
Comments by FONDL (page 11)

  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    golfers and strip clubs.
    As for golfers descending on Georgia strip clubs during tournaments or South Carolina on their golf outings, we should all feel sorry for them, it's probably the only chance they get all year to get away and go strip clubbing. Which reminds me, maybe I should get more serious about golf. Are there any good courses in the Tampa area?
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    What a way to GO!
    Kinda gives new meaning to the phrase "down and dirty."
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    golfers and strip clubs.
    Book Guy, have you ever hit a great shot in golf? It takes very few of those to become addicted. It's also a lot more exercise than you think it is, especially when you're as bad at it as I am. Even when you ride a cart you still do a whole lot of walking, especially if the course requires you to stay on the cart path as many do. But I think the real attraction is that it's still one of the few areas that's almost exclusively a guy thing (country clubs usually restrict when women are allowed to play.)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    If your SO catches you....
    There was no word confusion between "spread" and "spreading" at least not by me. I was trying to make a joke. It's a bad habit of mine, acting like I misunderstood what someone says when their wording can be misconstrued in a humorous way. I obviously have too much spare time.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Just an observation. It seems to me that this board is becoming increasingly explicit about who is doing what to whom and where. And as a result I think we're losing some old timers who weren't interested in that sort of discussion. I think if the current trend continues, you're likely to lose one more person pretty soon too. Maybe we were better off talking economics and politics.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Ejaculating During a Dance
    To get back to the original issue, I think like many things the answer lies in history. When lap dancing first began, it was the first time that intimate physical contact became a routine part of the typical strip club experience. And in some of the wilder LD factories sticky pants quickly became a common and expected part of the experience. And it still is in some clubs that feature high contact LDs and nothing more. So the guys who participate in that sort of activity are continuing a historical precedent. I see no reason for others to criticize that. Among other things, it's much safer than having sex. I don't care what other guys do in clubs but I do get annoyed when others criticize those of us who prefer to keep things legal. I'll point out one more time the obvious - illegal activities in clubs provide easy ammunition to those in our society who would like to see strip clubs put out of business.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    I don't recall seeing AbbieNormal lately either.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Georgia is horrible when it comes to Strip Clubs
    Atlanta didn't change, other places did. Last time I looked Atlanta clubs hadn't changed in 30 years or more. But other places sure have. Which I think is pretty interesting - behavior that was at the cutting edge 30 years ago is now considered pretty lame.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Georgia is horrible when it comes to Strip Clubs
    What's especially sad about all this is that at one time, before the advent of lappers and high contact, Atlanta was considered one of the best cities for strip clubs. As I recall, it was one of the first cities to allow dancers to be fully nude in places that served alcohol. Maybe that's why the no-touch policy came about.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Where the hell should I work
    I think the worst strip club city I've ever been to is Atlantic City. But I don't condemn the whole state, some of the Philly-area clubs are decent (or indecent if you prefer.) And I'm not familiar with any clubs in north Jersey, which I avoid like the plague.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    golfers and strip clubs.
    Same thing happens in the Poconos and probably a lot of other rural areas during the hunting season. Near as I can tell, hunting for a lot of guys is just an excuse to drink heavily and screw around. IMO you have to be nuts to go out in the woods when they're full of heavily armed drunks who will shoot at anything that moves. At least most golfers don't carry firearms.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Ejaculating During a Dance
    Njscfan, I've spent many years clubbing in and around Washington, DC, and except fot the all-black clubs, I have been to every club in the metropolitan area that has existed in the last 40 years, including the Royal Palace (which you call the Eldorado.) And I've been personal friends with several girls including my ATF who worked in many of these clubs. And I've never ever seen or heard about any sexual acts being available at any of these clubs. The clubs inside the city limits are all no-touch clubs and always have been, as are the ones in northern Virginia. The only touching you will find is in the Maryland clubs, and except for Baltimore, none of them have any sort of private rooms and touching is pretty limited. Either your memory or your honesty is seriously challenged.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    When is it time to find new favorites?
