
Do whales really help the club's earnings or do they break it?

Thursday, October 10, 2019 12:05 PM
Being that there is a limited pool of 8-10s of strippers per club; I'd estimate a 1:10 ratio per hot stripper, I'm sure theres only a limited supply of whales per club. I can bet some clubs even share some of the same whales. In that case, with these women following the money and giving better attention to the whales vs everyone else, how long can that sort of elitist activity last before the club, not the dancer but the CLUB loses money. If less and less lower end customers come shrinking the pool of alchohol consuming customers, shouldn't the club make less money since most of it is going g directly to the strippers? Not hating on you if you can afford big spending on women, do your thing player, but trying to see the risk to reward ratio here for a thriving strip club.


  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    @Esta I don't follow your logic. as long as these women are kicking back the required percentage, how does the club lose ? Explain yourself please!
  • Estafador
    5 years ago
    Majority of the money made from whales goes directly into the stripper's pockets. We can assume a trip clubs make at BEST 25% off of the women. And if only 5 guys buys drinks and the rest are gone wouldn't that be considered losing money to upkeep the club for the benefits of the few?
  • MockTruck
    5 years ago
    Anybodyz wants dey asshole licked clean? Mack is in da mood 4 sum 🎂💩 chalklat cake!
  • Subraman
    5 years ago
    Estaf, everything you said applies almost as much to regulars also, doesn't it? I am not a whale, but regularly lock up my CFs for 4 hours at a time. In fact, I may be worse for the club than the whales -- I buy individual $7 drinks and a couple of $120 VIP dances, not $500 bottle service and a couple of $450 curtain rooms, over roughly the same period as a whale would have her locked up. Which also perhaps answers your question: my impression is, most whales spend decently big across the board, and an individual whale IMO probably outspends any random 5-8 customers, at least on dayshift. That's why the clubs rightfully treat them like VIPs. Other factors: - While I suppose it might happen, I have never seen or heard of a whale tying up a stripper every shift, all shift. Which means that if he ties her up for 4 hours, that still leaves 4 hours for you. And the fact that he spends so much keeps hotter strippers in the club. One of the hottest ATFs I've ever had, and in fact one of the hottest I've ever seen in a strip club, once told me, "don't come after 4, I have a whale who comes in every shift from 4-7 and spends $1000+ on me". This insanely hot chick was working DAY SHIFT. That's the only reason I got to meet her, and her working dayshift was only made possible by this whale. Whales are fine with me, as long as I can make an appointment with a girl so I'm there a different time. - Whales can lift up the whole club. There was a dayshift whale who would regularly spend $1000-$1500, bottle service, on this one stripper. He'd also spread $200 here, $300 there, to other girls. One day he crossed the line with his main girl, she got him 86ed and banned. The other girls were beyond furious... on slow days, his trickledown money was their safety net. The club got a piece of much of it, plus the bottle service. AGain, from my perspective, his presence in the club was something that actually made my experience better (since luckily, his girl was not my girl)
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    If they make at best 25% off the women that's pretty much what they make off all of them. so if these women make 50% more than everyone else the club still gets their 25% cut which is still 50% more than the other women pay, how is that a problem ?
  • Subraman
    5 years ago
    I don't know what the right % is, but I think the club makes much, much more from a whale. I imagine %-wise, they make the same or probably better, and it's also a slice of a much bigger pie
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    Yeah - the OP is kinda a stretch - bit of fuzzy-math - no business, particularly a strip-club, is gonna complain w.r.t. big-spenders - one can come up w/ some kinda logic where it's counter-productive but the reality is the more a custy spends the happier the business is particularly a strip-club. I would say there are clubs that seem more notorious than others w.r.t. regulars locking down the girls and perhaps in some of those more egrigeous clubs there may be non-regulars that may visit less or not at all, but still is not as if those clubs are gonna try and un-regular those regulars. Strip clubs are ruled by fast here-and-now $$$ and $$$ will let you get away w/ things usually one could not do in a more traditional business.
  • samiel
    5 years ago
    I think a whale spends far more money than say 5-8 regulars but probably doesn't lock down 5-8 girls. Plus I'd bet the club is getting way more from bottle service and drinks than from 5-8 regulars.
  • datinman
    5 years ago
    I think the occasional whale is a boon to the club. The club sells time with naked dancers. Dancers need incentive to show up. Say dayshift is normally slow / low earning for the girls, but an occasional whale dropping $1 - $2 K shows up on dayshift. The club isn't going to want for dancers showing up hoping for that next big hit. More money = better girls = better experience for the PL.
