
You ever just said fuck it I’m dropping big $$$ on a night to remember

Like real big money. Pre determined. 2K, 3K I’m having the time of my life no matter what. The kind of night where you call friends up and say “look motherfuckers we bawlin’ out!” Maybe even something happened, your depressed, you super happy trying to celebrate, on this day, your all in.

I really haven’t done something like that yet. Be it due to alcohol or sober. But there are couple instances where if I could go back to I would’ve let loose if I had another shot. Maybe one day I could save for something like that though. How about y’all out there?



  • gSteph
    3 years ago
    No. 2K for an evening entertainment, no thanks.

    Thinking of dropping somewhat less than that on a guitar, that I would have maybe for rest of my days.

    But, have fun 👍
  • rattdog
    3 years ago
    same here. with 2 grand i can buy 1 or 2 more electric guitars and actually start a wider collection. already have this one:

  • Muddy
    3 years ago
    Alright so make it one 1k. Don't get to hung up on the actual amount given just the concept more so. Budget is probably going to be somewhat relative.
  • shailynn
    3 years ago
    Maybe not the numbers you mentioned but yes there’s been nights where I’ve said “f€#% it” I don’t care what I spend I’m leaving here getting my rocks off, shitfaced drunk or hopefully both.

    Most recent memory of this. I was in Vegas losing my ass at the MGM poker tables late on Friday night and still had a significant amount of money “set aside” for the day. I said to myself “I can lose the rest of this money over the next 2-3 hours at the poker table or I could go to Rhino and get lapdances.” I went to Rhino and had a great time. An expensive time, but still great.
  • nicespice
    3 years ago
    Is this thread in reaction to blah and Icey criticizing bargain bin FSSW in that other thread about ROBs, or are you just shit posting knowing full well how most tusclers are going to respond to a thread like this? 🤣
  • blahblahblah23
    3 years ago
    Money makes me 💦

    And nicespice's ladyboy unicorn nob 🦄
  • Mate27
    3 years ago
    Yeah, it ended up being a night I’d rather forget. Nothing is worthwhile if you need $$ to make it memorable. Usually it’s the spontaneous unknown events that make good memories.
  • Uprightcitizen
    3 years ago
    I went to Spearmint Rhino after a huge score in Vegas. I also got a cabana at a night club (I think it was Tieso) the next day with a few strippers I met the night before. The night club was considerably more expensive and the girls came without any expectations of payment. Just to have fun.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    I've done it. The most I've spent partying in a strip club is $4200. But that included my own section with 2 bottles and 3 stripper hoes in my section.

    There were sections full of like 10 guys each being loud af and trying to flex. But them and everyone else was staring at me alone in my section making it rain on stripper hoes and getting shit faced drunk with themlulz.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    And each stripper hoe got around 1k in ones rained on them. No talk of sex no bargaining no trying to grope them. Yeah there was touching as we drank more but it was like normal shit you do with a drunk girl.

    But I can get the same experience for a lot less. They love drinking with me
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    3 years ago
    Yes. North of $1K. Not pre-determined, though.
  • blahblahblah23
    3 years ago
    Heaving if u give me and nicespice $1k each we'll all go to a more private area and get to take turns playing with her 🦄
  • shailynn
    3 years ago
    Icee I think you made a typo you meant to say you spent 42.00

    There I fixed it for ya. You just forgot to put that “.” in
  • Warrior15
    3 years ago
    It better be a "night" to remember. Not 30 minutes in VIP. I'm talking like something like two girls for multiple sessions over several hours. Then sure, why not. YOLO !
  • Muddy
    3 years ago
    @Nice Na it really ain't and although I live on the bargain basement end, I thought it'd be different to talk about the going all out side of the house
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    Heaving I've shown girls this page. They love my posts and laugh at many on here for being yhe type of customers they hate.
  • Tetradon
    3 years ago
    Most I've dropped was $750, back in 2005. Shitloads of dances and one extra.

    Maybe I've gotten tame since then.
  • ilbbaicnl
    3 years ago
    No, for a couple of reasons.

    1. If someone is touted as a great FS provider, here, on TER, where ever, it isn't reliable. It could be a sham, or it simply could be that what's great to someone else is not your great.

    2. If I could pay someone a grand to clean my bathroom, and it would never get dirty again, that would most def be worth it. But it doesn't work that way. It's not like somebody is going to pork you so good that you'll be like "dang, that was so good, I don't need to get porked for another year now". Also, doesn't work that way.

