
Comments by herbtcat (page 5)

  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Cool Cat in the Valley
    Finally heading back to Vegas for... you know... fun. ;)
    Business cards.... Hmmm... interesting idea... How about this? Herb T Cat Monger/PL/Sugar Daddy Email: [email protected] Tag Line: This Cat is a Cannibal ;p Ok, the tagline might be too cerebral for some. But it's got to be a good conversations starter.
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    3 years ago
    Cool Cat in the Valley
    Finally heading back to Vegas for... you know... fun. ;)
    Thanks, Scrub and RTP. I have done lots of research on the "Pro" scene and have several options identified. I'm really looking at my SC activity in Vegas as a pastime between pro sessions. LOL Getting a little hands-on time with a stripper for a Benji or 2 has got to be better than paying $500 (plus booze) to sit at one of the tops-optional pools at the Strip resorts and be reminded of what an old PL I am by the 20-ish bikini-clad GPS Ice Queens who are looking for rich Persian guys to fuck for big $$$. (Nothing against Persian guys - you be you and spend your Father's money any way you like.)
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    3 years ago
    Cool Cat in the Valley
    Finally heading back to Vegas for... you know... fun. ;)
    Thanks for the advice and for confirming what I inferred from the recent reviews. I'll have a rental car so I can stash some back up clothes in there if needed. Assuming I don't fuck up and awaken in a Motel-6 bathtub filled with ice and missing a kidney, I'll have some field notes to share when I get back.
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    3 years ago
    Extras in Florida at...a hockey game???
    If you dig a little deeper (no pun intended) you'll see another, closer vid that shows she was just twerking with her ass grinding on him. No judgement here.... Ok, I'm totally judging. But I guess celebs gotta be celebs. (Still have no idea who that guy is though.)
  • article comment
    3 years ago
    Mornin': My Life of Strip Clubbing in the Morning Time
    I seem to recall rejecting this.. so good on you for getting it published. I shall bill you for my review time. :p
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Haven Place/Desire Baltimore 2-fer?
    What is your goal? Hottest dancers? Most dancers? ITC extras? OTC take out? Back in the day, I never had much luck at Penthouse beyond the top-shelf eye-candy. I always ended up back at the Block - with admittedly mixed results.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Looking for sugar babies in the AOL chatrooms
    AOL Chatroom? Did you post this 25 years ago and set it to publish today through a time warp?
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Vegas topless pools
    I have seen mention of these as well, though I have not been to Vegas for 5 years (might be going in Jan). But any discussion of these needs to include the STEEP entrance fees and drink prices. When last I looked, renting a "Cabana" at one of these (sort of a 3-sided tent with a couch inside) started at $800 for a few hours.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Gulf Coast. I’m not your boss.
    Required SC gear: SCW in my LLP
    I keep a cheap, slim wallet in my car console as well. I put my back-up cash, ID and one card in it. The rest of my cash gets split between 2 pockets - one with smaller bills for stage tipping, another gets bigger bills for laps and VIP's. I have recently added a small bottle of spray lube. It's a little bigger than a cigarette lighter and fits unseen in my pocket. I realize I needed to add this to my PL kit when I had a disappointing experience at Synn NH last month. My dancer decided that our VIP should be clothing optional for both of us and then she found something interesting to touch...and rub... repeatedly. Of course, I approved of her excellent decision-making skills. But sadly, her ability to organically reduce excess friction was diminished. In other words, she couldn't spit any better than a Fremen stranded on Arrakis in a stillsuit. So should I get an opportunity for the Spice to Flow in the future, I shall be better prepared. And no, I don't think bringing my own lube to a strip club is at all creepy. Right? :p (With apologies to Frank Herbert)
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    OT: Creative ways of using leftover Christmas ham
    Invite all your Jewish friends over for dinner and tell them you are serving "elephant" steaks. Oh, and be sure to wink when you say "elephant."
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Space geneious and inventer of the grunges
    I’ve got a feeling ‘22 is gonna be a bad year…
    Can't happen... Charlton Heston died in 2008. Enjoy your Soylent Salad.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    North America
    OnlyFans ghostwriters catfishing paying fans.
    It's dishonest all the way around. From my 3 porn star sugar babies, I've been told that these "management" companies offer a full turn-key service to anyone with a big enough following online. The talent has to create a certain amount of content for the company every week. In turn the company gets exclusive rights to all material, posts it, handles private messages, IG and Twitter posts, etc. BUT they keep 60%-70% of the OF revenue. If the talent wants to quit/fire the company, she cannot get her content back, nor can she take back her IG and Twitter account. She literally has to abandon everything and start from scratch.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Long finder nails on dancers.
    "Has anyone had bad experiences that required medical attention? Do Band Aids stick to hairy balls?" Not sure why you are getting laps with dancers that have hairy balls... but no judgement from me. :p I got a BJ from a hooker at Black Beards Resort in Dominican Republic back in the "before times" (pre-COVID). She used a lot more teeth than she should have, and actually broke the skin on the side. I had to stop fucking for two days while the skin healed. And avoiding Band Aid issues the primary reason I shave. Well, ok not the primary reason... actually is closer to the 8th reason.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    There is no scene. COVID is still cock-blocking the whole country. Maybe next year?
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    3 years ago
    FMM not letting me fill out the form.
    Go get a renewed passport. Pay the fee for expedited service if you are in a hurry.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Still looking for an ATF
    What would you do if newly single and had a very high income?