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    I would think the margin on whales is greater for the club and the club makes more $$$ from them - I would think whales are more apt to perhaps buy expensive bottles and long and/or multiple VIPs compared to the avg custy - and the whales probably tip the staff larger sum$ given they spend significantly more
  • herbtcat
    5 years ago
    I think what the OP misses in his calculations is that tips spent on dancers are virtually irrelevant to the club, with the exception of those clubs who take a mandatory percentage or fixed cut of her tips as club revenue. What matters to a club when looking at total revenue is total spend per customer, or average spend per hour/visit. So the club gets revenue from things like parking valet fees, cover fees, food & drink fees, dance space fees (floor, bench, booth, room, etc.) per song or per unit of time, and perhaps fees from ATMs and from selling "club bucks" and club swag to suckers. So why is a Whale always good for a club? Because he consumes all of the above fee-generating services, and he consumes them at a rate much higher than a typical PL looking to get max service (dances, LDK, or extras) for the minimum price. The guy who, like me, buys the minimum number of drinks per hour and nothing else besides dances may only generate $20-$30 in revenue to the cub per visit, even if he (that is, I) spend $300-$500 on tips to a dancer. But a whale who will always use the valet, buy several drinks/bottles, possibly get multiple dances from multiple dancers or get very long VIPs at very high prices may generate $100-$1,000 in club revenue, in addition to the possibly hundreds to thousands in tips he gives to a dancer or dancers. In virtually every business on the planet, including the sex business, there is something called the "80/20 Rule." This rule says that 80% of a businesses' revenue comes from it's top 20% of customers. PL's are in the bottom 80% of customers Whales are the top 20% of customers
  • rickdugan
    5 years ago
    In theory, Esta is not wrong in stating that clubs would suffer if they relied upon whales alone. Alcohol sales and cover charges are the bulk of most clubs' earnings and there is only so much that a small number of whales can drink. Where he falls short is with everything else. First, in most clubs the girl don't behave like that because they can't. There just aren't enough "whales" to go around, so girls inevitably must broaden their pursuits in order to make their nut. The second problem is his assumption that every guy wants as much attention as he craves, which is simply not the case. In any club on any given night you'll find plenty of guys who are perfectly content with eye candy and cocktails. Indeed, on some nights in some clubs you might rarely see a guy even go to the LD room. In many respects, the guys who ARE spending on the girls are actually subsidizing this because without them, the girls might not be there at all. Third is his assumption that the masses are going to clubs in the first place. IME most broke guys don't spend much time in strip clubs to begin with, so the disparities in spending power on any given night are probably not as stark as Esta imagines in his little Dickensian club fantasy, which in turn means that girls are often motivated to treat all customers as a prospect until they prove otherwise. Those are just my off the cuff observations.
  • TrollWarnBot
    5 years ago
    WARNING - The following accounts are considered to be forum trolls and may not be trustworthy: san_jose_guy - Commonly referred to as SJG this forum member may have some sort of mental illness and is usually mocked or ignored. SJG has a long history of posting incendiary comments including being pro-rape. His comments should NOT be taken in any way as legitimate. MockTruck - definite troll account
  • Estafador
    5 years ago
    You folks make some decent counters and can respect your train of thought. Hopefully with the suppose looming issue of slow business in strip clubs, this sort of business keeps these clubs above water so the traditional customer can still enjoy these fine ladies. Because fuck webcam girls
  • Muddy
    5 years ago
    I don't know man some of these clubs really upsell that VIP. You already know that the club has got to be getting huge chunk of that. They ain't gonna miss of few people like me nursing their drink at the club if they got a dude dropping 1K on the champagne room every night. I would love to have some sort of manager owner come on here and go through the business dynamics, would be an interesting read.
  • samiel
    5 years ago
    Where I go, VIPs are treated as, well, VIPs. I think whales might lose you a couple of customers if they are there every night taking up the same few girls everyone wants. Typically though, they are not there every night and possibly don't take up the same girls every time or at least not all night. If I had a CF or ATF who wanted to be with a whale, I'm fine with that. I can always come in another day.
  • MockTruck
    5 years ago
    ting? WHALE shit. I wants sum.... 🍴🍴🍴
  • MockTruck
    5 years ago
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