
Comments by dallas702 (page 12)

  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    new topic: less off-topic
    First off, gammanu95, I am highly offended by your characterization of Bernie Sanders in a tux handing out roses to strippers. Anyone with half a brain would know that Bernie doesn't wear his only, ill fitting, tux to strip clubs. He only wears his Tux on Vladimir Lenin's birthday. Bernie wears baggy shorts, hippy shirts and flip-flops to strip clubs! Sheeech! Otherwise, OK, with motorhead's exceptions!
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Best Stripper Line for VIP
    She leaned over and said in my ear, "I need to cum, will you help me?"
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    BLM Manifesto
    Larry, your "being serious" post contains far too many errors of politic position for me to let slide. First, suggesting that cops "shoot the guy in the leg," exposes your ignorance about what an individual police officer is capable of doing with a handgun in an extremely high stress situation. Studies of police shootings show that police completely MISS their opponent in real life situations over 65% of the time, and that the average distance between the officer and the person he/she is shooting at is only 7 feet. How can you expect a cop to shoot a specific body part when the officer usually can NOT hit anywhere on the body, most of the time. (Note; that civilians in self defense shootings are much more accurate, hitting their attacker over 80% of the time when shots are fired.) In the same paragraph you assert that, "BLM and a lot of other people feel the police are just killing black males without just cause and getting away with it " The key word here is "feel," facts do NOT support that feeling. As has been repeated often in these political threads, the FACTS prove, beyond any possible doubt, that police DO NOT target blacks - or any other race - for shootings. The key data point, reported by the very liberal Washington Post, is that of 506 people shot by police so far this year, about 125 identify as black. The 25% black/total ratio is little above the ratio of black/total population. If fact, when you consider that other statistics, like the percentage who are armed, it becomes apparent that police are less likely to shoot a black suspect! Facts simply do NOT support the BLM claims, and "feelings" are not sufficient cause to override the US Constitution, or endanger civilians or police. To accuse police as a "cause" of civil problems, is dishonest and does a disservice to this nation. Yes, "bad cops" are out there, but seldom last on police forces more than a few years. Those "bad cops" also come in all colors. There are far more GREAT cops, again in all colors. The honest answer to the issue of so many black people dying has to address the welfare programs originated destruction of the integral black family and the presence of gangs, drugs and the "'hood" rap culture. If young black males had a positive male role model maybe they wouldn't be killing each other so often. Perhaps if young black males didn't believe they had to sag their pants, wear colors, dis' on cops and strut around with a piece in their pants, there would be fewer young black males on metal tables in morgues. The perception that black are being targeted by cops, like its predecessor, whites are targeting blacks, is a political tool of the progressive movement, attempting to divide people into classes that can be better influenced. This Alensky tactic is obviously effective, but anyone who considers the facts must realize the truth. Cops ain't the problem. Old white males are Not the problem. The GOP is not the problem. And whose great, great, great granddaddy owned who 155 years ago - ain't the problem. If my son feels he is justified in resisting knowingly armed police, and then is incapable of out-shooting notoriously poor marksmen in police uniforms, I will be heartbroken at his loss. But I, and my former Marine son both, know that when bullets fly, there is no right or wrong, just death or not!
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Have you ever told a dancer her dances suck?
    Yes, a very long time ago I tried (politely) to tell a dancer that switching from air dance to jackhammer on my crotch at random times was not interesting nor appreciated. It did NOT go over well!!!!!!! She called me a pervert, then got the "bouncer" (VIP room attendant) and tried to get me thrown out. Fortunately, the guy had been watching us from the door - laughing at the punishment she was applying to my crotch - so I got a "chewing out" from him and after she left he pointed out that she forgot to ask for money so I had the funds to get a real lap dance, then he recommended a dancer that was not on a mission to murder balls.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    BLM Manifesto
    After all the written "screaming and yelling" from both sides, I have a very scary thought. In the early 20th century radical ideas put forward by extremist terrorists Fredrich Engels, Karl Marx and Vladimir Lenin were considered by ALMOST all as crazy, unthinkably stupid and certainly nothing anyone would support. By 1915 Russia was in turmoil fighting "Marxist" terrorists. In 1917 Marxism and Lenin took over Russia, murdered most opponents - including the entire royal family - and began a reign of terror that lasted 40 years and was responsible over 40 million political murders (not counting 20 million WWII combat casualties). The Marxist regime controlled Russia over 70 years and many people argue that Putin is simply an extension of that same totalitarian socialist regime. Could the BLM demands become a 21st century socialist manifesto?
