
More on Ohio Senate Bill 16

Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
I was in Cleveland all week on business. I didn't have a chance to practice my hobby, but did read an interesting article in the newspaper.

The good news is that it looks like the bill might die in an Ohio House Committee due to some constitutional concerns. Strip clubs add $250 million to the Ohio economy each year! How can the legislature shut-down such a lucrative business sector?

Here is why the bill is so riduculous and should (hopefully) die:

--The 6 ft. barrier law would apply to strippers at all times even when they are done with their shifts and are fully clothed. The 6 ft rule would apply even on their days off (if they came to the club to visit.)

--The law would shut down clubs at mid-night.


  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    If I lived in Ohio, I would make sure not to vote for any of the people considering this. It's a waste of taxpayer money even messing with this bill. I mean the people of Ohio want to raise their taxes 250 million to compensate for the loss of revenue from a legitimate business? Many people are already facing real problems such as home mortgage loan problems and other real problems. Real wages haven't increased hardly any. Gas prices are skyrocketing. Yet the people governing Ohio are considering making their police force take out tape measures and visit strip clubs to possibly enforce this potential law. That means less cops fighting real crime. Just goes to show some elected officials aren't that smart or else they enjoy wasting taxpayer money. hmmm, I wonder how much the state of Ohio would pay police officers to enfore a 6 ft rule. It doesn't really sound like a bad job hanging out in a strip club maybe even bring a flashlight along to get a better look at the stripper titties to measure the distance between a guy and those titties. Just think, this is what the people of Ohio will be paying their police to do. The police in my state go after real criminals.
  • DandyDan
    17 years ago
    That would be absolutely terrible. This is what happens when the Morality Police fling money at legislators. I have no idea what they think they are trying to prevent. Dancers will just go to Michigan or some other nearby state to get their money.
    17 years ago
    Guys, you have to understand that a lot of times bills like this are introduced with no intention of trying to pass them. It's just a way to make a statement or to appease some group of supporters. Happens all the time. Unless it has the backing of leadership in both houses, and stuff like this rarely does, it's nothing to worry about.
  • Book Guy
    17 years ago
    Kind of like that thing about weapons of mass destruction. Nobody introducing it actually thought that most of Congress would BELIEVE them ...
  • ThisOldManPlayed1
    17 years ago
    FONDL is very correct in his statement. Introduction of bills by either houses is merely expressing an idea to the public via politicians. Not that it isn't serious business, it is. It still takes the governor to sign it into law.

    By the way, after submitting emails to Ohio reps on this bill, I have gotten a lot of auto-generated emails sent to me, it's almost like spam!
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