
Spending Distribution

DFW, Texas
Say you bring $200 to a club with you. Do you prefer to spend most of it on one dancer (possibly for extras) or do you prefer to spread it around to more than one dancer?

Personally, I tend to look for one girl I'm interested in and have a nice time with her, spending most of my money on her. Occasionally when I'm not at the club looking for anyone specific, I'll spread my money around on two to four dancers.


  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    5 years ago
    Almost always one dancer. Sometimes that works out; sometimes not.
  • IHearVoices
    5 years ago
    Like the OP, I'm thinking 2-4 dancers with $200. Dances are $25 here, so I assume 2 songs per dance(r) and go from there.
  • FishHawk
    5 years ago
    Majority on one dancer. I am also kind to the bartender with tips. It’s smart money.
  • ime
    5 years ago
    Depends on club, if it was like follies with cheap high mileage lap dances and not doing VIP I would spread it around. If not probably with one dancer.
  • rh48hr
    5 years ago
    Usually one, but if I don't have a specific dancer im there to see, it'll be spread between a few on the road to finding one dancer for future trips.

    If im out of town and not coming back any time soon it would go between many dancers unless one just blows my mind.
  • SirLapdancealot
    5 years ago
    I like to stage tip multiple dancers but once I decide to get dances it's with one almost always.
  • herbtcat
    5 years ago
    In general, I'll be willing to spend up to 20% of my session budget to test-drive dancers. Once I find the one (or maybe two) I'm happy with I will "fire for effect" on that one for the rest of night.
  • Muddy
    5 years ago
    Same as rh48hr
  • Nidan111
    5 years ago
    With only $200, probably just gonna spread it around with drinks, grips, conversation. I won’t even get dances, just tip for conversation and laughs.
  • Nidan111
    5 years ago
    Grips = Tips
  • SmashingHoes
    5 years ago
    200 bucks equals the following: saving 140 to 150... pay the cover (no more than 10) and a couple of drinks. I usually post up away from the stage, so that's how I circumvent the tip rail.

    I'll do a lap dance here and there but its rare.
  • Jascoi
    5 years ago
    spend the 200 on the right one.
  • SirLapdancealot
    5 years ago
    One of the saddest sights in a strip club to me is a stripper putting in effort on stage but nobody at the rail and nobody tipping. Whenever I see this I almost always walk up to the stage and put a tip down. Only exception is if I'm preoccupied with another stripper. And it doesn't matter if I'm attracted to her or not. It's not much but it's always appreciated and a part of my overall club visit budget.
  • bran646
    5 years ago
    when going to strip clubs its best to not let the strippers get your money too quickly right? I am considering going again and I feel like the first time i went I couldn't stay as long as I wanted to cause I jumped on stuff too fast. Also $200, I believe a single girl would be best but i guess i need to be a regular first to know efficiency.
  • gammanu95
    5 years ago
    Assuming a decent variety of dancers, I like spread it around. Unless I'm with a CF, I tend to feel like I'm getting taken advantage when a dancer locks me down.
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    I get bored being w/ just one dancer - I like to experience different dancers - I'm not looking for a GF outside the club thus don't really have a desire to have a pseudo-one inside the club - I can see the upside of sticking to one good dancer in that supposedly she's providing the experience one likes - but I'm a Curious-George type and always wondering what that other dancer has to offer and what she feels like that I have not experienced yet.

    Economics does come into the picture a bit for me - if dances are expensive ($20+) then I tend to be more selective and stick to fewer dancers (and the more expensive the dances are the less I sample and more selective I am) - the cheaper the dances the much more sampling I do.
  • Clubber
    5 years ago
    $200, that's what the BR troll wants for tips!
    Now if "he" were a lovely she, she could get whatever she wants.
  • Subraman
    5 years ago
    $80: hot spinner
    $20: papi chulo mode dancer for "flava"
    $40: bottom shelf whiskey
    $60: greasing bouncers

    lol... mine is too easy: all $200 on one girl, every time.
  • jacej
    5 years ago
    I'd spend the $200 with just one dancer. If you spread around $200 among several dancers, you're not going to have a lot of "quality time." Assuming that the dances are $25 a song and you get two or three dances per girl, that's like 6-9 minutes per session. It could take a song or two to get the girl comfortable with you so that you're able to get more access - otherwise, it's more likely to be just a standard dance. Also you'd burn through your cash in just 3 or 4 girls. If you spend the money with just one dancer, she'd figure out that you're (hopefully) not a creepy dude trying to jam your finger in all her orifices from the outset, and after a couple of songs, the quality goes from standard to outstanding. I prefer quality over quantity.
  • K
    5 years ago
    My first $20 is admission, mandatory drink and tip to bartender. That leaves me $180.

