No - I'm not an OTCer but was thinking if one OTCs a girl for a while it may be more comfortable to do it at your place once you get to know her somewhat (assuming you live alone) - and was thinking a girl may pull a sob story and wanna stay at your place bc there are issues w/ her
her living situation.
Back in the mid-90s my brother was dating a girl he was so-so into - she would stay at his place periodically (weekend, etc) then one day she told my brother her mom had thrown her out of the house so my brother had no choice (kinda) but to let her move in although it wasn't what he wanted - they eventually broke up about 6-months later.
I had my ATF living with me for about 6 months. She had a key and came & went as she pleased. It turned into a royal pain in the ass. After she was gone I became fully aware of the cigarette burns in the bedding, the carpet, etc. and have found numerous syringes, crack pipes, etc. over the past 18 months since she left.
Last week I was digging into a drawer in my bedroom which I very seldom use. I found her pocket sized vibrating dildo and a crack pipe. If anyone is considering it, don’t do it.
It seems to be a thing in the social circles I have run in (including the non-dancer ones) that cohabitation early on in a relationship is the norm.
Aside from the ex boyfriend who I had a mostly long-distance relationship with, or the high school relationships, I wasn’t an exception in that regard either. It had nothing to do with financial desperation though. Nor did I even really push for it. It’s more like a “oh, we hang out all the time. Might as well”
As far as cohabiting with a customer...that would be odd to me. But one customer told me that I could stay with him, because I was ending my stay in his city. And lodging costs were too expensive to renew (there was a state fair going on at that time.)
I would be down if she was all world hot. Against all logic yes, she would just have to let me tap that when I want and we good to go. Would would say no to that?
My ATF stayed with me for a week when she got out of rehab. It was great having her around and we had a lot of fun. But I'm sure that a longer cohabitation would have been intolerable.
Back in my much younger, and much less experienced days, I offered to "save" a stripper at a local club (Odd Ball) from her "predatory" hotel manager. She was staying at one of the seedy, "Hooker Row" motels along Sepulveda Blvd in the Valley and told me the creepy guy had frequently, and rather aggressively offered to let her pay her day's rent when she didn't have the $35 needed to secure the room overnight. For some reason, even though she worked at the club (2 blocks away) 5-6 days a week, she just never had the cash to pay up.
Enter Junior White Knight, Sir HerbTCat! I picked her up at the hotel one afternoon and brought her to my one-bedroom apartment. Told her she could stay there a few days until she got back on her feet. Since I had ZERO game or negotiating skills, I let her use the sofa to sleep, rather than insisting she mount my dick for a nightly ride. Took about 6 weeks for the "violations" of trust to add up to my breaking point:
Smoking in a non-smoking building, dropping ashes off my balcony into the tenant's porch below
Arguing with my landlord
Drinking all my wine (she was 19) and breaking my wine glasses
After repeatedly telling me she wasn't quite ready to sleep with me, admitting that she was in California because she followed some asshole here from the east coast, and had slipped over to his place multiple times, only to get fucked and thrown away again and again.
Stealing cash from my wallet,
There's more, but you get the idea.
When I finally found my (rather blue) balls, I gathered up all her shit and dropped it off at the club entryway, explaining to the hostess that she will need to ask the dancer about it or just throw it out. I didn't really care which. She knocked on my door that night, I told her through the door to leave or I would call the cops and tell them she's a drug-using psycho trying to invade my home.
Oh hell no! I generally don’t see the same dancer more than one night in a row. I think there has only been one dancer that I actually saw at the SC on 3 separate occasions, then never again. I would never trust one to shack up with.
Yes, several have asked over the years. As recently as last week one offered to move in. She would keep the house clean, dinner on the table, lots of free sex and party time.
Short stays for people I trust are fine. Ladies in town for work or vacation have been welcomed.
Actually did have one living with me in a round about way. I was away on business for a couple of weeks. When I returned home, my wife and son informed me we had a new guest in our home. She was a friend of my son's that was being abused by a step-father. Seemed a decent thing to do. What I found out talking, to my ATF who knew her, she was in fact a dancer. Ended up, she knew I knew, but I kept it from my wife. No use causing myself trouble.
One of my good buddies tells me when he lived in Vegas, he ended up rooming with a stripper because he’d frequent the clubs. What could go wrong? Anything that you could imagine.
Drug use, late night parties, black thuggish boyfriends, and money/household items stolen or missing quite frequently. It hit so bad for him that he hooked up with a straight laced normal lady 10 years his senior and married her for the stability because she had a normal job being a nurse. Consequently he married for the wrong reason and ended up in a divorce, but the moral of the story is you will probably do something crazy just to get away from the craziness!
VH_Kicks - while I meant what I said about never again, I live in a townhouse condo and have the two nosiest women in the complex right across the street and they’d have let me know if anyone else showed up. One night I was away and got a phone call from my ATF who was at my house, telling me to come right home. When I pulled in there was a police cruiser idling in my driveway. I parked beside it and on the computer screen in the cruiser is my ATF’s picture.
