When an agreement is made for extras, is there a time limit or a song limit in order to achieve what was agreed upon?
I have only been in a "extra" situation on four occations and three of them went just as planned without any delays, but one of them required some extra effort to complete....should the agreed price stand or would I have been out of line to ask for additional $$$$$?
If you need to know specifics to this situation please feel free to ask!!!
Every time, I have had a price up front and a time limit. There have been times I left a VIP, not happy, but I found out to late that the dancer just didn't do it for me. My mistake, not hers. One offered to stay longer, but I opted out.
When ever it has happened ITC it was spontaneous and not asked for. I paid by the song and if extras occurred, then a tip occurred. If it was an OTC experience, it was paid for by the hour. If 1 hour doesn't do it, it ain't gonna happen.
In this particular case a HJ was agreed upon. However, it was not discussed if it was to completion or not. Due to my inexperience I felt obligated to see him through to completion so I helped him along with a few "extras" and that ended it very quickly.
So when a HJ is agreed upon completion is not always assumed if the song ends?
Time seems to be the key factor. Either a specific amount of time such as $120 for 30 minutes, or $25 per song, would be negotiated, and whatever happens during the specified time, happens.
As a customer, if things didn't go as well as hoped, I think the dancer is totally within her legal and ethical rights to say, well sweetie, the time is up, but for XXX additional money, we can keep trying. If the dancer spends additional time with me, but without any new negotiation, I don't think I should obligated to pay more than we had originally agreed upon. I agree this is a sticky situation, because during the heat of passion, negotiation could be a total mood-killer. So it may be best to just keep going, and hope the guy will voluntarily see the merit in forking over more cash than originally agreed upon. You could certainly ask for more, and if he refuses, you are just stuck. If he is a gentleman I think he would voluntarily offer extra money unless he honestly felt you hadn't tried hard enough. TOUGH CALL.
My experience is that there is not set time limit, things just happen. But songs = $ by definition in a lapdance area, so if I take awhile, I am naturally not opposed to rewarding accordingly.
The quick answer is it would be fair for the dancer to ask for additional $$$ from me if we took longer then the agreed upon time. I don't think it would take me too long to figure out what was or was not going to happen. But the key is "what was agreed to". Was the person told a certain amount until the end of a certain number of songs? A certain amount for a certain amount of time? or a certain amount for a certain act? I would think that clear communication of what is "agreed to" is the key to happiness for both parties.
I must admit that I have not participated in any extra's at a club so far and have no idea how that kind of environment would affect me. I would think that other factors may also come into play. A good regular that you may go the extra mile to keep would be one.
BRO, you got that right. The Thu afternoon before the official convention, I had to stop G_ _ _ after 4 songs. I did not want to end my visit too soon and leave you guys.
The first time a girl gives me extras to "completion", it is often spontaneous and unplanned. The dancer & I then both know how many songs it took, and subsequent visits with her are usually very similar (time wise).
In the NJ clubs that tend to offer extras, the general understanding for a HJ is that it will be done to completion.
In most NJ clubs that offer extras, the dancer will quote a price for the particular service. This is almost always in addition to the standard per-song charge. So, if it takes 2 songs and the quote was $40 for the HJ, the house takes their piece of the charge for the 2 songs but the dancer keeps 100% of the $40. On the other hand, if a dancer quotes a flat rate (which is rare), she's going to try to get you done as fast as possible and then move on.
TUSCL_Brother- I think this gentleman was like you. We were into the 3rd song and he was definatly enjoying himself. I had agreed to a HJ,I did not want to go into the 4th song so I had to go the extra mile to finish this one off. I don't think he had much of a choice in the matter at this point, even if he still wanted to hold back longer. It was quite explosive if you know what i mean. I think he was looking for some VERY high milage out of this one..........and he got it.
Live and learn......it was not bad though. As I stated, I attribute this to my inexperience.....but it was certainly a blast for both him and I.
When I say inexperience, I do not mean that it took long because of something I did or didnt do, I mean that I need to work on my negotiating skills so the proper expectation is set prior to the performance.
I think as far as a HJ goes, my rule will be 2 songs regardless of the outcome.
To me, an extra that's not just a set price goes length of the song. If before the song you said "i'll give you a HJ for $XX more" then that to me should last till the end of the song. But if you just gave him the menu before the dance like "HJ's for $XX, BJs for $XX, etc." then I think that should be to completion. So to me it all depends on how it was presented.
Pretty much, if you're "adding" the extra to the dance then it's just for the song. If the purpose of going back to VIP is for the extra, then it's to completion
CCRiderm- well after 3 songs of giving him a HJ with no results I knew I had to try and stop this situation from going on all night so I simply introduced a bit of tongue into the equation and he immediatly started to shake and I knew I had pushed the right button and we both had some closure to the situation.
When you make this negotiation, there should be a common understanding of what you want and what is going to be charged for it. Clock watching/dance counting should not apply unless there is a club rule that you must factor in. I know there are a lot of dancers out there who agree to a service price and then want you to pay for whatever number of dances on top of the fee but don't always make that clear. IMHO they should be avoided if at all possible.
