
An open letter to my favorite dancer...

Atlanta suburb
Friday, May 4, 2007 2:50 PM
You have known me for 3 or 4 years. You have known my 2 previous ATF's. In the last 6 monts since #2 ATF split, you have tried to fill the void. And you are doing a damn good job of it. I know that you are 27 and happy in your marrige but I also know that you you have incresed my mileage with you by 500%. I know where you are from and your stage name fits. You real name is bibical and I like it. You are petite. I like. Your face is beautiful. I love the separation in your teeth. They add to your personality. You have the best looking and feeling fake tits that I have ever seen, touched or sucked and you really seem to like it when I suck on them. You didn't overdo it and your coworkers and my strip club buddies agree about your boobs. My former ATF has said that you have an ass to die for. I agree. What a nice bubble butt. You have a great body. There are dancers at the club that give me higher mileage, including my two former ATF's You have given me some views of your pussy. Thanks. It is beautiful. You have let me touch it a little. I want more. I want to kiss it. You have gotten very friendly with Mr. Happy and I hope that, that, increases. As to your personality. You are up at the top. I have no problems discussiong any thing with you. Ask and you will get a straight answer. When you are grinding on me side ways and you turn your head back, are you checking to see where my hands are or are you just making goo goo eyes at me. Either way I love it. I am not ready to ask you out for lunch. That is the way my two previous ATF's left me...


  • 99Intrepid
    17 years ago
    Dude - SHE'S MARRIED. You don't want to make more of this unless A) You want to fuck up two people's lives [plus your own when she starts feeling guilty] or B) You want to get killed. Unless SHE brings up expanding the relationship, understand that she is in the business of making guys feel good, and she gets paid for it.
  • apesht45
    17 years ago
    Thios has got to be a joke. You would seriously send someone a letter like that? Jesus Christ.
  • IDleStripper
    17 years ago
    Yeah, he would, that's why he eventually get's dumped. They get tired of him, even with all the money he throws at them!
  • IDleStripper
    17 years ago
    IGU,in the words of your buddy, the busty, busted, Shekitout, "get a fuckin' life!"
  • chandler
    17 years ago
    "You have given me some views of your pussy. Thanks." My new favorite quote. I can't wait to try it out on my next wild and crazy night with swinging chicks at the strip bar.
  • shadowcat
    17 years ago
    Yes, I know that she is married. 3/4 of all my favorite dancers are married. The rest have boy friends or are in between boy frinds. This is no joke. I have already told her in person everything that I wrote in the open letter except the part about the goo goo eyes. A while back I told her that if she wasn't married and I was 30 years younger. She would be in trouble. She responded with " No, you would be the one in trouble. I am very demanding and I know how to get what I want". I will be seeing her around the 15th of this month. She knows me by John, candyman, shadowcat and IGU. She knows that I post on TUSCL. She has met 6 or 7 TUSCLers that I have introduced her to. I will give her a copy of my open letter and every post that has responded to it. It will tickle the shit out of her.
  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    I'd rather find a single girl. Although I am bit curious what your favorite dancer looks like. I wonder if I have already met her. Although I doubt I would remember. I remember one night I met a dancer who told me she has known me for 8 years. I didn't recognize her. She convinced me to meet her outside work and get better acquainted. At times I was starting to wonder if I was in trouble.
  • 99Intrepid
    17 years ago
    Either you're not getting it or you don't want to. When I write SHE'S MARRIED that means she's committed to someone else. YOU even used the word "Happily Married". Plus there's a 30-year gap between you. I've seen guys like you before - After they get vaacuumed for severl hundred (or thousand) dollars - they officially get told to fuck off. This WILL happen to you (by your own admission) - again. We all have fantasy lives - you SOOOO need to get back to the real world. You can't say you weren't warned.
  • ThisOldManPlayed1
    17 years ago
    casualguy - You might know this mystery dancer IGU is talking about. I met her on my very first visit to CAE PP, while waiting for IGU to show up. (circa 2006) She wasn't as frisky with me (probably because she didn't know me), but she is a real cutie and built! When I go back there, I'm gonna give it my best shot to get some "cookies" from her!
  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    I'm curious what she looks like but I don't try to get frisky with married girls. I may have to check to see how many reviews I had last year. I don't think I visited too much last year.
  • shadowcat
    17 years ago
    99Intrepid: Commited? I think that Yoda once said husbands and boyfriends of strippers come and go. I know that to be true. I am in the real world. Those that have met me and/or emailed me know that I am for real. I am not looking for an SO in a strip club or any other place for that matter. I was married for 27 ugly years and have no desire to get that commited with anyone. My exwife was 14 years younger than me. That taught me a big lesson. Do you really think that I want to try 30 years younger? I am in it for the fun only.
  • 99Intrepid
    17 years ago
    Ok SCAT - Your point is well-taken on ANYONE'S committment. I'm just curious - What specifically do you want from this girl? In your mind, is what you want possible? Has she given you any indication she's ready to end her marriage to accomodate you? These are some very tough questions I know - but I hate seeing anyone set themselves up for a skewering...
  • shadowcat
    17 years ago
    99Intrepid, I have no interest in this girl other that when I visit the club, she continues to treat me the way I like to be treated. I trust her. She is the only dancer on my favorites list that I don't have to ask up front "How much"? The others will give me the same price but I always have to ask to make sure.I don't have her cell number, email address, or street address. I do know her real first name. She is very enjoyable company and see Happy Lappers post above about what she looks like. Again, I am in it for the fun only.
  • 99Intrepid
    17 years ago
    Dude - I am glad to hear it. You're certainly entitled to the "fun" aspect of it - This shit costs a lot of money. For me, I always try to keep it very friendly but not to the point where either of us will want more than the other can give. A couple of dancers have given me their home phone numbers but I'm very VERY careful about calling them at home and rarely do so. Us guys need to recognize that with only a very few exceptions, relationships between clients and dancers are usually pretty limited.
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