
Comments by arbeeguy (page 11)

  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Thnk twice before heading to Tijuana these days ......
    Answer to the question: $$$MONEY$$$
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    15 years ago
    Hi deogol, I have heard this sentiment expressed before, but it is not quite true. Because of the commodity Miss X is selling. True, some Miss X's will view selling a lap dance as equivalent to selling a pair of shoes or a bag of groceries. But not all. Every now and then, intimate relationships DO develop between strippers and customers. Even marriages have been documented. When you have a dual relationship - in the apartment house and in the strip club - the chance of some kind of intimacy increases. However, the big problem to me is the S.O. By definition you cannot have more than one S.O. at a time. My message to 10inches is this -- don't spoil a good thing. If you are happy with your S.O., don't play around with Miss X at the pool or anywhere else except - perhaps - at the strip club.
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    15 years ago
    North Iowa
    Can a good personality or stage presence overcome bad looks?
    I am with uscue13. If you are not interested in lapdances and high mileage, then the looks may be the main/sole criterion, but I have had experience in real life and in strip clubs with 10s and we usually don't click on an intimate basis. It may be that I am not physically attractive or clever enough myself to attract the interest of a 10, but it seems like they just don't do it for me. There are intangible tradeoffs here. If a girl is really heavy, I don't want her sitting on my lap, period. So, no lap dances. I don't worry much about whether her face is pretty or not. If she is petite, and slutty, and has a good sense of humor I can put up with a lot of other deficiencies. But when it comes to fat women, I agree -- the fatties really don't have any business taking off their clothes for money. PERIOD. When they show up on stage I avert my vision.
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    15 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Amsterdam FAQ?
    OOPS - forgot to paste in my findings on Amsterdam red light district http://www.amsterdam.info/red-light-district/ www.youtube.com/watch?v=fybNYnaBTP0 http://www.google.com/search?q=amsterdam+red+light+district&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Amsterdam FAQ?
    Dear Book Guy You are wise to collect your information in advance to save time & frustration after you arrive. Addresses, phone numbers, protocols. Here are three web sites that might help you. The third one might not work if you do not have Firefox but if you enter "Amsterdam Red LIght District" in Internet Explorer you are bound to get something similar. Good luck, and I hope you will give us a report when you return. I'm completely in agreement with you on the subject of marijuana.
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    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Pole dancing
    I took a look at the web site, but I didn't see any links to videos, so I just moved on. Don't need to buy pole dance supplies, don't need to take pole dance lessons. Glad you corrected the name of the website.
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    15 years ago
    Giving the strippers credit...
    In the clubs I go to, the dancers ask for dances. Most of them seem to think $20 in their pocket (or bag) is better than a kick in the pants.
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    15 years ago
    I have seen Strip Club Hell, and its name is Chicago
    Strikes me Chicago is much like Saint Louis. Not much Strip Club fun to be had in St Louy, ya gotta drive East a ways. Same with Chicago - lousy SC in many respects, but it gets better if you drive East to Hammond, Harvey, Gary. I don't know that these areas are actually unsafe, but the neighborhoods the clubs in can certainly cause one to wonder. Doesn't really make sense but that's reality.
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    15 years ago
    MN Clubs
    One approach would be to read a few reviews of Minneapolis clubs on TUSCL and if you see a particular reviewer or two that has done several different reviews. Study the reviews and then send that person or persons a private message. I have had very good luck in getting useful answers to private messages on this website. But someyoungguy has a good point -- you will get better info if the info-provider knows what you are looking for.
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    15 years ago
    The Greater Detroit Area
    Yellow Fever
    I would suggest a medical clinic. Most cities above a population of 10,000 will have at least one.
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    15 years ago
    What happened to Mitchell Brothers (San Francisco)?????
    Excellent thread. Thanks, Officer. I can only speculate that the management has changed. The new management presumably is just milking the reputation for all the $$$$ he can get his hands on, and as long as the rubes keep coming thru the door and coughing up the cash, he'll keep rippin' 'em off. Sad demise of a once-attractive club. By demise, I mean the demise of the attractiveness, not the demise of the club. One of the great benefits of TUSCL is that we members find out things like this without ever having to walk thru the door.
