
Rebuttle to a club review.

Atlanta suburb
Have you ever read a review that had incorrect information in it or that you had a high disbelief in. Bull shit? Drunk reviewer that didn't know what he was talking about. I once read a review for my favorite club. He stated that you could could bring your own bottle in. Not true. My club has a full service bar. He also gave it a low rating. I know that he had it confused with the Memphis Platinum Plus. Would you like to be able to challenge a review and have it posted as a review right behind the other? Founder, any thoughts?


  • founder
    17 years ago
    If you ever question a review or reviewer's validity, let us know. We will investigate. Some people try to submit the same review for different clubs. They are immediately deleted from the database, reviews and all.
  • motorhead
    17 years ago
    I think IGU addresses a very valid issue. There needs to be a forum where individual club issues and/or reviews can be discussed. I know the general discussion board is not the place to discuss specific clubs. The new website format apparently has a place for club discussion boards, but no one seems to participate (at least in the few I have looked at.)

    For example, a few weeks ago, someone gave the Mons Venus a rating of "2"
    Ok -- I respect that everyone is entitled to their opinion, but there is no fucking way the MV could ever deserve a "2". I want to hear more about his specific gripes. He wrote that we all need to submit "honest reviews". I will concede that many ratings seem to be too high -- or higher than I would normally give -- but what about his honesty. He may have been disappointed, but a "2" for one of the best clubs in the country?

    I guess I would like to see a discussion board along the lines of SCL, but without all the sophomoric put-downs and bullshit.
  • ArtCollege
    17 years ago
    One good way to evaluate a review is to click on the reviewer's name. That brings up a list of his other reviews. When you see a 10 from a person who only reviews the one club, you have to think "manager." But when you see a review from someone with a solid body of work to his name, give it some credence.
  • chandler
    17 years ago
    Another thing to keep in mind is not to focus too much on any single review. If somebody's rating of 2 is so out of whack for a club that will be born out by the preponderance of higher ratings by others. That's the strength of this site. One person with an agenda can't really have much impact.
  • shadowcat
    17 years ago
    ArtCollege, I have always emphasied the benefit of knowing your reviewer If Happy Lapper posts that they are doing $5 BJ'S down at the Pink Pony, I belive him and am on my way.
  • ThisOldManPlayed1
    17 years ago
    Unfortunately, BJs are a bit more expensive at the Pink Pony. If they were only $5, I'd me moving my butt down to Daytona Beach! LOL

    IGU has known me for almost two years now, especially under a former TUSCL nickname. I have never done a fake review and never would. I've done my share of road trips and even took photos of the outside of the clubs, not to prove I was there, but to enhance Founder's website with club photos and club updates. Pretty soon, I'll disclose my former TUSCL nickname to all, comeback with my original TUSCL nickname, and explain to all, why I had to temporarily abandon my former nickname.

    Until then, a big thanks to Founder for all he has done for all of us and "keep on lapping"!
  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    HappyLapper, I think you just revealed your identity to me but I'll stay quiet. I've also changed names on here before but I never told anyone. I think I just got tired of the old name and dropped it. No other reason.
    17 years ago
    I once did write a rebuttle. I had written a glowing review of a club visit (the one that started out something like, "For 25 years we have been searching for lap dance nirvana ... tonight we found it.") Someone else came along and accused me of being the club manager. So I wrote another review of the same visit, answering his comments. (Don't worry, Founder, I think this was all on another site before this one was born.)
  • chandler
    17 years ago
    Rebuttals on review pages should be confined to factual errors, IMO. Discrediting or defending each others' opinions or motives is boring. If I wanted to read that I'd go to stripclublist.com.
    17 years ago
    Chandler, I think that's where it was. And I was rebutting "facts" that the other individual mis-stated. It was obvious that the other reviewer didn't have a whole lot of experience with strip clubs and thought he had been taken as a result. The "dishonesty" that he complained about sounded like pretty standard SC procedure to me. He and I disagreed on whether or not the place was a clip joint. I didn't think so it could be if you were a novice. This wasn't a place for a novice. But isn't that true of a lot of SCs?
  • chandler
    17 years ago
    FONDL: I was commenting on the topic in general, not just what you described, although it sounds like the "facts" you were disputing bore on your motives, not the club. I've made similar posts on other sites myself. But I would hope we could all agree that we'd rather not see TUSCL's review pages become more like SCL's. Bogus reviews usually rebut themselves without the need to clutter up the page with back and forth accusations.
    17 years ago
    Chandler, the specific issue in dispute was whether or not a particular girl's practice was dishonest. In this particular club you pay the house up front for the use of a private cubicle, then "tip" the girl in advance for the dance. Normally I hate that system and never tip in advance, but this place has a number of other features that make it tolerable - eg. very attractive and friendly dancers, very high contact, and $1 table dances which are better than the LDs in most clubs. So you can have a really good time without spending a lot but you can also spend a lot in a hurry if you aren't careful. Anyway this guy thought he had gotten taken because he didn't understand how the place worked. One of my rules of clubbing is that you always find out how a place works before committing yourself. He didn't do that, so he ended up with a bad experience, which in my opinion was his own fault not the club's. I've always had good experiences there. And a few great ones. So we really were arguing the facts - he thought he had been taken and the place should therefore be avoided, I responded that what the girl did was how the place works and he should have known that.
  • Book Guy
    17 years ago
    Club sounds like a good time. Too bad one dude didn't communicate more carefully and his case of "caveat emptor" got misrepresented as a case of "weak club."

    As long as FONDL's story is true ... :) ...
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