I read about this the other day and as luck would have it, I encountered a dancer almost in tears last night due to someone taking her top to her outfit. It was a $500 outfit and someone took the top probably either a female or male customer she thought. Why do people do this? Just for kicks? In any other place, they might face prosecution for theft but in a strip club I figure the robber probably figures the worst case is getting thrown out of the club. If you see a lot of dancers wearing simple bikini outfits instead of expensive clothes, this may be the reason. It may also be a reason for a dancer to quit a club. I guess those outfits are not sold by the individual pieces so that really hurts a dancer. It hurts all the other customers who want variety in strip club outfits as well.
InDenial, nice name by the way, If one were to follow your logic then I should be able to steal your car because you had the gall to buy an expensive one. Are you so far above the stripper in class that she stops being a person and what happen to her is of no consequence to you? ShotDisc is right. You are a fucking asshole.
CasualGuy, Who knows what would motivate someone to do that. Why rip off someones "tools" that they use to earn a living? A definate low class move if you ask me.
I agree, stealing is bad. Why do people do it? Usually because they want to either possess something or sell it for cash, and they don't think they'll get caught. Some people do bad things.
the last time i checked, and i might be in the minority here..but i could honestly care less what she's wearing while on stage or while dancing in front of me. i'm paying for her to take her clothes off, not to admire the outfit she's wearing.
you sound as if your surprised such a theft would take place in a strip club. we aren't exactly talking about a bunch of girls in seminary here...
No, I was talking about your baseline morality. By condoning through your speech a dancer getting her property stolen, you reveal your true character or rather lack of it.
like i said, grow up and live a little. or better yet, try to find a sense of humor in that morally superior mind of yours.
it's unfortunate she had her top stolen, but by no means is it a necessity (or as you said, "tools") or are her earnings as a stripper contingent upon it.
WRONG...WRONG...WRONG Indenial! We sell fantasies here! Our outfits are important. Maybe you choose your strippers based on personality but, plenty of guys are buying the whole fantasy. Trust me, they are tools. Just like tits and the gift of gab. (But, in your defense, $500 IS dumb as hell. What did it have a platinum underwire?) My goodness, these girls will steal your listick...I don't know what she was thinking.
I sinerely doubt that any male customers are stealing their clothes. What are they going to do with them? Wash them and give them to an SO? I doubt it. Dancers will buy, sell, trade and borrow costumes from the others. Some dancers you see night after night wearing the same outfit. Boring. Others will change into a new out fit every hour or so. They try to make it appear that they are a new dancer just coming on duty. Some dancers share lockers because they are friends. Most thefts occur when an outsider busts open another dancers locker. I think that is why some just wear the same out fit night after night and why you see some dancers leaving the club with all of there possesions in a large bag or suit case on wheels. In my office guys leave candy bars etc out for charity causes and you drop your money into an open box. Nobody steals. But I don't work in a strip club...
Actually, I have heard of a male customer stealing a stripper's clothes. I have a few really good friends of mine that are dancers at a local club. A while back, one of them had a pair of boxers (the silky, short kind, very nice) stolen by a guy. She had gone to school with the guy and they had a couple of mutual aquaintances, so she found out where he lived. She and her fiance went over and actually got them back. That having been said, it is extremely common for dancers to steal other dancers outfits, shoes, etc. Seems almost every week somebody has stolen something from someone at my local club.
I've heard strippers tell of customers who offered to buy their thong, so I expect some would want to steal them. And, Shadowcat, I bet washing them is the *last* thing a male thief would do.
I was surprised to hear her outfit cost $500. I remember she did have a rather elaborate dress on. If the dancer found someone with her top, I could easily imagine that person getting attacked by a dancer or bouncer.
Where I work at, you can leave food and even money lying around and it will still be there later. Ok, so it was small change.
I kind of agree with InDenial in that why would a dancer spend so much money on a top or outfit, unless she would wear it in a very very classy strip club. InDenial made a comment or statement and it shouldn't be taken in the context as everyone seems to take it. It was a good question though.
I know that dancers exchange a lot of outfits amongst each other and sometimes don't get them back or rather get them back in rags. Part of the job sounds like.
A dancers clothing is like owning a business. U have to put a little of what you make back into it. Yeah the whole idea of a strip club is taking the clothes off, but it also helps to have something flattering on to begin with to draw attention from the customers in the club. Not saying that a $500 outfit makes since, but @ the same time yes dancers' clothing can be very expensive. And it sucks when some raggedy, shady ass bitch, who doesnt have the sense or decensy to get her own shit in order to improve her craft, just steals someone elses.
They do charge dancers a lot for those skimpy flimsy outfits. I think the girls can do much better on-line, and many do. But then the dude comes in who has some kind of kick-back scheme going on, by which HIS clothes have to be worn by the girls at his brother's uncle's club, etc., and it's just another way for the girls to be controlled by the people who hold the capital and the muscle.
last commentCasualGuy, Who knows what would motivate someone to do that. Why rip off someones "tools" that they use to earn a living? A definate low class move if you ask me.
the last time i checked, and i might be in the minority here..but i could honestly care less what she's wearing while on stage or while dancing in front of me. i'm paying for her to take her clothes off, not to admire the outfit she's wearing.
you sound as if your surprised such a theft would take place in a strip club. we aren't exactly talking about a bunch of girls in seminary here...
it's unfortunate she had her top stolen, but by no means is it a necessity (or as you said, "tools") or are her earnings as a stripper contingent upon it.
We sell fantasies here! Our outfits are important. Maybe you choose your strippers based on personality but, plenty of guys are buying the whole fantasy.
Trust me, they are tools. Just like tits and the gift of gab.
(But, in your defense, $500 IS dumb as hell. What did it have a platinum underwire?) My goodness, these girls will steal your listick...I don't know what she was thinking.
That having been said, it is extremely common for dancers to steal other dancers outfits, shoes, etc. Seems almost every week somebody has stolen something from someone at my local club.
If the dancer found someone with her top, I could easily imagine that person getting attacked by a dancer or bouncer.
Where I work at, you can leave food and even money lying around and it will still be there later. Ok, so it was small change.
I know that dancers exchange a lot of outfits amongst each other and sometimes don't get them back or rather get them back in rags. Part of the job sounds like.