Dancer's Violent and Abusive SOs
I can only imagine that dancers' low self-esteem is the only reason they would put up with it. I don't understand it, though.
Two of "my girls" have both put up with SOs that have abused them both mentally and physically. BOTH have been puched by their SOs.
One of them, recently had her vehicle rammed by her husband's vehicle repeatedly, while she was in it to the point that it was not drivable! She is still with him, believe it or not... and wants to stay that way!
The other, finally wised up a few months ago and filed for divorce, and was then beat shortly thereafter by him.
Why in the hell would they put up with this shit?
Also, being that I've been "seeing" these girls, I think I'm at risk as well, should the SOs get a "wild hair" and decide to follow their girl one night that she happened to be meeting me. Definitely makes one think twice, and keep a close watch to the surroundings.
Two of "my girls" have both put up with SOs that have abused them both mentally and physically. BOTH have been puched by their SOs.
One of them, recently had her vehicle rammed by her husband's vehicle repeatedly, while she was in it to the point that it was not drivable! She is still with him, believe it or not... and wants to stay that way!
The other, finally wised up a few months ago and filed for divorce, and was then beat shortly thereafter by him.
Why in the hell would they put up with this shit?
Also, being that I've been "seeing" these girls, I think I'm at risk as well, should the SOs get a "wild hair" and decide to follow their girl one night that she happened to be meeting me. Definitely makes one think twice, and keep a close watch to the surroundings.
Lord, I'm sorry. That was wrong.
Normally I don't buy into the psycho-babble. But is there any truth to the observation that women who stay with abusive men may have been victims or witnesses themselves in childhood? My experience with strippers suggests they have a lot of that kind of baggage.
A lot of women today don't want to be rescued. They want to remain in that relationship. My mother kept the monster for ten years. My mother, like her mother, had been the youngest child. Both loved to party and dance. Both ended up with very poor opinions of men.
In response to harrydave-I never married and never had kids. I'm too old now to think about kids. My younger brother broke the cycle with his kids.
In response to gk-women like that don't need a normal man-they need to find the strength within themself to end the relationship, then be alone for at least five years to figure out what they really need. It's noble as hell to rescue women, but like I said, they don't want to be rescued.