
What is the average life span of a stripper posting on here?

Avatar for shadowcat
shadowcatAtlanta suburb

I;ll bet less than 60 days. It's fun at first but then they tire off it.


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Avatar for evilcyn

Shadowcat, I have beat the 60 days at least.

Avatar for Raincoat

Yes Evilcyn, you are the only one sweet enough to tolerate this bunch of ingrates. Thank you for sticking with us. I really appreciate your participation.

Avatar for chandler

So, just like the average customer here, then. 60 days and then they tire of it.

Avatar for chandler

The life cycle of strippers posting actually follows a very predictable 10 Stage course:

Stage 1 - Toe-Dipping: Tentative initial posts. Nothing earthshaking. Only indirectly identifies herself as a stripper.

Stage 2 - Gaining Traction: Posts something that sounds "refreshing" from stripper perspective, gets positive feedback and begins to gain confidence.

Stage 3 - Basking in the Attention: PLs trip over each other to enter into dialog with a real, live online stripper. (Ooh!) Pepper her with questions, sing her praises for deigning to answer.

Stage 4 - Payoff: Discloses where she works. PLs on pilgramage report back how she's every bit as wonderful in person.

Stage 5 - Holding Court: Now a board celebrity, she attains full princess status. Threads are titled after her. Every word receives gushing praise.

Stage 6 - Backlash: Some cynics get sick of all the fawning, and the princess gets bored with both the cynics and the ass-kissers. Big ugly turmoil ensues.

Stage 7 - Rehab: Every life cycle should have this stage. Not sure what happens here.

Stage 8 - Diminishing Returns: Begins to realize the first wave of pilgrims are as good a payoff as she's ever gonna see for all her slumming with the boys.

Stage 9 - Fade Out: Only posts you see for a while are occasional "I'm still here" reminders, then nothing.

Stage 10 - Beatification: After some time, we notice she's not around anymore. Then, it's, "Remember Princess? She was wonderful. How come we never get dancers like her to post here anymore?"

I haven't seen anything past Stage 5 on this board, but I've seen 6-10 enough times on other boards to know they are bound to follow.

Avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy

The female attention whore is not unusual on many other male-dominated forums across the internet.

Avatar for evilcyn

So chandler, what stage am I at ????

Avatar for chandler

Full Princess and board celebrity, my liege. When the fireworks begin, remember who warned you.

Avatar for LilMama

Surely you guys are worth more than 8 weeks of entertainment.

Avatar for chandler

That would be #5. Stage 6 is just around the corner.

Avatar for ThisOldManPlayed1

evilcyn is at the TOP of the stage! Hey girl.... going to drive up and try and see you again! Miss those mystic eyes and ...... uh..... ahhh...

... oh yeah.... that BOD!!! Licks!

Avatar for JC2003

Men here are such suck-ups when it comes to strippers posting here.

Avatar for AbbieNormal

JC, we just get tired of hearing each other yak about the same stuff all the time. Sucking up is just a reflex to keep someone posting. I always found the best way to be a great conversationalist on a date was just to let the girl talk, injecting as much as was needed to keep her talking. Same theory here, but you can't just look interested, you have to give some feedback.

P.S. that is a joke.

Avatar for casualguy

One big thing has changed though. The ignore feature has eliminated the trolls that constantly harassed anything they didn't like. Actually they may still be lurking but it's hard to know since I put them on ignore a year or so ago. I have thought about no longer posting here as well. I seem to keep coming back though. Guess there are too many places left on the net where I feel it's ok to talk about strippers and things of a sexual nature. At least not where I visit.

I enjoy reading about some new blood talk about something different here. The rest of us just keep rehashing some of the same ol same ol. I would like it if strippers could post pics of themselves here. This site seems to be so devoid of pics. Not that I want it to slow down.

Avatar for casualguy

meant to say there are not too many places left on the net. It would be nice if there was a temporary edit feature to these posts so that I could go back and fix typos for at least an hour or so after posting.

Avatar for casualguy

It's no joke that someone may think you're a great talker when you merely let them do most of the talking. I wouldn't be surprised if many experienced strippers already knew that. I don't know how many dancers will act interested in something they aren't just because they think the guy wants to talk about it. I find it a bit hard to carry on a conversation if the other person has no clue of what you are talking about.

Avatar for lopaw

Most strippers post once or twice & are never heard from again. Any that are still posting now are most likely at Stage 9.

(With the exception of LilMama, who just came on board, right?)

Avatar for evilcyn

Well I have already gone through backlash on a thread with BookGuy, so I maybe in rehab at this point. It has become part of my morning computer routine so maybe I am just at an addiction stage...

Avatar for chandler

Addiction could be the wild card the 10 Stage theory doesn't account for. Are you sure you're a stripper, Cyn? Perhaps rehab can send you back to Stage 3 all over again, and past the 60 day entertainment barrier.

Avatar for evilcyn

Chandler, no i just randomly take my clothes off for long hours at a time..LOL This is one site of my many morning routine, Sometimes theres nothing for me to post on, then other days, it seems every new thread I have something I want to say... Those days I am on and off of here all day..

Avatar for chandler

I thought stripper morning routines started around 2 PM.

BTW, my attitude towards encouraging strippers to post here is that they (you) will stay with it if they find the discussions stimulating and fun, not because we give them special treatment, constantly thank them, etc. And really, anybody - stripper or not - who needs hand holding and runs away because an unkind word gets posted probably wasn't going to contribute much regardless.

That said, I understand that the sucking up AN defends (however jokingly) is naturally to be expected and put up with. Sometimes it does get pretty thick though.

Avatar for evilcyn

Yes, I do find alot of them very interesting, some I have read that I have enjoied, just didn't feel I had any input that was valid, or would get at least a little chuckle.. My morning starts at 6 am most days to many things out there to do to waste it sleeping all day..

Avatar for kneelmm

ok evilcyn, at the risking of moving you along the stages too quickly, where do you dance? I always like strippers with a brain as well as a body.

Avatar for evilcyn

kneelmm, I am in Northern Ohio. Email me, and we will go from there..

Avatar for HoneyDewMelons

been here since 2021 on and off..more frequent since january

Avatar for nicespice

I’ve been posting on the discussion board in one way or another for six years. I think blah’s been posting around as long as that as well? And ninabambina has been kinda quiet lately, but I wouldn’t be surprised if she pops back in again at some point and she has/had been posting intermittently for slightly over a decade and has the record of the most prolific.

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