
Different price points for girls at the same club

Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
Tuesday, October 15, 2019 11:41 AM
Right now I have multiple OTC girls at the same club who I pay varying amounts to for hotel romps. I didn't plan it this way of course, but it just happened as a natural evolution of individual OTC negotiations. Some girls pushed me to my max pain point and others took lesser amounts. Also, in one instance the girl in question is one who I am willing to pay a hair more because she is just that sexy and that much fun. Well, one of the higher paid girls ran her mouth the other day with a girl who was getting dressed to leave with me. Specifically she shared what she was getting paid and told my date "know your value." Fuck. Needless to say this resulted in some drama for me during the ride to the hotel. Has anyone else run into something like this? This could apply to ITC fun just as easily as OTC I suppose, though IME the girls do tend to coordinate prices better ITC so that they don't undercut each other.


  • datinman
    5 years ago
    I am clubbing on the road, so I never really get into that kind of situation. I am curious as to how you handled it. Is there a tactful way to say I pay more for steak than for hamburger? Also, I assume the dancer who told your date to "know your value" had her own value significantly reduced.
  • AnonymousJim
    5 years ago
    I think those of us who do this often enough get into this boat on occasion in one way or another. When there's no open market, we'll take the best prices we can get. It can even be a situation where you're a regular with multiple dancers at the same club, but then they both approach you at the same time one night and you suddenly have to make a choice. This is part of the reason I have a rotation of clubs. When one gets a little difficult, I just avoid it for a while until things calm down, then, when I do return, they're just happy to see me back. Right now, I have the following situations: - Two clubs where I've grown tried of a favorite who seems to be putting less effort into dances lately. I'm just not going to those clubs because the favorite will find me and there will almost be an obligation to talk and do dances. - Another club where I have a favorite who hasn't been there in a while and won't give contact info and another favorite who has given contact info and I'm on the fence about OTC with -- she wants to, but we haven't made the timing work. I've been kind of avoiding that club, too, because I like the non-OTC favorite better and I'm guessing the OTC one wouldn't want to see me with her. - Another club where I know fun stuff is on the table with one girl, but another girl I have info from has said she's going to start dancing there and I want to have fun stuff with her much worse. In the end, consider it a wealth of riches. These are first-world problems. Trying to balance it and not screw it up with any of them is part of the fun. Just don't piss them off so badly that they don't want to kill you. Do what you can, but at the end of the day, there are other customers. Ghosting in this world isn't nearly as much of a sin as it is in real life. If you have to abandon ship with one or a few, it happens.
  • AnonymousJim
    5 years ago
    Scratch the "don't" from the "want to kill you sentence." This is why I do the bracket posts from a computer and not my phone.
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    I'm sure it was a fun night for you Rick, did you use the ole Dugan "charm", er......... I mean snark, to smooth things over lol
  • PaulDrake
    5 years ago
    I have had a similar situation but everything was ITC. I explained that I spent way more time with the girl that was getting the higher pay.
  • rickdugan
    5 years ago
    ===> "I'm sure it was a fun night for you Rick, did you use the ole Dugan "charm", er......... I mean snark, to smooth things over lol" Stop fucking whining 25 - yet again. Was that charming enough for you? But to answer the question, I told her that the other girl was fucking with her because I took her out instead of the other. I've known both girls for a while, well enough to know that they aren't friends. The club in question has some cut throat girls, so it wasn't hard to convince her that the other girl was fucking with her. By the time we made it 10 minute down the street to the hotel, all was good.
