To share strip club/stripper information or not?

avatar for shadowcat
Atlanta suburb
I ran into Pop recently at our favorite club. We discussed the club rating. He said that he thought that the club was becoming too popular and this was not a good thing. It was bringing in a lot of new guys. Competition for us. It was also bringing in a lot of new dancers. ROB's. Rising prices on private dances, etc. He said that he would continue to do reviews on the club and give it "10's". When I first started going to this club almost 6 years ago, it wasn't even in the Top 40. Now it hanges around the Top 10. Back then dance prices were stable and reasonable. Not so now. Oh, I still get good prices because I am well known and appreciated for my repeat business. This from my favorite dancers, of course. Reviews from myself, shekitout and Pop and a retired dancer named Carter brought this club into its popularity. Was it a mistake? Should I have kept my mouth shut? Would the club be better now? I dont want to spend $6.75 for a Miller lite, like Pop did recently at Treasures in Houston and I don't want to spend $40 for a single lap dance like minnow did recently In a CA club. Like Pop, I will continue to plug my favorite club. I can stay away from the ROBs by staying with my favorites and I can stand the customer competition. I just know too many dancers here.

Dancer names: I don't share my favorites names in reviews, on the club discussion board or on this discusion board. This keeps their trust in me and keeps my dance prices down and mileage up. Most of my favorites know that I post on TUSCL and some of them are familar with this site and sometimes check it out. The word travels fast throughout the club when a dancers name is mentioned. Especially if it involves extras. I do have an elite group of fellow TUSCLers that I totally trust, that I share names and expierences with by email.

Now in clubs that I don't give a shit about, things are different...


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avatar for InDenial
18 years ago
i highly doubt your reviews bring any more traffic to "your" club than normal. in fact, i would say that no more than 1-2% of total club patrons have even heard of this site, yet alone frequent it.
avatar for chandler
18 years ago
I agree. Reviews on TUSCL don't have enough effect on a club's popularity to make that a consideration when you post. The strippers make a club a success, not reviews by customers.
avatar for shadowcat
18 years ago
chandler: I agree. What you don't understand is that Carter made this club. She had guys driving hundreds of miles just to see her. She had it all. Looks,personality, intellegence, sexuallity. She was my ATF and shekitouts too and I don't know how many more. There were those who said that the club would fail without her. When she quit the business on Oct 23, 2003, the club discussion board finished up the year in the #2 position on clubs with the most chat. Why? It was all about her. ShotDisc at first had problems with this but since has accepted it as real. She made the club. The rest of us just promoted her and the club. When she quit the business the club did not die. We found new toys to play with and continued posting good reviews. It grew and grew and in spite of what you say, it was through reviews that it got to where it is.

You didn't answer my question. Only attacked my post as unbelieveable. There are at least 3 of us that know I speak the truth...
avatar for chandler
18 years ago
I tried to answer your question, not attack anything. I don't disbelieve what you say. It just sounds like you have an inflated impression of the effect your posts have. At any rate, my answer was to go ahead and share information about your club.
avatar for DougS
18 years ago
I've always promoted my favorite clubs... I like to know that I visit clubs that are routinely in the top 40, if not top 10.

There are several reasons why I am very careful about mentioning dancers that I like, in particular my ATF. I realize that I could mention names and perhaps increase their business a little. However, I would really be disappointed if I visited a club and a favorite was too busy to spend time with me.