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    15 years ago
    Dancers asking if you are married
    While I agree with all the above writers, I do think that some dancers will use a different sales strategy for married men than for single men. She may know you are married, but still ask you if you are married, to initiate the strategy. It is interesting to speculate on how the strategy might differ. For example, if you are married, it would be a bit tougher for her (not impossible, just tougher) for her to do OTC or establish any kind of a one-on-one relationship, than if you are single. There might be other differences which would manifest themselves Inside The Club (ITC) I any event, it really doesn't matter. As previous writers have indicated, you are there to provide the cash, and she is there to provide the tits, the ass, the friendly smile, and maybe a hand wrapped around your prick, etc., etc.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Confession: Living & (not) learning
    Hi escritic We could have an interesting thread on the issue you raised, but I do not know quite how to phrase it. You might think about it. Come up with a meaningful Discussion Topic, and I promise to join in (again) The topic basically, is -- the difference between a girl that "is interested in me" and a girl that is in the club to make money. I question whether 95% of the girls that "appear to be interested in me" really are. More likely, they are just skillful enough in their job that they SEEM interested in me, especially after I have had a couple of beers. Don't get me wrong. I kind of like the crass, phony, hustle, physical-oriented, $$$-oriented nature of strip clubs. It's all a game, isn't it???? Always nice to have an orgasm with an attractive naked (or near-naked) girl on my lap. At that point I really don't give a shit if she is interested in me or not -- she did her job well from my viewpoint.
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    15 years ago
    Confession: Living & (not) learning
    Samsung, he didn't say he spent $300 for 1 hour. he said he spent $300 PLUS her tip plus bouncer trip. Common sense: it cost at least $500. And maybe more. But probably the big cost was not the actual $$$$ but the let-down from the euphoria of a great conversation to a mundane hour of fake-intimacy. The psychological cost was considerable, because the dancer had - deliberately or unconsciously - built up unrealistic expectations in the brain (groin?) of Mr. FinalLap. I appreciate him taking the trouble to write up his experience because it reinforces the idea that strip clubs are inherently deceitful and expensive - unless you keep your guard up. SO EVERYBODY KEEP YOUR GUARD UP AT ALL TIMES.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    What is OTP?
    I was familiar with "TTP" thru the pants, so "OTP" outside the pants seems plausible enough. Can we add it to the Glossary? Maybe it is already there. Sadly I am too lazy to check.
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    16 years ago
    stripper -- how old is too old ?
    Age is a hard fact, but what "Age" actually means is a state of mind. If a 60 year old woman has kept herself attractive and her pussy gets wet, I would have no problem whatsoever. I had some sessions with a 37 y.o. nurse/stripper who voluntarily told me her age after we had gotten pretty well acquainted. With new clients she could pass for mid-20s. Also had nice times with a stripper in her early 40s. She was bi-sexual, and the last time I met her, her husband had recently divorced her cause he was tired of her foolin' around with other females. Didn't seem to bother him that she was a stripper, who routinely gave out EXTRAS to the male customers, though. So everybody has their own fetishes and their own taboos. At 74, I enjoy the company of the 18-y.o. if she "acts mature for her age" and I would love to get it on with a 50-y.o. if she had the right attributes (mainly a good personality and a fairly tight body.)
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    16 years ago
    If the weather is bad and you need to save money anyway, do you stay home?
    The way the question is posed, the answer is an unequivocal "YES". In fact, if I needed to save money I would stay home no matter good weather or bad. But in the area I live - Iowa - I have found the strip club experience is crappy in bad weather. It seems like we have more than our bad share of bad weather around here, and strippers often drive an hour or two to get to their club-of-choice. Clubs are likely to close, and often are short of dancers if they don't.
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    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    What is a swing club?
