
Comments by herbtcat (page 4)

  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Are dancer’s SO’s often poor
    A Stripper joke to answer your question: What does a stripper do with her asshole before she goes to work? She drops him off at rehearsal. Ta Da!!!!!!
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    2 years ago
    God Bless Dancers
    Best Pizza Chains
    I have underwear older than the punk who made that YouTube vid. No sale, Chief.
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    2 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Admit it, haven’t we all secretly wanted to do this
    If you jerk off on a plane does that make you a member of the "Half-Mile-High Club?" :p
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    2 years ago
    Dominican Republic 🇩🇴
    Head about 20 miles west to Black Beards resort and book a room. Cheap daily rates, full bar and resto on site, vetted women on site working day and night shifts. Fixed prices so little chance of ROB's.
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    2 years ago
    Wanna go clubbing?
    Nicest most upscale strip clubs vs. the most ghetto strip clubs
    I would never spend money in a club that would accept me as a patron. Even a pathetic loser has standards. :p
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    2 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Deutsche Bank executives fired after charging strip club visit to company
    Rookie mistake made by senior level idiots who should know better. Now if they had approved another no-collateral multi-billion-dollar loan to Trump, they would have been promoted and given huge cash bonuses which could have been spent at strip clubs. It's not what you do, it's how you do it.
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    3 years ago
    Weirdest Club Experiences
    Two from me. Both true: 1. I was visiting Phoeniz for business and my client wants to go to Christie's. We sit down near the back and I see a skinny brunette across the floor who looks exactly like my cousin - who lives in Phoenix. I'm petrified! As she starts to come closer I realize she's way too young to be my cousin. But she's exactly the right age to be her daughter! Now I'm freaking out. Literally cannot move from the fear. After stopping at a few tables along the way, she finally get close to our table. I'm dead sure she is about to recognize me and I start to think of some lame excuses for being there. But when she does not stop and just walks by, I realize it's not her. Whew! Now here's real weird part: Once I knew I was not going be outed I decided to get a dance from her. About halfway through the dance I had to stop her because I had just LDK'd in my pants when she hadn't even touched me yet. I did the walk of shame to the men's room, gave my client $100 in cash and called a taxi to take me back to my hotel. 2. I went to visit a certain Deja Vu for the 1st time in about 2 years. As soon as I walked through the turn-style and past the bar, a hot blond spinner dancer ran up to me, hugged and kissed me and said she was so glad to see me again. I didn't even have a chance to reply before she grabbed my hands and pulled me to one of the VIP couch booths in the back. She sat me down, asked for the half-hour cash (I think it was still $150 then). I gave her $160 and she slid the stack of 20's into the meter. As soon as the last bill disappeared into the machine, she turned to me, took my belt off and opened my pants so she could start blowing me. I was having a good time of course, so I decided not to interrupt her with any catch-up chat or other conversation. After about 10 minutes she told me to lay back on the couch and she stated riding me BB. She was so wet I could feel her warm juices under my ass. The look of sheer lust on her face was too much for me and I told her I was going to cum. She started fucking me harder and told me to "give it all" to her. Of course I obliged, and she seemed to be in extasy as I filled her up. She grabbed some napkins from her purse for her and me and we both cleaned up a bit. I gave her a $100 tip and she said: "Thank you, Roger! That was even better than I remembered." I said: "Me too! Because my name is not Roger." For some reason I still can't understand, she declined to give me her phone number. That was a good day, however it's rather sad that somewhere out there, Roger is probably still suffering from blue balls.
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    3 years ago
    So what do you guys think of travel dancers in clubs you hang out in?
    I like dancers. All dancers. I don't really care where they came from or when. I do care where they are going - especially if they are going somewhere with me - like to the VIP booth or my hotel room.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    When your sour super "frustrated" but the weekend Is only a day or two away.
    I usually go once or twice a day. After that I take a hot shower and go to my local strip club. :p
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    3 years ago
    LA strip clubs that haven’t switched to employee status yet?
    "Any recommendations for clubs that are still doing cash?" Well, my living room is certainly cash only. :p But there are few clubs in LA that are still avoiding the mandate to switch to employees. Try looking at smaller clubs and as suggested, avoid the national chains. And stay away from topless clubs that serve alcohol.
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    3 years ago
    Why do you guys think that its "Right wing" guys who become expats?
    I done a fair amount of sex tourism over the last 20 years. I'm not looking to be an ex-pat anywhere. But I have the means to travel in pursuit of many interests, including new experiences abroad (pun not intended) with consenting adult women. In my many trips, I have met a fair number of other Americans who share similar interests - both tourists and ex-pats. I'd say the majority - perhaps 70% plus - are indeed generally conservative politically. A smaller but still significant portion of those are extreme, right-wing 'Mericans, who barely veil their prejudices, antisemitism, and outright contempt of progressive ideologies. It is interesting to note that meetings and discussions with these men are generally cordial and non-confrontational. Perhaps they are aware that as guests in a foreign country for the purpose of fucking the shit out of local women, it would be imprudent in the extreme to be argumentative and unruly with other guests. Or maybe they just don't want to be distracted from all the cheap, fresh, hot pussy around?
