
Comments by arbeeguy (page 9)

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    15 years ago
    Which city has the best stripclubs in the whole country?
    I'm 100% in agreement with BaddJack, concerning the wondrous dens of iniquity concentrated in the East Saint Louis area. However, I am reluctant to call it "Saint Louis" as he does. Saint Louis is in a different state and has a totally different ethos regarding the strip clubs than exists across the Mighty Mississippi river. The fact that there are shopping centers, a casino, motels of different cost levels, WalMart, etc. etc., in this area (east of the Mississippi) makes it a legitimate area in its own right. So I proudly nominate "Eawt Saint Louis Area" (ESLA for short) as the number one strip club location in the USA. A key component of this is the economic factor. There are high end clubs and low end clubs in the ESLA. The high end clubs are medium-expensive and the low-end clubs can be DIRT CHEAP. Something for every taste. Houston would be my second choice, based on just a few samples, with Tampa in third place. But Tampa has one unique asset that cannot be matched by any other place in the country -- Mons Venus. That's my OPINION (not fact) but I'm stickin' to it.
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    15 years ago
    Female "O'dior"
    Well, odor is a funny thing. Take garlic. Some hate a strong smell of garlic, others love it. I think it must be a cultural thing. I happen to despise the smell of human shit and stale human piss (fresh piss doesn't smell too bad.) Now to pussy smells - it's very individualistic I believe. I'm sure there are diseased and rotting pussies out there that smell like hell. Personally, I have always been turned on, not off, by the odors emanating from the pussies. Maybe I have just been lucky. I have a friend who has fucked a number of hot pussies, and he has told me he will not eat pussy because he considers the smell disgusting. To each his own. One man's meat is another man's poison.
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    15 years ago
    New Orleans Strip Clubs - Latest Info
    New Orleans French Quarter is somewhat of a tourist trap and you may be excessively hustled, with bait-and-switch techniques applied. Not the greatest area for SC satisfaction. From my experience in the French Quarter there is very little difference among the different clubs. If you keep your expectations low, and don't believe everything the hustlers say, you can have fun. Any other opinions, guys?
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    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Cost of FS OTC?
    For Player11 - am trying to guess the meaning of POP. Maybe, "Price Of Pussy" ??
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    15 years ago
    Ever wonder how much strippers actually make and where the money goes?
    Dancers incomes vary all over the map, just as singers and musicians. And small business owners. Shadowcat pretty much nailed the subject, and I will reinforce his point. There are a few dancers (very few) that can clear $100,000 or more per year. With the right talents they can get into the right clubs and rake in tons of cash. Then there are the wannabees, the parttimers, the druggies, etc etc many of whom don't make any more than they would at WalMart. Soooo many variables in this equation.
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    15 years ago
    Wad blowing during lapping....
    Some girls are disgusted if you cum in your pants during a dance. Others love it, especially when they know dam well they get a bigger tip if I cum for them. Once I went commando with light colored pants. BIG MISTAKE. The dancer could not have cared less, but I had this big spot on the outside of my light colored pants. NOT COOL.
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    15 years ago
    Mood killing conversation with dancers?
    I love Jesus, nipples, and vaginas
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    15 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    How Slutty Is Too Slutty?
    Agree with the posters who indicate there is really no answer to the question as it was posed. It all depends on context. What is "too slutty" at the city council meeting might be considered very tame and dull inside a strip club. Even in the club, some very appropriate female behavior in a dark corner could be "too slutty" out in the better lighted areas.
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    15 years ago
    Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult
    Vegas topless pool closed due to prostitution arrests
    Thanks for the "Heads-UP", Pop. Also congrats on giving us some great eye cndy in your photo gallery - I love the expanding-shrinking breasts. WOW. Just a little more detail on the bust (1) This pool was part of the Rio Resort. The pool has not been closed, but the Rio management has suspended the "topless sunbathing" option (2) No charges were filed against the resort itself, and LE did not (according to the article) imply that Rio management should take ANY action. (3) The charges filed against the various people included not only prostitution but also drug dealing.