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    OT: The sum total of all political arguments
    No RandomMember, that is NOT a minority view in the GOP. It is REPORTED by the far left (including many press outlets) to be a minority view. Not everything you hear on MSNBC is true. I do watch it occasionally, and I sometimes thing NOTHING on MSNBC is unbiased. But I do seek many sources for information, not just far left or right. The "rational and wonderful Pope" you observe appears to me to be a very divisive, hard core Socialist. That doesn't mean I think the Pope is a bad person, just a very biased and misguided individual who is in over his head. Your opinion will probably differ.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    OT: The sum total of all political arguments
    I probably fit the definition most of you use for "conservative." That doesn't mean I refuse to accept facts like Climate Change. I even believe that human activity has a role in recent warming. The evidence released to date does not support the claims made by the most extreme proponents, but the planet IS warming and human activity is likely accelerating that warming. What I don't believe are any of the Democrat, liberal, globalist "solutions" for AGW. Neither do I believe that the warming is immediately catastrophic. All of the evidence to date supports an increase of 2 degrees C. over the next century, with some melting causing a rise is sea level of about 6 to 10 cm. All of the catastrophic rescue plans start (and most end with), give more money and control to government. That claim is repeated like a mantra even when the most extreme AGW proponents report that no matter what we do, global warming will continue at almost exactly the same rate. The problem is NOT with global warming - it IS with claims that giving government more power and money will, "fix it."
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    OT: The sum total of all political arguments
    Famous "Indian fighter" and war hero Andrew Jackson founded the Democrat party when he ran for election as the sixth President of the United States in 1824. He lost that election, but came back in 1828 and won. He was (and may still be) the richest person to become president. But the source of his wealth is very interesting. As an, "Indian fighter" Andrew Jackson selected specific areas, sent in scouts - NOT to scout the Native Americans - but to value the land! Once Jackson established the land value, Jackson would enter into real estate deals with wealthy backers and then go conquer and remove the Indians. After confiscation and resale of the former Indian lands, Jackson would receive enormous "speakers" fees or consulting fees, or donations. Jackson was a rising attorney who took advantage of circumstances to achieve fame, wealth and several, "firsts." He was the first elected Congressman from Tennessee, the first and only US military commander to invade a foreign power (1817 invasion of Spanish, Florida) without provocation or authorization from Congress or the President. Jackson was the first "frontier" President, elected in his second attempt after a very bitter campaign characterized by ugly personal attacks. Ever since Jackson founded the Democratic Party, the party and it's members have stood for greater federal government controls, while at the same time championing "state's rights." Jackson ignored Supreme Court decisions he opposed, refused to enforce existing laws and made a number of executive orders - ignoring the wishes of congress. A pattern followed by Democrat Presidents for 187 years. Jackson was racist, but successfully pandered to anti-slavery groups. He purchased, through cash payments, expensive favors, political trades and personality, most of the press of the time and had them tell every story - his way. His legacy was a national government more corrupt than any contemporary thought possible, a divided nation that would go to war against itself in 25 years, and the Democrat Party. I really do not see any difference between the party of Andrew Jackson and the party of Hillary Clinton. Jackson used a small portion of his wealth to buy hundreds of slaves, while at the same time convincing a number of people that he was opposed to slavery and only kept the slaves he owned, "for their own good." Mote
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    On A Booty Hunt
    Eau de Stripper
    Subraman has a point, perhaps you are just smelling the disappointment and loss of money you spent in a strip club.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Hey Trump, Shut Up!!!