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    3 years ago
    How "Romantic" lets put it, do you guys make your OTC's?
    I treat every OTC event like a Sugar Date. Specific activities vary based on a discussion of preferences before we meet. But there's one thing I always do and that's taking a significant amount of time "downtown" doing DATY. I want her to remember those hot, sweaty, moist O's every time she thinks of me. Yes, the offer of cash gets her to show up. But the endorphin-laced memories make sure she WANTS to come back. Not surprisingly, strippers that have my phone number rarely abuse it by texting me to meet at the club. Instead, they ask me how soon I can see them again. DISCLAIMER: I am not claiming some type of Oral-Super Powers here. I'm just an old, fat guy who loves to eat pussy. And that tends to surprise many women who were probably just looking for me to nut in a hurry so they could cash-out and bail.
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    3 years ago
    Inflation at the strip club
    Really, a $5 or $10 increase in door fee is not a concern if you intend on getting more than a few dances or a VIP session. If your bankroll is $250 or more, another $10 is almost meaningless. Where I get bothered is when the $20 lap dance - a price point that has resisted going higher for decades - is increased to $30 or $40 for a 2-3 minute song. Why are clubs increasing single dance prices by 50-100%? My opinion, and I posted on this early in the COVID times, is that they are stupidly trying to get current PL's to pay for the revenue they lost when closed for COVID. The result in my area (SF Valley in LA), clubs with fewer PL's inside and PLs' who spend little on dances. Too many of these custies are also hurting from lost wages and they just don't have as much disposable cash as they did in 2019 or before. What I suggested in that earlier post was that clubs should use the opposite strategy; CUT dance prices in half, reduce dancer house fees and get the business packed with PL's and Dancers. Then, slowly, over 6 to 10 months they can increase prices in small increments. The result would be, admittedly, lower margins for a while, but with a big increase in cash flow as both dancers and PL's will feel good about that club and will spend the majority of their schedule and wallet there. For me, I now only look for VIP's that are time-based, and with dancers that I know will make me happy. I MIGHT risk a single dance on an unknown as a test drive, if I think it will convert to a good VIP.
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    3 years ago
    Mongering trip to the US Virgin Islands
    US Virgin Islands are all US territories, so US prostitution laws may apply. Other islands in the region are governed by different laws, many of which allow (or at least tolerate) p4p. Having said that, St. Maarten, Martinique, Curacao, Barbados, and Dominican Republic are all fertile places for pros AND freelancers on vacation. There are many sex tourist guides on the web with generally reliable intel available.
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    3 years ago
    >:( 🧚🏼‍♀️💃🏼 busy being a "psycho bitch" 🤣
    No logic in rules
    Club rules are made for two reasons: 1. Money. No matter how ridiculous the rule, if it wasn't imposed by local LE or city ordinance, the club manager thinks it will generate more money. Examples include: Drink minimums, VIP room access fees (plus per dance fees), preferred seating area/booths, Club Cash scrip (sorry, PL, no refunds on you leftover $1,000 of funny money), mandatory tip for buying $1 bills, parking fees, shift rules and fines, tip-out/stage fees, etc. 2. As implied in #1, local LE or city/state ordinances. These are almost ALWAYS the result of people or legislatures who want to kill strip clubs, but know they have to stay away from laws or rules that infringe 1A rights. (1A = 1st amendment.) Examples include: 6-foot rule when topless or nude, 1-foot on the ground, no doors or opaque curtains on VIP booths, pasties requirements, no-knock LE arrivals, state or city stripper registration requirements, giant "Prostitution is illegal" signs, etc. Next time you hear about dumb-fuck rule, you will find the rationale comes from one of these reasons.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Fat bastard that can afford to fuck hot strippers
    Universities nationwide host 'Sex Week' ahead of Valentine's Day
    @shadowcat, all strippers are 22-year old college students. It's in the job description. Just ask any stripper... LOL
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    40 dancers at 7th Veil is a tight fit (no pun intended). But I really wonder if they will get enough PL's there to generate that much demand. It's a medium-sized club. If they get 60-100 guys there, it will just be a sausage-fest of PL's waiting several minutes or more for a dance spot to open up. There are several other clubs within a 20 minute drive and I think PL's, especially if they are not locals will just use Yelp to find less crowded places nearby. If they do some real research - like on TUSCL - they will probably migrate to 4Play or PlanB for the hotter dancers. I don't expect the tourist crowd to be extras-freaks. Hot dancers, flirting with guys who paid for their drinks and table dances will be the norm this week.