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    Can't say that I have since I don't do OTC and my ITC "extracurriculars" are kinda spotty in terms of frequency, and in the past I've kinda jumped around w.r.t. clubs. But - we all know girls talk and they have their cliques (as well as us PLs on TUSCL tend to share/advice w.r.t. pricing); so in reality I guess it's something that we should be prepared for especially if frequent a particular club. As has been discussed in the past w.r.t. pricing, seems many of us have a range we're comfortable with and prefer to stay in and may go above that range for a specific circumstance/girl - not every girl looks the same nor are we attracted to the exact same way, so sometimes we may opt for the higher-end of our range to make sure the sale is closed. In the OP's circumstance; if I have time to think about it I'd probably pay the other girl the higher rate if I was called out on it as long as it's still in my comfortable range (assuming services rendered were about the same in what each girl is willing to do) - the way I think about it is she likely needs the $$$ more than I do and she's "putting out" more than me per se in terms of what she's investing - so the extra-$$$ (within reason) is probably not worth it to me for her to feel worse about what she's doing. Having said this - I'm often leery of the "know your value" girls - these seem to often be the ones that wont budge from top-rate if not exorbitant sum$ - for the most part I try to stick to what I feel is a fair offer for the club and don't try to go lower and pretty-much pay most of the girls the same even if I can go lower w/ some - I will often pass on the "know your value" girls b/c they often quote above going-rate and I'm usually unwilling to go there w/ an unknown quantity.
  • Subraman
    5 years ago
    As an ATFer, I tend to only OTC one girl at at time from a particular club -- whoever my CF or ATF is at the time -- so haven't run into this. I think Paul's solution is brilliant, unless of course it's obviously not true ("yeah, we talked, you spend the same amount of time with each of us"). Are you going to fire the "know your value" girl? I'd have a pretty bad taste in my mouth, I think
  • Dolfan
    5 years ago
    It's happened to me a few times, but not really so much lately. My response has been to tell them I'm not going to talk about what I do with or pay other girls, nor am I going to talk about her with them. If she wants to try to renegotiate, that's fine, but it's going to be about how much she wants and how much I'm willing to pay, not how much I spend on what she perceives as comparable services. If we can't come to an agreement, I'm fine to walk away. I don't do the romantic walk in the park kinda stuff that's been talked about and subsequently ridiculed, but my OTC tends to be materially different than yours. It's much easier to attribute difference in rates with differences in activities.
  • MackTruck
    5 years ago
    What is your pain point Rick?
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    ^ Good question
  • rickdugan
    5 years ago
    ^Nosy question.
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    Dancer - "Why do you pay her more than me?" Me - "Her tits are much bigger than yours" Solid reasoning as far as I'm concerned
  • McNaffles
    5 years ago
    Look, these things will happen especially with OTCs from the smaller clubs. But the thing is the time each girl spends each 'date', the activities we get up to, the flakiness levels and number of repeats make each OTC girl ways different. That's kinda the point of having different OTC girls. So its quite a simple matter to respond honestly to a less compensated OTC that I will revisit the amount if she gets her $hit together and provides as good a GFE as Snowflake or is as reliable as Katrina. In the RickD situation the girl who ran her mouth would be getting a quiet but clear message the next time we were due out.
  • rickdugan
    5 years ago
    ===> "In the RickD situation the girl who ran her mouth would be getting a quiet but clear message the next time we were due out." There will be no next time with that one. I have a zero tolerance policy for any girl who fucks with my entertainment. For those who said I should have just refused to talk about it or expressed some logical reason why I pay the other girl more, neither would have defused the situation. She just had the very girl who was getting paid more rubbing the issue in her face. There we are in the dead of night, riding together in a quiet car on the way to a hotel, and she is feeling devalued. She's selling her pussy, not a widget, and to hear that another girl in the same club was getting paid a fair amount more for the same trip to the same hotel was no doubt a big pill to swallow. So I lied like a rug because, truth be told, I didn't want to pay her what I was paying the other girl. I'm sure they'll compare notes again, but on that night I accomplished what I wanted to.
  • SirLapdancealot
    5 years ago
    In my experience ITC only, I think most dancers stick with standard rates out of the gate when you are new to them but there are always some, a small %, that both lowball and highball them. My faves in general have given me lower rates over time and it is usually GPS ROBs that highball their dance rates. As to whether or not they share this info, my faves never do because it might get them into trouble and also they don't want their random customers to know. I also keep my low regular rates private to other dancers. I don't want my faves to get into trouble on my account.
