Great strip clubs......for me to poop on!

avatar for MisterGuy
Rhode Island
So I know that we have the Top 40 lists on this site, but I've always wondered (maybe it's the pessimist in me) what the bottom 40 strip clubs are on this site or in the opinion of the posters/reviewers here. I know that the numerical ratings that people give here are highly subjective, but I've never given out a "10" yet...but I have given out two "1"s. Les Belles De Nuit (which I think means "The Beautiful Night" French is rusty) in Ste. Hyacinthe, Quebec and the Sportsmans Inn in Providence, RI.

The Quebec one was by far the worst of the two IMO...extremely small club, almost a freak show for dancers (I guess going there on Halloween didn't in terms of looks...old, of the bartenders was by far the hottest girl there, crappy big cushiony chairs that were awkward to sit in in the VIP, a very small VIP area (not very private), no "extras" available, and LDs that were twice what the going market price was in that area. I've always wondered where strippers go when they are old, tired, ugly, and worn-out. They apparently go to Ste. Hyacinthe, Quebec!

I had a LD from a gal up the street from this place that looked great in the darkly lit main club room, but under the lightning of the VIP area...she had to be 50 yrs old, wrinkly, and she had the absolute worst breasts that I ever seen or felt. I'm a breast man myself, and this gal had had an augmentation some time before, had a HUGE amount of deflation and sagging, and was left with two sizeable, hard bags of whatever surrounded by very, very saggy skin. She kept putting my hands on her breasts...and I kept taking them away. At least she was thin and had an OK ass, but was bad...very bad.

What do you guys think are the worst strip clubs on this site? Is there a way to see what the numerical rankings for the worst strip clubs on this site are? I know some of the bad ones don't have that many reviews in the hopper, so to it might not be fair.


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avatar for Philip A. Stein
Philip A. Stein
17 years ago
Leggs in Belleville, Michigan is where the striper sewer dumps out. Sorry CW, I know we've talked about this place but I don't believe you! It's a pasty bar for a reason.
avatar for minnow
17 years ago
Why not petition founder to reinstate "Bottom 40" list?
avatar for FONDL
17 years ago
It should probably be the bottom 100 - you'd miss too many bad ones if you limited it to just 40.
avatar for MisterGuy
17 years ago
I didn't know that he ever had such a thing minnow. Thanx for the info...and I agree FONDL. I think we're all looking for really great strip clubs to visit and really bad ones to avoid.
avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy
17 years ago
Cafe Risque, Micanopy FL

Worst experience. Entirely a rip-off joint, 100%, and deliberately so. A true "clip joint."

People regularly review it positively here at TUSCL, but I really think they're all either shills or travelers who haven't been to any other strip clubs and who happen not to trigger the "rip him off" signal from the Risque employees. So I feel compelled to continue to post about it everywhere I can, in order to warn people. If you just read the reviews, you'll be misled and might lose your wallet. Yes, your entire wallet. Some people have reported the following, and I've had some of it done to me:

1. They have a thug in the men's room who steals wallets by force.

2. They LOCK YOU INSIDE THE CLUB until you give up your Visa card information. They just explain, "You'll be fine, call them to say you lost your card, they won't charge you for the purchases." Then they run up a bill as fast as they can through their network over the internet, get some of the purchases and get stopped halfway through some of them. No loss to them. You can see the shredded credit card remains in the dumpster (dangit, now they'll go bury them now that I've explained this fact).

3. They (again) lock you in the club until you pay for at least 5 lap dances. "This is part of the minimum charge. You agreed to it when you entered the club." You never heard about it until you tried to leave the club.

4. They lie about all prices. "It's $5" means "It's $100." I was charged literally $100 for scrambled eggs.

5. Dance rooms include no contact but are regularly referred to by dancers on the main floor as "high contact." Zero contact.

Their general method, is to figure out whether you're traveling alone or whether you look like the sort who has friends who might bomb the place. If you don't, they just take and laugh. So, don't go alone, don't go looking like you don't have connections in the neighborhood. Of course, the fact that they're at a truck stop 100 miles from civilization along an interstate means they're more likely to get away with their crimes.

They are likely to be put out of business violently by someone with mob connections who just happens to drop in to the wrong place at the wrong time. I'm sure they have major connections with the state troopers in the region, or another form of set-up where they can ensure that immediate complaints from cell phones in the parking lot "just happen" to get lost in the dispatch system long enough that they can run their scams.

