
Comments by ThisOldManPlayed1 (page 23)

  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Crunch time. Oct 26 meet up.
    Ironcat - Sure hope you can make this convention and meet the 'infamous' shadowcat and rest of us. You won't be disappointed. CAT: Just steer us away from the ROBs. With my experience, I can pretty much tell which dancers are going to 'lick my wounds' so to speak. And as far as our little 'spinner tart', may the highest bidder wins. LOL And, I don't care for sloppy seconds!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Any place that interests me.
    Your Favorite Seats
    I remember at my old (closed) favorite club, if I wanted my balls and cock fondled (no pun FONDL) by the waitress, I'd sit next to her station at the bar. Course, she would get tipped for her 'personal' attention. If I wanted my balls and cock fondled by my favorite dancers, I'd sit anywhere in the club, they led me to. Damn, I sure miss that club!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Have you ever thought you were invisible in a club before?
    I've felt that way on out-of-town clubs where the dancers don't know me and they are usually hanging out with their regulars. Can't really blame them for not leaving their regulars, when they don't have any idea how much money they can make off me. Sometimes, it's to their disadvantage, because they could have made a bundel. I just keep 'truckin' on to the next club where I can get some attention.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Way off topic
    I totally agree. A lot of first offenders get no jail time, especially on white collar type crimes. Our prisons are so over-crowded as it is with more serious felons for more severe crimes. I can see this dude going "IN" for a short while to teach him, and the only thing he learns is how to SPREAD them wide! Of course, the old saying "Think, before you act" (on committing a crime) applies. How many times have many of us "acted before thinking" at a club and licked a bare pussy or stuck our 'unprotected' dicks up a pussy? LOL
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Michigan nude dancing and alcohol update
    Well.... after Michigan's football defeat last Saturday, they'd better keep the alcohol flowing readily at ALL THE BARS!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Has anyone ever tipped a 'security' guy outside a VIP area for keeping his nose nose and eyes out of the area? I've done that occassionally at The Exotic Pearl in Columbus. If I have a HOT dancer (far and few inbetween there) and want strict privacy, I'll tip the security guy a few bucks NOT to look as he passes down the VIP aisle. Used to tip a security guy (whom I'd know for awhile) upstairs at Christie's in Memphis. He's saved my ass and the dancer's ass a couple of times when the manager would approach!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Ever had a stripper act like your dumb for travelling so far??
    Since ALL our clubs in Columbus suck really bad, it's not beyond me to jump in my compact and drive 2 1/2 hours to Cleveland or 3 hours to Indianapolis, to visit clubs. But, it's hell driving back home at midnight and arriving at 3:00AM! Not that anyone is waiting up for me, thank goodness! If a fellow TUSCLer emails or calls me about a sudden club meet, I'm usually "Johnny-On-The-Spot" and heading their way! I get tired of clubbing alone and don't have "clubbing" type friends around me.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Crunch time. Oct 26 meet up.
    Laughing my ass off on voyagerr's thread!!!!! So fucking funny, tears to my eyes!!! LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL Visiting housemom maybe!!! LOLOL FONDL has a very very valid point about firm committments. Most everybody associated with TUSCL works! I should be working myself, but am having to fucking much fun spending my kid's inheritance and more!!! By the time they get my insurance policy cashed and pay off my debts, they may break even! LOL
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Strip Club Patrons' Nicknames
    LOL@chandler! Ok Major Nelson.... as Jeannie says "comfortable?". Oh, sorry, thought you said MASTER!!! As a warrant officer in the army, I got my fill of being called Mister and Sir. It makes me uneasy as I get ready to return a salute. What ticks me off is when a dancer asks what your name is, sits with you and talks for awhile, then starts back calling you "baby" again, instead of your name. I remind them my name is T__ and not Baby! And if they start calling me 'Pop', I usually look at them and say "You'll damn well know when I 'POP' girly!!!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Any place that interests me.