    Fact is, As disreputable as Trump is, -- the alternative is Hillary. As wildly non politically correct as Trump is, -- the alternative is pander to everyone Hillary. As egotistically self centered as Trump is, -- the alternative is do anything, say anything to be President Hillary. As crude as Trump is, -- the alternative is grossly dishonest Hillary. I just cannot comprehend how anyone can believe that Hillary R Clinton is a better choice against any alternative.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Stripper asked to see my teeth.
    Since you had misplaced, yellowed teeth, perhaps she thought you were English?
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Melania Trump like you’ve never seen her before
    Whether anyone likes one candidate or the other, the coming race will likely continue to be a dead heat. Far too many people are rabidly opposed to Hillary for her to ever obtain either a clear majority in the polls or significant support from other than Wall Street and the far left. The Donald has pissed off far too many people, blathered too many offensive "off the cuff" remarks, and had too many inconsistencies to be able to climb out of a statistical tie with Hillary. Although the 1990s pictures of Melania are dated (serious, scowling expressions were popular for "serious" model work then) and stiff, the woman did have a hot bod and is still very good looking. The election may come down to mongers and voyeurs voting for opportunities to see more of Melania and the Trump daughters instead of the Hilldabeast and her homely offspring.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Thousands of Olympic tourists will be enjoying mirrored ceilings and stripper po
    I have yet to see real evidence connecting "Zika" to microcephaly, but Zika itself is as bad as dengue or yellow fever. I don't want to catch it. And that is NOT the worst Rio has to offer. Crime is escalating at unbelievable rates, plus the cops and firefighters haven't been paid in so long, they are on strike.. Poverty in Rio is overwhelming the ability of the liberal socialist government to hide it (they gave up trying to actually do something about it a decade ago). Rio suffers from among the worse pollution in the world - the water is not safe to drink - don't try get IN any water near Rio (human waste, chemical pollution and a number of banned pesticides have been found all around Rio, even on the beaches) - air quality is very bad - and STDs infect over 25% of all adults in Rio. I am like Shadowcat, Rio is no longer on my bucket list. I feel sorry for Olympic competitors who must try to survive this.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    What did they do before they became strippers?
    One dancer in the Midwest claimed she had been a deputy sheriff, but needed more money than the job paid. I have also heard claims of school teacher, waitress, student, masseuse (she did know how to rub me the right way), apartment manager, accountant and stay at home mom.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Obama's speech at the convention.
    Yes 25, I do find it troublesome that the professional political insiders care less about the policies and platforms of their respective parties than they care about preserving their "elite" status and their inside track to power and money. I do find it troublesome that people who support only the consolidation of power in the federal government have been in leadership roles in both parties. I do find it troublesome that members of both parties appear to believe that it is necessary that an armed government is necessary to protect a disarmed citizenry. I do find it troublesome that well over half of all voters in the presidential primaries chose to vote for non-establishment candidates Trump and Sanders, yet the Democrat establishment ignores the popular vote and the Republican old guard ignores their own candidate. I do find it troublesome that the only candidate NOT obligated to rich insiders is constantly attacked by surrogates for those rich players. I do find it troublesome that the Democrats chose to ignore decades of scandal, insider dealings, and outright criminal behavior to nominate a candidate intimately tied to those very same political power players.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Fucking p4p Mommy with kid in the house
    Decades ago, I did a Mommie (not P4P, just a bar pick up) while her one year old was in a crib by the bed. When we got to her place, she said "good night" to her neighbor, who just smiled and left. The neighbor seemed to be accustomed to my new, "girlfriend" bringing men home. That was my first hint that there was a kid in the house. Only later did I discover it was a baby boy in a crib in her bedroom. Had I been more mature, or less of a horndog, perhaps I would have chosen to not fuck mommie in her bed. But I was horny, and selfish so we ended up in her bed going at it next to the supposedly sleeping kid. When we switched to doggie, I looked up to see the tiny guy watching me fuck mom. Weird and distracting!