    Decrepit old man that I am, I'm not in the FS market anymore, the only "extra" beyond two way contact that interests me is kissing. If I were looking for FS, I can't see paying more than $700. When you see someone new, there's well under a 50% chance the experience will be worthwhile. So you find women you click with and repeat. But, because there is so much mutual contempt in P4P, women will often think they can get away with doing less and less while still charging you the same amount. If you can have good dates 9 times out of 10, you're doing well I think. So, when you decide your per-date budget, you have to keep in mind you'll be wasting at least 10% of your money.

    If somebody gave me good FS for less than $500, I'd tip them at least the difference. It's not an easy life being a sex worker, especially hard being a FS sex worker, so important to do your best to be fair with someone in those shoes.
  • herbtcat
    3 years ago
    Yes, I have done that. The result: I left knowing that I got totally fucked.. but not the way I wanted to.

    The next level down from deliberately deciding to drop $2k+ happens when you THINK you have lined up a perfect VIP with all the extras you want for $400-800, and then it doesn't happen. So instead of bailing you try to line up another with a different dancer and another $500-ish. At the end, you realized you dropped over $1k - double your "budget" - to get half of what you wanted. Sad.

    But on the flip side of that record, back in the mid-90's I was with the BSD's (Big Swinging Dicks) from my company sales team at a conference in NY. The lead sales agent decides to take 12 of his boys to Scores as a reward for hitting their quarterly numbers. And he asked me and my buddy to come along as the guys from Sales Support who always helped these guys out. We get to the club, and the lead guy buys $2,000 in Scores Bucks - FOR EACH OF US! He told us we had to stay until every-one had spent it all. That was a true once-in-a-lifetime event. And the only part about it that still pisses me off to this day is that I was way too drunk to remember what (who?) the hell I spent my $2,000 on!
  • Daddillac
    3 years ago
    I've done that multiple times... what I've discovered is that it is not the money I spent that made it memorable, it is the people I am with and the events. I also have never regretted the money... it's just money and I can make more
  • mike710
    3 years ago
    Probably done $1K on a single night a few times but not $2K. When I travel for a weekend of fun, I will start out with $2K and usually end up at the ATM at least once over the weekend. I don't keep track though.
  • drewcareypnw
    3 years ago
    @icee: "Heaving I've shown girls this page. They love my posts and laugh at many on here for being yhe type of customers they hate."

    I get it now. You come on here and troll everyone for trying to buy sex, not spending enough money, bargaining, being old, being too conservative, etc. etc. because you are showing your posts to your stripper pals and they go "oh Icee you're so awesome". It's like next level white knighting.

    I'm kind of impressed. It's a very long con, but I bet they think you're really giving it to those gross old cheap bastards.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    It's not a con and I don't do it to impress anyone. They just think it's funny.

    And I have stripper hoes crying for me now. We connect on a different level
  • twentyfive
    3 years ago
    I have spent a lot of money on many stupid things, but the things I have enjoyed most, have been those times I've been able to use the money I have to make life better for the people that are important in my life.
  • Papi_Chulo
    3 years ago
    I don’t recall ever going to a club w/ the mindset that I was gonna ball-out/spend-lots-of-$$$ - I go with the old “feel it method” – if I’m having a good time I will often go past what my avg visit spend is – the most I recall spending in one visit was about $900 but it was just that I happened to really be in the mood to SC that weekend and I was enjoying the club that night; not that I went in w/ the intent to spend more than what I usually spent (and I hadn't taken $900+ w/ me to the club; I ended up using the club ATM at least once b/c I rarely take more than $500 w/ me into the club).

    I’d be hesitant to go into a club w/ the preconceived plan to spend a lot of $$$ b/c I may end-up not really getting a good bang for the buck b/c I may be forcing it – I rather the visit dictate my spending vs the other way around; sometimes spending lots of $$$ does not mean one is getting good ROI.
  • CJKent_band
    3 years ago

    You wrote and I quote:

    “blahblahblah23, deal, come to Austin.

    nicespice, pls read this.”

    In response to @blahblahblah23 comment:

    “Heaving if u give me and nicespice $1k each we'll all go to a more private area and get to take turns playing with her 🦄”

    Make sure you get the details of the deal in writing and as a notarized contact.

    And remember Pics and Vids or it didn’t happen.


    Good Times, Good Times.
  • CJKent_band
    3 years ago

    You wrote and I quote:

    “Yes, I have done that. The result: I left knowing that I got totally fucked.. but not the way I wanted to.”

    Who hasn’t done that, one way or another.?

    The important thing is to learn from the experience and don’t make the same mistake.