For that reason, plus the fact that I when I'm missing being with my ATF, I don't want to help OTHER guys spend time with her, I will never mention her name on TUSCL again...
avatar for magicrat
18 years ago
I agree totally about being careful mentioning specific dancers, especially if it includes service above the norm. These posts are out there for a long time and anyone can read them. The potential is there for a seemingly innocent post to come back and bite you in the butt if the wrong person reads it. Remember, there are lots of wacko's out there.
avatar for pop
18 years ago
IGU, what I meant was that it may not be a good thing to be on that top 10 list because it may bring extra attention that we don't want. Certainly popularity is a good thing. More customers (with money) bring in more dancers which brings in more customers. Many of those clubs on the top 10 list are places where extras are widely available and that is not the attraction at platinum plus. It's a great club where we get great value for our money (with really loud music). It's not as good a value as it was a few years ago, but that's what Ken wood calls progress. I don't need any credit for popularizing the club. I think the credit goes to the dancers. Although Carter was unique, there were and are other great dancers at the club who have made it a great experience.
avatar for shadowcat
18 years ago
Pop: Sorry If I misunderstood you. Are you saying that it is best to stay out of the top ten but stay in the top 40? Mathmatically, Since I am no longer credited with the shadowcats reviews, I can make an impact on the rating. Should I aim to keep it out of the top ten with low reviews? I'll be in the club next month on the 15th-17th. Hope to see you and any other fellow TUSCLers that can make it.
avatar for shadowcat
18 years ago
Pop: you are right. She was so very fucking unique that the only people that could understand how unique she was, would have to have met her. Do you remember the NASCAR suit or the green oriental dress that she bought in the Phillipines, when she went there with her mother to clear up her aunts estate? Do you remember The first review that I wrote about a dancer in a black dress. That is when the club ratings started to move up. I remember that you thought that I was full of shit and that Cool Hand Luke was way ahead of me. But all of us PL's that loved her and called her ATF got burned by the candle just like the moth. But we have a lot of new toys now. Don't we?
avatar for casualguy
18 years ago
I was once a weekly regular at PP in Columbia. This was several years ago. I didn't even know about this web site and am not sure if it even existed back then. The name Carter means nothing except I get Christmas cards from the Jimmy Carter foundation or something like that every year it seems. As far as ROB's go, I think they appear routinely in any large club. It's just if you're a regular, you already have your favorites and brush off most of the new girls pretty fast unless they make a favorable impression on you. If Columbia had a decent nude club, I might become a regular here again. I would just avoid two dancers I didn't click with. I was a regular when another nude club was open in Columbia. I would visit there and stop by at PP.

The reviews on here do matter somewhat to me. There are clubs in Augusta I have never visited simply due to never reading anything that great about them.
avatar for Pete22z
18 years ago
I think it's counter-productive to give out really explicit details about a good dancer. The last thing I'd ever want to do is get her in trouble regardless of how remote the chances may be. If a dancer happens to go the extra mile, the least I could do is keep it between us. On the other hand, I do try to give good reviews to clubs that I want to do well. Of course, the actual effect of a good but tame review is probably negigible -- the negative reviews probably have a greater impact than the positive ones.
avatar for FONDL
18 years ago
Two of the most positive reviews I've ever written were quickly followed by negative ones from someone else - in both cases they claimed to have visited a place because of my review and were disappointed. One of them even accused me of being the club manager or something and writing a phony review. So what's the point? (I've always thought that particular review was my most memorable - it started out something like, "For the past 30 years we've been searching for lap dance nirvana. Tonight we found it." I thought that was kinda clever but someone didn't agree. Such is life.)
avatar for ThisOldManPlayed1
18 years ago
I agree with the majority of you, in that it is counter-productive to give out really explicit details about dancers. BELIVE ME when I say this, I have gotten BURNED for doing this such thing on this website! After having certain reviews REMOVED, I'll never get explicit in another review, BUT, will work around it some way!
avatar for FONDL
18 years ago
I think I've only ever mentioned 2 dancers by name in reviews, and that wasn't because of anything extra that they did (in fact neither one ever did anything illegal) but because they were really special - drop dead gorgeous (both 10s) and exceptionally pleasant. I've never mentioned my ATF by name here and never will.
avatar for pop
18 years ago
IGU, I don't see any reason to change your reviews or any reason to try to make the club seem better or worse than it is. My reviews are simply a factual account of my experience while keeping things fairly nonspecific when it comes to dancers and dances. If there are ever any problems I'll just stop posting them.
avatar for shadowcat
18 years ago
Thanks Pop. I will contiune to post reviews,just like I have. But you and I will know that we have found the golden nugget.
avatar for apesht45
18 years ago
The whole point of this message board? To SHARE information.

Thinking your reviews actually influnce a club's traffic? You PRETENDING that you are someone important or more knowledgeable than you are.
avatar for 99Intrepid
18 years ago
This whole site is based on guys sharing information. Us guys in the NYC area need as much help as we can get. Posting club names and the names of girls who go the extra inches are invaluable.
avatar for 99Intrepid
18 years ago
This whole site is based on guys sharing information. Us guys in the NYC area need as much help as we can get. Posting club names and the names of girls who go the extra inches are invaluable.
avatar for someyoungguysomeyoungguy
I don't want to get any good girls in trouble, but I agree. TUSCL, IMHO, is a site by and for stripclubbers, bottom line. And I want to visit TUSCL for the lowdown on what a particular club is like -- and what the dancers are like and how their dances are. The more information to enhance my perception of a given SC, the better, and like it or not, it helps to know if so-and-so will give me a lapdance that'll rock my world. If I have reason to believe that "outing" a good dancer will jeapordize her employment (or worse), I'll leave it out. But if you leave a name out, what good is a recommendation, especially if she is an absolutely clean dancer?

