Best Pizza Chains

avatar for MackTruck

Little Cesar's is the best ever and here is why.


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avatar for MackTruck
3 years ago
I am taking my sugar baby to Little Cesar's and den to da park. We are getting a loaf 0f bread to feed da ducks too
avatar for shailynn
3 years ago
That was pretty funny.

When ever I need a CT scan I tell them at the hospital, I’m going to eat a Little Caesars pizza instead of drinking that crap because it has the same effect.
avatar for Cashman1234
3 years ago
Sadly I watched the whole video.

It provides an unusual history lesson - but I can’t dispute such well presented facts.

If the narrator doesn’t like the racist language used by Papa John, then why does he drop the n-word during his narration?

I avoid pizza chains. There are many excellent local pizza joints here in NE NJ.
avatar for shailynn
3 years ago
^^^ don’t kid anyone we all know you’re eating this crap a minimum of 3 nights a week.
avatar for Cashman1234
3 years ago
^ I call my delivery driver Papa - but that’s only after I give him the tip…
avatar for Cashman1234
3 years ago
Sorry - I forgot - no homo.
avatar for ATACdawg
3 years ago
Mack truck just likes Little Caesar's because it increases his shit truck business....😣💩🤮
avatar for Tetradon
3 years ago
Little Cesar is Little Caesar's Mexican cousin who runs a taco-delivery service.

Keeps the shitters in business.
avatar for Warrior15
3 years ago
Nobody can out-pizza The Hut. From junior high all thru high school, I think I had a Pizza Hut pizza about once a week for that entire time. I can just taste that pepperoni now.
avatar for twentyfive
3 years ago
^ I grew up in Brooklyn I could show you a dozen places that can out pizza the hut, even here in South Florida I have much better choices than the Hut.
avatar for nicespice
3 years ago
Papa John’s is my favorite of the chains.
avatar for shailynn
3 years ago
If I was forced to eat one type of food everyday for the rest of my life pizza would be in the running for that particular food.

Of course I appreciate good pizza, but even shitty chain pizza can be edible as long as it’s fresh and hot, WITH the exception of Little Caesars.

BTW - there are very few frozen pizzas that are decent. Yuck. Always have one in the freezer for desperate times though.

I like to buy the dough at the grocery store and make my own. Still not as good as restaurant type because my oven doesn’t get hot enough but it’s way better than frozen.
avatar for crosscheck
3 years ago
Pizza Hut has virtually disappeared from my area. Papa John's also, though they were never well established here to begin with. There are too many good local options to deal with chains anyway, though I do occasionally order from Papa Gino's.
avatar for crosscheck
3 years ago
Shailynn - Freschetta is pretty good for frozen. But the best frozen pizza I've ever had is Lou Malnati's ordered from Taste of Chicago. It's pricey per pie, but it is so much better than a frozen pizza has any right being.
avatar for motorhead
3 years ago
I like cold pizza, but I don’t know what it is about Little Caesar’s. It’s edible while it’s extremely hot ‘n fresh but even if it’s a little old, it’s nasty.

If you stay away from the $5 hot & ready single topping pizzas and place a custom order with plenty of toppings and extra cheese (and I like the thin crust) it’s really not bad. But then it’s 75% the cost of Pizza Hut and a longer wait.
avatar for Cashman1234
3 years ago
No homo. I’ve always been chain pizza curious.

The only chain pizza in my area is Dominos. I tried it once, and I know my neighbors laughed at me after seeing that delivery car pull up. In all honesty, the pizza wasn’t good. The sauce is not fresh, the crust is bland and I think I got a pie with 9 slices?

There is no Pizza Hut, Little Ceasars, or Papa Johns in my area, and I’m ok with that.
avatar for twentyfive
3 years ago
If you were looking for a not terrible frozen supermarket Pizza, try the Screaming Sicilian brand, it's available in Publix, I like the flatbread one with extra cheese.Not great but less terrible than most of the others I've tried
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
I like Little Ceasers, but it is greasy.

