
Comments by FONDL (page 12)

  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    North Carolina
    Mood killers?
    You're heading for the LD room and the girl asks for a tip in advance saying, "The bigger the tip, the better the dance." Goodby. Now I can't help but wonder how many "girls" with Adams Apples work at Wondergirl's club. I might not be too surprised by that in New Orleans or Key West, but New Jersey? And here I was planning to visit.
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    17 years ago
    Can't we all get along?
    I think we often confuse the general with the specific. We've probably all known strippers who we admire and have a lot of respect for. But when we think about strippers in general, especially those who we don't know, I think there's often a negative impression because of the nature of the game. And I think strippers view us the same way, they may have little respect for customers in general but feel differently about some who they've gotten to know. Seems to me we often change our opinions about people once we've gotten to know them, regardless of what they do for a living.
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    17 years ago
    Dancer's Violent and Abusive SOs
    It's also sometimes about not knowing there are other options. Many of these girls grew up in homes that were the same, so they think it's normal, they don't know that most relationships aren't like that.
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    17 years ago
    buying dancers drinks
    Every club is different. In many clubs the girls are required to get customers to buy a certain number of drinks for them or they have to pay for the drinks themselves at the end of their shift. So in such places buying the girl a drink is equivalent to tipping her. My ATF worked in a club where they had to sell 6 drinks each shift - she didn't bother because she was making so much money she didn't mind paying for them herself. She probably made more money by not hustling drinks, guys appreciated it. I never bought her more than 1 drink because that's all she ever wanted. I always do what Clubber does - I ask the girl how it works, then tell her I'd rather give her all of the money and not spilt it with the house. So if she still wants a drink, in essence she's paying for it herself. I especially dislike the "dancer drinks" where you pay more for less and they're almost always non-alcoholic.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Husbands or boy friends in the club.
    MisterGuy, I don't think that's particularly unusual. Stripping often runs in families. I've met lots of dancers who claimed that their mothers had been dancers, and I've often seen sisters working together. My ATF started dancing partly because her family encouraged her to do so, and they were upset when she quit because she was sharing the wealth with them. I think that's pretty common.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    If your SO catches you....
    I agree with Book Guy, we have no idea whether she stood behind him or not, we only know the image she presented in public which was totally for political purposes. But to answer your question, my SO knows almost everything about my past clubbing. She doesn't understand it (not sure I do either) and doesn't like it but she hasn't thrown me out. She and my ATF have become good friends.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Husbands or boy friends in the club.
    Arbee, I think they pick losers because that's the only type of guy that they're exposed to. Girls from the kind of background that a lot of strippers come from rarely know anone we wouldn't consider a loser. I never knowingly saw a husband or BF in the club but 've seen a lot of them drop the girls off at the door. My ATF's brother used to come see her fairly often and sit with her when she wasn't busy. The first time I saw her sitting with him I knew exactly who he was because they looked like twins. She even introduced us and we all sat together a couple of times. I thought it was a little weird because this was a nude club. She also said that one of her uncles used to come in the club but I never saw him that I know of. She had a couple of cousins who also worked there (her mother did at one time too) so it was sort of a family thing.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Don't you hate it when you realize the dancer sitting next to you is sick?
    Casualguy, I've had the exact same experience. I once asked a girl to join me and after a little while it became obvious that she was sick. Then she kept complaining that she didn't feel well. I spent over an hour with her because I figured that at that point I'd already been infected, plus I didn't see any other girl who really appealed to me the way this girl did. But when I went back the next night (it was in Providence and I was on a business trip of several days) she immedialtey came over to join me and I said no thanks. I felt bad about it because I really liked her but one night of her compaining was enough. I always wondered what she was like when she was feeling well. I never did get sick, but then I rarely do.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Can shadowcat have a favorite Atlanta dancer?
    Shadowcat, I've had lots of great times in clubs that I didn't much care for. All it takes is finding the right girl, and that can happen anywhere. You don't always have to get high mileage to have fun, there are lots of different ways to enjoy a strip club experience.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    how to stop trying to save them
    This is another case where words mean different things to different people. When a stripper asks you to "lend" her some money, she's asking for a gift, not a loan. Your chances of ever getting the money back are remote. So you might as well ask her to do something in return up front, like giving you a bunch of LDs. Otherwise you'll probably never hear from her again because your presence will make her uncomfortable.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Fake Ass Cheeks
    About 12 years ago I had a fave who had a great body. I later found out from someone who knew her that she was originally very skinny and that she had had a lot of plastic surgery, including fake boobs and butt. The guy must have been really good because I never suspected.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    how to stop trying to save them
    Shadowcat, it was inconsiderate. But how many considerate 20-somethings do you know? Most young people in our society aren't very considerate, being considerate is no longer a part of our culture. My ATF didn't learn to be considerate until she was well past 25, and I think that's something she learned from me. Being inconsiderate isn't stripper shit, it's all part of the decline in civility that has become so common today.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    They are just tits!