Maybe we can find some common ground here: We should post the names of strippers who are bad, either because they tried to cheat you out of your money or their LD's are terrible. I know I've been deficient when it comes to putting girls on our shit lists, but if you guys agree to try, so will I. (Actually, I'll emphasize doing it anyway.)
avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy
18 years ago
Definitely always post as much specific about a bad experience as possible, IMO.

About a good experience? If it's more than legal or simply more than club rules, then you get into tricky areas. I think readers here have a right to expect some certain level of information in a review -- otherwise TUSCL has no reason to exist! -- but I think we all, as members of a strip-club-positive community, also have a responsibility to keep the fun flowing for all, by not risking a dancer's disapproval of her manager, or a club's disapproval of the local authorities. So there's a fine line to tread, a careful balancing act.
avatar for FONDL
18 years ago
In general I try never to allude to anything that's illegal. But I also agree with whoever said that if I like a club (or girl) I'm very careful what I say, but if the place (or girl) sucks I don't much care if they get in trouble.
avatar for chandler
18 years ago
For both good and bad experiences, I think it's far more helpful to describe what happened than it is to name the dancer. The more experiences we read about, the better we can learn to find the good strippers and avoid the bitches. You'll never learn anything by trying to memorize dancers' names.
avatar for someyoungguysomeyoungguy
chandler, if I'm going to a club you reviewed, say, three weeks ago, knowing the names of good and bad dancers would be very important. And while it's important to hone your skills in picking out a good dancer, I think it's my duty to cut my fellow brothers some slack and cut to the chase by providing a name.
avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy
18 years ago
The thing about "knowing the names" is, that depending on the club, the information is simply a set of red herrings. Girls change their names quite often in some places; and several girls dance under the same nam in others. For example, at Mons Venus in Tampa, it's almost idiotic to try to find one specific Christie, unless you have a good description of her and preferably of when she'll be working next. But finding Evil Cyn at her club would be easily done on the basis of her stage name alone.
avatar for chandler
18 years ago
Someyoungguy, you asked what good a review can be without dancer names, and that's my answer. Remembering names isn't the point for me. If you want to take a shortcut, that may be fine for you, but that's the last thing I'd want to do. It would mean missing out on all the highs and lows of discovering my kind of strippers for myself.
avatar for someyoungguysomeyoungguy
Well, remembering names is an important point for me (and it's something I still need to work on; my review for Dallas' Lodge is coming up, and I'll be damned if I didn't write the names down, so I apologize to all in advance). It is nice to find your own strippers, but even then I would share their names to TUSCL to get their good words out. Besides, "a tall, leggy brunette with a nice rack" might help keep her identity a secret, but if someone's going to be that vague, one might as well not describe her at all. Our mileage varies.

BG, you bring up a good point: describe her as well as give her name. But I haven't come across a situation where a dancer changes her name every night. Why do that and confuse any potential sugar daddies?
avatar for FONDL
18 years ago
I'm like Chandler, I have no interest in remembering names from some review. My main purpose in reading reviews before visiting an unfamiliar town is to get a feel for what each club is so I can decide which ones to try. And since my tastes in clubs and girls probably aren't very typical, I often like clubs that others don't and vice versa. For example, a friendly laid-back atmosphere is much more important to me than high mileage.
avatar for chandler
18 years ago
Someyoungguy: A description of the stripper helps me picture the experience I'm reading about better than her name does. I'm interested in gaining a feel for the kind of things that can happen at the club, not in trying to literally repeat the experience for myself.
avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy
18 years ago
In particular, I appreciate knowing whether the stripper in question has fake breasts or not; and where her "style" falls along the ultra-glam-made-up to girl-next-door continuum; and whether she's appreciated mostly by men who like voluptuous women or by men who like lithe and slight women. Those descriptions seem to be a major determining factor in whether MY enjoyment can readily mimic that which was had by the REVIEWER. If he likes big women with fake tits who are extremely cosmetic, and he says "all the girls at club X are hot," then I know that I might not like club X.
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