
She does HJ's, She does BJ's, She will do full service OTC.

Atlanta suburb
Monday, May 7, 2007 5:53 PM
Why do strippers tell you this stuff? Dont't they realized that it is counerproductive to them? Or are they just setting you straight on what to expect from them???


  • founder
    17 years ago
    I think they're setting you straight when they tell you that. Money saving made easy, huh? ;)
    17 years ago
    I think they say this stuff about other girls (I assume that's what you're talking about) as a put down in an attempt to make themselves feel better about what they are doing. Their thinking is, "I'm not so bad, I'm better than she is."
  • shadowcat
    17 years ago
    FONDL, Let me clear that up. Yes, I was refering to what they say about other dancers.
  • Yoda
    17 years ago
    I agree with FONDL. When a dancer tells you what another dancer does OTC it is often BS to make herself feel better about her own indiscretions. The reality is that the chances are just as good that the girl telling tales is guilty of the bad behavior.
  • ThisOldManPlayed1
    17 years ago
    Maybe they're telling you this about other dancers two-fold: either they are putting down other dancers because they don't like them; or they're letting you know up front, that THEY aren't into giving HJs, BJs, or FS OTC or ITC. The latter has been my experience.
  • chandler
    17 years ago
    Whatever her reason may be, like IGU I wonder how she gets the idea that *we* will hear it as a putdown and not a recommendation. I usually try to look like I'm saddened to hear this. I'll shake my head and say how shocking, then ask if she happens to know what the poor tramp charges to perform these shameful acts.
  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    hmmm, I never hear dancers say this about other dancers. A long, long time ago in a land far, far, away, or simply several years ago I did overhear one dancer talk about one dancer and simply say "she's nasty." Of course I didn't know what she was talking about.
  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    Actually I really haven't had any dancers tell me this. It wouldn't surprise me if one dancer was trying to get another dancer in trouble. Maybe they even know you might post their name on the net and really get them in trouble saying dancer x will give you a really good time OTC when the truth is they won't and they just don't like the other dancer. Lots to speculate on here. I can just imagine one dancer smiling as the dancer she told about suddenly gets a bunch of guys asking her how much for a BJ and she goes on griping about it. Sounds like a sneaky thing to do a dancer might try. On the other hand speculating a different way, maybe a dancer was correct and simply confiding in you and warning you about possible sexual diseases the other dancer may have. What is funny is that while the dancer is trying to present an undesirable image of another dancer, as evidenced by this thread, about half the guys will be wondering, how much does she charge?
    17 years ago
    I've never heard a dancer say stuff like that about other dancers by name, but I have heard tham say stuff like that about "some of the other girls here" or about the girls working at another club. As in, "I'd never work there, the girls there all give BJs in the back room." And I'm old enough to remember when that's what the parking lot was for.
  • 99Intrepid
    17 years ago
    Back in March, a dancer I thought was "Different" (i.e. Not a BS-Artist) told me another dancer was out for a month due to a mutilating tit-job performed on her by a Russian surgeon in Brooklyn. Not three weeks later, I saw the "victim" - her tits looked like they always did...She spent April in Russia with her family (showed me the pics too). Like I've said before, lying is as natural as breathing to these girls.
  • Book Guy
    17 years ago
    Sad but true, 99. And one way to get "in" with certain girls, is to convince her that you think of her as "special" or "not like the other ones." That's a high priority for any woman, but more so among strippers, where they regularly experience men whose affections are so obviously only skin-deep.
  • 99Intrepid
    17 years ago
    I knew this call-girl/hooker back in the early 1990s - Same shit. I even TOLD her (and I felt it was true) that she wasn't like the others prowling around the west side of Manhattan. She said she liked hearing it because it was so rare - Then she pulled the biggest sex rip-off on me I've had yet. After that I kept it real and have ever since. There is NO SHAME in this - These girls break their supple asses for the money - IT BE A BUSINESS Y'ALL!! And we either fill an intimacy void, or (in my case) get a rush only variety can give you.
  • Book Guy
    17 years ago
    Yeah, depends on the girl. In fact, nearly any girl can "turn" on you, from a legitimately intimate friend (who also provides services for money) to a scam-artist. Doesn't mean you can't make her a legitimately intimate friend, though. Her response to you, and therefore her likelihood of scamming, is continually modulated by a variety of mitigating factors, both under your control and entirely outside of it. In fact, one of the wisest statements I ever heard about dating civilian women was, that she does not care about your track record. How well or poorly you did by her six hours ago bears no relation to whether or not she approved of you enough to fuck you starting six minutes ago.
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