
Comments by ThisOldManPlayed1 (page 22)

  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Search funtion?
    DougS has a great idea. Hope we see it added. It's always good to re-hash former topics, because of new members, and it's becoming more difficult to think of new topics. Carry on soldier!
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    17 years ago
    Dejected Dancers
    Personally, I can't think of one dancer that ISN'T dejected at times. Part of the SC game. Only human nature.
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    17 years ago
    Customer Rights?
    Whghlost - From reading all of your threads in this topic, I highly recommend that you cease and desist any further contact with this lady. Or else, you will be put on a restraining order, or picked up and charged for "stalking".
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Why do we get so attached?
    I'm in the same boat as FONDL and shadowcat! Like parodyman, I'm not really fooled by the dancers, as it is always about the money, to which I am ready to depart with, for my ENTERTAINMENT. But, a lot of us are vulnerable (not sucker-wise), because we care about people in general, even strippers. My current problem is that I am attached to my massage therapist, 27 year old divorcee (8.5), flaming long red hair, and a nicely packaged body! Her massages run $43 per hour and are full bodied (except the genitals - damn it!). No happy endings with her (YET?), but still slowly working on it. She is very adament about keeping things 'in perspective' at least at her place of business. As she is new in business with her cousin, she tells me that I am her No. 1 regular (which I am). When in town, I drive 32 miles (one way) to get my massages, so I usually get a two-hour massage, with a smoke break inbetween the two hours. I pay her $100 (hence a $14 tip). I've taken her out to dinner several times. I partied with her and friends once & she drinks like a fish and blacked out. So, why am I so attached to her? Challenge! Yes, a challenge to see how far she will go to FULLY please me!
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    17 years ago
    When did 2 weeks or a month become a long time?
    "So when will you be back?" - When you learn to quit bitching about money problems! "So when will you be back?" - When you learn NOT to say "I don't do that!" "So when will you be back?" - As soon as I hear that you're not dancing here anymore! "So when will you be back?" - Who said I'll be back? Like Jpac73 states, it does get old, but it's part of the SC business. Just another thing to put up with during our visits.
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    17 years ago
    New Memphis Adult Bsns. Law
    I've been hitting a club or two during my visits to Memphis this past year. Nothing fantastic about them, as they used to be. Apparantly, the clubs have tightened up on their rules, which the dancers seem to go by. However, when I run into some 'old time' favorites, they tend to give the mileage I am used to. All these new rules for the Memphis clubs propbably stem from a "paid study" by an out of state company, in 2006. This study was performed by the teams going into the clubs and watching, then writing up their reports, with recommendations. City council reviewed the study and initiated the aforementioned rules & regulations, as outlined by snowtime. Will Memphis clubs get any better? Doubtful. But, as usual, you'll ALWAYS but ALWAYS find a dancer in some club that will EXCEED expectations and deliver the high mileage goods. Might just take some hunting is all.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Where / how do they learn their trade?!!!
    FONDL - You may disagree with me which is fine. Maybe MOST dancers learn this from their upbringing at home, I will totally agree. But, I've seen my share of new dancers, who most have seem to have been guided by experienced dancers, not only in dancing ability, but in talking (lies) to customers also. When I see a new dancer in a club, I sit and talk with her and find out a little about her. If I can determine beforehand that she might go 'beyond' club expectations in her dancing skills, I'll take a chance and buy one or two dances from her. This all stems from "challenge and achievement" on my behalf. Kind of like, "can I break you in on 'extras'?" Just part of my pervertedness.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    High heeled shoes....
    Hey hey hey! Don't make fun of my 'purple thongs'. Actually, I've worn them out 'literally'. However, I still have my black, blue, and red thongs! I've gotten some pretty good HOT dances from dancers..... who wanted to see the entire thong! Fortunately for me, most wanted to see 'what was in them'! harrydave...... make you a deal good buddy! If you show up at our Convention in Columbia the weekend of Oct 25th/26th, I'll talk a dancer into letting me put her shoes on! Deal?