I like Dominoes.

avatar for TheeOSU
3 years ago

Just think about this, if you went out and worked, you know actually earned some money you could buy a fresh pizza instead of dumpster diving at little ceasers and dominos.
Then you could save up, get your own computer and post on tuscl anytime, not just when the library is open.
avatar for rattdog
3 years ago
wow not one mention of sbarro. then again they've deteriorated into shit over the years.
avatar for NJBalla
3 years ago
I havent had franchise pizza in a while. These days I have my local go to's. Recommend everyone download the one bite app, its the yelp of pizza reviews. Also there is a fun youtube channel associated with the app. This guys loves to eat pizza in NY, NJ, FL, and CT…

The last franchise pizza I ate regularly was pizza hut because I didnt know better and they had a buffet
avatar for skibum609
3 years ago
Supermarket pizza? DiGiorno's. Chains are uniformly mediocre. Small local shops are abundant here.
avatar for boomer79
3 years ago
Of the chains Pizza Hut is the best. There are a lot of good local places in some places but others not so much. However I’ll go for Pizza Hut in the edible mediocrity category.
avatar for herbtcat
3 years ago
I have underwear older than the punk who made that YouTube vid. No sale, Chief.
avatar for shailynn
3 years ago
25 - yep that’s the one I buy. Screaming Sicilian. Pretty easy to find here.

I always get suckered in, every few months the grocery stores will have some fancy looking frozen pizza that’s like $10 and it’s in fancy shrink wrap instead of a crappy cardboard box and I buy it thinking “maybe this will be the one!!!” And it always sucks.

I read an article recently from a pizza chef in NYC. They said to bake a frozen pizza you need to set your oven to the max temp, let it run for 45 to 60 minutes once it reaches the temp, then bring it back down to the suggested temp for your frozen pizza, and it will bake it soooo much better. Really? Like I have time to wait almost 2 hours for a frozen pizza? I mean if I’m eating a frozen pizza in the first place you can already assume my day is not going right to begin with.
avatar for bman66
3 years ago
That was pretty funny, little caesar is ok for cheap pizza.. my fav. chain would be hands down Hungry Howies, yum! I have not had a good frozen pizza yet, some of the brands are so bad you can't make it past 1 or 2 pizza..Red Baron etc... and once it is cold.. oh man not sure if I would give it to my dog, maybe the squirrels.. ha!
avatar for CandymanOfProvidence
3 years ago
Don't try skibum609's pizza. He puts his own sausage on it.
avatar for misterorange
3 years ago
I swear I would rather be hungry than eat chain store pizza. I've tried them all and they all suck. I don't even know how they call that shit "pizza" except that it sorta looks like pizza.
avatar for Studme53
3 years ago
Agree. There’s too many great pizza places where I live to eat chain pizza. But there are some around here. I guess they do business cause they’re cheaper
avatar for Studme53
3 years ago
Btw - I worked at Pizza Hut as a teenager and ate so much of it I can’t even look at it now
avatar for Studme53
3 years ago
Funny video!
avatar for ilbbaicnl
3 years ago
When strippers prefer pizza from a john it's highly dubious they are really non-extras strippers.
avatar for CandymanOfProvidence
3 years ago
A stripper took me on a dinner date and I got extras: extra cheese, extra sauce, extra pepperoni...
avatar for ilbbaicnl
3 years ago
Offhand I can't think of another fast food chain that provides value for money the way Little Caesar's does.

But, it's always been a mystery to me that none of Cashman's primo Northeast single-store pizza places ever grew into a major national chain. I would have thought few people want their pizza to cheap but of mediocre quality all the time. But, outside the Northest, it's hard, sometimes impossible, to find anything else.
avatar for misterorange
3 years ago
I can "out-pizza" The Hut with some Wonder Bread, a jar of Ragu, and a few slices of Kraft American cheese.
avatar for TheeOSU
3 years ago

And that would outdo anything Little Caesar does, Lol
avatar for crazyjoe
3 years ago
For chain pizza places, I would say Papa John's or Blackjack pizza
avatar for CandymanOfProvidence
3 years ago
^ Is that for the pie or the shitter?
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