    When you no longer really look forward to seeing the girl, when she no longer excites you and you're just seeing her out of habit and she's starting to get boring, it's time to move on.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Where the hell should I work
    There are a couple of hundred bikini clubs in the Philly area, if you consider G-string and pasties to be a bikini club. Some of them have recently dropped the pasties because the state LCB has apparently stopped enforcing the requirement. Read the reviews and go visit the ones that sound interesting and are convenient to you. There are a bunch of them along the river near the northern border of the city, a bunch in south Philly near the river, and several near the airport. They range all over the place from big and fancy to small neighborhood places, and from low mileage to high mileage, so you shouldn't have much trouble finding what you're looking for.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Ejaculating During a Dance
    Njscfan, your posts really surprise me. I've been to many NJ clubs over the years, although not recently, and my experience was always that aside from a few clubs in the Philly metro area, most NJ clubs were very low contact. Have things really changed that much or are you shitting us? You're the only person I've ever heard rave about clubs in NJ, most people think they're terrible. What am I missing?
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Speaking of porn
    I agree with Dick Johnson, porn doesn't interest me very much. It's too degrading to women and ultimately to the person watching, it makes me feel sad and dirty. Frankly I don't understand the attraction.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    The spending question again
    At my peak, which was when I was working at a well-paying job and my ATF was still dancing, I was spending about $150-200 per week. But that only lasted about a year. Since then it's trickled off to almost nothing, because I retired and am much more careful about what I spend, plus I just don't enjoy it very much since my ATF retired. If I were to begin clubbing again on a regular basis, I'd limit my spending to $50-60 per visit - that's all it would be worth to me now. I'd rather get a good massage, which costs about $75 in my area.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Ejaculating During a Dance
    The only clubs I've ever been to where sex was available were so seedy and the girls so ugly that I had no interest in the places. The clubs I've spent most of my time in didn't provide enough privacy where ITC sex was an option. In other words, that's not why I go to clubs. If that's what I was looking for I'd hire an excort because it sounds like it's usually cheaper. So the only possible choices involved keeping pants on and fully zipped, which was always fine with me. Sex with strangers has never interested me, inside or outside of a club. But flirting and playing with a pretty girl sometimes does. If that makes me weird, so be it. I frankly think I'm more like the typical strip club customer than are those of you who go looking for sex in clubs.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    How long do ATF's last?
    Rootman, she only danced for about 18 months. The first 6 months I was a regular of another girl in her club but she quickly my backup; the next 12 months I was her best customer. After she quit dancing we continued to get together and ultimately became friends. We still are. In fact I recently spent 2+ weeks vacationing in a condo 1 block from her apartment.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Stripper: Yes I do it for the money but I like to have fun too.
    I agree with Jester, usually it's SS. But there clearly are girls, usually the young one who are new to the business, who are looking to have fun too. Those are the girls I try to find.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    How long do ATF's last?
    I agree with Harrydave, it all depends on what you want. After many years of clubbing and never seeing the same girl twice (which used to be a rule of mine), I met a girl I really liked and became her regular for about 8 months. When that ended (badly I might add) I found that I liked the concept of having an ATF and quickly hooked up with another girl in the same club, who I've now known for nearly 11 years. I enjoyed having an ATF but I also visited other clubs for variety when traveling on business, which I thought gave me the best of both worlds.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Tax time. April 15th approaching.
    Shadowcat, you might be able to write off some of their kids (lol).
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Ejaculating During a Dance
    Phonte, it depends on the club and the dancer. In some clubs it's standard practice, in others it will differ from girl to girl. Usually the fancier the club the less common it's likely to be. Similarly the less contact the club allows the less common it will be. In high contact low-class clubs (which is what most of us here seem to prefer) it's very common. But if you ask this question on the Pink site, they'll dump all over you for being a perv.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Am I a regular?
    Phonte, you didn't say how long you've been doing this. I'd say if you've been doing it for several months you're a regular (in most clubs it doesn't take very long), but if you just started you probably haven't gotten there yet. Maybe a more important indicator is whether people recognize you when you go in the door. There are 2 types of regulars - club regulars and regulars of a specific girl. If you spend most of your time with the same girl each visit you're the latter (and that doesn't take long at all); otherwise you're the former.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    If your SO catches you....
    Wondergrl, she won't have to do any of that. She's going to take him for mega-millions. I bet her phone hasn't stopped ringing from all the divorce lawyers offering to represent her. And I didn't think that Playboy showed girls spreading, but then I haven't seen an issue lately. But I bet her rates just went up. She's clearly the winner in this episode. Think she'll ever be convicted of anything, since the governor probably told her it was OK? My guess is she'll get immunity for testifying against him, which will add to her fame. She'll be the one writing the book - her phone probably hasn't stopped ringing either.