
More erotic adventures of shadowcat. Part 2.

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shadowcatAtlanta suburb

I don't know how my oringinal post got posted twice. I don't think I did it but who knows. Anyway part 2 begins on day 2. I got up at 8:00 A.M., watched the news, went out for breakfast at the Waffle House, came back shaved and showered, put on my strip club outfit and headed for the club. Spent the whole day there untill 8:00 P.M. Got a lot of high mileage 2 for $20 dances from my favorites and met 3 new girls. Highlights were:

L---: new girl. She introduced herself by saying that she was the other dancer that I met at the hotel last night. She asked a lot of questions about last night. Was I the other dancers sugar daddy? NO! She has her own room at the hotel. Is she waiting for you tonight in your room? NO! Is anyone else waiting for you there? No again! I was waiting for her to ask if she could join me in my room but she didn't ask. Just as well. I really wasn't in the mood after last night. I did get 4 lap dances from her. Nothing to write about.

E----: Claimed to be F---'- best friend. We talked about F---- for quite awhile before I asked "Is she BI" I repeated the story that I posted on here a while back. Asking if your guys thought that she was BI. She came into the club in street clothes with a girl in an army uniform. The were drinking heavily and doing a lot of stage tipping. Next thing I see is them doing a whole lot of kissing and fondling of each others bodies. Not being discreet at all. Mind you F--- is married and just had a baby. E---- said, Oh that was Jessica. I don't like her. I prefer blondes. "What about men?" I asked. Oh I like them too. That is why I work here. Did some lap dances with her and she was better than F---.

A-----: chandlers favorite at this club. I have know her for 3 or more years. Very pretty face, nice small "B's", very nice to talk to, married with a daughter that must be about 10 yo now, but has a big butt. Does a very erotic dance without getting nasty. FONDLS type. Did some laps with her and again the next day. The butt has gone away. Chandler, she has lost 25 lbs. Went from 130 down to 105 lbs and it really looks good. She told me that she had been getting advice from A----- on excersise.

A-----: used to be one of my favorites. She is an arobics instructer. She has been on my shit list for about 6 months for telling me lies about my former ATF. I told my former ATF what she said and she confinced me that it was all stripper shit. They got into it in the dressing room. Just words. Well, A-----, came over and gave me a very long apology. We are not back to lap dances yet but I did tip her on stage. She said "that is a surprise".

M------: Known her for over 3 years. Has given me more hand jobs than all of the other dancers combined. Is a Sandra Bullock look alike from the neck up. Below that much better. She is the one that not gave me her cell phone number on a napkin but also her husbands name and cell number. "If you ever need help while here, call me. If I don't answere call him". The other dancers told me to call him. Every time I went for the kitty, she stopped me. I said "you can't blame me for trying, when in the past you didn't object". She said that was when I was drinking. I got a DUI and am now on day 4 of a court ordered 60 day on the wagon and I am being tested. When I suffer, everybody suffers! Damn.

Got back to my hotel room around 8:30. 5 Minutes later the phone rings. It was my fuck from the night before. Was I alone? Yes. Can I come down? OK. She was there in less than 5 minutes. She wanted to repeat last night for $150. I said that I was too tired. She asked "well can you at least give me some money for ????." I thought about it for a couple of minutes. I knew that I was going to give her some money. Finally I said how about a BBBJ for $100. "yes" she replied and began pulling my pants off. She is not a spitter. She left and then called me 10 minutes later. She wanted to know if she could borrow my boom box. Since I knew what room she was in, I agreed. She came and got it. I went back to my drinking and movie on Showtime. Part 3 tomorrow.


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Shadowcat, for a guy who says A_____'s dances aren't nasty enough, you sure seem to see a lot of her. Her dances were plenty nasty for me. Maybe she's just saving herself for my return. And I don't remember her having a big butt. In fact, she stood out for not having a fat ass compared to most of the other strippers when I was there (very late on a Tuesday). Also, I don't know cup sizes very well, but I thought A_____'s tits were pretty big. I would have guessed C cups or at least large Bs. However, this was about a year and a half ago, so she may have grown some ass and then lost it again and lost some tit mass since the time I saw her.

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chandler: not all of my favorite dancers are high mileage. Some I just like because of their beauty and/or personality. When I first met her 2 years ago, she told me that she does not do nasty dances but that the customers seemed to like her erotic form of dancing. I agree and I told her so. I also told her that she had a very pretty face and that her ass had gotten smaller. She appreciated that, as she had been working to get rid of it. Lost 25 lbs and most of it in her ass. When you see her next, you will know...

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I'm confused I thought ass was good...I mean GREAT!!

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Christ! I gotta' get another TUSCL South Chapter Meeting going!

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