
Dancers who live in other states

What's the deal with dancers who live in a far away state from where they work? I recently met a dancer who told me she was moving back to her home state but was going to continue working in this state on the weekend every two weeks. Why would she do this? My theory is that she has built up enough of her regular clientele that she can go into business for herself doing otc's with her regulars using the club as a place to set up "dates". Anyone else ever seen this?


  • jguy
    15 years ago
    There is a club near me where I would guess that a third of the girls live more than 100 miles a way. For most, the reason I hear is that they can make better money than the clubs near there home. One girl did tell me that she didn't want to dance in her own backyard. I guess it is a different take on NIMBY.

    I think most of these girls make their money ITC.
  • steve229
    15 years ago
    One Friday night in a Virginia club I meet two dancers from North Carolina. They said they come up and work for the weekend once a month because the money is better than the clubs in NC.

    I've also had some dancers tell me they go on working vacations - say, spend a month in Florida, and work in some clubs to pay travel expenses.
  • steve229
    15 years ago
    I've also met dancers who are college students or have regular day jobs. They prefer to work in a club 2-3 hours away to avoid running into classmates, co-workers, etc.
  • imnumnutz
    15 years ago
    it's almost like a visiting nurses program...except with strippers.
  • samsung1
    15 years ago
    Just watch out for these types of girls who travel...they typically are ROBs who think they must make more money than the rest of the strippers because they have to account for their travel time/expenses. It is always a red flag for me when a girl says she's from out of town far away.

    Not all of them, just a lot of the ones I have encountered. Here in Columbus, OH there are a lot of small country towns surrounding the area (especially in the Southern part of Ohio). Most of these towns have no clubs or just a couple strip clubs. What is a girl to do once she gets fired from the only strip club in town for being a ROB? She either gets a normal job or just has to keep traveling because she is addicted to the quick cash, no taxes, no waiting for paycheck at the end of week, etc.. Also small town country girls are less willing to break the rules than the big city girls so their mileage sucks.

    One of my favorite strip club moments was when I was snowed in at a strip club. There was a snow storm when I was there and they were closing the club down early. One of the strippers complained about how she lived very far away and was going to get a motel. I convinced her to let me come spend the night in exchange for paying for the motel and help keep her warm through the night (rather cheap - under $100 if I recall).

    Again this is not all out of town dancers, but just a lot of the ones I have met.
  • mr_33
    15 years ago
    One girl told me she didn't work the clubs local to her because they all require doing extras and this club (another state, 100 miles away) doesn't do extras. It was a shitty LD too.
  • snowtime
    15 years ago
    Last week I went to Platinum Plus in Greenville,SC for the first time and had 4 very good dances from a girl from Knoxville,Tn., some 200 miles away. She told me she comes in in Friday, gets a motel, and returns to Knoxville on Sunday. She said she does it because the clubs in Knoxville and Ashville are not as lucrative for her. Since those are very low or no contact cities I can understand her rationale. Obviously the higher contact clubs generate more income for the dancers. By the way, my Knoxville dancer was the most attractive girl in the club and could have done well anywhere.
  • casualguy
    15 years ago
    At one time I was getting dances on a regular basis from dancers from NC, Alabama, possibly Georgia although I think I kept turning them down, and every once in a while from Tennessee, and South Carolina where I live. I was doing this all at one strip club. I didn't think it was any big deal. I've also gotten dances from some foreign dancers as well but those usually aren't on any regular basis. I remember one dancer I think she said she was from Puerto Rico, she looked very nice. Of course I've met lots of nice dancers. Dancers I meet from farther away like Ohio, Brazil, Russia, Europe, the US west coast, etc. I usually don't see too often unless they moved here on a temporary basis. At one time I had favorites I saw almost every weekend and the distance between the two of them was at least 400 to 500 miles. Even one of my current favorites works a few months each year over 200 miles away at another club. It happens to be in the same state though. Unless she works in Miami at another club there. I'm not meeting any of these girls outside the club.
  • casualguy
    15 years ago
    I met one dancer recently who asked where I was from and then refused to say where she was from. She was the first dancer to tell me that in I don't recall how many years. Obviously she wasn't from around the local area. I kept thinking she was probably married and from Ohio but that would have been a total guess. She refused to even give out what state she was from. Obviously stubborn too, I was thinking probably something she already discussed with her husband about not giving out information. If you don't want to talk about it, don't ask me where I'm from. I don't know if anyone else has run into this situation.
  • samsung1
    15 years ago
    casualguy: you are not the only one this has happened to. A dancer asked me about where I work then when I asked her if she had a day job she said she does but it is a secret. She told me she would get into trouble if she told me...I rebuffed her request for a dance about 10 minutes later.
  • DandyDan
    15 years ago
    Two of my coworkers here in Omaha used to be dancers. One of them was originally from Fremont, NE, just NW of Omaha. We've talked extensively about her dancing career. Fremont used to have two strip clubs and one thing she told me is she never danced at either of them because someone might recognize her.

    For another Fremont story, my ATF used to dance at the Lariat Club there and she would often spend part of the summer in Wisconsin because money was to be made there. I know she also used to mention places in Minnesota, Iowa, Illinois and Montana where she would dance as well. I think she had a disconnection from normal life, which a lot of dancers have.
  • steve229
    15 years ago

    Had a similar experience. Chatting with a dancer, and she mentions she had just moved. I give the usual reply, if this had been a “normal” conversation – oh, so where did you move to? She immediately gets a horrified look on her face and I can tell she’s thinking “Stalker Alert!” I had to explain that a) I was from out of town and b) I was just being polite and really didn’t care where she moved to.
  • nickash
    15 years ago
    OK. Here's the thing. She is living in Florida and dancing in Illinois where I live. I met her at a club that was more tame and didn't do extras, but she only worked there for a little while, then I ran into her at a different club that has a reputation for being "dirtier", and she always mentions how she likes it better. I've seen her about six or seven times in the last 2 years, and the last 2 times I saw her she made out with me. I'm wondering what else is she doing with guys who are more regular than me.
  • samsung1
    15 years ago
    you don't want to make out with strippers..think of all the dicks she has been sucking before making out with you that day! it's gross to think about!
  • arbeeguy
    15 years ago
    Isn't "making out" a rather ambiguous term?

    It doesn't necessarily mean "blow job". It doesn't necessarily mean "full service". What it DOES mean, is rather hard to say.

    So just because nickash made out with a dancer doesn't necessarily mean that the dancer had nickash's cock in her mouth. HOWEVER - she may well have had nickash's cock in her mouth. But if so, so what? Are you - Samsung1 - saying that because a girl had your cock in her mouth she is somehow unfit to service another customer? I don't get it. Hmmmm -- I guess this thread has sort of wandered away from the original topic -- Dancers Who Live In Other States -- hasn't it.
  • minnow
    15 years ago
    When I'm in a "state of bliss", I could care less what state dancer is from!
  • Clubber
    15 years ago

    Why would you care at all?
  • Player11
    15 years ago
    I once had a stripper in a Montana club tell me her home club was in Green River, Wyoming and said she "made her rounds" of various clubs throught Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming. Whether she did guys OTC I don't know as I never made her an offer. My gut feel considering she was the best looking one there is she made big bucks from dances and then moved on when the novelty had worn off for the big spenders. Not a bad business strategy for a gal working small backwoods clubs in the boonies where the clientele far outnumbered the few dancers available and then her blowing away almost all of the other girls with her looks. Montana is only one way contact.
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