    There used to be a club of this nature in Washington Park, Illinois. I talked to a stripper/hooker at the old Chameleon Club that said she had had some good (both erotically and financially) times there a few years back. But it appeared to be closed and abandoned by the time I learned of it. I drove by a few times in the day and early evening - never saw much activity. It was about 5 blocks west of Chameleon Club as I recall. Anybody on this board remember anything about it? I can't even remember the name anymore. I am sure the rules of swing clubs vary from location to location and from time to time. In the 70's there was one in midtown Manhattan called Plato's Retreat. I met an attractive young lady who offered to take me there - for a fee of course - and looking back, I wish I had taken her up on it. Mainly to just get a first-hand impression of what it was all about. But like Shadowcat, I really need a good night's sleep and I had other priorities at the time.
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    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Smoking and Strip Clubs...
    Shadowcat asked which is harder on your health, smoking or obesity? Who gives a shit? They are BOTH hard on your health. All you smokers, you have my sympathy. I suspect every last one of you is ADDICTED to nicotine. It is a very powerful and damaging addiction. I know I am addicted to strip clubs. Glad I don't have to cope with the nicotine addiction to boot.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Any place that interests me.
    "Factor Grade Tweaking": How Do You Adjust ?
    I used to try to rate the three factors but it made my head hurt. Now I just think about my overall impression of the club, and come up with a single number, and enter it for all three factors. I admit that is a copout but I feel that the numerical scores are subjective no matter how hard you try. It's not as though we were all given training, a criteria sheet, and renumeration <grin>
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    15 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Advisability of Dating Stalked Druggie Cheerleader Strippers with Sleazy Boyfrie
    what about a three-some with sleazy boyfriend and druggie stripper? It could be a real turn-on. Downside????
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    First name is good enough for me. I use an alias on TUSCL but not in clubs. I agree with SuperDude - the really important name is Benjamin Franklin (but also Hamilton, Jackson, and Grant.) Lincoln - well probably not so important. Jefferson -- well, better than Lincoln. Twice as good in fact. In FACT, ya get anuff Jeffersons, ya can make a car down payment. NO SHIT
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Strip club hours.
    Ultimately it is all about supply and demand. There is plenty of money to be made between 7 pm and 2 am if the girls are hot (good supply) and there are plenty of PLs that want to come in and sample the goods. I prefer that clubs open around 3 or 4 so I can get my cootchie ration and get home for supper relaxed. But without the supply of hot girls and the demand of at least a few guys with $$$ to burn, it is pointless to have the club open. CONSISTENCY IS ALL-IMPORTANT. JABLAKE MADE GOOD POINTS IN HIS POSTS ON THIS SUBJECT. If you start farting around with the hours and the days you operate your strip club, you are going to confuse some and piss off others. Need to set a standard and hold to it long enough for repeat business and word-of-mouth to kick in. But why are we talking to EACH OTHER about this. Do strip club owners/managers read our drivel???? I doubt it.
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    16 years ago
    Dollar bills
    Robofan & I think a lot alike. But I want to put in a plug for the $2 bill gambit. I actually wish the $2 bills had a big bright "2" on them like some 5s do. Dollar bills are a bit of an anachronism. Our more enlightened brethren in Canada and UK have coins equivalent to dollar and more. But in spite of serious efforts by US Mint, dollar coins have never caught on here. Yeah, I agree, you can carry more money in your pocket as $1 bills than as $1 coins, but I think it would sense to migrate to $2 bills and $1 coins. I like the $1 coins a lot, myself. Guess I am in the small minority. I realize this is badly off topic -- after all we aren't about to start putting $1 coins in the strippers' garters. I think $2 tips should become the norm, and the $1 bill become an anachronism in clubs. I am sort of surprised to see myself write these words, as I am a "club cheapskate" in so many ways.
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    16 years ago
    Two Regulars Arrive at the Same time
    Was not clear on the meaning of "trolling" so I checked the web and got the following. Just in case anyone else is ignorant as I was. An Internet troll, or simply troll in Internet slang, is someone who posts controversial, inflammatory, irrelevant or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum or chat room, with the primary intent of provoking other users into an emotional response[1] or to generally disrupt normal on-topic discussion.