh - - private chests, will lead to all kinds of immoral and debauched behaviors. This kind of outrageous, debased, tomfoolery is exactly the kind of obscenity that destroys society, and erodes the moral fabric of this country. "Just look at exactly what this same behavior did to the Roman Empire. They allowed women to wear clothing without tops, allowed their private chests to be seen - in public - uncovered - and it destroyed them. The whole Empire failed, causing centuries of dark ages, because they allowed such immoral and obscene behavior. We must pass laws punishing this kind of crude and indecent public display and stop these anti society people from corrupting our children. "Thank you, and remember to vote."
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    8 years ago
    Rhode Island
    OT: Are you a reader? What do you read?
    For fun reads, I like military sci-fi authors like Weber, Ringo and Flint. I also read history (political - military - social and religious), technology, and physics books (even textbooks). Since I read very fast, I usually read five to ten books a week, I also read mysteries, fantasy, translated novels (believe me - the Russian "greats" are all too long and very boring no matter who translates), I even read a few romance novels when I was stuck in a hospital bed after an emergency surgery with nothing else to read.
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    8 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    How long do you typically fuck until completion?
    My first wife would cum in about 3 minutes of fucking and pop a second time in less than two minutes more - after that she would immediately complain she was getting sore. (we lasted ten years, but that was mostly because she wasn't always a bitch and she could give a pretty good blow job.) I tried very hard to finish fast, but even young, it almost always took at least 15 to 20 minutes of actual action to get off. Now, as an old guy, I occasionally do pop fast, but it still usually takes over ten minutes of concentration to bust a nut (sometimes after 30 minutes -or more - I run out of energy before I get there and either the lady does all the work or I am left hanging). I know that's not the norm - and it costs me extra at strip clubs where the dancer expects to get a customer off in one - or at most - two songs. My last SC visit, it took a talented dancer over 4 (mostly uncut) songs to obtain some of my high-protein discharge from a BBBJ-CIM. Sexual "stamina" can be expensive.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    In a brilliant place!
    An actual ON TOPIC post and question about STRIP CLUBS! Brilliant!
    If you were to preface your review of an absolutely no extras, fat chance of OTC, club with that clear disclaimer and state that your review was based on solely on the "show," I wouldn't object to whatever ratings you assigned. As others have already mentioned, I would prefer a single, uniform scale of ratings, but I have no idea how that can happen. There are simply too many different variables, too many different opinions, and too many different clubs, for any one scale to fit all reviews. Give it your best shot, be clear about what is and is not available, and describe your visit. That is all any of us can do. Then, when your review is posted, it will be time for the rest of us to bitch about your ratings and tell you what you should have done.
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    8 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    OT: Lochte, 3 US swimmers lied about robbery to cover up gas station brawl
    I don't doubt that these US swimmers were behaving badly, nor do I doubt that they were totally smashed when they stopped at a Rio gas station to take a leak and caused some property damage. But I also do not doubt that, in their drunken state, they honestly believed that armed men, dressed like police, robbed them. They were probably completely unaware that the station had security guards and only wanted money to repair the damage they caused. The Rio judge is probably tired of hearing bad news about his home town and is trying to make an example of these "lying" North Americans.
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    8 years ago
    Old Men
    One civi woman I dated, who was 30 years younger than I, explained it this way. (very roughly paraphrased - it was a long time ago!) /// Men are very visual and are aroused by attractive women who behave in an overtly sensual or sexual manner. If she doesn't "look good" sex is not what a man considers when meeting a woman. But if a woman is visually stimulating, men will overlook atmosphere, environment, her lack of education, even her mental health. Men desire immediacy, action and active stimulation of our sexual organs. Women are into mind games and are aroused by mental images more than visual. Women have a more mental connection to sexual fulfillment than men. A woman considers conversation, or dinner, or almost anything,. "foreplay" if the "atmosphere is right. It does not particularly matter what a man looks like, it is critically important to a woman, how a man makes her, "feel." Smells are important as well as sounds and "environment." A woman appreciates sensual contact, aural stimulation and play with erogenous zones. To a woman, sex is the culmination of a series of increasingly exciting behaviors, both physical and mental. \\\ I have never figured out what that really means when interacting with any specific civi woman, but I do have a few ideas about strippers. To a stripper, your age is meaningful only in that most young men either do not have the money to spend, or have no idea how to behave (or both). Older men generally compliment strippers, smile more often, spend more, know what they want and are less prone to become hurtfully physical. To a stripper, a few minutes talking with a customer - is foreplay. A customer may not look like Adonis or Mars, but a man with a few Benjamin's is very attractive to a stripper. To a stripper, a positive atmosphere is created by a man's willingness to pay her for her time and attention. To a stripper money smells good and is a mental turn-on. Bottom line, most strippers find old guys very, very attractive - in the club! Outside the club, they may be more picky, but the same rules apply!
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    8 years ago
    Presidental First Ladies.....
    I really, really, really, do not want to see a First Lady Slick Willie! Think about how totally sick he will look in a designer gown! Personally, I think we will all enjoy a First Lady Melania, plus all the Trump daughters running around. And that will probably work out as the deciding factor in November - horny men choosing between Willie and Melania!