With the topic, "Extras", I don't see where dances enter into it. I've never seen extras in a LD area. As far as I know, extras are always in the VIP and I've never seen one of those who's cost is charged in anyway other than by time.
Clubber, I've seen or received extras in practically every part of a strip club, from the main floor to the bar to the ladies room. I don't even go looking for extras, but I've received them many times as part of a dance, never in a VIP session. However, there's only one club where I've ever paid by time - Brad's in Indy - and extras were rare there.
BTW, what clubs call their VIP room can be a lot of different things. In some places, it's just another lapdance room with higher priced dances or an additional cover charge.
Can't disagree, but you have to remember we each report our views based on our experiences. Of course, location will always play a part. Location can vary even down to a certain part of a city, and not just states and such.
Myself, I look at a club as having three ares, no matter their names. Bar/general seating area, which is of course, public. LD area, which is usually a bit secluded, although not private. And lastly, the VIP/Champagne/whatever you call it area. Secluded AND private. In my experience, I've never had nor seen "extras" in either of the first two areas. And don't forget, perhaps we each have our own definition of "extras".
Clubber, that's what I doing - reporting based on my experience. You appeared incredulous that others were discussing extras in ways that didn't square with your experience.
The extras I'm discussing are handjobs, blowjobs and fucking. I anyone wants to include eating pussy, I won't argue.
Agreed,of course. You bring up something, perhaps, for another topic. What does one consider "extras"? I would imagine that to some in some locals, just seeing a completely bare breast might be considered an extra.
I can say not all NJ club's require extra $ for HJ extra. At the Playhouse the girls do private lap dances with HJ to completion for the $30 cost per song/lap dance. At Cheeks the girls do the same but offer even more BJ or even more for an extra required tip (simply put once they are using more than a hand to get us off, they want more money).
In the club where I am VIP extras are given in VIP room (upstairs) or Champx Rm (downstairs). I expect the extra to be performed to completetion but will tip generously if I feel the girl went above and beyond. Some girls are simply more skillful / enthusiastic than others and completetion with them is not only easier, but quicker and very intense!
last commentIn this particular case a HJ was agreed upon. However, it was not discussed if it was to completion or not. Due to my inexperience I felt obligated to see him through to completion so I helped him along with a few "extras" and that ended it very quickly.
So when a HJ is agreed upon completion is not always assumed if the song ends?
As a customer, if things didn't go as well as hoped, I think the dancer is totally within her legal and ethical rights to say, well sweetie, the time is up, but for XXX additional money, we can keep trying. If the dancer spends additional time with me, but without any new negotiation, I don't think I should obligated to pay more than we had originally agreed upon. I agree this is a sticky situation, because during the heat of passion, negotiation could be a total mood-killer. So it may be best to just keep going, and hope the guy will voluntarily see the merit in forking over more cash than originally agreed upon. You could certainly ask for more, and if he refuses, you are just stuck. If he is a gentleman I think he would voluntarily offer extra money unless he honestly felt you hadn't tried hard enough. TOUGH CALL.
I must admit that I have not participated in any extra's at a club so far and have no idea how that kind of environment would affect me. I would think that other factors may also come into play. A good regular that you may go the extra mile to keep would be one.
In most NJ clubs that offer extras, the dancer will quote a price for the particular service. This is almost always in addition to the standard per-song charge. So, if it takes 2 songs and the quote was $40 for the HJ, the house takes their piece of the charge for the 2 songs but the dancer keeps 100% of the $40. On the other hand, if a dancer quotes a flat rate (which is rare), she's going to try to get you done as fast as possible and then move on.
Live and learn......it was not bad though. As I stated, I attribute this to my inexperience.....but it was certainly a blast for both him and I.
I think as far as a HJ goes, my rule will be 2 songs regardless of the outcome.
Pretty much, if you're "adding" the extra to the dance then it's just for the song. If the purpose of going back to VIP is for the extra, then it's to completion
BTW, what clubs call their VIP room can be a lot of different things. In some places, it's just another lapdance room with higher priced dances or an additional cover charge.
Usually, yes. It's usually 2-4 songs...with the option to buy more time if needed.
Can't disagree, but you have to remember we each report our views based on our experiences. Of course, location will always play a part. Location can vary even down to a certain part of a city, and not just states and such.
Myself, I look at a club as having three ares, no matter their names. Bar/general seating area, which is of course, public. LD area, which is usually a bit secluded, although not private. And lastly, the VIP/Champagne/whatever you call it area. Secluded AND private. In my experience, I've never had nor seen "extras" in either of the first two areas. And don't forget, perhaps we each have our own definition of "extras".
The extras I'm discussing are handjobs, blowjobs and fucking. I anyone wants to include eating pussy, I won't argue.
Agreed,of course. You bring up something, perhaps, for another topic. What does one consider "extras"? I would imagine that to some in some locals, just seeing a completely bare breast might be considered an extra.
Do I have any others?