Tatoos: Art or Grafetti?

avatar for shadowcat
I rarely note what the Tats are depicting. Its just Grafetti to me. At least I don't have to feel them, like piercings.


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avatar for godfatherstill
17 years ago
I say art! I am a 45 year old white colar professional and most of my friends don't like tatoos at all. Whenever my wife catches me watching "LA Ink" on TV she complains. However, I think nice quality tatoos in all the right places are very very sexy and absolutely a turn-on. If I could decide on the right tatoo in the right location on my body I would get one for myself.
avatar for chitownlawyer
17 years ago
avatar for DougS
17 years ago
Chitown speaks truth! I prefer no tats, or just a very few. The smaller the better. My ATF has one tat, though it circles her belly button... It's not obnoxious, but I'd prefer not to see it. It also has he-soon-to-be ex's initial (S) as part of the design. My C-Fav has NO tats. My prev-ATF has NO tats... my prev-prev-ATF has NO tats... there's a pattern, I guess...
avatar for rikk
17 years ago
Not a fan of the tats. Especially obnoxious are the arm-sleeve tattoos. I can tolerate a small tat on the lower back. But anything more than that is graffiti.
avatar for MisterGuy
17 years ago
No tramp stamps. One of my ATFs had her ex-bf's initials on her ring finger (like a tattooed wedding ring). They were the letters PD, and she used to say that she was "married to her work" (Private Dancer). Good tattoos are art I think.

I'd get a tattoo if I could ever figure one out that wouldn't look really stupid when I got old. Something like "Born to Kill" is gonna look pretty stupid in the old folk's home someday... :)
avatar for Clubber
17 years ago
Self-mutilation, same as piercings. I do not like either, although their are some I've come to accept. Accept, not like!
avatar for DandyDan
17 years ago
I think of them as bad art, for the most part. I'm sure its meaningful for them, but I prefer that it not be there. But I also don't let someone's choice of having a tattoo get in the way of having them as favorites. I especially like one of my favorite's tattoo, which says "Daddy's Girl", which I find humorously ironic, but perfectly reflective of her personality.
avatar for FONDL
17 years ago
This is one area where I've completely changed my mind. I used to think that tatoos were defilement too. But I've seen so many attractive women with them that now I think they can be really sexy. I'm still not a big fan of lots of them, except there's a girl at my gym who has most of her upper body covered with them and I find her attractive. So who knows.

Same with piercings. I used to find them a big turn-off. Then I met my ATF. She didn't have a lot but she did have them all over her ears and one in her tongue. And her belly button. And I just remembered, she also had one in another place not to be mentioned - I had forgotten all about that one. She has since gotten rid of most of them. Not sure about the unmentionable one, maybe I should ask her (LOL) and then duck when she swings at me. I'm still turned off by piercings in 2 areas - the lip (the ones on the face) and the nipples. I especially don't like nipples that are pierced, I wonder why that is?
avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy
17 years ago
Often the "art" part of the graffiti is roughly of the quality of a black-velvet Elvis painting. Jenna Jameson has some serious trash painted permanently on her otherwise delicate, sweet-looking skin. I like some "tribal" style abstract tattoos, but more than two is already over-kill. Just one is often too much. And those gothic letters spelling a name ("Jawon" ... "he's my baby boy" riiiiight he's her PIMP) are just TRASHY.
avatar for MisterGuy
17 years ago
There was this one Latina chick that had a tramp stamp on her that read something like "Bunny & Daddy". I'm guessing she was the bunny...there was a even a picture of a bunny in case you weren't sure what that was. It was a funny thing to be looking at while doin' a chick in the ass is all I'll say...lol...

