
Comments by ThisOldManPlayed1 (page 36)

  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Too many trips to the bathroom
    Jpac73 - GO SEE A DOCTOR! We all care about ya' dude! We need help squeezing titties and pinching clits!!!
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    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    More erotic adventures of shadowcat. Part 2.
    Christ! I gotta' get another TUSCL South Chapter Meeting going!
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    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    More erotic adventures of shadowcat. Part 3.
    shadowcat.... what a slut... I mean YOU! WAY TO GO MAN!!! :-)
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    17 years ago
    Stealing dancers clothes
    I kind of agree with InDenial in that why would a dancer spend so much money on a top or outfit, unless she would wear it in a very very classy strip club. InDenial made a comment or statement and it shouldn't be taken in the context as everyone seems to take it. It was a good question though. I know that dancers exchange a lot of outfits amongst each other and sometimes don't get them back or rather get them back in rags. Part of the job sounds like.
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    17 years ago
    Costumes, Slutty Outfits or just Bikinis?
    BRAVO chandler! Well stated. BRAVO FONDL! I believe it's every mans dream to see a beautiful woman slowly strip off every piece of clothing that would be worn on the street. As far as the SLUTTY thing goes, keep that in private... i.e., LDs in the VIP area..... make the coin baby!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    HELP....I need your opinion!
    NAUGHT SCHOOL GIRL look my choice! Good luck dear!
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    17 years ago
    The bare look
    Receiving dances or not, I have and ALWAYS will stay shaven...
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    17 years ago
    Any place that interests me.
    Habla Ingles, por favor!
    If VIP was $450, the dude got rippped really bad. Most of the seedier strip clubs, LDs are $1 for half minute, and all FS is $150. Pay no more! This info based on my visit to P.R. in March 2006.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    What is the average life span of a stripper posting on here?
    evilcyn is at the TOP of the stage! Hey girl.... going to drive up and try and see you again! Miss those mystic eyes and ...... uh..... ahhh... ... oh yeah.... that BOD!!! Licks!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    An open letter to my favorite dancer...
    casualguy - You might know this mystery dancer IGU is talking about. I met her on my very first visit to CAE PP, while waiting for IGU to show up. (circa 2006) She wasn't as frisky with me (probably because she didn't know me), but she is a real cutie and built! When I go back there, I'm gonna give it my best shot to get some "cookies" from her!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Wet pants
    LOL@igiveup! Your experience would have been an embarrasement to me, unless I had a big old woody, then I would have left my shorts down and proudly displaced Mr Happy! :-) 99Intrepid - Why DIDN'T you come? What's wrong with you? - - - some of us "older foggies" have developed stamina! Book Guy - "Heck, I'ma gunna go fer it" - - - Christ! I'm finally glad to see BG loosening up with the lingo! :-) Now, how about the reverse? How many times has your "pants go wet" from the dancer, grinding her nice wet 'snatch' over Mr Happy or over your leg? Her 'juices' usually aren't apparent until you walk outside (during the day) or into a lighted area (at night). This has happened numerous times to me. No spouse or g/f to worry about, so I just wash them up & get ready for the next visit.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Rebuttle to a club review.
    Unfortunately, BJs are a bit more expensive at the Pink Pony. If they were only $5, I'd me moving my butt down to Daytona Beach! LOL IGU has known me for almost two years now, especially under a former TUSCL nickname. I have never done a fake review and never would. I've done my share of road trips and even took photos of the outside of the clubs, not to prove I was there, but to enhance Founder's website with club photos and club updates. Pretty soon, I'll disclose my former TUSCL nickname to all, comeback with my original TUSCL nickname, and explain to all, why I had to temporarily abandon my former nickname. Until then, a big thanks to Founder for all he has done for all of us and "keep on lapping"!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    She does HJ's, She does BJ's, She will do full service OTC.
    Maybe they're telling you this about other dancers two-fold: either they are putting down other dancers because they don't like them; or they're letting you know up front, that THEY aren't into giving HJs, BJs, or FS OTC or ITC. The latter has been my experience.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Wet pants
    A big DITTOS on chandler's comments. Go for the rush at the club!
