
Comments by harrydave (page 9)

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    13 years ago
    Survey Time: What's your Current Favorite Club?
    Currently, an area known as Bur Dubai (a set of clubs in a one square mile area interconnected by open air walkways known as "sidewalks"...guaranteed to make you forget about strip clubs, at least as long as your money lasts). But if you made me choose a club in the US, I would choose the Hiliter in Phoenix. Home sweet home.
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    13 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Sugar Baby Students
    Welcome to the grey zone. I know a 60 year old guy right now who is financially supporting a 28 year old girl. She has a job but she can barely make ends meet. They are in a sexual relationship. Is she a whore? Five years ago I was in a similar situation. Supported a girl half my age, paid her way through college, helped her get a car. Eventually she moved in with me. I continued to support her. Eventually we got married. I still support her! At what point did she cease being a whore? As you may guess, I hate that label (although I laugh at the "lying, thieving whore" refrain).
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Is it better to go solo or with a group to the SC?
    lopaw, have you seen the movie "Some Like it Hot". It is a comedy classic. Two male musicians witness the St. Valentines Day massacre, and to escape the mob they join an all-girl band. Tony Curtis and Jack Lemon play the cross-dressing musicians, Marilyn Monroe is the over-sexed singer, and Joe E. Brown is the daffy millionaire who falls in love with Jack Lemon's character in drag. At the end of the movie, Jack Lemon reveals himself as a man and Brown is unfazed, responding, "Well, nobody's perfect." I believe you are a woman. But if you're not, well, nobody's perfect. LOL.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Is it better to go solo or with a group to the SC?
    In your other thread, you asked how to pick up a stripper. In this thread, you say you never go alone. Well son, you now have something you can change. I have talked to plenty of strippers about this, and almost all of them have low regard for the "groups of young guys". Now, you also mention that if you like a girl, you will get "a lap dance". I interpret this to mean "one" lap dance. So this is your other problem that is easily, albeit expensively, rectified. You must buy more than one lap dance from a girl if you want her phone number and any shot at a "pickup" (whatever that is). So next time: go in the afternoon, go alone, go with $100 or more, and spend it all on one drink and one girl. Lather, rinse, repeat. Results may vary.
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    13 years ago
    I think that printing problem is a Google Maps issue, as that has happened to me with some other maps that had markers (might also be a browser issue). As for the search radius, I agree. If you hit the zoom out button, the map should basically reload with the new extents (currently, it does not). That's a programming thing Founder could take care of.
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    13 years ago
    Hiding the $$
    My ex wife had no idea what was going on in our bank accounts. My current wife encourages me to go to clubs. Even so, I still control the finances.
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    13 years ago
    ROB stories
    I usually detect the ROB routine early and cut it off. One time in a club in Phoenix, a very frisky AA girl started giving me dances. The DJ was playing music that had no definable breaks, so after about 5 minutes, I asked, "Was that 2 songs?". She pretends she doesn't know consults the DJ, and comes back with the answer, "That was 5 songs." I looked at her, looked at the DJ, and decided they were running a scam. So as I slowly gave her $50 for 5 songs, I said, "Ok, here's your 50 bucks. Of course, if you hadn't tried to rip me off, you probably would have made 150 bucks today. Now I'm gonna go to some other club. Bye bye." Her mouth twisted up like she had something bad tasting in there, and she stomped away. She probably had to split the 50 with the DJ.
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    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    9/11 revisited.
    I was in Austin, TX on a business trip. After a day watching events unfold on TV I could not stand to be in my hotel room, so I went out to Expose and basically talked with a few girls. That evening I discovered that my brother, who worked at World Financial Center 1/2 a block away, had made it off the island and was OK, although he was traumatized by the sight of people jumping from the towers. Two days later I set home for Connecticut. I will never forget that drive. The brilliant weather in the east continued and the sky was clear of planes. I listened to one NPR station after another, with a mix of commentary and mournful music. I made it home in three days, and learned about people in the area who were lost.
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    13 years ago
    No-so-great Moment in a Hound's Road Trip
    Yes, I had a great routine going in Phoenix during a succession of business trips. Work 8 to 5. Sleep 5 to 8. Club 8 to whenever. The nap was essential.
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    13 years ago
    Wow, Portland, OR: SC Mecca
    I went to Grad School in Oregon, and later visited clubs there on business trips. Friendly people. Attractive women. Low mileage. In Portland I think I would rather do something with my time other than visit strip clubs - say visit microbreweries or take in some live music.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Damn! I hope this is bull shit.
