
Comments by ThisOldManPlayed1 (page 35)

  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Private Messaging?
    Yeah, a chatroom would be a great addition to the website. Later on, might even add camera capabilities.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Would you consider a club that overpriced dances a scam??
    I am aware of clubs setting dance prices for their girls, but I believe these prices are guidelines in most cases. How many times have we heard from a dancer, "My dances are usually $30, but for you, I do them for $20". If the girls NEED da' money, they will negotiate.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Favorite porno stars
    I can't you people are so PERVERTED to watch porn!!! LOL Actually, my ALL TIME favorite porn actress is and always will be MARILYN CHAMBERS (the Ivory Snow baby). Why, she was the FIRST porn actress to DEEP THROAT in a porn film. The porn flick "DEEP THROAT" had a stupid & funny plot (clitoris in back of her throat), was the first nationally broadcasted (in adult theaters) that explicitly showed penetration and oral stimulation, that I am aware of! Very CLASSIC film!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Costumes, Slutty Outfits or just Bikinis?
    Costumes ----- for Halloween Bikinis ----- for swimming Slutty Outfits ----- to get my interest
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    The bare look
    I like my dancers & partners to be shaven. It's very EMBARASSING when I go to the dentist and he starts pulling pubic hairs from between my teeth!!!!!!!!!!!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Help I dont know how to delete my account...
    Casualguy HIT THE NAIL RIGHT ON THE HEAD! Don't change your routine around the wifey! Women, somehow, tend to monitor our CHANGES as if they have built-in RADAR! After clubbing, stop off on the way home and wash up, get all that perfume & pussy smell off you. Wives have "increased" sensory perception when suspcious, especially in the odor area. Other recommendation, change your email address; change your password to this site and email accounts; change your TUSCL handle if you can. Last recommendation, dump/divorce the wifey and join us addicted sick bastards who live for clubbing, and club to live. - - - ummmm, in thinking about this..... forget the this last recommendation! :-)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    What does it take for you to remember a dancer?
    Like most of you, I don't try to remember strippers' names (except to post a review). Their physical make up and my experience with them are more important, and will tell me if I want another round with them. And......... no, I ain't going into that either!!!! :-( LOL
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Thanks to a Hero - unrelated website topic
    You're welcome casualguy and FONDL. Thanks for taking the time to read the post. Thought it appropriate for Memorial Day. BG - I always welcome people's comments about current events, no matter whether I agree with them or not. Glad you responded. As we all know, the Middle East action is very controversial, whether you agree with this military action or not. But, I am very proud to see that everyone "SUPPORTS THE TROOPS", since they are being directed by politicians and "SERVING THEIR COUNTRY". "FREEDOM" comes at a price and that has been proven over the past hundreds of years, since we have become a nation. We had to fight for our independence (to be free) of British rule. Americans have fought in foreign wars so others would be free. Americans continue to fight so that "OUR FREEDOM" is not jeopardize and so that "OTHERS" can enjoy the aspects of "FREEDOM" as we have for hundreds of years. Agree or disagree.... the point is "FREEDOM" is sacred and many sacrefices have been made by AMERICANS and OTHERS to ensure as many people in THIS WORLD can live FREE of oppression, dominance, and terror. I ask all of us to take ONE MINUTE (60 seconds) out of our day today in rememberance of our fallen BROTHERS and SISTERS, so they can continue to rest in peace. God bless.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Private Messaging?
    Absolute and like driver01 said, with a block system. Excellent idea founder. Another first for TUSCL!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    I think I need a new hobby!
    david120..... clubbing is a hobby, ain't it? LOL Anyway, I have similar experiences like that also, which ends up reminding me I ain't been to a strip club lately. That feeling sticks with me till I hit a club, then I'm back to normal...... if normal is normal.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    The Return of Bones
    Christ Techman..... you make me feel like a 'young punk'... at 60! LOL Thanks for the welcome. Did a couple road trips to Louisville last year. Spent good amount of $$$$$ clubbing and getting my share of EXTRAS. Only thing I hated about KY (Kentucky - not jelly) was the clubs charging very high dancer drinks! Another way for the club to make $$$$. Tech... June 7th & 8th is bad for me, as I will be hangin' around my sexy babe during that time. However, Louisville is only a 5 hour drive from me, so keep me informed of the next trip & I'll see if I can make that one. Be a lot of fun, no doubt.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Ohio Bill 16
    Highlights of the bill with a little comedy added. It also institutes a no-touch rule between patrons and nude or partially nude dancers. It would be a first-degree misdemeanor to touch someone's clothed or unclothed private parts and a fourth-degree misdemeanor to touch other body parts.------ Does this mean that I can't shake the hand of my fellow patron I meed in the club??? Does this mean I get arrested for pulling my zipper down when I go to the bathroom??? Phil Burress of Citizens for Community Values, the Cincinnati-based group that collected 120,000 voter signatures to put the issue before the General Assembly, said, "It's not everything we wanted, but it moves the ball down the field quite a bit."------- Would Phil Burress like to transform us all back to VIRGINS??? "The governor believes that the most important issues facing Ohio are job creation, improving the education system and expanding access to health care. He is looking forward to bringing the issues back to those issues of great importance to Ohioans," Dailey said.------ Job creation???? HAH! He's taking THOUSANDS of jobs away on this bill!!!! Well, I may be STUCK in this friggin' state for awhile, but Michigan, Indiana, West Virginia, Pennsylvania, and Kentucky aren't that far away!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    High priced drinks... A rip off
    Same as magicrat. While at the PP in Columbia, I also ordered a Grey Goose and Red Bull. She came back with it and a $7 charge! After that, I resorted to sipping longnecks all afternoon and all night long. What a RIP OFF! In the long run, if they lowered their drink prices, they'd probably make more money in the long run, by selling more drinks. The more drinks sold and drank, the better the chances for the girls to make good money. Then again, since when did a SC give a shit about their dancers? NEVER!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Totally forgetting a stripper who says she knows you?