I'll stake my TUSCL reputation on it. Cafe Risque in Micanopy is a literal clip joint, not shy of using violence to take your credit card, and you probably can get killed by walking in the door if you refuse to fork over everything you have in your pocket and then some. My last report, through the grape-vine, about the fact that this place was still performing these types of thefts, was about six months ago. I've long since given up on being stupid enough to get near the place.

You've been warned.
avatar for ShotDisc
17 years ago
All the "Cafe's" along I85 and I 75 thru GA and FL. Any club in Orlando FL or Raleigh NC.
avatar for motorhead
17 years ago
Book Guy: Good advice - I gave "Cafe Risque" on honest review this past November when I visited on my way to Tampa. I rated the club a "2", which I think it deserves. Recent reviewers have given it sixes, sevens, and even a nine. I don't get it.

Fortunately, I didn't experience any of the thug tactics you describe. I just didn't think the dancers were very attractive. I had one dance - no rip off, just not the kind of dance I like. No two-way touching allowed. She did grind away hard, but I prefer a more soft, slow, gentle dance.
avatar for MisterGuy
17 years ago
Cafe Risque...sounds like they need to make a movie about that place...thanx.
avatar for shadowcat
17 years ago
I have been to 2 that were so lousy that I wanted to rate them less than "1" but who really wants to hear about places not to go to?
avatar for ThisOldManPlayed1
17 years ago
I don't know Bro. Might make for interesting reading and a few laughs.

I could start my own consultant business and offer my services on the lowest rated clubs. Now, get your mind out of the gutter people! I'm talking about suggesting how they could improve their business and charging them a fee. Let's see........ $00.00 plus $00.00 ============ oh my.... $00.00! Forget it!
avatar for MisterGuy
17 years ago
I agree...people like train wrecks, plus you might be able to save someone from driving a long way just to be's a public service!
avatar for DandyDan
17 years ago
They definitely used to have a Bottom 40 list. As I remember it, the worst one was Woody's in Islamorada, FL. One of the worst ones was (and probably still is) Kenny May's in Hammond, IN, just down the road from Industrial Strip.
avatar for casualguy
17 years ago
Wow Bookguy, Cafe Risque, Micanopy FL sounds pretty bad. My only mafia introductions were accidental. Except for the fact that I worked with a guy who was friends with them and one of them happened to be the son of the mafia in the county I lived in. He actually introduced me to him in a strip club. Consider the club taken out, lol, just joking. Actually I did see one club in my local area that got burned down. I was wondering if somebody else got ticked off just like I did one time. I kind of wish they hadn't done that because the club wasn't that bad. Oh well, at least I don't live in that small county anymore that had a murder per capita rate higher than New York city. It was pretty bad telling people about the latest murder or place that was burned down and then they asked "hey, aren't you from there?" I am often alone and don't look that threatening. They would probably try to rip me off I suspect. I would work behind the scenes though to try to get that club closed though if I was ticked off at them. As well as get the owners and anyone involved prosecuted.
avatar for casualguy
17 years ago
I'm not thinking of any club I'm ticked off at. I remember one club I wasn't that happy with. Apparently neither were some other people and it went down in a big blaze one night. I would have preferred whoever hadn't burned it down though. In the club that reopened to take its place years ago, I actually noticed someone had set some toilet paper on fire in the mens bathroom. I immediately alerted a bouncer so he put it out. Shortly afterwards, there was a bathroom attendent working there for quite some time.
avatar for casualguy
17 years ago
Seriously I don't believe with playing with fire. I remember I was once asked to help out putting Christmas decorations in a church one night before the service started. Basically pine tree branches with a small candle in a glass cup in the middle. About 15 minutes into the service, a branch erupted in flames in the window. Flames were leaping a foot high. Everyone started watching it get bigger. Finally one guy jumped up, grabbed the branches and ran out the front door. I never got asked to help with the church decorations again. They stopped using real candles in that church too. I was telling people well I'm glad I made everyone aware of the potential problem.

The only other strip clubs I thought of closed down within a year after I stopped visiting. I figure most of the clubs I don't visit on a regular basis probably suck though.
avatar for arbeeguy
17 years ago
Book Guy, regarding Cafe Risque in Micopany --

Hard to believe the story you told. If true, a sting operation by LE is long overdue. But if true, why no postings by you for this club? And why no alarm bells - or even little warning buzzers from the many others who have posted. I totally agree with you regarding SHILLS but to name just two, I am highly confident that ASIANLAPPER and STAGLIONO are not shills. You can spot a shill pretty easy simply by clicking on their name and seeing what kinds of reviews they have written over a period of time.