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    15 years ago
    Private Parties?
    judy, you are a real tease, aren't you.
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    15 years ago
    Competition between Dancers
    Another super thread created by JudyJudy. This is a woman I admire. So far it seems all is well between JJ and the rest of us. I wish two or three others with her maturity and sexuality would join our discussion group. Can't add much to the comments about the "young hardbodies". They are often very difficult for each other as well as for us customers. Of course them being "difficult" in various ways is part of the charm of this odd form of entertainment, right? I would love to spend some quality time with JudyJudy. Probably won't happen, but nice to think about.
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    15 years ago
    Strip Club Phobias
    Spare tire on the belly and cottage cheese on the upper thigh area.
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    15 years ago
    Hot Summer in Rhode Island
    "I can not even understand why a club would allow a 12 year old to dance nude." Comment: the Dallas club certainly did not "allow" a known 12-year-old to dance nude. If I remember this case correctly, she looked and behaved much older than her chronological age, and had definitely lied about her age. She had had "personal experiences at home" before ever entering a strip club that had, I believe, given her some pretty explicit, appropriate, training for the job. And also, if I recall, she was a runaway. But whatever the truth in that case, there is a big difference between a chronological age of 12 and 16. As long as a sixteen-year-old girl knows what she is doing, and is not under coercion of any kind, I don't see what the problem is. (Let the market rule.) Soon she won't be 16 any more, and then she won't be 17 any more, and .... well you get the idea.
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    15 years ago
    Muftis vs. bikinis
    Clubber, my experience matches with yours. I've seen several strippers in street clothes, both inside and outside the club. Usually the street clothes and the daylight lower the "exotic appeal", and I personally don't find it a turn on. But I can see how others may have different perspective. One thing I truly believe - it is the behavior, much more than the natural physical being or all the artificialities that come to play, which ultimately determines female attractiveness. I'll take a plain-looking or moderately ugly girl with a great personality, big smile, ability-to-make-me-think-she-really-likes-me, over a gorgeous stuck-up babe that projects an aura of superiority. Oh I just thought of a clever saying that fits: "Beauty is Only Skin Deep". Can I copyright that???
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    15 years ago
    Boston Globe Scrubs Henry Louis Gates Arrest Report From Website
    Wallanon and Sothrop, I personally would favor a moderated discussion board, but I can see the merits of an unmoderated one. A free-for-all, so to speak. As long as we don't get a situation where one person tries to dominate numerous discussions, and basically shove his ideas down everybody's throats, I guess I like it the way it is. There was an excellent column on this Cambridge Gates incident in our paper. The columnist pointed out that mistakes and bad behavior were perpetrated by both sides. She said, in effect, "machismo took control of common sense and courtesy on both sides." Fortunately no one was hurt. Physically, that is. To me, it just reinforces my belief that under a very thin veneer of civilization created by thoughtful people who write laws and etiquette books, we are all savages, and sometimes our savage side takes control of our civilized side. I just hope Gates can let his courteous, civilized side prevail over his machismo savage side, and show some restraint and humility in the weeks to come. That woud be nice.
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    15 years ago
    Arrogant club management
    Chandler - you are right and I was wrong. Businesses are not breaking the law when they refuse to accept certain coins or bills in exchange for the goods/services they are offering for sale. TUSCL_Brother - your point is well taken. Certain dealers "TRY" to charge outrageous marked-up prices for the mint-condition dollar coins they offer. This is akin to the well known practice of selling essentially worthless stock, based on "a good story" which is a big moneymaker during boom periods - probably not so prevalent right now. Another good example of this sort of thing - don't know if you would call it a scam or not - I remember about ten or fifteen years ago, gift shops and souviner shops were selling pet rocks for big bucks. Can you believe that? Makes as much sense as paying $5 (or more) for a coin with a face value of $1. Ultimately it all boils down to economics 101 - law of supply and demand. If people are willing to pay far more for something than its "true value" you can be sure that somebody will step up to provide it - charge as much as the market will bear.