Piercings are OK, but I'm not much on facial piercings & the belly-button thing is waaaay overdone IMO.
avatar for 2for20DollarsLapDancesForever
The risk of contracting hepatitis outweighs any benefit. I dislike the ones in the small of the back. The barb wire ring around the upper arm can be attractive. Facial piercings are awful.
avatar for ShotDisc
17 years ago
Chitown, my thoughts exactly. Why do people put stuff on their body permanently that they would never hang on the wall of their living room? If I see a dancer with no tats I will make an effort to tip her more often, even if she is average.

avatar for danapdg69
17 years ago
I've seen my share of both. Some girls have tattoos that are definitely art. Others have really poor quality work that can double as a rorschach test.
avatar for 2335vent
17 years ago
I think less is better. I just don't think they're attractive and to see beautiful women getting them leaves me in wonder. Having said that they are becoming more popular and older women/more middle class women are getting tats than 20 years ago.
avatar for DandyDan
17 years ago
Lip piercings are awful, although I know a cutie with one at my #2 club. But I find dancers with nipple rings sexy for some reason. Maybe it's because it's so wrong I can't look away. I suppose one of my weaknesses is otherwise unattractive dancers who pierced their nipples.
avatar for harrydave
17 years ago
I don't think there are any tests a tatoo artist takes to prove they are a good artist. So we see the results of a lot of amateur artistry. As others have pointed out, a bad tatoo artist combined with a confused or infatuated girl can lead to some awful results.

However, maybe one percent of the tattoos I see are nicely done, and somehow evoke an interesting thought. There is a little spinner at my regular club who has a colorful frog climbing up her shoulder blade. It's a good conversation starter!
avatar for shadowcat
17 years ago
At 3:30 this afternoon, I got BBBJ from a favorite dancer. Guess what? She is in her early 30's has been stripping for 10 years and has NO tats or piercings. You guys that have met me at my favorite club know who I am talking about. I think that she has a handle on what guys like.
avatar for wondergrl5
17 years ago
tats are cool just dont go overboard. And for christs sake quit getting cartoon characters its just weird LOL. just a note some people get them cause they represent a significant change or event in there life and on that note weither someone dislikes tats or not is irrelevent. Of course in my case I was drunk DAMN YOU SPRNG BREAK!!!!!!!
avatar for MisterGuy
17 years ago
There you go again wondergrl...reminding me again that I'm not your angel anymore...lol... ;)
avatar for FONDL
17 years ago
I used to vacation in a family-oriented resort town where lots of teenagers, especially younger ones (13-15), were on the beach. And it seemed like every young girl there had a tatoo to go with her skimpy bikini. I don't know if that's still in style but it sure was then, and those girls would be in their 20s now. So maybe a lot of dancers have had their tatoos for a long time.

MisterGuy, speaking of angel, I used to know a dancer who danced under that name and had it tatooded on her lower back. She claimed it was her real-life nickname. Probably was too. Gorgeous girl, could have become a fave.
avatar for wondergrl5
17 years ago
Misterguy I doubt your an angel LOL
avatar for MisterGuy
17 years ago
Keep rubbing it in wondergrl...
avatar for wondergrl5
17 years ago
rubbin what?
avatar for ShotDisc
17 years ago
"Grandma Tiffani, what is that big funny looking thing on your boob? back? shoulder? it looks like you spilled ink on yourself."
avatar for Clubber
17 years ago
ShotDisc brings up another point, but he maybe should have said... "Grandma Tiffani, what is that big funny looking thing on your knee?
avatar for wondergrl5
17 years ago
by the time these girls are grandmas tattoos will be old news. Im sure the next generation will come up with more shocking ways of altering ones body
avatar for MisterGuy
17 years ago
A little to the left wondergrl...that's it...
avatar for Clubber
17 years ago
If you count branding and scaring as new, well they have come up with something "new". Some of the "body modifications" being done these days almost make amputation look pleasurable!
avatar for whatevergong82
17 years ago
No to tramp stamps!! A woman's body (or man's for that matter) will get enough mileage on it by living your life as you please. I don't need something that can cause Hepatitis or HIV in the long run to validate that I'm worthwhile, handsome, etc.

The only mark I have on my body is called an birth mark, and that's as close to putting any ink on my body I'll ever do.

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