Sounds like an URBAN LEGEND to me.
avatar for ThisOldManPlayed1
17 years ago
casualguy - read your thread on the church thing. That was FUNNY, but serious too!

Similar incident - Last Christmas season, I was asked to light 4 of the advent candles and read off some bible scriptures. I was holding a lit candle to light the others, my cheat sheet paper, and a microphone. When I finished, I tried flipping off the microphone button and it flew out of my hands and landed on the floor in front of a pastor. I was so embarrased! hmmmmmmmm, yes.... Uncle Bones has religion! LOL
avatar for chandler
17 years ago
The good thing about lousy clubs is that they make for the best reviews. Who wants to read somebody tell about seeing a bunch of hot strippers and getting a good lap dance? Boring. Some poor guy getting ripped off and treated like crap by a smelly old skank with half her teeth missing, now that's the stuff of comedy...or tragedy, take your pick. I always click first on the 1 or 2 ratings. Bring back the Bottom 40!
avatar for chandler
17 years ago
BTW, Bones: Aren't you writing "thread" when you mean "post"? A thread on a discussion board consists of the original question and all the replies. This whole page is one thread, with posts by casualguy and others. So customarily, "casualguy's thread" would refer to a topic started by him. Not to be a pedant, but I notice you've used "thread" that way in several posts lately.
avatar for harrydave
17 years ago
thread,'s my post.

I get a kick out of the reviews for bad clubs and would love to see the list again. One of my all time worst was on the list. I gave it a 2, becasue I'm allowing for something worse. The Blue Moon in Phoenix. Read the reviews. Bad location. Absolutely dreadful decor. Overpriced dances. Run by some old farts who could probably squeeze blood from a stone. Not really a rip-off joint; just a dismal place devoid of human quality.
avatar for casualguy
17 years ago
Bones, I'm glad you found my story amusing. I thought it was funny and have joked about almost accidently burning down a church. However I also point out that people need to be aware of fire dangers and that it doesn't take much to get one going. I'm glad the church didn't suffer any damage. If I was the cause of a church burning down, I wouldn't have been too happy about that. I have noticed not too many people use burning candles with Christmas decorations anymore.

It's been years now since I believe up to 200 people were in a night club and they got trapped unable to all leave in time in a fire. I was thinking I will try to remember to look for exit signs in strip clubs, especially when they are lousy.
avatar for MisterGuy
17 years ago
I think I mentioned this in my review of Club 35-10 in Quebec, but that place has been "attacked" and fire bombed several times by either organized crime elements or some radical Native Americans (I dunno exactly what their beef with the club is though). A car/truck was driven through the wall, and the place was set fire to or shot up on several occasions. They have these huge concrete cinderblocks (like the size of a Yugo maybe) surrounding the entire perimeter of the club now. It's actually a nice place BTW.

That club you might have heard about was The Station (I think) down in RI. It was a bad scene all-around...the place was an old road house (the kind that you do see some strip clubs in too) that wasn't converted over to a regular concert club properly. Also, the band's pyro guy was an idiot for setting off those kind of fireworks in that kind of club. 100+ people died...but quick...most of 'em got piled up like cordwood at one of the doors.

Bones...get thee to a nunnery... :)
avatar for ThisOldManPlayed1
17 years ago
chandler - Thanks for straightened me out on this thing. Post, hope I remember that term. Senility setting in, no doubt.

casualguy - I wasn't funin' about the 'almost' fire, I was funin' about how it all came about. Geez...... I must be jokin' around here too much. Sorry guys! :-( I guess MG is right, maybe I'll dump all my "mistaken insensitivity" start looking for a seminary for 4 years. Will ya' miss me?????
avatar for MisterGuy
17 years ago
Yes...but attending church services with you at the helm sounds awfully inviting to me. Free LDs in the pews? :)
avatar for MisterGuy
17 years ago
Well, I for one then vote to bring back the "Bottom 40" or whatever it was (maybe there would need to be more than 40 clubs on it to be fair). Why did it go away in the first place? Did some of the clubs threaten to sue or something, or have we just been trying to accentuate the positive more recently?
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