    A half hour dance is $180 but I would never do that and not have money to tip the dancer and I wouldn't wait for her and not tip the dancers on stage so I'd have to go for the fifteen minute dance at $100.

    That would leave me $80. At least $20 to the dancer.

    $60 for tipping the dancers on stage or perhaps for one or two five minute $20 dances with other dancers.

  • Daddillac
    5 years ago
    I am not trying to be an ass but I honestly do not remember going to a club with only 200 bucks, I stop and pull out 500 to add to what I have in my pocket already. I have spent less than that but it was when I did not find anybody that I liked
  • samiel
    5 years ago
    Maybe I should have worded the question as, do you spend most of your money at the club on one dancer or spread it around?

    It sounds like most of you (and myself) generally spend most of our money on one dancer when we go to the club.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    5 years ago
    Nidan111 said "Grips = Tips"

    I honestly didn't even suspect it was a typo.
  • rickdugan
    5 years ago
    Sub, if you're spending $60 to grease the bouncers on an 80 dancer tab, you're giving them handjobs with a full finish. I know it's California and all, where a man on man HJ isn't quite so unusual, but even still dude.

    Well, I hope they're returning the favor at the very least. After all, $80 on dancers and that swill you're forcing on them isn't gonna' get you much lady action. 😉
  • rickdugan
    5 years ago
    As far as the general premise of this thread, I don't think I could club if that was my cap for the whole night. Of course we all have nights where the vibe just isn't right, so we walk out with most of our cash still in our pockets. But knowing going in that I couldn't execute on real fun would just be a mood killer for me.

    I know this was supposed to be a playalong, but every time I try to imagine myself in that situation, I get a creeping feeling of frustration. If I was really that limited, I'd rather go to a regular bar with a good steak dinner deal and put away a few drinks while watching a game.
  • Subraman
    5 years ago
    -->" I know it's California and all, where a man on man HJ isn't quite so unusual,"

    Just a little reacharound between bros. No big deal. No homo.
  • Subraman
    5 years ago
    -->" If you spend the money with just one dancer, she'd figure out that you're (hopefully) not a creepy dude trying to jam your finger in all her orifices from the outset, and after a couple of songs, the quality goes from standard to outstanding. I prefer quality over quantity."

    You and I agree -- $200 on one dancer. Obviously, neither of us need variety, and we prefer the YMMV that spending more brings (and especially, being a regular brings). Just to be clear, I absolutely expect to be jamming my fingers in all her orifices, eventually, but I prefer to get there as a perq of regular YMMV rather than a first-dance surprise
  • gSteph
    5 years ago
    Well, on my last (reviewed) visit, 200 was exactly the amount I brought, 5 twenties, plus 2 in reserve, and lots of 5s and ones.

    In addition to lots of dollar dances, I got single dancers from three varied lasses, then a 3-set with my CF. It was my best visit yet. Love the variety to warm up, and the 3 song set with my favorite changed my mind about something.

    As in, perhaps a LDK would be possible for this older fellow if I was so inclined. Hadn't thought so before, but now, hmmm.
  • jacej
    5 years ago
    @Subraman - Ha! That's good. I wish I could be as bold with the finger jamming as you. But I club exclusively on trips out of town, so no chance for me to be a regular where girls could get more comfortable with me over the course of several visits - though I do go to certain clubs a couple times a year so I do see a few of the same girls despite the high turnover rate that can occur. And a couple of commenters have said that $200 is too limiting. I'd have to agree. Just spending on food, drinks, and tipping the hot waitress could easily run $50 or more, and once you add on stage tipping, you're pretty close to $100 without a lot of effort. With only $100 left after all, that would only get me a set of four dances with a girl (without a tip). I try to bring $300-500 to have a really good time.
  • crazyjoe
    5 years ago
    If there is one of my favorites at the club I will spend most of it on her and do some stage tipping. If not then I may go get dances from several dancers as recon for future visits
  • reverendhornibastard
    5 years ago
    It depends.

    I will spend as much as necessary on “auditions” until I find a woman I deem worthy of performing the sacred desploogination ritual.

    Sometimes I never find a worthy dancer before my hall pass expires. Sometimes I find the right one immediately.
  • Cashman1234
    5 years ago
    If it’s $200 - and you want extras - it can be a challenge to find a dancer to entertain your interests.

    This would pose several problems - as a cover charge - and a drink minimum could quickly eat away your bank roll.

    I would recommend hitting a club with a dancer who is a sure thing (and low priced). You don’t have much to spread around - and if one dancer is a dud in the back room - you won’t have much left for extras from another girl.

    I agree with SirLDAlot - if I see a dancer on stage - and not getting any attention - I will make sure to tip her - and let her know I’m enjoying her stage work.
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