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    15 years ago
    Arrogant club management
    Coins versus bills - an interesting topic with implications both in and out of the strip club. Once a week, I go to a coffee where they sell a bottomless cup for $1.50 on the honor system. You put your $1.50 in the can and grab a foam cup, then walk over to the coffee urn. One day it occurred me that this is the perfect - EASY - way to dispose of the small change - mostly pennies - I am always accumulating. Just count out 150 pennies, or equivalent in kickels, etc., before I leave home, put them in an otherwise empty pocket & dump them in the can. No tedious second counting-out required. VOILA. Now to the subject of $1 coins and $2 bills. I can see where dancers might refuse $1 coins as tip. It could really interfere with their normal way of doing their jobs. But I agree that it is highly arrogant for strip club management to refuse to accept $1 coins at the counter - I've never heard that in any SC I have attended. Also, the clubs I go to don't give out $2 in change, although I would not object to that - since -- unless the dancer is piss-poor, I always want to tip her either $2 or $5 anyway - just a personal preference. And as for vending machines accepting $1 coins - there are many, many vending machines in the private sector that DO accept $1 coins. And anybody that pays more than $1 for a $1 coin needs to have his head examined. Of course I am not a coin collector, so it is easy for me to say that. In conclusion, I suggest that about five patrons with their pockets full of $1 coins arrive at PP simultaneously and all offer them at approximately the same time in exchange for cover charge, drinks, or whatever. If the clerk refuses, demand to see the management, and if the refusal occurs again, loudly protest and storm out en masse, threatening to file a complaint with The Law. By the way, I challenge the assertion that retail establishments are not required to accept $1 coins. I believe they ARE. Where is your proof that they are not? I think it is just a matter of enforcement of law.
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    15 years ago
    Bombshell: Orders revoked for soldier challenging prez
    Is anybody still tuned in to this thread?? It sure is a long ways off from the mission of TUSCL. However, the TUSCL rules are clearly stated -- this discussion board is UNMODERATED, and there is no reason why any clown should not be able to post any bullshit he feels like on this board -- including personal insults, which I DO NOT LIKE. The rest of us are free to ridicule the OP if we wish, but Founder would be breaking his own rules if he deleted any thread that did not pose a legal threat to him or his product, TUSCL. The claim that Obama is not a legitimate president or a legitimate CIC is, of course, absolutely ridiculous. All the constitutional, legal, and political requirements have been met. He was vetted by investigative reporters, public officials, party activists, was elected by a majority of the electoral college, whose votes were all certified by their respective state officials. This is what is required by the constitution. (He also won a majority of the popular vote, which adds to his moral, but not legal, claim to the office) He was then sworn into office by the Chief Justice. They even repeated the swearing-in the next day to avoid the charge that he was not legally sworn in due to a slight bobble by the chief justice on inauguration day. So this whole thread is silly - but amusing. By the way, I recommend everybody go see "BRUNO" which is part documentary but mostly insane slapstick comedy - a rare mixture indeed. I think Sacha Baran Cohen is brilliant.
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    15 years ago
    Any decent strip clubs in or around Aspen Co?
    There are no strip clubs in Aspen. You are right about the ultra-expensive escorts. There may be private clubs that have stripping and extras - I am sure they would be VERY private and VERY expensive. There are only 26 Colorado strip clubs listed on TUSCL, with most of them being in Denver, Colorado Springs, Boulder, and Fort Collins. All a long ways away from Aspen. Considering the reputation of Aspen for high rollers and celebrities, as you stated, I would think it could be quite entertaining to visit the various night clubs and hotel bars, etc., looking for amateurs. But any way you cut it, Aspen is an expensive place to visit so bring PLENTY of money if you want to explore the more exotic opportunities. After you return from Aspen, how about a Trip Report. I am sure I am not the only one that would find it interesting. Especially if you do something interesting. And if you don't, just make something up - NOT.