    david120 - I agree with BG. Nothing weird about keeping a spreadsheet. I look at SCing as a hobby also. I wonder if "Founder" would consider instituing a 'spreadsheet' on this site. NAH, better not, mentioning things about a particular dancer might turn to 'slander'. :-)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    The Return of Bones
    Hey shadowcat, that "OTHER" old fart I sometimes hang with! Thongs have expanded to black, red, white, and pink. The ladies LUV 'em! Private stock at CAE? Hmmm.. well soon as they put their hands under my thongs, they won't remain private anymore! Might have another South Chapter meeting at your favorite hangout soon. But, at gas prices, will non-rev and count on you picking my ass up at the A/P. Might even have to share motel room, so get a door knocking code ready for when you OTC with one or two of those HOT bitches from the club!!! If we all showed up at a meet, we can plan an ORGY with the sluttiest dancer we find!!! Hey BG! Been keeping up with your posts. I usually have to take a smoke break half-way through them. I get good use of my dictionary also! LOL You're one of the few that regularly adds comments, so keep "it up". The comments that is. :-) Thanks for the congrats. Thanks for the 'wb' casualguy. Yeah, Dad's doing great, a little slow, but "moves on out" when he's on the fairways! In his life time, he's had 3 hole-in-ones and a double eagle. I went golfing with him 3 weeks ago, and his score was lower than mine..... that's all I'm gonna' say about that! @#$%#@&*@ !!!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Some Humor on Ohio Bill 16
    A note to all OHIO politicians and all those PURIST citizens of OHIO: A personal thanks to you all for allowing me to SAVE money! Problem is... I will be taking it OUT OF STATE to spend on strippers! Next year when you find your STATE in a deficit crisis, don't EVEN think about allowing strip clubs in your STATE anymore. You all blew it when you enacted this Bill 16 and lost millions of incoming dollars! And finally for all you OHIO purists who vote in decency laws and standards...... don't ever light up a cigarette, don't ever take a drink, don't you ever take you clothes off in front of anyone again, and by all means..... don't EVER say a curse word! OHIO - The Holy Land!!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    The Return of Bones
    Thanks trojangreg. I'm currently living in Ohio with my Dad and probably will continue to do so for awhile. I do make trips (non-rev flights) back to Memphis couple times a month to check on in-laws and mow my lawn. Thanks magicrat. I believe the 'other' issue had been worked out. No more word from 'that' other party. Send me an email when you get a chance friend.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    High priced drinks... A rip off
    I'm not all that concern with alcohol prices in a club, as I have learned to 'sip' my drinks. I'd rather see the LD prices lower!! By the way, a liter of beer at the Oktoberfest in Munich, Germany runs 13 Euro Dollars (about $14.00). I'll be finding out if the price increased at the end of this September.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    College student strips for her thesis, academic stripping
    casualguy wrote - ""A lot of these women are doing this to support their families. Several of them are single mothers. They work very hard at a job that can be quite tiresome," Heineman said I'm with Heineman - I just ordered a T-shirt from http://tshirthell.com/ that shows a silloette (sp?) of a strip on a pole with the words "I support single moms" below it. When I get it, I'm gonna' start wearing it to the clubs! All kind of funny T-shirts on this website, for both guys and gals.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Do You Dance?
    Well, even at age 60, I still dance. I've been told that I am a pretty good dancer. I try and stay tuned to the latest dances, but also dance to the older themes like, disco dancing, etc. I don't relate my dancing to naked ladies in a strip club though. However, watching my share of strippers, I've picked up a few pointers that I have used on the dance floor. :-)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Stripper Review
    Welcome aboard Alex! You joined the best strip club website in existance. Enjoy yourself here and feel free to ask questions, as we are all a helpful and friendly bunch of "joes" - and "janes". :-)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Totally forgetting a stripper who says she knows you?
    Just a few months ago, returning to Christie's Cabaret in Memphis once afternoon, a dancer approached me and started berating me for promising her a LD on my last visit. I could not remember this bimbo from Adam (or rather should I say Eve). I don't know if this was a trick of hers to get me to buy a LD, but it didn't work. I don't like pushy dancers.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Some Humor on Ohio Bill 16
    Read in the Columbus Dispatch today, an editorial that certain Ohio politicians were asked if they ever visited a strip club. Most said yes with one big denial. 6 foot rule, close at midnight to include Adult book stores! What a crime! Ohio generates 37 million $$$ in taxes and fees every year from their strip clubs. Now they're voting to eliminate $37 mil income for the state? LAUGH!! Now that I am 'having' to live in Ohio for awhile, I guess I'll be saving a lot of money for my visits OUTSIDE THIS FRIGGING STATE!!!!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    More erotic adventures of shadowcat. Proceed with caution.
    I can't blame shadowcat for what he did. I remember my very first road trip to Texas and Oklahoma in spring 2006. After leaving a SC in OK city, I picked up a prostitue walking the street and got a BBBJ for $60 in my car. - Now that was stupid of me, as it could have been a STING OPERATION, as we see on COPS. But, it wasn't. Adding more stupidity.... I drove to a drug house so she could purchase some drugs with the money. It's amazing what a man, especially an old man like me, will go through when we're really really horny!!! But, since I lucked out one time in my life without going to jail, I won't do it again!!!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    This is a review?
    clubber - not meaning to hurt any feelings bud, but have you looked at your past reviews lately?