She had shut out all the lights and was walking around using her phone’s flashlight, high on coke. My nosey neighbor called the cops, she answered the door and gave them a phony name.
The sgt. and I know each other & he agreed to no charges for the fake name. A month later she overdosed at my condo & I called 911 after my Narcan was insufficient.
The ambulance took her to the hospital and the same sgt. asked if he could check upstairs where she lived. I agreed and he came down 5 minutes later with a bagful of dope & paraphernalia. I asked if there’d be any charges and he said no; just get her some help. Then he winked at me and said ,”keep getting ‘em this young, you’ll have a heart attack.”
I spent the next 4 hours in the ER where the Dr. administered 6 more doses of Narcan.
I frequently visit clubs when travelling on business. I have had dancers many times wanting to spend the evening in my room. I don't think this is because they think an evening with me would be magical (of course it would), but because their current staying situation is not good or non existent. Most recently it happened in Vegas. A traveling young lady wanted to "sleep" in my room while I was spending time at a Convention. Told me that I could have what ever I wanted from her as a fee. I declined that offer.
Had one ask me if she could move in with me for a short while she found a new apartment, declined rather emphatically as I don't need the drama. It was tempting for a moment as she was pretty the nominal in the sack .
I've never given any info on my living situation to a dancer. I don't want them to think I live anywhere but possibly in my car or a van down by the river.
Never had a stripper back to my house for otc. When a stripper asks where I live I say nearby.
When I was drinking, I don't remember many nights, but I never woke in my bed with a stripper in the house. So I'm pretty sure I didn't take any home with me.
When I was first married - I went to a club up by a location known as the Ledgewood Circle. I was with some associates from work, and one guy invited a couple of the dancers back to his house - to enjoy the hot tub. It was fun because the girls were hot and naked - and because it wasn't my house!
The dancer I was seeing over a five year period would stay the night at my house quite often. I even let her stay a week there when she had surgery and was recovering. During that time it was a mix of way too much drama and constant texts while I was at work begging me to come home and have sex (with pics). So yeah bad and good. I’m very familiar with the cigarette burns in couches, bed sheets and even the fucking shower curtain somehow! Over all this time she would ask to move in from time to time and thank god I always had the balls to say no. I have three extra bedrooms so she would always talk about bringing stuff over to make a room but the most I ever let her get in the house was clothes and a toothbrush and things like that. There were obviously good times but even those were just so chaotic (see the texts to work) that it was just something I was never willing to consider going full time with.
last commentHas it happened to you papi?
No, I have never had that discussion with a dancer.
Though I did have one Coffee Girl ask me to cosign her apartment lease (I passed) and two others asked if I had a room to rent (again I passed).
No - I'm not an OTCer but was thinking if one OTCs a girl for a while it may be more comfortable to do it at your place once you get to know her somewhat (assuming you live alone) - and was thinking a girl may pull a sob story and wanna stay at your place bc there are issues w/ her her living situation.
Back in the mid-90s my brother was dating a girl he was so-so into - she would stay at his place periodically (weekend, etc) then one day she told my brother her mom had thrown her out of the house so my brother had no choice (kinda) but to let her move in although it wasn't what he wanted - they eventually broke up about 6-months later.
My brother often wondered if she was pulling a stunt and her mom didn't really throw her out
No but that sounds like a dream come true ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
I had my ATF living with me for about 6 months. She had a key and came & went as she pleased. It turned into a royal pain in the ass. After she was gone I became fully aware of the cigarette burns in the bedding, the carpet, etc. and have found numerous syringes, crack pipes, etc. over the past 18 months since she left. Last week I was digging into a drawer in my bedroom which I very seldom use. I found her pocket sized vibrating dildo and a crack pipe. If anyone is considering it, don’t do it.
Same as a Rick running the system, desperate dancers make the best recruits for the organization
It seems to be a thing in the social circles I have run in (including the non-dancer ones) that cohabitation early on in a relationship is the norm.
Aside from the ex boyfriend who I had a mostly long-distance relationship with, or the high school relationships, I wasn’t an exception in that regard either. It had nothing to do with financial desperation though. Nor did I even really push for it. It’s more like a “oh, we hang out all the time. Might as well” ——
As far as cohabiting with a customer...that would be odd to me. But one customer told me that I could stay with him, because I was ending my stay in his city. And lodging costs were too expensive to renew (there was a state fair going on at that time.)
I would be down if she was all world hot. Against all logic yes, she would just have to let me tap that when I want and we good to go. Would would say no to that?
My ATF stayed with me for a week when she got out of rehab. It was great having her around and we had a lot of fun. But I'm sure that a longer cohabitation would have been intolerable.
Back in my much younger, and much less experienced days, I offered to "save" a stripper at a local club (Odd Ball) from her "predatory" hotel manager. She was staying at one of the seedy, "Hooker Row" motels along Sepulveda Blvd in the Valley and told me the creepy guy had frequently, and rather aggressively offered to let her pay her day's rent when she didn't have the $35 needed to secure the room overnight. For some reason, even though she worked at the club (2 blocks away) 5-6 days a week, she just never had the cash to pay up.