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    3 years ago
    When she goes all the way up on the pole…
    I've always appreciated the athleticism of pole work. It takes strength, coordination, skill, and showpersonship (see what I did there?) to make it look effortless. But I've never found it sexually stimulating. I don't recall ever seeing a stripper do pole work that made me want to get dancers with her more than before she mounted up. Really, the criteria I use to decide if I want dances is more about how hard she will work my pole (yeah, ok, that was too easy) and if we can agree on an acceptable tip amount. Fortunately, I have never seen a dancer fall from the pole. But I have seen some close calls. There is one trick I used to see a lot that seems to be out of vouge now: She climbs all the way up, grabs the pole between her thighs and let's go of the pole with her hands. She starts to free-fall and at the last moment grabs the pole again stopping 2-4 inches above the stage. Looks impressive as fuck. But I never thought it was sexy. BTW: Deja Vu, pre-covid, used to host an annual "PoleLympics" competition between dancers across several Deja Vu clubs. It was a big marketing draw and the winning dancers got some decent cash prizes, pics on Deja Vu marketing materials and other manufactured celebrity. Not sure of the chain is still doing it.
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    3 years ago
    Kandies membership club Phoenix
    Found their IG page at https://www.instagram.com/kandiesinternational/?hl=en From the vid posts made 44 weeks ago it looks like an ATL club installed in NW Phoenix, about 5 miles SW of Glendale. The vid clips show lots of PL's making it rain with giant stacks of $1's.
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    3 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Subscription Services
    Why sell a product once when you can sell it every day for no extra work? This is not new. Car companies have been selling leases for decades. Same principle. Buy it now, pay for it now, then buy it again and pay for it again. Wash, rinse, repeat.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Worst dance ever.
    Sometime in 2017, I went to club on the east side of the San Fernando Valley. It was a small-medium club, known as a Latina (dancers and cuties) spot with generally hit & miss flexibility on extras. It all depended on who your dancer was, day and time, how busy the club was and maybe the Lunar cycle. I was only a 1 or 2 times a year visitor, so I didn't know any of the regular dancers, DJ's, managers, or bouncers there. On this day, I was in the area and decided to catch up on my field experience at 2 pm on a Thursday. The club was virtually empty. I was the only PL (that I could see) and there were just 2 dancers there. One was locked down in VIP (presumably with PL #2), so the other sat with me and we chilled for about 30 minutes talking. I had been gently hinting/probing that I was interested in a special VIP if that was available. My dancer slowly warmed to the idea, I assume as she got more comfortable with me and wasn't concerned I was LE. She eventually offered me a one-hour VIP at the 30-minute rate if I would make the other half a tip to her. I was happy to accept those terms and enjoyed a most satisfying adventure of HJ's, BBBJ,s bare pussy slides and eventually she asked to hide the final evidence - in her mouth. After she cleaned up in the dressing room and I made the walk of shame to the Men's room, we sat together again for a while to cuddle. At some point I mentioned that I was glad the club was empty and that we had so much time together. I told her I was sure we would not have been able to do that much for so long if the Club Manager has been around. And that's when she told me: She was the manager. I think I need to make up several reasons to head back to that part of town... asap.
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    3 years ago
    Escorts/FBSM Providers
    Doesn't have to be an "either/or" decision. Experiment and report, please.
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    3 years ago
    You ever just said fuck it I’m dropping big $$$ on a night to remember
    Yes, I have done that. The result: I left knowing that I got totally fucked.. but not the way I wanted to. The next level down from deliberately deciding to drop $2k+ happens when you THINK you have lined up a perfect VIP with all the extras you want for $400-800, and then it doesn't happen. So instead of bailing you try to line up another with a different dancer and another $500-ish. At the end, you realized you dropped over $1k - double your "budget" - to get half of what you wanted. Sad. But on the flip side of that record, back in the mid-90's I was with the BSD's (Big Swinging Dicks) from my company sales team at a conference in NY. The lead sales agent decides to take 12 of his boys to Scores as a reward for hitting their quarterly numbers. And he asked me and my buddy to come along as the guys from Sales Support who always helped these guys out. We get to the club, and the lead guy buys $2,000 in Scores Bucks - FOR EACH OF US! He told us we had to stay until every-one had spent it all. That was a true once-in-a-lifetime event. And the only part about it that still pisses me off to this day is that I was way too drunk to remember what (who?) the hell I spent my $2,000 on!
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    3 years ago
    2021 strip club spending
    Before Covid: Strip Clubs - about $4,000 a year Sugar Babies - about $10,000 a year During Covid: Strip Clubs - less than $2,000 a year Sugar babies - more than $15,000 a year
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Here we go again
    Short reviews
    Approvers should practice some level of self-discipline and consistent criteria for evaluating a review. First - I only approve or decline reviews for clubs I've been to and know fairly well. I don't feel qualified to assess the specifics of a review if I don't have actual experience. Next - For those I will evaluate, I judge on two criteria: 1. Quality (and accuracy) of the information: Does the review contain useful info that will help others? 2. Clarity/Format: Is the review written well enough that it is easy to understand and allows/helps the reader to make a decision about the club? Of course, there are certain auto-rejects like naming a dancer that provides ITC or OTC extras. But that's me. Since I rarely write club reviews (here) I'm not concerned much by what the rest of you do.