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Sex trafficking survivor: I was forced into prostitution by my boyfriend
    The story fits very neatly into the "I'm a victim," with sex and "abuse" thrown in to make it a sinful read. I am supposed to believe that a college graduate, more than 22 years old, is manipulated into prostitution by promises of a "June Cleaver" married life, PLUS, she is supposedly coerced into continuing by threats to tell he family? Really? I call, "bullshit" on the whole story!
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    You can take the stripper out of the club...
    Years ago I met a stripper for OTC fun after she got off day shift. We showered, played, enjoyed light conversation, played some more, showered again and got cleaned up. All was good. I suggested a late dinner at an Italian place I had enjoyed before. We arrived in time for their midnight "last seating" and started to order. She wanted to order beer and pizza in a place that serves traditional Tuscan foods in style (I know I was an idiot to assume any stripper knew the difference). She ended up ordering from the kid''s menu and she settled for wine! By her third glass of wine - all she could talk about was other strippers and how little "class" they had. Somewhere, late in the second bottle, she had changed seats and was trying to demonstrate how she could "handle" customers in the strip club without being seen by bouncers or the DJ (honestly, I didn't mind that part!) Before we left, she went to the restroom and coming out she saw some guy there with his wife and walked up and - in a loud voice - asked, "Hey, didn't I give you a dance last night at (name) strip club?" When he denied it she responded, "That's OK, you came so fast I didn't get your name." I could barely stand up because I was laughing so hard, but we did manage to leave before being thrown out. While I was driving her back to her car, I realized that she had no idea that she did anything inappropriate - and - she really did try to fit every experience into her strip club life. OTOH, she really was great in bed, on a chair, on a counter, and even over a motel room desk.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Hell, when the difference in age is sometimes 40 years or more, I am thrilled that they will sit on my lap and speak words that sound somewhat familiar ! ! ! ! (more thrilled when they speak universal language words like, "mmmph" and then swallow.)
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Pregnant Dancer YES! or NO!
    OK - - I admit it - - I am a sad pathetic PL. My response MUST be predicated with acceptable answers to qualifying questions. How hot does she look? (great face, "glowing" skin, athletic body, medium to big natural tits, great smile, smells good, plus personality.) How big is that belly? (can she still move comfortable, is she distorted, or just beautifully pregnant.) What is on the menu? (I'm not interested in an air dance!) If I am satisfied with the answers to my questions, then Katie bar the door, or which way to VIP, I love healthy radiant, sexually active, sultry preggos. Count me as a "4" leaning toward "5."
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    OT: Saw a great meme
    Guys, chill a little and learn some history. This election cycle is not the "ugliest" ever, and neither candidate is the "least qualified ever." There is nothing unique (except to the media - who collectively cannot seem to remember further back than Willie and Monica - if that far) about an "insider vs. outsider" political race. Clinton has received millions from the governments of Muslim Middle Eastern nations and Wall street bankers. The Clinton Foundation has been "delisted" from several charitable review sights because actual charity use of funds is less than 10% of donations. And Hillary as Sec of State did conduct State Department business with Middle Eastern nations contemporaneous with those nations giving to the Clinton Foundation. Clinton did have an unauthorized private email server, from which she claims she deleted over 30,000 emails and gave all State Department emails to State (yet an FBI investigation determined that was not true). The FBI also determined that Hillary DID send and receive emails containing information, that was classified at the time she sent or received it, over an unsecured server. Trump IS guilty of running of at the mouth and making outrageous statements. Trump may very well be the most egotistical candidate for President since Obama, but he is certainly not unusual among the 44 prior Presidents. Trump may have difficulty keeping most of the promises he has made in this campaign, and he has certainly alienated many members of the Republican party. His businesses have not always succeeded and other people have also been financially hurt when some of the Trump businesses failed. Trump is not a "real" conservative, nor is he a long time Republican. His history in Politics is limited to donating to candidates (including Harry Reid and Bill Clinton) who he thought would owe him favors. Remember too, that the party of the KKK, the party of segregation, the party of violent suppression, is the Democrat party. The President who authorized the ONLY use, in history, of atomic weapons upon civilian populations was a Democrat. The President who signed the Civil Rights act explaining to his peers, "By signing this Republican act and claiming it as my own I'll have every nigger in the country voting Democrat for decades" was a Democrat. The party of anti-slavery, the party of the Civil Rights act, the party of Lincoln, the party that granted full citizenship to blacks and sent the amendment to the states, the majority party that approved the amendment enfranchising women, the party of Eisenhower, and Reagan, is the Republican Party. It is all a little more gray than the black and white of liberals and conservatives.
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    8 years ago
    Fat bastard that can afford to fuck hot strippers
    So, in summary, Aly Raisman is not underage and Jamaican Olympians run faster because they are genetically predisposed from West African ancestry and they use aluminum as a performance enhancing drug. (does the OIC test for that?) Well, that should settle the Olympian stripper question for everyone! (Smile guys ! ! ! )
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Fat bastard that can afford to fuck hot strippers
    If you like chicks with broad shoulders, skinny hips and lots of muscle - any of the swimmers would fit the bill. If you are more interested in petite, underage spinners with enormous thighs and potential to fly on a stripper pole, look to the gymnasts. Should you prefer the California beach blonde look - beach volleyball. If you go for the anorexic look - long distance runners. If you want a woman who can painfully squeeze your cock, without using her hands - equestrians. Then there is the woman who just won Gold in the shot put. She would make a stripper no man would survive saying, "no" when she asked, "You wanna' dance?"