
Comments by arbeeguy (page 10)

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    15 years ago
    The one that got away...
    Has happened to me twice within the past month. One got fired for being too frisky. At a different club in a different town, the other one promised to meet me the following Thursday, with great anticipation (she indicated great anticipation, I felt great anticipation.) She was a no-show and I haven't seen her since. I know she had been trying to give up stripping but was in trouble & had a sudden need for some cash. I'll never know if she got that cash in some other way, or got in even bigger trouble than before while trying.
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    15 years ago
    Dancers who live in other states
    Isn't "making out" a rather ambiguous term? It doesn't necessarily mean "blow job". It doesn't necessarily mean "full service". What it DOES mean, is rather hard to say. So just because nickash made out with a dancer doesn't necessarily mean that the dancer had nickash's cock in her mouth. HOWEVER - she may well have had nickash's cock in her mouth. But if so, so what? Are you - Samsung1 - saying that because a girl had your cock in her mouth she is somehow unfit to service another customer? I don't get it. Hmmmm -- I guess this thread has sort of wandered away from the original topic -- Dancers Who Live In Other States -- hasn't it.
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    15 years ago
    Friends of judyjudy
    Don't know that much about Dougster or why he would post such a silly comment, but I do agree with the general tone of all the other comments -- may JudyJudy keep her positive perspective and keep posting, and keep makin' it as a stripper. Good luck to you Judy, and thanks to How for starting this thread.
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    15 years ago
    A few clubs in the Chicago area require their girls to wear pantyhose under their thongs. That's a deal-breaker as far as I am concerned. If I knew a club required pantyhose I would not even go through the door. As for the thigh-his, I am personally neutral. Don't see them as an advantage or disadvantage.
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    15 years ago
    Strip Club Etiquette: Top Ten Rules Outlined by a Stripper
    Thanks for the link, Wallanon. I read the ten paragraphs (I personally would not call them rules). They are all common-sense suggestions written from an experienced stripper's viewpoint. There is so much personal reminiscence in the paragraphs, you could almost call it a Memoir. In fact the stripper who wrote these "rules" mentioned that she spends some of her time writing. She is good. She probably makes some $$$ from writing, which is a good thing.
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    15 years ago
    Extras .........and the time it takes
    Time seems to be the key factor. Either a specific amount of time such as $120 for 30 minutes, or $25 per song, would be negotiated, and whatever happens during the specified time, happens. As a customer, if things didn't go as well as hoped, I think the dancer is totally within her legal and ethical rights to say, well sweetie, the time is up, but for XXX additional money, we can keep trying. If the dancer spends additional time with me, but without any new negotiation, I don't think I should obligated to pay more than we had originally agreed upon. I agree this is a sticky situation, because during the heat of passion, negotiation could be a total mood-killer. So it may be best to just keep going, and hope the guy will voluntarily see the merit in forking over more cash than originally agreed upon. You could certainly ask for more, and if he refuses, you are just stuck. If he is a gentleman I think he would voluntarily offer extra money unless he honestly felt you hadn't tried hard enough. TOUGH CALL.
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    15 years ago
    Hot older women
    Liz is good but the one I really like is Marisa Tomei, and she has some really steamy stripper scenes in last year's "The Wrestler". HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. Marisa is so so sweet - I just love her. She also did a coupla nude scenes in "Wild Hogs". Has anybody seen that movie? I had NOT. Just found out a couple of days ago about Marisa nekkid in it, so maybe I will rent it this weekend.
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    15 years ago
    Extras newbie
    I think Dick Johnson is just havin' fun with us. Good for you, Dick Johnson. We can always use some more humor in our lives.
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    15 years ago
    SC Attire
    In case Baltimoreguy, a self-declared newbie, is not familiar with the term "commando" it means "no underwear". I notice that term is not in the Glossary. As for attire, I once had a pair of soft cotton slacks with a discreet slit in the crotch. Of course I was commando. At bit risky, but I never got caught, either by the bouncer or the Significant Other. And several dancers got a kick out of it. (Not to mention a big surprise.)
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    15 years ago
    Lets talk about EAST ST. LOUIS!!!
    Just did a quick count of the SC's listed on this site. Here's what I came up with: Brooklyn - 4 East Saint Louis - 2 Sauget 2 Centreville 2 SUBTOTAL 10 Washington Park 9 So the non-Washington Park edges out the Washington Park count by One. However, with Miss Kitty's, Larry Flynt Hustler, and Hollywood all practically contiguous with each other, Washington Park is definitely the dominant player. What I really like about the ESL/Wash Pk/etc area is the blatancy. The WP handshake (her hand down your pants) The DATY right at the stage out in the open and nobody notices. Fingerfucking and titty sucking at the stage. Etc. etc. Very unusual area. BTW the activities I mentioned do NOT happen at the higher class clubs. But they happen in the dives. Also, every now & again, a real convivial party atmosphere will develop. Which is always fun.
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    15 years ago
    Goodie bags
    I'd say 90% of the time there is nothing in there but money. The rest of the stuff, she can usually trust to leave in the dressing room. Money, well...... that's a whole'nother story ain't it.
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    15 years ago
    Lets talk about EAST ST. LOUIS!!!