  • SirLapdancealot
    5 years ago
    ^ My backup CF was recently outed for lowballing and so she raised my dance rate $5 but still stayed below her club standard.
  • CJKent (Banned)
    5 years ago
    “A Gentleman never tells” It is expected that a Gentleman would not share potentially incriminating, embarrassing information about a Lady who have had an intimate private relationship with. If another girl asks me about my Favorite girI, my responses is you know; a gentleman never tells. The girls I have had OTC with have never shared that information with other girls in the club. What two people do in private is nobody else business. Never snitch on yourself or your lady. I have had a couple of girls I had OTC and ITC in the same club and they may have suspected something, but could never confirm it. Never incriminate yourself.
  • Baldnhappy
    5 years ago
    I would lie and tell her that the other girl had gone the extra mile and taken several things off my bucket list. Put it back and her court and she if wants to step up and match the competition.
  • Muddy
    5 years ago
    I thought the system leaves a girl to stunned for words perhaps I’ve been mislead On the pain point we all know it’s more than any of us like to admit. I know one thing if your clubbing in a big city it’s gonna take more the $200 to get the job done for a super hot girl. Yes you out there may have done that and she was hot to YOU but probably not to the rest of us. So on that point, whatever you paid good for you and I’m sure it’s well worth it, despite it not looking that good telling your friends. Anyway if it was me I would drop the less hot one. And find a back up at another club.
  • herbtcat
    5 years ago
    Dolfan and CJKent have the right idea. If asked, I tell a dancer I have a hard rule of never discussing what I do with other dancers. Then, I play it like I knew she was testing me and she can feel ok to trust me and not blab when she fucks me raw-dog later that night. In the case of the OP, I (think I) would have told her something similar and then remind her I'm with HER tonight, not someone else. If she insisted on the higher amount, it's time for a judgement call - is she hot enough and willing to do the extra stuff I like to make the additional cash worth the spend? I suspect the answer will usually be no and I'll call her bluff and offer to drop her off and say goodbye. But the story for me won't end there... the next time I talk to the "higher price" dancer I'm telling her I no longer trust her and won't pay that much to her anymore. I'll walk away if she doesn't accept the lower rate. So the likely result from her blabbing is that she will get LESS (or nothing) rather than the other dancer getting more. Note: Always be willing to walk away. There are literally thousands of women turning 18 in your state every day, and a fair percentage of them will decide to do sex work. If you have trouble envisioning what this means, try a Google search for "I Love Lucy, chocolate factory."
  • rickthelion
    5 years ago
    Wise decision as usual rick my friend. But you are still way too tolerant of defiance from whores. Remember that time we were banging the tiger ladyboys in Thailand? One of them was stirring up all sorts of shit about payment. You were trying to find a “diplomatic” solution when I just said a single word. A word that rhymed with schmildebeest. And all was right with the world. No more ladyboy bitching. ROAR!!!
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    RickDugan, you get more personal with the women, then they are not just P4P. So how things are done in the strip club and in brief and occasional OTC dates, no longer applies. Shouldn't need to worry about these price point issues. SJG
  • JamesSD
    5 years ago
    I've found ITC the price can vary by the day. And girls who don't want to admit they do extras don't share prices with each other.
  • DandyDan
    5 years ago
    I never had consistent OTC, so this never came up, but as far as ITC went, 3 of my favorites were consistently lower than others for the same activity, at least at my old favorite club. One was way older than everyone else there and frankly seemed eager to give it away cheap. One was in and out there and probably didn't know what anyone else got. She was also heavy there, especially at the end. The last was most likely a true nymphomaniac who viewed whatever money she made as secondary.
  • crazyjoe
    5 years ago
    maybe some dancers don't like the system
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    ^^^^ Rick Dugan finds the ones who do like it. :) :) :) SJG
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