High Maintenance Strippers

Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
In a recent review of my favorite club (on another site), the reviewer described a certain dancer as beautiful, but "high maintenance". I know the dancer he was describing and she always has customers lined up for dances. I could never make a high maintenance stripper a favorite. There are plenty of other fish in the pond - why bother with all the work? I want to be a high maintenance customer - not the other way around. If my ATF doesn't call or text me a few times a week or devote her entire evening with me when I'm at the club, I'd consider moving on. What's been your experience with "high maintenance" dancers?
last commentDavid, there is just no accounting for taste - beauty is in the eye of the beholder, one man's meat is another man's poison. How do you explain that Mr. A wants to go out into the wilds, confront frostbite and broken bones, while climbing tall mountains, while Mr. B is never happier than when watching a true or fictional adventure story on TV.
I have had one "high maintenance" stripper in my life that I really cared for. She used several different names, had spent time in jail, could be incredible rude when she felt like it, but SHE WAS GORGEOUS AND SEXY and she really "floated my boat." I was never happier than when she was in the club, no matter whether she paid any attention to me or not (thankfully, she usually did, but not when there were BIGGER spenders present than me.
But I normally don't seek out these kinds of girls. As you indicate, the waiting line is often long, and the risk of rejection is much higher. The one thing I cannot stand is a stripper that takes a PL for granted - whether me or some other guy. But a stripper who really knows how to tease, cajole, entice, and stimulate fantasies -- WOWEEE -- she can dump on a guy (occasionally) and that only heightens the appeal. Maybe it is the risk, combined with high-sexuality, that is so tantalizing to a lot of us PLs, I dunno.
Like 'arbeeguy', I've had only one "high maintenance" dancer, actually she was my first ATF years ago. She was also a part-time escort. This is where her high maintenance skills kicked in, although I never opted for escort service with her. A TUSCL friend of mine did, after introducing her to him. He told me all about it. He virtually got what he paid for, but she tried pumping him for a higher tip.
She came in handy to me, as I could call her cell and tell her I would be stopping by the club on a certain day. She only danced once or twice a week at most. Everytime I called her, she would show up. She knew I was good for at least a hundred. And besides all that, her "oral" skills were perfect, as she could deep-throat like the "Ivory Snow baby!"
Forgot to finish my last thread.
So, my suggestion is that unless you run into one very HOT dancer possessing ALL the skills you ever dreamed about, go with the "lower mainteance" dancers for savings. Like said, there are plenty of fish in the pond, and that ESPECIALLY is true during our economic crunch.
Just wait and see if MILEAGE doesn't increase with some dancers when the economic is on a downward turn. I've seen it already!
Some dancers, because of their chosen "look" and demeanor, are in a difficult position of damned-if-you-do but damned-if-you-don't. The choice to look glamourous-sexy, in a style which some might call "high maintenance," can doom them to a contradiction: accessibility is desirable to males; but it reduces their sexiness. The sexiness of a high maintenance look is, to some degree, partly because it looks inaccessible. So the girls have to figure out how to get business for the fact that they do (or promise to) give high contact, but look like they don't -- or so it seems in their own minds.
Book Guy: What do you mean by a high maintenance look? That it takes her a long time to do her hair and makeup and get dressed? I thought high maintenance was about a girl who takes up a lot of her man's time and effort with her constant neediness and stupid little dramas.
I never thought about this before, but high maintenance means different things for a girlfriend or SO than for a stripper. An HM girlfriend is very demanding about trivial matters and highly sensitive about imagined offenses to her ego and status. She's always having issues and with her boyfriend and with everybody else that waste everyone's time. The maintenance involves soothing her ego, keeping her happy with gifts carrying the right cachet, and being her emotional punching bag from time to time. I've never had any interest in that type of HM woman. I don't find them sexy, and I really can't understand what drives certain guys to keep getting involved with them. Is it some weird mother complex, or what?
An HM stripper, on the other hand, I see as one who wastes a lot of your time and energy with her flakiness, fickleness and unreliability. One night, she's sweet and devoted to making you feel like a king; the next night, she's cold and impatient, or she simply fails to show up with no explanation. Some HM strippers are simply free spirits, but with others, the erratic behavior is a game playing ego thing. It's as though they get a boost out of seducing men with their affectionate side, then overreact to what they've done and so push them away again just to show that they can get away with it and still make you jump through hoops for them.
I've had a lifelong weakness for women like that, going back to long before I knew any strippers. It's a type that often goes hand-in-hand with incredible sexiness and a prodigious appetite for casual sex - a killer combo in my book, and one that's ideal for stripping (although their flaky behavior usually detracts from money making). I used to waste a lot of time and worry on them, which I somehow sort of enjoyed in spite of all the pain and aggravation, but with strippers I've learned to cut out most of the HM aspects and just enjoy their fun and sexy side when it's available to me. They CAN be HM if you get sucked into their game, but they don't have to be.
I suppose there's no reason a HM girlfriend type couldn't be a HM stripper, however I don't see why customers would go along with all that BS, unless a guy wanted an ATF for playing out his mother fixations. And the type I call an HM stripper is also somebody's SO, of course, but I don't think they're usually called high maintenance. They're better known as femme fatales. Or sluts.
I usually avoid high maintenance people in all walks of life. I like 2-way relationships, and to me high maintenance implies a certain self-centeredness.