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    17 years ago
    Look at role playing this way......... haven't you enjoyed see the dancers in "school girl" outfits? nurse outfits? police officer outfits? In a way, isn't this role playing in our minds at least, that tells us that.... "gee, I'm always wanted to fondle/play with a lady cop, nurse", etc. Instituting role play in a relationship, ITC or OTC, doesn't mean that sexual relations with that favorite person, i.e., wife, g/f, whoever, is getting boring. I will admit, it helps if the relationship does get boring, but is also fun with a healthy relationship.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Wet pants
    OK money23, I'll take the stand (without an attorney)! Rarely will I bust a nut in a SC. If I do, I carry a handkerchief for that sole purpose, to keep my clothes clean. Use your imagination about placing the handkerchief. Other times, I haven't had to worry, for the dancer kept the "NUT" from spreading so to speak. My main problem in the club while getting a dance is that Mr Happy tends to continuously "leak", creating "DAMP" areas on the trousers. That's why I wear black trousers. The dancers often feel the dampness on their bare skin (ask Cyn) but there's not much they can do until after the dance. You mentioned: "I mean after all, isn't getting off kind of why you want a dance in the first place?" - - - In my opinion, that is not true. There may be a few who have this concept, but I believe the majority of us go to SCs for the fun and excitement of seeing or being with beautiful dancers.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    More on Ohio Senate Bill 16
    FONDL is very correct in his statement. Introduction of bills by either houses is merely expressing an idea to the public via politicians. Not that it isn't serious business, it is. It still takes the governor to sign it into law. By the way, after submitting emails to Ohio reps on this bill, I have gotten a lot of auto-generated emails sent to me, it's almost like spam!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Any place that interests me.
    Scrunchers: Pro or Con
    I agree with lopaw since her plumbing is harder to get too! :-) Myself, I agree with Cyn in that it makes contact dancing easier for the dancer, and she is 'small'. Scrunching enhances a lap dance for me, as it is easier for me to adjust Mr Happy upward at 12:00 high, or placing "him" down one of my pants leg in an erect state. I have found that when an erect Mr Happy is lying on top of one of my legs, the dancer can situate her vaginal lips over him easily, for her enjoyment as well as mine. The is where "BLACK" slacks come in handy!!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    chandler - thanks for your input. I like the role playing you described. Ride on. I think more people (men & women) would enjoy a little role playing in their sex lives, if not just to keep the home fires burning. I mean as human beings, our imaginations can stretch very far.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Strip Club "dos" and "don'ts"
    Great DO's and DON'TS guys! Keep up the good work. Do: When posting a review of a club, give an overall rating. Don't: Rate a club strictly on mileage and dancer's looks. We all have particular tastes. Do: When posting a review of a club, provide missing club details such as hours, ethnicity, food, etc. Don't: Post a review of a club with only YOU in mind. Do: Post reviews ending with whether you recommend a stop off for others. Remember, your posted reviews can help other decides to visit or not.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Why are you bothered by tattoos?
    Like others, I don't HATE tattoos, like happlap, I don't find them attractive and I'm 60 years old. It's usually the younger kids getting the tattoos, and they probably wish they hadn't after growing up. It's a FAD, like muttenchops, long hippy hair, single/double earrings on boys, etc. Ya' wanna get a tattoo? Go ahead! Won't cost me.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Best pants for lap dances.
    I tend to wear 'black' double knit polyester slacks commando style. But, you have to where a long tapered shirt outside the slacks to cover your hard-on after the dance. Isn't that right evilcyn? Oh my, I love Bugsy's!!!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Ohio Senate Bill 16
    When I visited Baby Dolls tonight in Medway, Ohio, the club had 4"X6" pieces of paper on each table explaining the STOPTHEHOUSE.COM, hoping to get clubbers to cast their votes. I hope ALL clubs do this!!!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    KFC is supporting Hillary in 2008.
    Well, I'm hoping Hillary doesn't get elected, but hell, as "life is a bitch" anyway, might as have one in the White House!!! :-(
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    To share strip club/stripper information or not?
    I agree with the majority of you, in that it is counter-productive to give out really explicit details about dancers. BELIVE ME when I say this, I have gotten BURNED for doing this such thing on this website! After having certain reviews REMOVED, I'll never get explicit in another review, BUT, will work around it some way!