    Your Favorite Seats
    You bring up some very good points minnow. Points that only a seasoned clubber would know of. And good topic, first time I've seen one posted on seats. LOL@shadowcat! Haven't seen much "blubber" at your favorite club lately, but you got a point. I prefer my back to a wall, but for protection only. An old cop thing. When going to new clubs, I generally will take a seat at the bar, to count heads & get the club layout, in other words, orient myself with the surroundings. Like chandler, being in a new club, I would like to sit near the VIP area and "peek" to see what kind of laps are being given. Other clubs that I've been to depends on the size crowd, or known dancers of that club. Diva's in Kokomo: Sit at bar, discuss menu, go to cubby hole. Simple! BBF in Indy: Floorside seating in view of raised LD area and stage. Of course, while at the bar, you're generally getting your cock and balls played with, to help with a decision! LOL Now, once I see a dancer I want to sit with, I find the most secluded area of the club and invite her over, to test her skills before deciding on laps.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Way off topic
    OK, I missed that thread. My apologies. But, embezzlement does not always occur at a one-time increment. What I am saying is that, a cashier at a Wal-Mart might steal from his/her cash drawer time and time again, until caught. Once they have been caught, they may not 'steal' again. Shadowcat: I ain't saying this guy steals everything from everyone. All I'm saying is that NOW he got caught sifting from the funds, might he attempt something like this again in the future? Maybe, maybe not, but rest assured, with this on his record, he'll probably never get a chance to steal again, as who would put him in place of responsibility or access to money? NOONE!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Suffering from Pervertism...
    Let me be the last person now shadowcat....... YOU PERVERT!!!! LOL Let's all donate a dollar for a Tequila Bath with lopaw!!! :-) LOL
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Miss Teen South Carolina
    I wonder how many of these Miss Teen contestants will end up dancers in a strip club?
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Do you prefer different clubs for different activities?
    Like lopaw, I have my "fun" drinking & lapping clubs like Hip Hugger in Kokomo. But, if (LMAO) and when I'm ready for some serious FS mileage, you'll find me heading to good ole' Diva's in Kokomo. Diva's is not a club you want to sit back & relax at. Same with Cleveland, Gigi's Lounge for drinking, talking, laughing, mild laps with some touching, but off to Fox's Den for WILD & ABANDON mileage! Used to be the same way in Memphis. Couple clubs to get my 'motor running' then off to the ole' Tunica Cabaret or Platinum Plus for the oil change and tune-up!!! :-)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Ever had a stripper act like your dumb for travelling so far??
    Jpac73 - Ever think she might have been alluding to an OTC with her. When she said - "Are you planning on going anywhere else after you leave here?" and "So you are just going to turn around and go home?" - I easily could have interrupted these questions as a possible conclusion of "Why don't you take me to a motel and fuck the shit out of me?" Of course, that's "optimistic" thinking on my part. When most dancers ask me where I am from and find out I am some distance from home, they also find out that I am usually on a trip with a destination, and just stopping off for a few brews and dances. Other times, like in Indy, Kokomo, Louisville, etc, I just have to tell them that OHIO clubs really suck because of the mileage. They pretty much get the 'picture' and are aware at that point, what I am after!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Crunch time. Oct 26 meet up.
    Dick raised! The only way I won't show on October 26th is if I am hospitalized, incarcerated in a penal (not penile) facility, or 'being bug-bait' six foot under. I guess that pretty well sums up my intentions of making a show. As 'shadowcat' will be handing out CDs, candy, and other dancer stuff, I'll be offering "Blue Magic" to our fellow TUSCLERs who show, if they decide to 'partake' to continue their recreational festivities! What should you tell them shadowcat? If we have 10-15 dirty horny old men show up, tell them to equate that to 60 to 90 inches of raging hard cock, give or take a few inches either way! LOL I can only imagine that the majority of us are saving our $$$$$ for this convention. I'll have cash, ATM card, debit card, and credit card for cash advances. I don't think I'll be running short (except maybe in the dick department)!!!! Shadowcat: Suggestion - prepare small lists for us with dancers names', descriptions, skill level, what extras are provided, etc, and seruptitously pass them out to us either prior to entering or once we start showing up.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Way off topic
    clubber - I might be missing something. I read, and re-read shadowcats threads on this guy, and nowhere did I find shadowcat ever stating "it wasn't a one time thing".
