
KFC is supporting Hillary in 2008.

Atlanta suburb
To add to her election fund they have created a special deal. Buy one and $1 goes to her fund. The Hillary basket includes 2 small breasts, 2 fat thighs and a left wing.


  • Pete22z
    17 years ago
    Ha! Eating either one will make you feel nauseous and in desperate need of a shower. Mmmmmmm...fat thighs.....arrrrghgh
  • ThisOldManPlayed1
    17 years ago
    Well, I'm hoping Hillary doesn't get elected, but hell, as "life is a bitch" anyway, might as have one in the White House!!! :-(
    17 years ago
    I actually think she's going to win, I thought that a long time ago. Who else is there? Now ask me if that makes me happy.
  • shadowcat
    17 years ago
    Do you know how Bill could tell when Monica was pissed at him? His cigar tasted like shit. Hillary didn't mind. She is looking foreward to page boys
  • AbbieNormal
    17 years ago
    Any man can be president, but if Hillary wins, I puke.

    17 years ago
    I just came from a book store that had two books about her prominently displayed, one obviously for, the other against. But what was really funny were the pictures of her on the covers, one made her look really gorgeous, but in the other she looked like an old hag. So it was fairly easy to tell what you'd find inside each book. So maybe sometimes you can tell a book by it's cover. But what really amazes me is do people actually by books like those? Why?
  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    Unfortunately, just like the last election, I still haven't heard of any good choices for president.

    To have a big puke fest, the people of the US with alot of foresight (heavy sarcasm) will elect Hillary. Then she'll get pissed off at some foreign tyrant. Then we'll enforce the draft for both men and women up to age 42. Bringing back the draft will increase the chance of going to war. Therefore war will obviously happen afterwards. Taxes will go up as well. The one congressmen trying to bring back the draft thinking it will decrease the chance of war is just plain wrong. Making war cheaper by confiscating the labor of young people only increases the chance our government will want to do that. Get your puke buckets ready.
  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    Or you good just carry around a sign saying, "THE END IS HERE"
  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    Meant to say could instead of good, didn't sleep too much.
  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    On the bright side, if you ever had a stripper you didn't like, just imagine her reaction when she finds out she has been drafted.

    17 years ago
    I think the problem is that the qualities tht it takes to become president are verydifferent from the ones that are required to do the job well. The election process weeds out the best candidates. But that's probably true of the top job in any large organization. We'd almost be better off to select our leaders by lottery.

    Hillary's probably no worse than the other stumblebums we've had recently. It's been a very long time since we've had a strong leader as president. But maybe strong leaders only emerge during major crises, and thankfully it's been a long time since we've had one of those too.
  • Book Guy
    17 years ago
    I usually find myself voting fairly left-wing, but I have to admit that, right now, I can't really imagine myself voting for the Democratic national ticket is Hilary Rodham Clinton is on it for either President OR Vice President. She has a political tin-ear and she manages to surround herself with inept people. (Well, I don't actually know much about her staff; but they sure do a bad job of keeping her foot out of her mouth, so I presume she is being "prepped" poorly.)
    17 years ago
    I have a strong feeling that we're likely to see a major crisis during the next 8 years that far surpases anything that we've seen since WW II, so I hope whoever we elect will be up to it. I think Hillary will win because she's the most skillful politician out there (which is why her husband won) but I have no feel for who she really is, I don't think anyone does. But the thing that worries me the most about her winning is that there are a lot of crazies out there who really hate her. The country doesn't need that again. I think the relative calm that we've enjoyed for the past 40 years is coming to an end. And I'm an optimist.
  • shadowcat
    17 years ago
    I shouldn't get into politices on here because generally I find it out of place and boaring. Well I am bored. So here is my take. I am an Independant. Always have been. But most often I vote Republican. What I look for in a president is a person that can represent us to the other nations. One who understands the problems of international relations. One who can negoaite and one who can take it to war if it is our best interest and be able to take the heat from those that disagree with him but keep it on course. I don't want a goodwill ambassador that gets blow jobs from fat interns. I don't even want BBBJ' from fat strippers. I voted for JFK because I believed that he could do the job. I think that in my lifetime my other favorites were Richard Nixion and Henry Kissinger. I am talking about foreign relations here. Too bad about watergate. I think that LBJ was the worst. NO back bone. Regan was overrated because he was popular. Jimmy Carer did more for this country after he got out of office. The first Bush president, I have mixed emotions about. He could have done better.

    Hillary did not divorce Bill after the Monica escapade. Why? Too much political ambition. She wants to be the firt female president. Maybe she will choose alaBAMA as her running mate. Wouldn't that make for a dynamic duo. I imagine that it would scare the shit out Iran and North Korea. I have 3 runners that I am watching. All republicans. It's a long way to Nov. 2008 but if one of them makes it to the finals, he will get my vote.

    BTW, The reason a put such a heavy load on the president to be great at internation relations, is because I believe the Congress, State governments, county governments and city governments should be able to run the country and let him work on the rest.

    What was the name of the university and city in CA, that led the way in prosting the Viet Nam war, Now I remember. Berkley. After 9/11 and Bush took us into Afganistan one of the SFO newspapers quoted the city council as being opposed to our action. I emailed the mayor and all members of the city council of Berkley. "Well I see that the hippies of the 60's are now running the City Of Berkley. The world trade center and 9/11 were not Viet Nam and that Berkley was the ass hole of the country". I got return emails from 4 of them. All denying that they didn't support our actions and the newspaperss had taken it out of context. Bull shit. I read the articles. I still email my congressmen about pending legilation that has a big impact on my job. Their replies are always prompt but do not answere my questions.

    You will never see an email campaign to fight restictions on stip clubs. There are just too many of us to even admit that we attend them. My son and daughter know but they are they only ones. It is easier to just look the other way. We don't want to be recognizd and maybe be called a pervert. Club management will not support it either. The less the public knows about what goes on in a strip club, the better they like it.

    Ok, next time I post about politics, tell me to put the bottle away and go to bed. shadowcat...
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