Deutsche Bank executives fired after charging strip club visit to company

Friday, March 25, 2022 11:36 PM
Not a wise move. I remember when we guys would go to a strip club for lunch or to unwind in the evening. But we never charged anything to the company. [view link]


I used to work for a company that would quietly let me charge visits to the Foxy Lady with major clients who specifically wanted to cut deals between lap dances. Those days are largely gone.
2 years ago
Smart Clubs make sure they have their CC Billing as a neutral entity that doesnt raise suspicion in todays markets
2 years ago
The Foxy Lady in Providence does that. But, if you Google that neutral entity's name, then very often it's linked (officially or unofficially) to the strip club.
2 years ago
Yeah, any decent expense auditor knows what those pseudos are. It depends on whether they care or not.
2 years ago
Rookie mistake made by senior level idiots who should know better. Now if they had approved another no-collateral multi-billion-dollar loan to Trump, they would have been promoted and given huge cash bonuses which could have been spent at strip clubs. It's not what you do, it's how you do it.
2 years ago
Herbcat nailed it. I respect their game but truly a WTF moment. This is stupid on soo many levels in this day of age. Cheap shits should have just ate the cost. They sacrificed the annuity of their career.
2 years ago
I never even considered charging a strip club visit to a company account. I was never that stupid. But a boss I had when I was working as a law clerk took the entire legal team to a strip club after work one day. I assume he funded it himself and didn’t charge the strip club visit to the company. His career survived but I thought he was an idiot for taking that risk.
2 years ago
There was a time when this was common. Back in the day I ran large chunks on my corporate Amex in places like Camelot in DC and nobody batted an eyelash. But during the '01-02 recession everything changed. Most large corporate employers re-evaluated their entertainment and expense policies and strip clubs were definitely a big target. No more entertaining at titty bars, period, and no more alcohol expenses during travel that did NOT involve client entertaining.
2 years ago
What club and how much?
2 years ago
This seems like a very stupid attempt to expense a small dollar amount ($1000) spent at a club by guys who shouldn’t be so concerned about that small of a strip club tab. In the past, Deutsche had a reputation for letting this stuff go. It appears they have tightened things up. Maybe the guys were too accustomed to the old bank ways?
2 years ago
Here's an update on the bankers who were fired and the strip club they visited. [view link]
2 years ago
I'll bet a lot of companies changed their expense policies after that AIG bail-out fiasco back in 2008.
2 years ago
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