2021 strip club spending

avatar for BitCoinHodler
I have a budgeting app called mint and a bank account specifically for clubbing/casino. Any money I withdraw for the club is called "amusement" and casino is "entertainment".

My amusement funds for 2021 came out $5,559. Just wondering if anyone keeps as detailed track of spending as I do or if I'm just unique.


last comment
That's an impressive level of detail.

I watch my bank withdrawals, as other than clubs and a couple restaurants I frequent, I have little use for cash.

That puts me at about $9,000 worth of memories in 2021.
I don't want to know how much I spend on mongering/clubbing. It would probably make me depressed and discourage me from doing it so much.
avatar for docsavage
3 years ago
I don't know the exact amounts but I was spending five thousand dollars a year. A couple years ago I cut my yearly spending in half down to twenty five hundred and number of club trips in half and I don't really miss the extra trips. With the money I'm saving, I no longer need to work any overtime at work and have more free time. Fewer club trips also give me more time. I never went to a strip club until I was 53 and felt I had some catching up to do but no longer feel like that and I can partially switch back over to other hobbies. The local clubs keep getting worse so that is another reason to cut back on spending in them.
Gambling has its own bank account, but I have no clue at all what I spend strip clubbing. I will say that in the last month it's about 3k or so, but that will drop since we're getting snow and skiing takes over.
I'd guestimate about $4500 in 2021, given that I didn't participate until May and took December off as well.
avatar for mike710
3 years ago
I don't keep track but, since I don't club at home and took at least one trip per month, it was probably substantial. Some of my club visits were on work trips but a majority were personal trips.
This question has been posted in the past.

As I've posted in the past, I don't keep track of my spending nor "keep/stick to a budget" - I've never been one to spend big nor overspend (except strip-clubs) - for the most part I buy things I *need* vs buying things just b/c I can - I always try to find ways to not overpay for stuff and have always lived below my means mainly b/c that's just the way I'm wired; since I was a kid I would always save $$$ given to me or that I earned and then maybe over time buy something I wanted once I had saved for it like a BMX-bike etc.

I have a coarse idea of what I spending by looking at my bank-account - at the peak of my SCing from about 2012 to about 2017 I was SCing a lot and spending a lot but I never went into debt b/c of not paying my bills/credit-cards etc (for the most-part I always paid my CC-balance in full) - sometimes I would throttle-back my SCing some but for the most-part I just SCed when I was in the mood (but rarely more than twice in a week; on avg once per week sometimes twice but mostly 1x - the only side-effect of my SC spending is that I did not invest as much $$$ as I'd like during my peak-SCing but I've made up a good chunk of that over the last 2 or 3 years.

As others have mentioned in the past; if I would look at what I've spent over my 20-year PL-career I'd probably need therapy LOL.
$300 every other week is automatically deposited into a bank account dedicated to my SC and OTC activities. That’s my budget.
I get this level of detail mostly thanks to the wonders of 21st century technology. I withdraw the money from an atm, the next day the transaction shows up on my app since its connected to my bank account and I categorize it.

I figure the more I know the more about my money I can make better decisions on how to get the most out of it. I also work in financial analysis so I like being able to analyze my spending. I used to not do it like this but its easy to lose track of finances when there's a pair of nice tits in your face and a pedicured hand down your pants.
Before Covid:
Strip Clubs - about $4,000 a year
Sugar Babies - about $10,000 a year

During Covid:
Strip Clubs - less than $2,000 a year
Sugar babies - more than $15,000 a year
2021 oh boy

Strip Clubbing: $0

Casino Gambling: $0

Online Poker: $200 (I think I deposited $400 and still have around $200 left. I use this for cheap online poker tournaments)

Sportsbetting: Not sure of the exact amount but around +$2,000 which wipes out my roughly -$2,000 in 2020 so I´m at $0 right now.

A 2 year absence from everything, the only thing I really miss is poker tournaments live. I'll strip club again, just since March 2020 I haven't been anywhere where the strip clubs were worth a visit during that moment in time OR I wasn't alone like I usually am for work.

I can say thanks to COVID I will probably never club or casino as much as I did prior to March 2020. It's not just because my interests have waned, but less work travel to the good strip club locations, according to the raviews here many of the strip clubs I used to frequent have changed for the worse or closed all together. Some of the casinos I used to frequent appear to be a shell of their former self as well.
For me budgeting for strip-clubbing kinda takes some of the fun out of it - for me SCing is about enjoying myself and I don't like to worry about what I'm spending when I'm having fun - at the peak of my SCing SCs were a way to get away from the "real world" for the couple of hours I was in there and not thinking about "real world" stuff.

I would try to not overspend when I was SCing - i.e. I would leave when I felt I'd had my fill and would try to not go above the gong-rate when I opted for VIP/extras (the few times I'd go over the going-rate it would not be by a lot) - but if I was having a good time I'd rarely put a stop to the visit b/c of what I had spent or b/c I had reached some limit I set for myself - I would rather overspend on a visit if I was having a blast then maybe not go for a bit to kinda balance out the spending.

avatar for Iknowbetter
3 years ago
I’ve never kept track of my spending - nor would I ever want to. But I’m definitely not a big spender at strip clubs. If I go out to SCs on average of 1 x month, and spend an average $300 per visit. That’s $3,600 for the year, which sounds about right.
avatar for elmer
3 years ago
I don't have a budget but I've been keeping track of all my spending at SC, OTC and all other depravities since 2015.
I'm using a simple notebook and a calendar app.

For 2021 looks like I averaged over $2,000 a month.
avatar for Iknowbetter
3 years ago
That’s a lot of depravity - unless you have a high dollar sugar baby factored into that amount. No judgment. Just respect.
I started keeping track out of curiosity a couple years ago. Damage for 2021 according to my spreadsheet was $9,145 over 31 outings. Some outings included trips to multiple clubs in the same day while out of town.
I'd like to welcome everyone to the one thread that SJG (probably) won't bump.
2021 - Low 4 figures, 1st qtr 2020- mid 4 figures, 2019 - mid teens 5 figures.
Since I don't keep track I have no idea what I actually spend in a year but at my peak b/w 2012 & 2017 I'd guesstimate somewhere b/w $10k and $15k per yr (and likely closer to $15k)
avatar for Dave_Anderson
3 years ago
My strip club spending in 2021 = $0.00.

Not sure if when I will go back.
I probably should track my spending, but I don't. I'm not sure it's a revelation that I'd welcome.

All I know is that I can afford it, which is the important thing.
I don’t want to know what I spent last year but I’m keeping up with every dance this year just to see what I end with. I’m only at 10 so far.
$240. For 12 lap dances, just 2 visits.
Maybe 100 for stage, dance tips. Oh, and 2 $5 waters. Let's say 350.

A slow year, but fine by me.

Not judging, but some of the numbers above make me wonder why some say marriage is more expensive.
^ I assume the guys that say that mostly mean in case you end up getting divorced and you lose half of all you worked for or more.
^ Go away, Cacaplop.
I keep a cash fund at home for clubbing. It contains 1's, 5's, 10's and 20's. When it drops below $500, I go to my credit union and withdraw another $500 in small bills.
avatar for dirtyburt
3 years ago
Started doing my taxes and asked SB if I could write her off as a dependent. Looks like I pushed the $30K point with mine in 2021.....That’s Cash & Shopping only totals. Didn’t add in Meals etc.
My original budget was $12K per year, but I really blew it in 2021.
Hope to stick around $15K mark for the year 2022"..........In the last two months December & January I spent $1850 on her.. so I may be within the budget for 2022.
Time will tell........
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