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Escorting SOs to A Strip Club
    casualguy - It was a great time and will be a long time before I forget that memorable evening. I forgot to mention..... after leaving the club and heading to her apartment, my SO fell asleep in my lap while I was driving. Unfortunately, she was so drunk, I couldn't wake her enough to work on Mr Happy while I was driving! When we arrived at her apartment, her daughter, her daughter's boyfriend, another male friend of her daughter, were there when we arrived. Well, my SO finally got her 'second wind' so to speak, and while the music was playing in the apartment, started stripping, all the way to being nude, right in front of everyone. While sitting on her couch, I wanted to pull her all the way down on the floor and have her start giving me some head. But, I didn't want to create a 'spectical' for everyone. She finally passed out on her bed, which left me high, horny, and dry!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Do you enjoy being the new meat in a club full of pretty dancers?
    Like chandler, I don't care for a bunch of dancers to come at me, whether I am 'new meat' in a club or not. The first thing they look at is the $$$$$$$$$$$$, not the person! Clubbing is an adventure for me, but I also remember the purpose of the dancers is $$$$$$$$$$.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Will there always be a 'fav' ?
    LOL@shadowcat!!!!!!!!!!!!! I used to have favs at my regular Memphis clubs. But, as pinhead mentioned... We all know the shelf life of a dancer is much less than that of the patron. I agree, even though I had favs who ALWAYS but ALWAYS knew what I expected in EXTRAS and usually always delivered, I ALWAYS wanted to test out new pussy! It's in the whore-moans! :-)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    What is a Regular?
    How many times do you go to club per week, month, year? - 2 to 3 per month. Are you a regular at more than one club? - Yes, at one particular club. How much do you spend per trip, on average for dances, drinks, and stage tipping? - Broken down: per trip - $200; on average for dances - $25; drinks - $12; stage tipping - $20. Actually, pushin50, if you look at my 'track record', you'll see I clubbed "extensively" from March to September 2006. During that time, up to Decembe 2006, I was pretty much of a regular at The Tunica Cabaret and The Platinum Plus in Memphis........H.I.S.T.O.R.Y.!
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    17 years ago
    Glory Holes
    Well......... being the FREAK that I am.... or used to be... Back in 1983, while enroute to Memphis from Fort Bragg on TDY (temporary duty), I stopped off on Broadway Blvd. in Nashville. Found an adult theater (hetro-sexual, of course), and besides having the 'quarter' porn peeps, they had a couple of 'live girl show' booths in the back of the theater. Being an investigator back then, I just had to 'investigate' those little booths. Went in one, locked the door and approached a plexiglass window with a 'round' hole cut out. A nice looking "spinner" appeared and after tipping her (I totally forgot the amount), she started giving me a BBBJ, after sticking my cock in the hole. After about a minute of this, she asked me (I believe for a bigger tip), if I'd like to join her in a more private room. I said, "Sure!". I ended up in a locked small private room that had an "Army type cot" with her. I ended up on top of her 'face fucking' her with CIM. Nowadays, I think the movie peep booths have gone by the wayside, except for the gay joints. Now I can get my BBBJs in a cleaner environment, like CLUBS??
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    17 years ago
    Masturbation on stage
    In my vast clubbing experience, I've seen dancers masterbate (usually with finger(s) on stages and in VIP rooms. I recall at the Memphis Platinum Plus, when they would have the two-girl/three girl shows on stage, not only would the dacers eat each out on stage, but some would masterbate other dancers on stage. Yes, it's also a turn on for me too! They don't actually have to masterbate for my turn-on, just rub that little "bugger" for me! :-)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Where / how do they learn their trade?!!!
    Evilcyn is completely honest in her statements on her threads of this topic. I've been with her many many times in her club and she is very upfront and honest, and won't lie to you. Like she says, she provides the fantasies and builds the ego. Her dances are very seductive and alluring. My opinion, 'most' dancers who lie or fabricate/stretch thruths, learn it from more experienced dancers. I have been in many clubs where 'new' dancers are being guided around my experienced ones, and they're probably telling the new dancers what to say, etc.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    High heeled shoes....
