To share strip club/stripper information or not?
Atlanta suburb
I ran into Pop recently at our favorite club. We discussed the club rating. He said that he thought that the club was becoming too popular and this was not a good thing. It was bringing in a lot of new guys. Competition for us. It was also bringing in a lot of new dancers. ROB's. Rising prices on private dances, etc. He said that he would continue to do reviews on the club and give it "10's". When I first started going to this club almost 6 years ago, it wasn't even in the Top 40. Now it hanges around the Top 10. Back then dance prices were stable and reasonable. Not so now. Oh, I still get good prices because I am well known and appreciated for my repeat business. This from my favorite dancers, of course. Reviews from myself, shekitout and Pop and a retired dancer named Carter brought this club into its popularity. Was it a mistake? Should I have kept my mouth shut? Would the club be better now? I dont want to spend $6.75 for a Miller lite, like Pop did recently at Treasures in Houston and I don't want to spend $40 for a single lap dance like minnow did recently In a CA club. Like Pop, I will continue to plug my favorite club. I can stay away from the ROBs by staying with my favorites and I can stand the customer competition. I just know too many dancers here.
Dancer names: I don't share my favorites names in reviews, on the club discussion board or on this discusion board. This keeps their trust in me and keeps my dance prices down and mileage up. Most of my favorites know that I post on TUSCL and some of them are familar with this site and sometimes check it out. The word travels fast throughout the club when a dancers name is mentioned. Especially if it involves extras. I do have an elite group of fellow TUSCLers that I totally trust, that I share names and expierences with by email.
Now in clubs that I don't give a shit about, things are different...
Dancer names: I don't share my favorites names in reviews, on the club discussion board or on this discusion board. This keeps their trust in me and keeps my dance prices down and mileage up. Most of my favorites know that I post on TUSCL and some of them are familar with this site and sometimes check it out. The word travels fast throughout the club when a dancers name is mentioned. Especially if it involves extras. I do have an elite group of fellow TUSCLers that I totally trust, that I share names and expierences with by email.
Now in clubs that I don't give a shit about, things are different...
You didn't answer my question. Only attacked my post as unbelieveable. There are at least 3 of us that know I speak the truth...
There are several reasons why I am very careful about mentioning dancers that I like, in particular my ATF. I realize that I could mention names and perhaps increase their business a little. However, I would really be disappointed if I visited a club and a favorite was too busy to spend time with me.
For that reason, plus the fact that I when I'm missing being with my ATF, I don't want to help OTHER guys spend time with her, I will never mention her name on TUSCL again...
The reviews on here do matter somewhat to me. There are clubs in Augusta I have never visited simply due to never reading anything that great about them.
Thinking your reviews actually influnce a club's traffic? You PRETENDING that you are someone important or more knowledgeable than you are.
Maybe we can find some common ground here: We should post the names of strippers who are bad, either because they tried to cheat you out of your money or their LD's are terrible. I know I've been deficient when it comes to putting girls on our shit lists, but if you guys agree to try, so will I. (Actually, I'll emphasize doing it anyway.)
About a good experience? If it's more than legal or simply more than club rules, then you get into tricky areas. I think readers here have a right to expect some certain level of information in a review -- otherwise TUSCL has no reason to exist! -- but I think we all, as members of a strip-club-positive community, also have a responsibility to keep the fun flowing for all, by not risking a dancer's disapproval of her manager, or a club's disapproval of the local authorities. So there's a fine line to tread, a careful balancing act.
BG, you bring up a good point: describe her as well as give her name. But I haven't come across a situation where a dancer changes her name every night. Why do that and confuse any potential sugar daddies?