
What is a Regular?

How many times do you go to club per week, month, year?

Are you a regular at more than one club?

How much do you spend per trip, on average for dances, drinks, and stage tipping?


    17 years ago
    The answers are going to vary widely, even from the same person. I used to try to visit my favorite club once a week when my ATF worked there, which is the most often I've ever gone clubbing. And I probably spent $100-200 each visit. But that was 10 years ago when I was working and traveling all the time. Now that I'm retired I don't get a chance to visit clubs very often - it's been 2 years since my last club visit.
  • DougS
    17 years ago
    I'm not a regular, in the true definition. Due to my life OTC, the most "regular" interval that I've ever visited clubs is a stretch of about 3 months where I visited HH every other week. Typically, the frequency that I visit my ATF (OTC) and/or go to a club is about once every two to three months.

    There are basically two clubs that I hit 90% of the time - the other 10% visits are done while out of town on business.

    I usually drop $400 - $1000 per visit, which may also include OTCing.
  • chandler
    17 years ago
    I don't think being a regular is defined by how often you go and how much you spend. It's more a matter of being treated better by the dancers who remember you. There are clubs I never visited more than a few times a year and I haven't been to in several months where I could go back tonight and get special treatment with the right girl. It's also a matter of knowing the ropes at the club. Some guys who go and spend big bucks every week never catch on and never make inroads with the dancers.

    Then, there's another level of regular, the guy who some dancers can literally rely on to cover their rent money every month. Maybe that's what you're asking about. I've never been interested in being one of them.
  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    I might visit 2 or 3 clubs in a single night. The most frequent I have visited on a regular basis would be once a week for a total of about 4 times a month at most. That is on the high side. I might only spend $30 at one club including cover, around 30 to 80 at another depending if I get any dances and/or drinks, tips etc. and then I could spend up to 100 to 200 at another club depending on the dancers and how things are going and how much money I have to spend or feel like spending. If I'm trying to save or spend my money for something else, I either stay home or don't buy hardly any dances anywhere. I'm about to cut back on my spending very soon and/or possibly the number of times I visit clubs. Unless my spending goes down without even trying. That does happen. With the economy appearing so dead in my neck of the woods for the time being, I'm thinking I need to start saving more and spending a lot less.

    Of course if you have a few bad nights at strip clubs and don't spend hardly any money anyway, you'll be longing for the days when it was a lot more fun. The only inroads I try to make with dancers is a good lap dance at a good price. I'm not trying to date or see any dancer. I visit strip clubs just for entertainment and fun.
  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    At one time I used to start my night at a regular sports bar. I liked playing the arcade games. I usually didn't stay there more than an hour or so. I remember one girl kept me there half the night. I only got to visit one strip club that night. hmmm, I wonder if they still have those games there. I have spent up to five dollars on quarters before visiting strip clubs. I used to play the Indy 500 style racing and shooter style games with plastic pistols. Drinking a few beers would improve my dexterity or hand eye coordination and scores. I used to wonder if that seemed normal to feel like your brain was accelerating with an energy rush but you can still move fast. After a few though, things did go downhill. One strip club had an old game called Galaga I believe. After a few beers, I played that game for over an hour on one quarter one night. It was like it was in slow motion but I could move fast. Ok, I'll stop rambling now.
  • Clubber
    17 years ago
    Pretty much ditto FONDL, for me, except I still go every once in a while. Maybe 2-3 times a year.
  • chitownlawyer
    17 years ago
    I agree with Chandler. I apply a functional approach to determining when one is regular. In my case, I decided that I had become a regular at an ESL club when:

    the waitresses would get me my customary cocktail as soon as I walked in the club;

    the door guys would waive cover;

    the VIP guard would waive the lame wristband charge; and

    the club manager would come to my table to greet me (and, ultimately, gave me a universal pass to all clubs owned by his employer).
  • DandyDan
    17 years ago
    I always think its when a favorite dancer goes out of her way to say hello, even after being away for a three months or so. I consider myself a regular at three clubs, which used to be four, but one closed up. It doesn't have anything to do with how much you spend, although with favorite dancers, $X spent is a given.
    17 years ago
    As we all know, there are two types of "regular" - being a regular at a specific club, which is what Chitown described above, and being a regular of a specific girl. You can be either one without being the other, although it's probably more common to be both.

    I define being the regular of a girl as getting to the point where she treats you like a "club buddy" rather than a customer, eg. when you're there she spends most of her free time with you - she'll go off and dance for other guys to earn money, but when she isn't busy doing that she sits with you. And you proabaly talk to each other via phone or email fairly regularly.
  • ThisOldManPlayed1
    17 years ago
    How many times do you go to club per week, month, year? - 2 to 3 per month.

    Are you a regular at more than one club? - Yes, at one particular club.

    How much do you spend per trip, on average for dances, drinks, and stage tipping? - Broken down: per trip - $200; on average for dances - $25; drinks - $12; stage tipping - $20.

    Actually, pushin50, if you look at my 'track record', you'll see I clubbed "extensively" from March to September 2006. During that time, up to Decembe 2006, I was pretty much of a regular at The Tunica Cabaret and The Platinum Plus in Memphis........H.I.S.T.O.R.Y.!
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