    I think the question of whether a girl will make more money or not by getting a boob job depends on the girl. If a girl has some other strong feature like a dynamite personality, a boob job isn't likely to help her much because her personality is enough of an attraction all by itself for her to be very popular. But for a girl who doesn't have some real strength to set her apart, a boob job may very well help. My ATF has very small breasts but I don't think a boob job would have helped her at all, she was very popular without it. Plus the small boobs enhanced her cuteness and little-girl look which were also a big part of her attraction.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Your first "extra" in a SC.
    I've never come across (no pun intended) a girl I really liked in an extras club, and getting an extra from a girl I'm not strongly attracted to usually doesn't interest me. I've also never noticed any difference in contact between a VIP encounter and a simple LD encounter with the same girl. Which is why I stopped buying VIPs a long time ago.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    question for al guys?
    I'm with Clubber, I don't look for easy either. I look for friendly, attractive, and intelligent enough to be interesting to talk to. Easy is a turn-off for me. I think I can count on one hand the number of times I've seen a stripper on stage who drew my attention because of her dancing/stripping skills. Dancing ability is nice but rarely is it good enough to be important.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Is the party over for strippers?
    "... these businesses are very very profitable in some cases." Exactly. Which is why the original article's contention that "Clubs everywhere are starting to close their doors forever" isn't happening - the number of clubs is increasing not decreasing.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    The Dancer's a Lesbian--Does it Matter
    Doesn't bother me at all. When I first met my ATF I thought she might be a lesbian. I was actually a little disappointed when I found out she wasn't. I like people who are different, it makes them more interesting.
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    17 years ago
    Liquor, Girls and OTC
    I too like gin. But I rarely drink it any more because it doesn't like me.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    question for al guys?
    I think you'll find that, at least with most of the guys here, the stage show isn't very important. Most of us here are much more interested in her looks (both face and body), her personality, and how she treats us.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Song about Strippers
    Rootman, I've helped my ATF write application letters and resumes many times and helped her go through the want-ads. She's now a massage therapist, which required about 9 months of schooling (all day for 4 days a week.) She runs her own business and makes about $70 an hour, which means she can support herself while only working part time. She goes to school full time. Depending where you are, massage therapy may be a good option. Some of the skills required are surprisingly similar to stripping - eg. pleasant and friendly manner, attractive appearance, comfortable with nudity, touching and a bit of intimacy. I'll be happy to tell you more about it if you think she might be interested.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    how to stop trying to save them
    Shadowcat, that could happen with anyone, not just strippers. As I've mentioned before, the worst that ever happened to me was by a girl who never had been a stripper. But that hasn't discouraged me from trying to help others when it seemed right. The way I look at it is the ones who do stuff like that are doing me a favor and only hurting themselves. Think about how much money that girl saved you, sounds to me like she could easily have played you for a lot more money and chose not to. You should be thankful for that. There's an old saying, "If you loan money to a friend and never see either one of them again, it was probably worth it." Same is true for giving them money.
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    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Tatoos: Art or Grafetti?
    I used to vacation in a family-oriented resort town where lots of teenagers, especially younger ones (13-15), were on the beach. And it seemed like every young girl there had a tatoo to go with her skimpy bikini. I don't know if that's still in style but it sure was then, and those girls would be in their 20s now. So maybe a lot of dancers have had their tatoos for a long time. MisterGuy, speaking of angel, I used to know a dancer who danced under that name and had it tatooded on her lower back. She claimed it was her real-life nickname. Probably was too. Gorgeous girl, could have become a fave.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Is the party over for strippers?
    When discussing the sexual aspects of stripping, you have to remember that there are an awful lot of clubs where there is little or no touching and an awful lot of girls are working in them, often by choice. We tend to forget that because most of us don't like such places. But they're a major part of the business and most of the girls who work in them aren't doing the things we talk about here.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Song about Strippers
    Rootman, is there any way you can help her make the transition to something else? I don't mean just financially, the thing she probably needs most is guidance - typically these gals have no real world experience and have no idea what other options are available. When my ATF quit dancing she got a job as a waitress in a very popular sports pub and made almost as much as she did as a stripper. She later waitressed in a strip club and did even better. If she's attractive, personable and reasonably intelligent, there are lots of other opportunities out there. But she probably doens't know that.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    They are just tits!
    Chitown, my first fave had implants too, but I never knew it until much later. She must have had a really good plastic surgeon because they looked natural (and I don't know what she looked like before.) My experience is that for every good pair there are 10 bad ones. And most girls who get them don't need them. I especially remember one stripper who I never knew but saw frequently in my ATF's club - she had an absolutely perfect body and was really gorgeous, then she got fake boobs and it totally ruined her appearance. I think a lot of girls get boob jobs for the same reason that they get tatoos or piercings - they have a low opinion of their own appearance.