
Getting texts from random hookers?

Say yes to the sex industry!
Saturday, October 26, 2019 12:22 PM
Does anybody else occasionally just get texted by a random prostitute trying to advertise? Sometimes I get texts saying they are in my area and want to spend the night along with a photo of them in their panties.

On one hand, one of these days I might have to take up one of those girls on their offer. At least, when I got more cash to blow. On the other hand though, how the hell do they know who I am, what my phone number is, and that I've hired escorts before? I am struggling mentally with whether I enjoy the fact that I might conveniently have someone to contact when the time is right or whether I'm hella creeped out by the fact that random prostitutes have that much information about me.


  • Mate27
    5 years ago
    It’s because you bought their services prior, and they’re looking for repeat business. Are you that naive?

    They sell your info to others in the business. Didn’t you learn anything g from your daddy?
  • CC99
    5 years ago
    No these aren't girls I've seen before. They're new ones.
  • pistola
    5 years ago
    Pro tip: this is what burner numbers are for.
  • JAprufrock
    5 years ago
    I get friend requests on Facebook and tweets from whores that I ignore. Bitches likely trying to find suckers to send them money for nothing. For all my faults, I’m glad that ain’t one of them. I don’t play that game or fall for that shit.
  • CC99
    5 years ago

    Yeah I get DMs like that on Instagram as well. But those I assume are scams. With these texts, I do fully believe these girls are real, I just find it strange that they have my contact information.
  • CC99
    5 years ago

    What would double cuckery look like?
  • georgmicrodong
    5 years ago
    They're fake. They've harvested your phone number from some website, or a stolen or sold phone, or something like that.

  • CJKent (Banned)
    5 years ago

    Woman are more comfortable with sharing and helping each other in the this “business” environment.

    The fact that many request references from other providers to accept you as client for safety reasons is a good example.

    Some girls would help new girls choose a good customer or even give them their information.

    In the other hand some will give your information to their pimp to see if he can get money from you...
  • Jascoi
    5 years ago
    if they are cute and hot send me their numbers.
  • herbtcat
    5 years ago
    I doubt that a prior provider sold or shared your info with their friends. The pro's I've met would consider that a HUGE breach of trust, just like if I shared their info with a buddy without asking them 1st.

    I suspect as someone else suggested, your number got skimmed or hacked off some adult-themed website. The texts you are getting are almost certainly scams.

    Here's some practical checks you can do:
    1. If the area code of the sender's phone is not local - red flag
    2. If you Google their number and do not see escort ads / or you see ROB/SCAM warning listings - red flag
    3. If they are asking you to go to a website and sign up to "verify" you are (real, adult, etc) - red flag
    I used to get dozens of these random contacts through whats'app. None lately.
    4. Ask her for a web URL that has her info page or an escort ad. See if the number / email on the web page matches her info. If not - red flag
    5. If she passes all the above, and you want to consider moving forward, ask her to skype or facetime - not nude - just to talk and let you see her face (or more) clearly. Scammers will never allow video chat.

  • Mate27
    5 years ago
    Herbt is right!!

    I was busting OP’s chops because he said his dad told him to cool it and not go overboard on the prostitutes, saving a little money. CC is definitely addicted to pussy. He has that addictive personality.
  • WinningdaChumpsGame
    5 years ago
    SJG say meeting f2f is best

    I say if you see the one you want online, make sure to meet her in a public place so you dont get murdered

    Cant wake up next to her if you die first

  • CC99
    5 years ago
    "I was busting OP’s chops because he said his dad told him to cool it and not go overboard on the prostitutes, saving a little money. CC is definitely addicted to pussy. He has that addictive personality."

    You're not wrong lol. Then again, what are you doing on this site if you aren't?


    So the thing I found interesting about this text I received just yesterday was that the girl didn't state her affiliation whatsoever. She sent a picture of her in her underwear, said she worked in the area where I live and wanted to know if I was "interested in having some fun." Previously, I have gotten texts from escorts that I had not seen before, but they usually told me they were a friend of a previous escort I had hired so they established a reason as to why they knew me so I wasn't alarmed by it. What alarmed me about this one was that I have no idea how this person knows me.
  • CC99
    5 years ago
    I think its probably best to err on the side of caution. I've fallen for a couple scams in the past and learned some lessons the hard way. That's why I'm pretty suspicious of sites like SkipTheGames as VH mentioned or EscortDirectory now. Eros has always been fairly reliable though. Its expensive but the girls and the peace of mind is worth it. Not that you can't find a girl like that on SkipTheGames but you have to wade through so much shit and scams that its makes the quality girls hard to find and it makes me doubt the authenticity of girls who may be high quality on there.
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    It won't surprise me if you wake up one morning with a note taped to a mirror call 911 inform them we have borrowed your left kidney
  • pistola
    5 years ago
    You could always have some fun and text back ‘Show me dem tits guuuurrrrlll’ and then wait for pics and then block the number.
  • Mate27
    5 years ago
    ^^^Doesn’t surprise me you know the dirty secrets to paying for pussy with escorts and strippers, you whore lover! No wonder Bill Clinton is your idol.
  • CC99
    5 years ago
    @TwentyFive and @Pistola



    I'd say 70% of the ads are fake, 25% of them are real but not girls I have any interest in fucking anyway, and 5% are authentic, hot girls. Problem is, 90% of the hot girls on there are scams and I'm not interested in paying to fuck a 300 pound landwhale or a strung out crack addict.


    Hey, say what you will about a man's politics but there ain't no shame in loving whores.
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