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    I hate it when dancers 'ask' for tips, especially if they are just walking by, or after being declined a dance offer. I will tip dancers after an extremely good LD, if I want them to return to me and sit with me. Occassionally, I will tip a dancer in the process of a LD, just to see if the tip will increase mileage as she continues the LD. Usually, that kind of 'LD inprogress' tipping works to a degree.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    TUSCL Nicknames
    Geez, I am getting old. I still remember back in 1983, driving through Nashville and stopping off on Broadway, and going into peeps with live dancers. Will never forget that time I stuck my prick through this plexiglass hole and got blown off with CIM by this foxy chick. Kind of like the "Glory Hole Girls", but you can see who your 'blower' is!! :-)~
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Way off topic
    Man or man clubber, I sure pity any defendants that might have a court haring while you are on jury duty. You are convinced that once a person sins, he'll be a sinner all his life. Are you more of an pessimistic thinker than optimistic thinker? pes·si·mism - 1) A tendency to stress the negative or unfavorable or to take the gloomiest possible view; 2) The doctrine or belief that this is the worst of all possible worlds and that all things ultimately tend toward evil; 3) The doctrine or belief that the evil in the world outweighs the good. optimism - 1) A tendency to expect the best possible outcome or dwell on the most hopeful aspects of a situation; 2) The doctrine, asserted by Leibnitz, that this world is the best of all possible worlds; 3) The belief that the universe is improving and that good will ultimately triumph over evil.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Ohio 3 foot law?
    I figure if the citizens vote this November on real restrictive no touch laws, then Ohio can starting posting advertisements that Ohio is open to ALL Amish migration and purist organizations and families. They can advertise.... we have NO bars, NO strip clubs, NO liquer sales, NO pornography.....
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Michigan nude dancing and alcohol update
    Here is a recommendation for Michigan politicians: NEW NUDE CLUB + ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES LAW: 1 to 2 drinks - patron allowed to touch anything dancer permits 3 to 4 drinks - patron allowed to touch upper half of dancer's body only 5 to 6 drinks - patron allowed to touch face, shoulders & arms only 7 to 8 drinks - patron is handcuffed while receiving lap dances, however, dancer is permitted to touch patron anywhere she pleases. Sounds fair to me!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Way off topic
    FONDL - I'm presuming it is his first felony. Where did you get the info that he embezzled regularly? I didn't detect that in shadowcat's opening thread at all. Did I miss something? But, if I were a presiding judge and knew he had previous counts of embezzlement or thefts, sure I would throw the book at him also. But, as a judge, I wouldn't accept or allow "hearsay" testimony without eye witnesses testifying that he had stolen before. All I am stating is that there is ALWAYS a possibility that if a person steals once, he/she may never do it again.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Suffering from Pervertism...
    Any of the airlines employed TUSCLERs want to send 'lopaw' a "buddy pass" to get from LA to Columbia, SC for the TUSCL Chapter Meeting in October?
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Ohio 3 foot law?
    harrydave - Sounds great! Now, how can we convinse the citizen voters to "leave our 140 strip clubs" alone?? I have a feeling, the citizens are going to vote for this (modified??) no touch law anyway. Management in most Ohio clubs have been strict in overseeing the no touch law, but I wasn't aware of the penalties for getting caught! YEOWWWEEE! However, based on my last "mini" Northern Ohio road trip, you can still find a handful of clubs with skillful dancers having super mileage, while management turns their heads. LOL