    Well Mr. Smartypants Arbeeguy, you call out Kprince for a minor spelling error, and then you screw up your own grammar. Legislature is SINGULAR, so the verb is "has" not "have". So it goes: live by the sword, die by the sword.
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    15 years ago
    Lets talk about EAST ST. LOUIS!!!
    (The word is existence not existance). But your description is right-on. I still remember the good times I had in the Chameleon Club before the dang thing burned down. Also loved Dollies & Miss Kitty's. I prefer Dive to Upscale. ESL area excels in Dive. The Big Deal about East St. Louis and environs (Brooklyn, Washington Park, Centreville, Sauget) is two words: MISSISSIPPI RIVER West of Mississippi, you are in Saint Louis Missouri, an upscale with many conventions, businesses, and sports venues -- a community which has chosen to regulate strip clubs to the max. East of Mississippi you are in the state of Illinois, whose legislature, to its eternal credit, have allowed local communities to set the "decency standards" for their own towns. Obviously the towns named above have strip-club-friendly local ordinances/law_enforcement - mainly, I suspect, because they have been victims of severe economic decline over the decades. Because of the Mississippi River, the distance between the giant St. Louis and the impoverished St. Clair County Illinois is very very short. A couple of excellent bridges facilitate. St. Louis provides the customer demand and St. Clair County provides the strip-club supply. I can hardly wait to get back to ESL - one of my favorite places in the country. Some new clubs have opened since last I was there. There are several nice motels near the pleasure palaces. There, the livin' is g-o-o-o-d ....
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Dancer gives you a lousy dance to get get rid of you. Does it work?
    This has never happened to me, nor have I heard of it. I did have a dancer ask me to buy her a drink, and then walk away from me to chat with another PL once. I had a dancer walk out on me in the VIP room (after I had paid for the dance) because I "adjusted my belt" a little too radically. (I wanted to make it easy for her to get at the equipment, but totally misjudged. Only made that mistake once.) It very well may happen, but I believe it is extremely rare for a dancer to give a lousy dance just to get rid of a customer. A couple of times I have ended a dance, because the dancer was so disappointing in her approach that I didn't want to be around her. I don't think either one was deliberately giving me bad service -- more like just poor communications.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Miami or Columbia
    IF YOU GO TO MIAMI THERE IS A TON OF OTHER STUFF TO DO. OTHER GOOD STRIP CLUBS BESIDES TOOTSIES TOO. If I had the choice it would be hands-down Miami. Summer might be a good time to avoid the humongous traffic jams. Warning: it will be hot and human. Take your swim suit. Maybe there are some nude beaches you can visit to complement the SC experiences
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    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Shelf life of dancers/female customers posting on here.
    judy, you are not and cannot cause a problem on this site. (sticks & stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me.) say what you think, & don't take offense at what ohers say. Enjoy!
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    What qualifies a girl as your favorite???
    I wonder if the question is not the WRONG question. What you want is a lot of income, not to be somebody's favorite. Being someone's favorite might actually REDUCE your income if he is possessive.
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    15 years ago
    St. Louis outing.
    I think this is a great idea but I happen to have a previous commitment that weekend.
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    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Well WTF - shadowcat - you ARE getting a special treat. (Good for you.)
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    15 years ago
    Name That Hobby
    Trolling for trollops. I like that. It has onomoopea - kind of brings up a memory of Edgar Allen Poe, doesn't it. Only trouble is, I think the word "Trollop", while technically accurate enough, has become obsolescent as far as normal everyday usage. I guess "clubbing" might be the simplest overall one-word description of what we do. That means "Clubber" has an advantage over all the rest of us since he built that right into his name. (However, I notice that on is Icon he uses the term "Clubber" in quite a different context)
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    15 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Things You Aren't Supposed to Say to a Stripper
    THIS IS "MAYBE" THE BEST THREAD EVER. Certainly more laughs than any other I have read. Congrats to all who contributed. Especially the stripper. Other strippers, please post ACTUAL dumb/hilarious things your customers have said to you. Great potential here.
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    15 years ago
    Did anybody catch Dateline?
    Somebody with more skill and energy than me, please report exactly how (if) we can watch it thru the Internet. I am so techologically clutzy I can't even figure out how to get streamin audio from my local radio station on the internet, even tho they tell me every single day that I can do it.
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    15 years ago
    Movie Review: GFE
    Living out here in the sticks, I doubt I will ever get to see it in a movie theater, but maybe it will be on Netflix in a few months. Wonder if my wife would enjoy watching it with me. Probably not a good idea cuz it is way out of the normal zone of what she and I watch on Netflix. Mostly G rated oldies or G rated Indy flicks that have gotten good recommendations. Anyway, it is fun to think of Sasha Grey getting into mainline movies. I am sure the prestige, and ultimate potential, is much better. If this one clicks maybe we'll see more non-porn from Sasha. But her porn legacy will never go away -- it's imbedded in the Internet now.
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    15 years ago
    Name That Hobby
    Personally I can't see it as a hobby. I think it is an addiction.
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    15 years ago
    Detroit, Michigan
    Ultimate review
    putting up with thugs and jablake is part of the cost of doing business