
Best compliment you've gotten from a stripper

Wednesday, August 10, 2016 10:04 AM
This might have been asked before, but it's not like we repeat topics on here lol. I'm smart enough to realize 95% of it is strippershit, but one time during a dance, a stripper asked me to remove my shirt. So I did. She commented and said "you have a great body for fucking". That made me feel good because I have been going hard in the gym this year, and the results are showing lol. It still could have been strippershit, but I didn't care. What about you?


  • TravelingGolfer
    8 years ago
    She said "feel how wet you got me" after I made her cum in VIP. I already knew she was wet, because she just squirted on me, but I obliged and felt again anyway. First squirter I ever had. Then, she took care of me. Good times.
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    I think they do give genuine compliments. Otherwise cognitive dissonance kicks in.
  • JohnSmith69
    8 years ago
    I forget most compliments as soon as they are spoken because they are all SS. However I had one last night that was likely real. The DS said after our third round of sex that I'd given her more orgasms that evening than she'd had in a very long time. I counted eight which is a record between the two of us in a single evening. The story may follow.
  • dalcowboyfan
    8 years ago
    All strippers have complimented my one-liners here on tuscl
  • larryfisherman
    8 years ago
    @dominic- they do give genuine compliments occassionally, but it's like 5% of the time, the rest of it is strippershit. @johnsmith and TravelingGolfer- nice!
  • vincemichaels
    8 years ago
    Wow, you are so big !!
  • SmellyPooper
    8 years ago
    "You're pretty smart." After asking her to wait for next song to start first lap dance and then to let me know when each new dance started. "You've got a [nice/good/sexy] voice." Prerequisite for the job. "No! It's gorgeous the way it is." From a hairdresser by day/bachelor-party stripper by night, after a comment that I was planning to dye my silvering hair due to professional concerns. Of course, that one may have been just SS. Maybe not. Don't care. I liked hearing it.
  • dallas702
    8 years ago
    One stripper once said, "Mmmmph," and a few minutes later proclaimed, "I've never had a dick so far down my throat, wow!" Of course it was SS, but it still made me smile.
  • Darkblue999
    8 years ago
    'You got nice smile' 'You are handsome'
  • stripfighter
    8 years ago
    "I don't like a big dick" :)
  • larryfisherman
    8 years ago
    Lolol Dallas702 @smellypooper- thanks for the response, but I have to say you and 4got2wipe have the nastiest nicknames on TUSCL!
  • rockstar666
    8 years ago
    When my ATF decided in a packed house, including lots of her regulars, that I should be the one to spend an hour with her in the CR so she could sleep; she said if I just pay the house she'd comp me the rest. I'm like, "You're kidding". But she gave me her stripper smile and I wasn't going to turn down. She took care of business and we both fell sleep until the bouncer chased us out. Fun times...
  • Corvus
    8 years ago
    Through a text a stripper asked me for some advice"because you seem smart". She needed help (not money) with a computer issue. But the best compliment I have ever received from a stripper (and it's happened many times) have been non-verbal. Right after she has had an orgasm. Love those compliments.
  • shadowcat
    8 years ago
    "you Don't look your age". Believable because I hear that from a lot of people.
  • ButterMan
    8 years ago
    1. you look like your about 27(got to be SS) 2 Now you eat some good pussy..LOL (probably true)
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    "That's the nicest thing anyone has said to me all day", about the way I complimented her on her face. But most of the time they show their approval and interest just by staying with you and being willing to talk. SJG
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    "What a beautiful wallet you have" :)
  • etsutwigg222
    8 years ago
    That was sweet, you must eat a lot of pineapple.
  • larryfisherman
    8 years ago
  • K
    8 years ago
    "That wasn't as horrible as I expected." and "You aren't as disgusting as some of my other customers" They are probably SS but I liked hearing it.
  • bubba267
    8 years ago
    "Mmmmm, you taste like Christmas". ....
  • twentyfive
    8 years ago
    You have too much money !
  • rl27
    8 years ago
    "You are the nicest guy here." "You suck nipples very well." "I like getting dances from you, you don't cum as quick as many guys here."
  • larryfisherman
    8 years ago
    "you don't cum as quick" I wish girls would tell me that, but then they would be straight up lying!
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    "You're a tough nut to crack" (when a dancer couldn't get me to nut during FS) "You know how to suck a titty" (might be true since I do love to suck a titty & get into it sometimes putting as much of the tit as possible in my mouth, plus you tend to be good at what you like)
  • rattdog
    8 years ago
    10-15 yrs ago a 1/2 hour after getting off my dancer is walking towards me with this weird look on her face. me: "why u staring at me like that?" her: "i can't believe u gave me money for dances." me: uh yeah ok" her: "i should be giving you money for dances." i thought it but didn't say it aloud to her this: "well then give me back my fucking money."
  • crazyjoe
    8 years ago
    You got flava
  • Timex345
    8 years ago
    Of all my customers, I like your money the best. It is so green. I don't believe anything a stripper tells me. In fact, that goes for most women outside of the clubs as well. Women are manipulative creatures.
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    "You're pretty-fly for a while-guy" (and she made it rhyme when she said it)
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    That was supposed to be "you're pretty-fly for a white-guy"
  • TravelingGolfer
    8 years ago
    Funny. I was searching for wifi one time with my laptop and one of the available networks was named "prettyFly4aWifi". Made me laugh. There are some funny wifi names out there.
  • skibum609
    8 years ago
    I get 2 things: You look very young for your age and you have the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen. They are both true, since I get the same bs in real life. I routinely tell strangers I am early 40's so I don't have to explain that I don't look like i'll be 60 next year because smoking weed daily and drinking too much keeps you young.
  • larryfisherman
    8 years ago
    What is it about weed and lawyers? JohnSmith and Skibum are both lawyers, and they both love their weed. I guess with all the shit you have to deal with in law, weed helps?
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    Don't forget our little dancer-aspiring-lawyer. 420 there, too. ;)
  • georgebailey
    8 years ago
    I get 'you're a gentlemen' and 'you know how to treat a lady'. If not, I'm with the wrong girl.
  • georgmicrodong
    8 years ago
    @shadowcat: You don't. :) "You're a *nice* creepy old pervert." "It's not enough you have a magic tongue, you gotta have magic fingers, too?"
  • Jascoi
    8 years ago
    you have a big d***. you get me off. let's get married!
  • HungryGiraffe
    8 years ago
    A nice compliment I received recently: "You have the libido of a much younger man!"
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