    I am sorry you don’t remember your, probably really good time in the mid 90’s, at Scores because being blackout drunk. That is one of the reasons I recommend people not to drink.

    The time when I decided to go for it and hopefully have a night to remember despite the cost, was when a friend told me about his experience with an High End Lady of the Night in Beverly Hills, because his CF stripper was a mediocre OTC experience.

    I wrote an article about it:

    How I found my All Time Favorite woman.

    To this day the best experience of my life in the hobby, worth every penny and every second I spent, I know that the experiences I had good and bad helped me to make it work the way it did.

    Thanks for helping me remember that good old time.
  • Cashman1234
    3 years ago
    I’ve spent more than $1000 on several nights out. I didn’t plan to go as far, but I just let it go. It didn’t get me a very memorable night. It just allowed me to waste more money (for less return).

    If NiceSpice and Blah are doing unicorn shows, I might need to find a way out west! I know Nicespice has a great body and a lean and mean looking horn. But, I’m still worried about acting like a horny fool and getting cut by Blah…
  • doctorevil
    3 years ago
    I’ve never preplanned it, but I’ve spent around $1,000 on several occasions. They all involved two girls and a very nice time. Money well spent.
  • crosscheck
    3 years ago
    I never go with a set plan, just go with the flow and see how I feel it. I don't think I've ever spent over $1,000.00 in a night at a club, I think my high is probably around $800 or so a couple of times. I don't recall regretting it all, they were good nights.
  • shadowcat
    3 years ago
    Never on strip clubs but I bought my last 2 cars that way. I didn't need them but just wanted them.
  • georgmicrodong
    3 years ago
    It was a weekend with a pair of dancers, and not just a single night, but yeah. Roughly 2.5K IIRC.

    Damn, I wish I'd kept up with them.
  • drewcareypnw
    3 years ago
    Maybe it’s harder to do this in washington without alcohol being sold in the clubs. It’s easy to get to $300 or $500, either through lots of lapdances or a trip to the vip. After that your either done from whatever she did to you in the vip, or at risk of having your dick rubbed off through your pants. Even at $40 a dance.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    In Vegas or LA prepandemic you were lucky to get out of the club for under 500. Now you can do the same for 300. Lower expectations in clubs
  • PinkSugarDoll
    3 years ago
    My home club in Washington wasn’t a *destination* exactly, it was a DJV club as well, not shabby but not upscale. One night a manager asked to introduce me to a customer, which happens regularly in other clubs, not in mine though. I was like, uh, ok, what gives?

    Apparently djv clubs have cards given out if you spend a certain dollar amount in one night and this man had a $50k card. ‘‘Twas a good night. 😎
  • CJKent_band
    3 years ago

    Pics and Vids and a detailed breakdown of the entire saga, or it didn’t happen.


    Good Times, Good Night, Good Times
  • CJKent_band
    3 years ago

    I almost forgot; have them both (@nicespice and @Bla...) sign NDA (Non Disclosure Agreements) in case you decide to run for office in the future.

    And also get them to sign Releases for the Pics and Vids, in case you want to monetize them.

    And in case you end up falling in love and want to marry, make sure you get iron clad signed Prenuptial and Postnuptial Agreements.

    Let’s be careful out there.

  • MackTruck
    3 years ago
    Yeahhh, dis iwhen I spent $48 at da tiddy club on da $5 lapperz
  • boomer79
    3 years ago
    I’ve spent a fair bit on clubs but the one time I spent a huge amount I was young, drunk and stupid. The thing is that I think I can get what a I want without spending more than 600-700. I can have a great night for less than that but if I spent more I don’t think aid really be getting anything for my money.
  • aleccorbett
    3 years ago
    2k is not that much for a fun night at a club muh dood
  • Cashman1234
    3 years ago
    It has likely been discussed many times already - but spending more and having a memorable night - don’t always go together. Some of my most memorable nights have involved less spending, and lots of unexpected craziness happening, or finding the filthiest dancer to fulfill my most depraved desires.
  • Huntsman
    3 years ago
    I’m thinking I’m more of an occasional monger than I might have previously realized. I’ve spent plenty of money on sexy fun but there are other hobbies I like much more. So I’m just not inclined to throw out “fuck it” money at a club because I’d be thinking of the fishing trip I’d be throwing away or that new Glock I’d been eyeing up or that hiking trip to the Grand Canyon that’s still on my bucket list. .
  • Tetradon
    3 years ago
    ^ What Huntsman said. Strip clubbing is maybe 5th on my list of hobbies, and one I've backed away from recently.

