

Avatar for yndy

i'm still new so forgive me if this has already been discussed or if this is too off-topic.

you guys are such SC lovers...have you also visited brothels?

while in reno going on 4 years ago, i managed to get over to carson city. actually, its kind of a funny story (maybe for another time). anyway, i made it to the famous one (bunny ranch?) all i did was talk to the "independent contractors" but that was fun in itself.

and you?


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Avatar for lotsoffun201

I was there a few times when I used to go to Reno on business regularly. I was like you and talked mostly but did partake on one occasion. Too clinical for me, as I felt I was in the Urologists office! It was fun though. That was years ago and have not been back since.

Avatar for shadowcat

Some 30+ years ago I made 4 trips to the world famous Mustang Ranch. It has been closed for many years now but has been replaced by the Wild Horse. Checkout "thewildhorse.com" and take the tour.

Avatar for FONDL

I've been to 2, one in Barcelona and one in San Juan, when I was in the navy. Both were very high class places with very attractive women, both were way out of my price range but nice places to have a drink - they were basically high-end cocktail lounges with rooms upstairs and the girls would sit with you when they weren't otherwise occupied. What's especilly funny is that after spending about 5 evenings at the one in San Juan, I later found out that it was off limits to navy personnel.

Avatar for enquiz2001

Here naive for you. I went into this bar in Canada years ago and saw all these gorgeous women hanging out. I talked to one who said she was a teacher (it's been many years so I'm not positive on that one), and she mentioned that she liked to come to this place part time. I was with a another guy and we were both Okay, that's nice. We left after our drinks. To this day I'm wondering if we were in a brothol. I remember some cops coming in, walking around, checking some back rooms and leaving. I was too naive then to realize that such a place existed in Canada. I've learned since that thinks are a little more open shall we say, than down here, or am I wrong about that????

Avatar for arbeeguy

enquiz2001 you are definitely not wrong. prostitution is legal in canada, but i think it is deliberately unpublicized -- you won't see "brothel" in the yellow pages in Canada but you will in certain Nevada towns. I would guess the "teacher" you were visiting with was a hooker (part-time perhaps) who, either by law or local custom, would never solicit a customer. There would be a conversation where one idea leads to another and to another until a price is agreed upon and you are both in bed.

Nobody has mentioned Chameleon, a well-known brothel in Washington Park Illinois. The first couple of times I went in there I had no idea that I was in a brothel. Because I don't believe half the stuff the girls tell me in stripclubs. But after I started paying attention, I finally realized that Chameleon is NOT a strip club -- the girls never took off a stitch of clothing. They would flash for you on stage and they would let you feel inside their clothes but that was a come-on to get U excited enough to spring for the private room.

I consider Vic's Place in Irvington NJ a brothel, but it does not meet the requirement of a private room so others can easily dispute my perception. I am told that Lipstixx in Tampa works much the same way as Chameleon but I have never been there to verify it. Seven Seas in Tampa may be a borderline brothel. Not sure. But unlike Chameleon, Seven Seas is a real strip club, whether or not it is a brothel. Within the past 10 years there have been several brothels operating in Des Moines, Iowa. Again, they are not in the yellow pages, but they ARE in the classifieds -- listed as Escort or Entertainment.

Avatar for chitownlawyer

I have been to Adelita's in TJ, BC, Mexico. To climb up on my well-worn hobby horse, that place is so decidedly a brothel, as opposed to a strip club, that I gently remind FOUNDER of my argument that it should not even be reviewed on this site. (But, since it is, I threw in my $0.20 worth--see my prolix review at the beginning of May. I am now embarassed by the length of the review, but it does reflect how impressed I was with the place.) Adelita's cannot be beaten in terms of a place that you can let your most reptilian-brain-motivated, id-driven, porcine desires run rampant, for a distressingly small amount of money.

My role in the globalization of the world economy is to off-shore my need for extra pussy...and I'm damn glad to do so.

Avatar for ThisOldManPlayed1

Hey yndy, how come you haven't visited Palace in the Pines in Youngstown?

To answer your question, I have been to TWO brothels. The first one was in 1979 outside Reno, called and known by many as the 'infamous' Mustang Ranch. Never partoke on the lovlies, but spent an hour drink 'really small' beers and talking with a couple.

The second 'brothel' is Diva's in Kokomo, IN. Actually, I consider it a brothel with a strip club appearance! Partoke many time while in town!

I've also been to a couple of strip clubs in Peurto Rico which were strip clubs with rooms upstairs, hence a brothel.

Avatar for Yoda

CTL: I just got back from San Diego and a couple of the guys I was working with hit Adelita's last night. It was all they could talk about at the airport this morning....

I don't visit brothels but I do see escorts fairly regularly.

Avatar for harrydave

Went to a club in Buenos Aires. Our host took us there. At first I thought it was a strip club, but after about 15 min I figured it out. Lots of attractive girls. Going rate was $100 US to take them back to your hotel.

Avatar for casualguy

I haven't ever visited a brothel. I've been forcefully grabbed and dragged into massage parlors. With two girls doing it, it didn't seem to register as a crime. They made it a lot harder to visit one strip club that closed down many years ago. They did give good massages though.

Avatar for arbeeguy

Regarding Adelita's. Brothel, yes. Remove from TUSCL, no. Would be BIG BIG MISTAKE and I am glad that Founder has the good sense to ignore asinine advice to remove it from the list. We PL's NEED TO KNOW about places like Adelita's. Here's where I draw the line: if they require you to pay up front before you can see the merchandise it probably should not be listed in TUSCL (maybe with a lot of "1" ratings for stupid big-$$$-up-front rule. If you find a place with scantily clad women,you can pay a reasonable (whatever THAT means) cover, mill around, suck on a beer, etc., and feel like you may have gotten SOME value for your money just for conversation and ogling, it deserves to be listed and rated on TUSCL. BTW does anybody consider Mitchell Brothers in SF to be a brothel? I've heard a lot of guys claim they got sex inside. Even in a blatantly brothel-like joint like Chameleon, the management never ever says "you can get laid in here". Some things are best figured out indirectly (The Chameleon Handshake is a good clue). My problem with Mitchell Brothers is not that it is a brothel (IMHO it is) but that it is so goldarn expensive.

Avatar for kcquestor

My definition of a brothel would require that ALL of the girls offer various sexual activities. If some girls don't do anything and some only do handshakes, that's not a brothel to me. It is a strip club with extras available. I understand that some girls may be off their game for one reason or another, or may refuse service with a certain customer. But if you have to work to find a girl who will service you the way you want, it doesn't count.

Avatar for whatevergong82

I've been to a few, even including some massage parlors that made sure your little man got extra (wink, wink) attention. The only issue with brothels I have is that it's like a meat market to me, unless you're in one of the Asian Massage parlors, where they're evidently taught to always say 'thank you' and give you some refreshments after they got done having sex with you.

Some strip clubs in the past I went to also dabbled in extra activities, but I won't consider them brothels, unless it was one of the ones mentioned in the main Review section that was well known for Extras of the sexual kind being available for a reasonable price, with plenty of eye candy willing to get you laid without any hassles or high markup.

Whenever I went to Houston a few years back, nearly half of the Strip Clubs offered some sexual activity in the club, or out of it if the dancer knew you well enough, but LE has cracked down on that (darn!!) so you have to search far and wide if you want some extra fun in that town.

Avatar for Priapus

Can anyone recommend any Web sites that are guides to brothels?

(I'm new here and this is my first post. Please forgive me if requesting or posting links to other sites of a sexual nature is forbidden.)

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