    High heeled shoes.... I never wear them. Probably would make my feet sore and cause a 'wobble' in my walk.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Age and date of first sc or equivalent experience.
    Age was 23 and I was married to my first wife. I talked her into going to what was considered back then, a bikini bar. Sorry, late bloomer here! LOL
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Hey yndy, how come you haven't visited Palace in the Pines in Youngstown? To answer your question, I have been to TWO brothels. The first one was in 1979 outside Reno, called and known by many as the 'infamous' Mustang Ranch. Never partoke on the lovlies, but spent an hour drink 'really small' beers and talking with a couple. The second 'brothel' is Diva's in Kokomo, IN. Actually, I consider it a brothel with a strip club appearance! Partoke many time while in town! I've also been to a couple of strip clubs in Peurto Rico which were strip clubs with rooms upstairs, hence a brothel.
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    17 years ago
    Strips as an affair substitute
    First off, welcome to TUSCL David9999, Bakersman, and scott1971! Good to see new members posting on our popular Discussion Board. When I was married, I went strip clubbing with my son and his friends, but not very often go alone. I never used it as an affair substitute, as I never wanted to be in an affair, while married. Old fashioned! However, when my wife passed, I started frequenting strip clubs only as a means of sexual excitement, sometimes sexual relief, with very little chance of finding a sweetheart, which I didn't want to do at that time. I surely wasn't ready to begin romancing another woman during my grieving period. Now that I have a SO, I still frequent strip clubs (mostly out of habit now), because there is no 'legal' committment, and because my SO is located hundreds of miles from where I currently live.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    One time, I've paid (using my credit card) over the computer, for my formal ATF's phone bill, after she gave me the money. But, since I had her account info to include username and password, I did surprise her once by paying a monthly cellphone bill for her, without her knowing it.
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    17 years ago
    "Wild Goose" Chases
    Have made liquer runs, in the past, for dancers during the day time. Nothing special in return (whether I paid for it or not) other than the usual blowjob.
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    17 years ago
    Movie-theater stage?
    The only 'movie theater stage with a runway' that I can recall is the newly refurbished Christie's Cabaret in the 'Flats' of Cleveland, Ohio. I was there last year during their rennovation and noted that they had changed their stage to have a long staircase downward onto a 'runway' type stage that also had two round type stages that the dancers can stop at and dance.
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    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Crunch time. Oct 26 meet up.
    See you on the 26th magicrat. Will be looking forward to meeting you. Shadowcat is far from a housemom, and far from being a dirty old man. He's just another one of us perverts! LOL Personally, I will probably show up at the club around noon on the 25th to experiene one of those HOT weekday sessions. Will hang around till the 27th though, when "the housemom" departs. LOL rob0411 - Plan is to be in the club at opening on Oct 26th. Shadowcat and I will be there early on Oct 25th, if anyone cares to show up early. racejeff - You're more than welcome to join the festivities at the Columbia PP. Easy to find. Couple of us will have rooms at the Extended Stay America (ESA) right up the road from the club. There are plenty of other hotels/motels within the vicinity. You'll be able to meet a lot of us TUSCLers that frequent the club, more importantly, you'll be able to take part in the lucious and pretty and HOT dancers. With a lot of us showing up, it will be like a GOLD MINE to them. OK, I understand a lot of you have to work, have families, etc., but without taking too much of a chance, I encourage folks to attend this function, even if it be for a couple hours. Once we finish the convention, Platinum Plus will always remember use, at least the girls!!
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    17 years ago
    Miss Teen South Carolina
    I'm not sure, but she took one hell of a fall, that drunk bitch! LOL
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    17 years ago
    I don't have any HARD and FAST rules about tipping! Hell, I'll tip any dancer that sticks my dick in her mouth!!!