    Dropping money on bottle service, extended air dance VIPs, "making it rain" a hundred at a time, $50 dances no matter how good, do not add any enjoyment to my strip clubbing.

    My most memorable experiences over the last year were only $300 a day, getting $5-10 dances and sipping vodka in Atlanta. It was hanging out with an old friend in that atmosphere. I didn't get any extras myself but bought him some Latina puss.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    3 years ago
    Huntsman's point is precisely why I never predetermine that I'm going to spend a shitload in a strip club. Whereas, for other things I love to do, I absolutely do budget for bigger purchases.

    But ... when an expensive-but-rare opportunity presents itself in a strip club, I have been known to make non-budgeted decisions.
  • Dolfan
    3 years ago
    I've never pre-planned it like that. I'm more like Papi in that I go with it when I'm feeling it. I never leave the house planning on dropping big cash. But, it happens. Like someone else mentioned, I've done well in Vegas and blown stupid cash in the clubs afterwords. I've showed up intending to have a beer or two and maybe a dance or two and become smitten with a girl and spent well into 4 figures. I don't recall ever spending big like that and feeling any real regret, so I guess we both left happy. It used to be a fairly regular occurrence when I'd go to Tootsies with a group of 3-5 guys, a couple bottles a bunch of at the table lap dances, a few real lap dances, it goes fast. But again, it was never "I'm gonna spend my way into a fun night" more of a "I'm having fun, I'm not gonna stop now over a few bucks"
  • Jascoi
    3 years ago
    I went through a phase after I split from my wife.
    spent crazy amounts of money... especially up in Vegas.
    it was fun... but foolish.
  • rickdugan
    3 years ago
    I've had a handful of them, some planned and others not. Pretty much all when I was much younger and even dumber than I am now. 😉

    The planned ones were great. The biggest was a night out on the town in Manhattan, including dinner at Oceana, perfect seats at a Broadway show, a night cap at a wine bar and dessert in my hotel room in Times Square. It didn't hurt that she was a gorgeous and well educated Russian girl who turned heads everywhere we went and was great company besides. It is one for the memory banks.

    The bad ones were inevitably spur of the moment decisions while I had a hard on and a buzz. Never did I leave one of those thinking it was worth it, even when it had a happy ending. Big money impulse purchases never result in good ROI in strip club settings. A couple I consider to be tuition, though compared to some I got off pretty cheap before certain lessons sunk in.

    But whether good or bad, it's not something I generally do anymore. I had some great times but the older I get the less I'm interested in those big events. I still take girls out to dinner or to other clubs from time to time knowing that it'll cost me 2-3 extra Benjis, but that's about it.
  • gammanu95
    3 years ago
    I have done that a couple of times spur-of-the-moment, but never premeditated. Thinking about it outside of an alcohol-and-titties induced haze, I just cannot fathom a strip club situation which would be worth $2k-$3k.
  • DenimChicken
    3 years ago
    It's all relative. If you make 80k, spending 2k is still rather significant. If you make 280k, it is likely it isn't as significant.

    There are people I'm sure on here that have spent 1k and only make 50k and they were going crazy that night.
  • ElDuderino_AZ
    3 years ago

    But I've woken up the next day (errr, later that day), and when I came to said, "holy shit, I spent THAT much?!????"
  • bkkruined
    3 years ago
    Sort of, but not really....

    18 hour layover in Munich. Last time I was in Germany was 30 years ago... So I pulled 1000 euros from the ATM and headed to the FKK club. No reason get back to the airport with euros left in my pocket....

    A few times in Bangkok, usually last night for the trip, something like that. Never just blowing it in a club, but finding someone who's bring along a friend or two (or three).

    I don't consider getting a bunch of attention in a club because I'm throwing money at them to be something memorable. Taking turns with the hottest girls in the club in the middle of the club with everyone watching, ya, that's the kinda shit I don't forget (small gogo, lock the door and bob's your uncle...).
  • NJBalla
    3 years ago
    Most ive spent in a day is probably $400 and its because I left one club with such a case of blue balls from a ROB That i was determined to release the poison out at another club.

    @cash fully agree. Some of my best nights were having 2 or 3 LDKs for under 200. Its like going to vegas, spending 50 and leaving with 200 for spending money. Life is all about the small things.
  • Cashman1234
    3 years ago
    NJBalla, that could be a very interesting discussion. The most memorable nights of clubbing and the money spent those nights. It might provide for some great stories, and surprisingly low amounts spent.
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