    Your friend is the ideal candidate to be a Sugar Daddy. He can date (date = fuck) as many 20-ish hotties in a week as his libido can stand and dump any and all whenever he wants to. No guilt. Lot's of hot sex. No commitments. No babies as long as he covers up. That's what I did when I retired 3 years ago, with a nice stack of disposable cash at hand. This is his time to indulge all of his hedonistic desires. So sure, add the trips to German FKK's, Thailand GoGo Clubs, etc. Tell him to pass on the Nevada brothels - they suck and not in a good way. And TJ is ok, but the Euro and Asian locations are much better with a moderate to large budget.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Huge boobs ddd or bigger
    Houston. Clubs there are swarming with them.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    PLing - Tokyo Style
    How do turn THAT into a FRMOS?
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    'Tis the Holiday Shopping Season
    I have been successfully using Seeking for over 10 years. I've dated and fucked at least 120 hotties from the site, and another 10-15 less-than-hotties. :p It's not an UTR hooker site, though there are hookers who play in the Sugar Bowl. It's a dating site with a very open and transparent mutually beneficial structure. If you use it to find "bang & dump" ho's you will be frustrated with the work required versus a hooker ad site. If you want a sweet, charming 20-ish who will adore you and fuck like she invented the sport while you help her pay some bills and learn how to balance her checkbook, Seeking will be the best resource you will ever find. I have 3 SB's in my active rotation, and 5 more who are on-call if I want to see them. All are PPM for between 200-400 for a 3 to 8 hour date. Plus 2 active porn star SB's who get a bit more - 600-800 ppm. You just can't help but enjoy your SB's feedback that you eat pussy better than any bar-pickup douche bag she's ever dated, including her current boyfriend. The cash brings them to you the 1st time, but the multiple O's from an experienced older guy brings them back for round number 2, 3, 4, 5, etc... and the cash. You always need to provide the cash. I have pics, vids, worn out sex toys and more as proof... But no, CJK, you will not get to see any of them. The Sugar Bowl relies on discretion and trust.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Too much of a good thing is never enough
    Clubs that scan IDs on entry
    I haven't seen these in California. But I wouldn't mind allowing my ID to be scanned if asked; I don't have an SO to worry about finding out so not a blackmail target. And I like the idea that it might reduce the potential for a 2AM'er. I'm also not worried about the Club giving my info to LE. If I'm going to get caught in an ITC raid, that info won't matter one way or the other. And if the club sells my data, that's a risk, but it's also illegal and if proved, the club faces significant consequences. But I absolutely WILL NOT use a card for any purchases in that club. Just like I don't use my card now without such ID scans. I developed the discipline needed to ensure I never spend over my allocated cash in a club a long time ago. Interesting story about cops showing up at my house: Earlier this year, I was hosting an A-List porn star at my home for one of our Sugar dates. About 15 minutes after she arrived, before we had started anything salacious, there's knock at my door. It was a local PD officer investigating a stolen car that had been abandoned and parked at the curb across the street from my home. The cops had canvassed the block for witnesses and this guy noticed my Ring camera. He asked me if I could review the cam video for any footage of the perp. I told him I'd check and he gave me an email address to send whatever I could find. Now my popular porn star Sugar date heard the entire conversation, though she stayed out of sight of the door. Obviously, she did not want video of her walking into my home to be provided to LAPD detectives! She had no doubt that eventually she would be recognized. Nor did she want any video of her car parked in front of my house to be sent either. So we went into my home office and reviewed the video together. Eventually I produced a carefully edited clip that showed ONLY the stolen car and the perp, and she was ok with me sending it to the cops. But I was lucky that she was cool about the whole thing. That could have gone south in a hurry. So why did I tell this story? Humble Brag? Partially. But also to point out that your ID data is just data. They key issue with having your ID swiped is really about what the club will DO with the data.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Seeking and whats your price both suck
    But go big on Secret Benefits and Sugar Daddy For Me... just saying.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Seeking and whats your price both suck
    By all means, stay off of Seeking and WYP! I don't want the competition when I need to refill my rotation of 20-ish hotties.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    “I was banned from Ruby’s Buffet”
    The question no one has asked: Was he hungry again an hour after he was banned?
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Olive Garden...it isn't a stereotype if it's real
    Olive Garden is the McDonalds of Italian restaurants.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Evil Lair
    Standard TUSCL Cover Story
    When I go with my buddy, I'm almost always with my friend of over 20 years. We know each others' routines and lies so well we just riff on instinct and it all works. We even have a "no go" code when a dancer asks one of us for a dance and the other guy has previously tried her. It allows him to tell me "hell no!" bust sounds like "she's awesome" so I can politely decline while he looks like a good guy. But here's a cover story you might want to try - if you want to really stir things up: Tell her you used to bang the same stripper for a year before COVID and decided to come to this club to try to rekindle the magic. Then whatever she asks about that stripper, answer in the affirmative with a COMPLETELY straight face: "You mean you had three-ways with her?" Yep, sure did. Well to be honest, sometimes her sister would tag along, too. "So did you two know each about other at that time?" Yeah. She was cool with it, so were we. "Did you meet her here?" It's kind of funny, actually... we both asked her for a VIP at the same time and she took us both into the booth. It was crazy. "Have you two double-teamed any other strippers?" Well none that we can talk about...without a court order. So there you go. The perfect TUSCL cover story.