    This looks like total BS. It's just a gross picture, no real reporting, and no medical explanation. It appeals to people who have no real world experience with strip clubs. I wouldn't be surprised if that photo has shown up in other stories or web sites elsewhere and been included in other stories.
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    13 years ago
    Bush Part 2
    I shave with Gilette Good News disposable razors. Once a month I do a complete job. The girls and I agree it is at its best about a ten days later when it is all soft and fuzzy.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    What's the most money you have spent on a stripper?
    One visit (Baby Doll's - Dallas) $1,800 on 2 girls ITC. It was not worth it. As for long term, the meter is still running and I have lost count.
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    13 years ago
    In The SC World, North Dakota Sucks Worse Than Alberta
    My siblings and I have a contest to see who can get first to all 50 States. I am at 47. I need Alaska, South Dakota and North Dakota. I needed a reason to go to North Dakota. Thanks, Art, for bursting my bubble.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Another Boring Thread About Oil From farmerart
    Water is the next oil. I was standing by my hotel window a week ago looking out on Dubai, and thinking in 100 years or so when the oil is gone, all those fancy building are going to be half buried in sand. The 87% of the population there now that is from other countries will be back home or in some other boomtown. And the locals will be riding camels. Meanwhile, In the US and Canada, we will be in better shape. We have water, temperate climate (except where farmerart is right now), fertile soil, and other resources. Between now and then is going to be rough sledding.
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    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Man sues Hustler Club for $28K bar tab
    Is there any other type of business where this happens? I mean, before the collapse of the sub-prime mortgage market.
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    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Because harrydave asked for it. LOL.
    Alas, the Blue Diamond succumbed to poor management, a poor economy, and the hard work and dedication of Columbus LE. A few graduates of the Tuscl_Bro school can be found at various other clubs in town now.
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    13 years ago
    "Your man is here”
    The good feeling you get when she announces she is "your woman" probably arises because you are not just there for the sexual thrill. It's probably a bit of self deception, but we like to think we are valued and have some sort of emotional bond with the girl. Lookin' for love in all the wrong places...
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    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Is it really a fantasy?
    Yeah, I guess I broke through the supposed barrier between fantasy and reality. But I wasn't fantasizing about what might happen. John Lennon said, "Life is what happens to you while you are busy making other plans." (incredibly ironic for him to have said that, considering his fate). I think in another thread I recommended guys leave their fantasies at the door before they enter a club. There is nothing worse than having your preconceived notions destroy your enjoyment. Shut off the whiny asshole in your head!
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    13 years ago
    Stop with the "f***ing" reviews!!!
    Let's say LE in your City gets pressured once or twice a year to put a damper on sexual activities in the strip clubs. They haven't done it for a while. Their intel is a little old. Where would they start? My guess is they would start with a few things: 1) the places they busted last time; and 2) the places they have been getting calls to; and 3) the places that might have escalating activity that they are not especially aware of. Only for that latter category might they seek out the strip club web sites and read the recent reviews. They might end up with a short list of clubs, and a club might make the list because five recent reviews mentioned explicit sexual activity. So LE goes into undercover mode, and the rest is history. That being said, I think there is very little we can do to reduce the number of explicit reviews even if we wanted to. Some guys like everyone to know they swing a big dick and get action in the clubs. For them, there is no question of discretion. Their $150 investment includes bragging rights. And the alternative of screening the reviews is probably not practical given the volume and the lack of pay (although some of us obviously have time on our hands). So whaddya gonna do? One thing would be to get to the club before it gets busted so you can avail yourself of the loose women. Sounds like a plan.
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    13 years ago
    Opinions on taking non GF female to SC
    What GMD said.
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    13 years ago
    Spas and Salons
    I have considered it quite often. Quite frankly, it eliminates a big part of the interest for me. I go to strip clubs for the unknown, the challenge, and the thrill of the hunt.
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    13 years ago
    Strangest/weirdest/grossest patron you've ever seen at a strip club?
    Speaking of fat guys. I once went to the Hiliter in Phoenix where my SO worked. A Friday noon getaway. I got seated at the row of single tables. In the corner there is sort of the "Captain's Chair" for guys into serious long time lappers. I am three seats away. I looked to see who is there. He was big, maybe 300+ pounds. Hey, that's the Chairman of the Board of my company! He saw me. We gave each other the "nod of understanding". So I stayed and enjoyed myself.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Opinions on taking non GF female to SC
    Why do you assume she wants to do anything sexual with you?