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    15 years ago
    Your Strip Club Finances
    Good thread - important topic, and the different comments are quite interesting. Like Drippy, I NEVER take a credit card into a strip club. Never run a tab. Recently I have started carrying a lot of cash around in the car, so that it doesn't seem like "real money" anymore. Sometimes, if I get into a really exciting situation in the club, the cash flows out rapidly, and I have to go out to the car to get more cash. Once I reached the point in my life where I could see I had some serious cash on hand that I would not need to count on for future living expenses, strip clubbing became a lot more fun. I have discovered that adequate supplies of cash changing hands can really enhance the strip club experience. As for ATMs and credit cards, I DO NOT LIKE THEM. And I do not like the ROB's much either (Duh...) As for budgeting, I DO NOT BUDGET. I go by the urge of the moment. I am not saying this is the "right way" to do it, though.
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    15 years ago
    Where's Shadowcat and the censors/editors?
    What I do not understand is why Shadowcat is being discussed in the context of a review or a club. Sure, he gets carried away with PP but why should another TUSCLr be offering disparaging comments about Shadowcat? I do not see the point at all. Until a few months ago there was a TUSCLr, who had to insult Shadowcat at every opportunity. It got very tiresome, and I was happy when that person stopped posting to this board. At least this thread is not bashing anybody, and I appreciate that. txtittyfan asserts that "Shadowcat ... remove(s) ... a review..." How is that possible? txtittyfan, are you certain he has done that? As far as removing something, that is the Founder's job, and by delegation, the editor's job. In reading the "review" in question, it strikes me as more of a free advertisement than a review. That's not to say I have any problem with it, but if the editor removed it, so what? That's certainly not "censorship" per se. It is the job of editors to use their judgment in determining what is posted. Let's say the editor "missed one", and somebody pointed it out. Then removes him. That really is NOT censorship. Censorship is when an outside body, usually a governmental or religious organization, exerts their power to prevent a publisher from publishing what he wants to publish. I realize that we are all free to comment on any topic we wish in this Discussion Board, and that is a good thing. But where is this particular thread supposed to be going? Perhaps I have only muddied the water with these comments, but I am interested in the topics being discussed here, and look forward to reading more. If txtittyfan has a rebuttal for me that is fine.
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    15 years ago
    Might be good to pick ugly dancers!
    I had little reason to check out Clubber's cited website until Shadowcat reported (in his own inimitable fashion) the findings of researcher Sam Tazzyman. Then I wanted to find the source of his inspiration. (Well done, 'cat!) Anyway, if you read Clubber's cited website, you will read some quotes by Dr. Olivia Judson. Don't know if anybody has read or heard of the book, "Dr. Tatiana's Sex Advice to All Creation" first published in 2002. Dr. Tatiana is actually Dr. Olivia Judson. Dr. Tatiana's advice is hilarious but all well documented on scientific findings. Dr. Olivia Judson is an amazingly talented and witty researcher. If you haven't read the webpage cited by Clubber, I highly recommend it. Then go read the book by Tatiana/Judson. I think you'll like it.
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    15 years ago
    Pussy juice
    I believe some internet research will show there is a big difference between female ejaculation and urination (AKA pissing) From a purely empirical viewpoint, pussy juice is slippery, and piss isn't. Check it out.
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    15 years ago
    Las Vegas - Deja Vu Club BUST - 13 Arrested
    Rekrap, I could guess what they actually did but what would be the point? Whatever it was, must of us have probably had one or more experiences of all three. If we follow this case, and it actually goes to trial, we will find out what the actually did. However, my guess is that the Suits at Deja Vu are sitting around right now, figuring how how to plea-bargain this out to some lesser charge. And then the LE guys will never get to testify in open court as to what actually happens. One thing sure - events like this are bad news for all of us PLs. Interferes with our hobby, doesn't it? Fer Gosh Sakes, just leave us and our female sex workers and our denizens alone. Of all cities I would NOT have expected this to happen, Las Vegas is very high or at the top of the list. Here is a city who prides itself on the slogan "Sin City" and "What Happens in Vegas Stays in Vegas." Ya gotta wonder what kind of behind-the-scenes machinations led up to this stupid BUST.
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    15 years ago
    EXTRAS - Your definition.
    Extras cannot be specified in a general sense. Clearly, they are "more than expected or allowed". One club's extras will be another club's normal expectation.