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    There's a sucker walking in thru the SC door every minute
    I have been to Treasures several times (including before they "lost" that fight with the City of Houston) and I can believe that a newbe would get taken by almost any of the dancers on any shift, including day shift. It has always been a "fast" club. Years ago, it was both fast and loose, especially on weekdays. After the settlement with the city, it became just "fast," lots of hustle but less action. Recently, some of the old club action is beginning to reemerge, . Too bad the newbe did not read enough here at TUSCL to understand the hustle, and learn how to survive a double team.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Is it kind of sad to think most human life on this planet will be dead within 40
    Sharkhunter, I've been on that hill called Megg where it will all come to a fiery end. I didn't know it was gonna happen in just 40 years. I'm gonna' have to hurry and start gathering acorns right now! Oh - wait - 40 years? Dude, I'll be over a hundred. I think I'll go strip clubbing instead. I am sure the strippers will use my money to prepare for the end much more wisely than I.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Oklahoma sheriff arrested after allegations of meth use & strippers at his home
    Back in the day, a rural sheriff pretty much ruled his county. There was little anyone could do, or even wanted to do, to change that. Most of the time the Sheriff was like a gracious Duke, ruling with equity and mercy. Sometimes a jerk like the OK ass could be found, but no one cared and certainly no one outside that county (or Parish) would bother mentioning it. I guess this "connected" internet society can expose the really bad in addition to "exposing" the Hollywood "famous for being famous." (as long as the "bad" are not connected to a liberal near the top.)
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Ever Been to the Strip Club in the Rain?
    I used to travel for business and learned that I preferred to drive - anywhere less than 5 hours away - by car. Now retired, I enjoy driving around, especially the Southeast where summer rain can happen almost daily. When it rains hard, I get off the road. If it is raining at all, and I am near a strip club, I will pull off and go in. So yes, I have been in SCs in the rain. Haven't noticed any difference inside a club, rain or shine. In fact most clubs, I cannot tell whether it is raining, sunshine, day or night when I am inside the club. Unless it is really bad outside (hurricane, blizzard, tornado) the strippers don't know or care.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    At what age do you just stop caring about dignity and what others think about yo
    Dignity hell! The idea of sticking my face in a sweaty, used crotch rubbing, shit stinking stripper ass, anywhere in a club, gives me the creeps. Will I cram a few fingers up stripper pussy right out in front of everyone in the club? Will I let a stripper grope me anywhere in a club, no matter who is watching? Will I carry on a conversation with someone while a stripper is trying to swallow my willie? I have my dignity, I just don't whip it out while a stripper is playing with my cock.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Strip clubs didn't see expected RNC boost
    rickdugan, I don't disagree with you - at least not when it is a Republican staffer. The Dems seem to have different standards, and the tacit complicity of most "journalists." Sanders staff was reviewing Hillary DNC data (while Hillary's team was likely doing the same) and both sides got a pass from the press. In Jan or Feb, 16 a Hillary campaign staffer was arrested in DC on drug charges and it never even hit the news cycle (local coverage was minimal and only the NY Post even connected the staffer to Clinton). Note that John Edwards almost got away with getting outed having a mistress! - It was only his wife's cancer that finally got the press smear into gear. And no one can honestly claim that a Republican with the kind of scandals following Hillary around would survive even the first month of primary campaigning.
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    8 years ago
    More juice crew family videos
    Why was the Redneck's buddy charged with manslaughter" Cuz he said, "Bet you a beer you can't . . ."
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    More juice crew family videos
    What is the very last thing a Redneck says? "Watch me!"
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Famed violinist says porn star ex’s ‘pee’ suit is extortion
    Not really Motor. I admit that no violinist in 50 years has made it to "Hendricks" stature, but there have been a number of "famous" violinists (and cellists) around. In the 70's there was Barbara Mandrell's hotter sister. And don't forget Charlie Daniels ("The Devil went down to Georgia"). Personally, I really like watching those Irish lasses fiddling along with the singers and dancers in those "Irish music" troops and a few of those women have multi-million dollar contracts now. Then there is YoYo Ma, net worth several 100 million - all from playing cello. It may never make it as stripper music, but some people who play on strings.really do have big followings. And don't forget that principle violinists in many major symphonies make several million dollars a year, like the PL violinist who got suckered by the porn star.