Enter Junior White Knight, Sir HerbTCat! I picked her up at the hotel one afternoon and brought her to my one-bedroom apartment. Told her she could stay there a few days until she got back on her feet. Since I had ZERO game or negotiating skills, I let her use the sofa to sleep, rather than insisting she mount my dick for a nightly ride. Took about 6 weeks for the "violations" of trust to add up to my breaking point:
When I finally found my (rather blue) balls, I gathered up all her shit and dropped it off at the club entryway, explaining to the hostess that she will need to ask the dancer about it or just throw it out. I didn't really care which. She knocked on my door that night, I told her through the door to leave or I would call the cops and tell them she's a drug-using psycho trying to invade my home.
Ahhhh… good times. :p
Yes. It didn't happen, but mostly because the timing didn't work out.
No. Never have, never will.
Oh hell no! I generally don’t see the same dancer more than one night in a row. I think there has only been one dancer that I actually saw at the SC on 3 separate occasions, then never again. I would never trust one to shack up with.
Yes, several have asked over the years. As recently as last week one offered to move in. She would keep the house clean, dinner on the table, lots of free sex and party time.
Short stays for people I trust are fine. Ladies in town for work or vacation have been welcomed.
Actually did have one living with me in a round about way. I was away on business for a couple of weeks. When I returned home, my wife and son informed me we had a new guest in our home. She was a friend of my son's that was being abused by a step-father. Seemed a decent thing to do. What I found out talking, to my ATF who knew her, she was in fact a dancer. Ended up, she knew I knew, but I kept it from my wife. No use causing myself trouble.
One of my good buddies tells me when he lived in Vegas, he ended up rooming with a stripper because he’d frequent the clubs. What could go wrong? Anything that you could imagine.
Drug use, late night parties, black thuggish boyfriends, and money/household items stolen or missing quite frequently. It hit so bad for him that he hooked up with a straight laced normal lady 10 years his senior and married her for the stability because she had a normal job being a nurse. Consequently he married for the wrong reason and ended up in a divorce, but the moral of the story is you will probably do something crazy just to get away from the craziness!
VH_Kicks - while I meant what I said about never again, I live in a townhouse condo and have the two nosiest women in the complex right across the street and they’d have let me know if anyone else showed up. One night I was away and got a phone call from my ATF who was at my house, telling me to come right home. When I pulled in there was a police cruiser idling in my driveway. I parked beside it and on the computer screen in the cruiser is my ATF’s picture. She had shut out all the lights and was walking around using her phone’s flashlight, high on coke. My nosey neighbor called the cops, she answered the door and gave them a phony name. The sgt. and I know each other & he agreed to no charges for the fake name. A month later she overdosed at my condo & I called 911 after my Narcan was insufficient. The ambulance took her to the hospital and the same sgt. asked if he could check upstairs where she lived. I agreed and he came down 5 minutes later with a bagful of dope & paraphernalia. I asked if there’d be any charges and he said no; just get her some help. Then he winked at me and said ,”keep getting ‘em this young, you’ll have a heart attack.” I spent the next 4 hours in the ER where the Dr. administered 6 more doses of Narcan.
I frequently visit clubs when travelling on business. I have had dancers many times wanting to spend the evening in my room. I don't think this is because they think an evening with me would be magical (of course it would), but because their current staying situation is not good or non existent. Most recently it happened in Vegas. A traveling young lady wanted to "sleep" in my room while I was spending time at a Convention. Told me that I could have what ever I wanted from her as a fee. I declined that offer.
Had one ask me if she could move in with me for a short while she found a new apartment, declined rather emphatically as I don't need the drama. It was tempting for a moment as she was pretty the nominal in the sack .
I assume you meant "pretty phenomenal in the sack".
I've never given any info on my living situation to a dancer. I don't want them to think I live anywhere but possibly in my car or a van down by the river.
Never had a stripper back to my house for otc. When a stripper asks where I live I say nearby.
When I was drinking, I don't remember many nights, but I never woke in my bed with a stripper in the house. So I'm pretty sure I didn't take any home with me.
When I was first married - I went to a club up by a location known as the Ledgewood Circle. I was with some associates from work, and one guy invited a couple of the dancers back to his house - to enjoy the hot tub. It was fun because the girls were hot and naked - and because it wasn't my house!
The dancer I was seeing over a five year period would stay the night at my house quite often. I even let her stay a week there when she had surgery and was recovering. During that time it was a mix of way too much drama and constant texts while I was at work begging me to come home and have sex (with pics). So yeah bad and good. I’m very familiar with the cigarette burns in couches, bed sheets and even the fucking shower curtain somehow! Over all this time she would ask to move in from time to time and thank god I always had the balls to say no. I have three extra bedrooms so she would always talk about bringing stuff over to make a room but the most I ever let her get in the house was clothes and a toothbrush and things like that. There were obviously good times but even those were just so chaotic (see the texts to work) that it was just something I was never willing to consider going full time with.