I got involved with one stripper, agirl from Jamaica who was quite beautiful, and a lively conversationalist. We went out to dinner a few times and I spent some good money on dances from her in the club. Then she started dropping hints about jewelry, and I chose to ignore the hints. A week later she started shunning me in the club. Guess I was short on my dues!
This begs the question: if you take a girl OTC just for dinner (often, just as a 1 or 2 hour break from the club), do you owe her anything other than paying for her meal? I always thought not (and we're not talking Applebee's here!).
I have only heard this term once and it was quite different from what you guys are talking about.A favorite dancer of mine and I were talking about another favorite dancer that she knew quite well. We were discussing her personal life. Married and a home buyer. She described her as High Maintenance because she likes to spend money and if her hubby cannot afford it, she will strip for it. She has quit the business 3 times but has come back 3 times. I once said to her "If I were 30 years younger and you were not married. You would be in trouble." She replied "NO. You would be in trouble. I am very demanding and always get what I want." She has again quit. Hubby has a new high paying job. We will see if he is making enough.
I believe I turned a high maintenance stripper into a low maintenance one. But she went down screaming and kicking during part of that time. Then she was just happy with my attention. Kind of like a happy puppy or dog wanting to jump all over you as soon as you get home. Give some attention for a while then she goes merrily along. It seems like I have made a habit of spending less and less on someone the better I get to know them. hmmm, snowy until midnight, maybe I will stay home.
harrydave - What a shame. If you'd known she wasn't going to be appreciative, you should have at least taken her to Bob Evans! LMAO
Sorry to ramble on so earlier. I'm afraid I lost my point amid all the blather about the types of girls I'm drawn to. Which was that high maintenance girlfriends waste your time and money doing things and buying things to placate them, while high maintenance strippers mostly waste your time by leaving you waiting, standing you up, leading you on wild goose chases, etc. Although I guess it could simply mean that they require you to spend a lot on them in dances in order to be a repeat customer.
After a bit of googling, I stand corrected re Book Guy's "high maintenance look". Apparently, it is used to describe someone who puts a lot of time into their appearance, although I doubt if that's the sense that David was asking about.
And re David's point, it would actually make more sense for strippers to talk about high maintenance regulars than vice versa. You often hear the term used to describe clients of various services who always require extra personal attention: "Crowe's so high maintenance his agent is tempted to quit representing him."
I've heard Shadowcat's example before, too. "A woman like that is high maintenance," meaning that, like a European luxury car, it's expensive to keep her purring.
I don't think anybody intentionally seeks out high maintenance strippers or girlfriends. Nobody says, "Man, how can use up all my time and money and bring more pain and aggravation into my life? Oh, I know, I'll find a woman who'll do all that to me in one convenient package."
I'm attracted to their other attributes, such as, oh, say, hotness, wildness and sexual voraciousness. High maintenance is the price I wind up paying down the road, and asking whether it's worth it. If all the nice, considerate girls who return all my calls, etc., gave my the same thrills I might not be asking that. But it hasn't worked out that way for me.
I'm not a high-maintenance girl kind of guy myself. I like girls that have a more natural look with not too much makeup. It's hard to find that in a lot of strip clubs that I've been too (especially the makeup part), but it's out there if you look for it. None of my former ATFs have been high maintenance.
You don't owe a girl anything but a free dinner when OTCing IMO...unless there's sex of course.
"she could deep-throat like the 'Ivory Snow baby!'"
Ummmm...I'm missing the reference here Bones...you must have been seeing some different Ivory Snow commercials in OH. :)
I'm not a big porn fan yet even I know that means Marilyn Chambers, who modeled on the Ivory Snow box (as a young mother holding a baby) right before appearing in her first porn film.
chandler - If you watch Deep Throat, you'll see a scene in the movie where the camera pans an Ivory Snow box while Linda's giving head! LMAO No doubt, a free marketing blitz for Ivory Snow, without their knowledge. LOL
Oh, that's a tad before my time...
I think the term "high maintenance stripper" is redundant.
FONDL has a very valid point on the redundancy issue. ALL strippers are HIGH maintenance to me, at least when they ask for 'da money'!
Shit, I'm there spending my $$$ it should be about me. If I have to listen to any whiny ass bitching I'll send the girl away. I don't care how hot she is. Fuck High-Maintenance.
Good one, FONDL.
Another reference that may not bridge the generations...
Just listen to "Whipping Post" by the Allman Brothers if you're struggling with the definition of high maintenance. I will think of that song when the maintenance factor gets too high.
Ok, just to remind you http://www.lyricsfreak.com/a/allman+brothers+band/whipping+post_20006519.html
Met a dancer who is stunningly beautiful. Conversation is intelligent and wide ranging. She claims to be a licensed professional (I'll keep that quiet for now.) Agrees to go to for dinner OTC on first meeting. I break the rules and take her to 5 star restaurant featured in all of the big city magazines in Detroit. She criticizes the wine, the appetizer, the entree and the ambience. All negative. The only thing she liked was the dessert. Took the check from me and rewrote the tip and then had me sign it. This could be HM.
HM? Not sure what that means. My guess SuperDude? She was pissed at you for spending all those greenbacks on the restaurant when you could have spent them on her. Just a guess, however....
HM = High Maintenance I think Bones.
I've always thought that high maintenance was part of the fun of being with a stripper. When your wife or daughter does it, you have to put up with it. But when a stripper does it you can laugh histerically or tell her what you really think. Just don't try that at home.